Hopefully, tomorrow will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our Country!---Could we hear the words we have been waiting for
- N C S W I C -

That sounds like more than an announcement for a run for the Presidency.
Agreed. We'll see fren. Fingers crossed.
I don’t think so. It has to be bigger. The election fraud, is unConstitutional and a National Security risk. What if it is proven, and the next two former Presidents speak out about it as part of their deal? We are assuming they will speak against Trump or against the Republic.
"more than"
Played again. :-(
3 ex Presidents speaking on the same day.
How do Bush and Obama know what message to prepare?
they are doing some kind of anti-dis-info shit
ACTUALLY, those two will looking for A HUGE BATCH OF TOILET PAPER after President Trump gets finished...NOW...
I wonder if there is a shortage of tp in DC tonight of ALL NIGHTS AND THE BOWELS ARE BEGINNING to loosen and ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE TOMORROW...there will NOT be enough tp togo around...AND I LOVE IT!!@!!!
Trump should reschedule until after they talk. Just delay, then reschedule, and let them blow their weak load early
Aren’t they the 16th and 17th?
Their handlers are going to wing it like nuts. Bush and Obama will have prompt screens to look at.
'Hopefully'.....hmmmm. Interesting he used that word....
Yeah, that qualifier jumped out at me also. "Hopefully"? Makes it sound pretty half-assed, before he even says anything.
WTF does his statement even mean? Also, what do those "We are coming home" posts he made previously mean? Does any of this tie in with the 2 year space mission ending, and the military aircraft all turning off their transponders?
I think we are getting pretty close to the "put up or shut up" stage in these election debacles. No more of this "must vote har-durrr" bullshit. We need to fix the corruption and election fraud (organized crime) before we do any more voting.
It does, but could almost mean it might be delayed/revised base on a event possibly happening/not happening between now and tomorrow. Not like him to be non-committal off the cuff. Was wondering if related to Q post....did not see anything that jumped out at me. Then I thought of that pic of Hope Hicks on AF1 with the crew all giving the 'thumbs up'....made me...well....hopeful.
Well crap. Ima bout to hit that hopium pipe freaking HARD! I don’t need this.....but, it’s so good!
(bad?) meme idea.?
Title : Ima bout to hit that hopium pipe freaking HARD! I don’t need this.....but, it’s so good!
feels good fren
I feel like the last 6 years have been hopium highs, followed by nothing burger head fakes.
Maybe that was the strategy for head faking the deep state also.
HOPEFULLY, one of these times, our expectations will be blown away.
I see no better time to go with that speech then when yet another election has been stolen in multiple states.
The military was supposedly monitoring right?
We just witnessed another coup in which the peoples choice was run roughshod by commie bankers and evil snakes.
The people aren't going to stand still much longer as hope slips away.
Having said all that, he'll just announce his presidential run and say we're taking back America.
Then Obama and bush will call him a Nazi and a dictator putting our very democracy at stake.
Doomy Fiasco
Ha sorry I've been pissy for about a week
Fair warning: You’re site record shows you know better than to Doom Anon. 🔨
Ha yeah I know
Come on Trumpy you big beautiful bastard DO IT!
It could be something subtle and hidden, like an obscure clause in a not very well known law that will pull the rug from underneath them?
So many ways this can go. The words are carefully chosen. Saying hopefully and turning out to me is signaling 2024 candidacy hopefully that is for MSM and normie consumption, I will find that to be extremely disappointing if that is what tomorrow brings
Has a time been announced yet?
9 pm ET.
dont know fren
Why does he say 'hopefully'? Doesn't sound too sure. He should have left off the word 'hopefully'.
How is announcing a run for the 2024 presidency 'one of the most important days in the history of our country'? He already did that in 2015. So what's new? How can this be his announcement?
I agree
Annnnd....yeah. Someone needs to fire the Truth social poster. "Hopefully?" Good grief.
My expectations are tempered with numerous let downs but my resolve is in the hands of my maker.
Tomorrow is important because of what will happen over the next 2 weeks?
You don't think he knows and understands this?
I don't think it's about a run in 2024..
Apparently he doesn't know it. Or, he has completely misread the base. R turnout in the midterms was depressed (literally and figuratively) because of 2020. There's no way we're going to win beans in 2024, even assuming there isn't a steal.
You don't think he knows something?
I thought it was a massive turnout in many areas?
Who is saying it was a low turnout? The same ones blaming POTUS Trump for the losses and not the cheating?
This is like the episode from the Office when Phillis designed the Christmas tree and it failed to even light up to evoke any response…If he announces something stupid about Truth social I’m just going to drink an entire bottle of whiskey and puke.
"Hopefully".... maybe waiting for a box to be checked... if not, delay the announcement. Been grumpy myself the last few days too... We do have till Jan swear ins for congress... I find a low growl in my throat these days lol...
Hmmm... Is the Arizona steal complete by then?
Lake as VP?
Admittedly grasping at straws because if the wording
There is nowhere else to go.
/\ /\ /\ THIS!!!!!
I have no where to run, I live or die here.
What a stupid response.