I can say with absolute confidence that we did not land on the Moon with the tech they say they used. Denies all laws of physics. Vacuum, liquid fuel rockets, heat transference, radiation exposure, communications, etc etc
Because cell towers transmit waves omni-directional (not focused), and are also relatively low powered transmissions. When a dish is used focus the transmission waves into a tight beam, and the power of a transmission station increased, the waves can travel many times farther. Also, once the Tx waves leave the earths atmosphere, they travel without interference.
Think of it like the range of a flashlight set to wide beam, aimed in the dark, through a light fog, compared to a stadium spotlight on tight beam focus.
Thanks. I don't necessarily trust giant tech corporations to tell me the truth about earth. Imo black military contracts started back at roswell and we have a group of private corporations with access to incredible technology not available to the public. They've been slowly reproducing / disclosing this technology because quite frankly living 100 years ahead of the general population but bound to secrecy is a lame way to operate and probably not as profitable. There's probably a power struggle at that level of folks who want to disclose stuff like live changing medical treatments but then you got other corporations who probably don't want people to live for 100+ years.
The black military corporations have public facing non top secret businesses in which they recycle out old R&D military tech out to the public for profit.
It's kinda funny to me how most here would mock people saying to "trust the science" but where it comes to NASA, that's just the prudent thing to trust.
IMO it's not stretch that there are groups that are centuries more advanced in technologies than what people know.
Because cell towers transmit waves omni-directional (not focused), and are also relatively low powered transmissions. When a dish is used focus the transmission waves into a tight beam, and the power of a transmission station increased, the waves can travel many times farther. Also, once the Tx waves leave the earths atmosphere, they travel without interference.
{edit}. Think of it like the range of a flashlight set to wide beam, aimed in the dark, through a light fog, compared to a stadium spotlight on tight beam focus.
Most of the "science" when it comes to space is really based on faith because NASA said so.
If they really did go into space and land on the moon, it's not likely to have been in the vehicles shown. The images shown at the time have all been composites.
Ex; Sea of tranquility should have had the earth near vertical from the surface where they landed. It never would go close to the horizon for the "earth rise from the moon" (also a fake photo).
The wired telephone that Reagan was using used the public (or USMIL) telephone switching network to connect to NASA. Which NASA then beamed up using (as ToxicLiberyism explains below) a unidirectional antenna up to the Moon.
Wireless telephones on the other... don't have wires, so their only method of connection is if there is a tower nearby that they can connect to. If there is no tower in the direct vicinity, they have to keep dropping their connection generation (4G > 3G > 2G > GPRS > GSM) to deal with that. At some point the phone loses service because it has nothing to connect to. Mobile phone companies fix this by having towers at regular intervals so that when the coverage of one tower ends, another tower picks up.
Because it is a single transmission and kb in data size.
A cell tower by a small neighborhood will have 1000 users off peak. Just simple web browsing or sending pictures can cause congestion, much less streaming video or video calling.
Think of your home wifi. You are right in the middle of the signal and your home still has deadspots. Now mutiply this times a hundred. Throw in multiple buildings, cars, foiliage, etc
Do you really want data throttling? do you want the fcc to decide what data deserves throttling? Do you think congested networks help emergency services, businesses, etc?
Someone here already mentioned how cell towers are low powered. Let's put it in numbers. If you lived right next to a tower, your absorption is 3mw/sq m
Any noticable effects do not happen til 80. Even if you held your handset all day you would not approach that.
If you are worried about efi, keep your router out of your bedroom and use band steering and qos modes to reduce your power output while maintaining netwoerk continuity
I swear, some of you guys are technophobes. For reference, your own bodies put out a charge. A gathering of a dozen reads higher than 3mw just off your own electromagnetic charge
The moon is +/-240,000 miles away. Speed of light is +/-186,000 miles per second.
240/186 = 1.29 seconds from earth to moon, then another 1.29 seconds back.
Note, this is crayola level precision, which is suitable for conversation. Additional considerations are that radio waves move slower throigh earths atmosphere and will add a few fractions of a second. Also adding in delay will be signal processing (voice to radio wave and radio wave to voice) on each end. Without doing the math, I'd swag 1.5s as the functional delay and would accept an Acktually statement from someone who's more conversant somewhere around either answer.
There's several factors affecting communications distance, one is actual frequency of the transmission. Cell service operates at a above VHF and Ham radio operators regularly bounce comms off the moon in HF. It's called EME, Earth-Moon-Earth comms.
I most certainly have been on a mountain peak with no signal. No cell towers around for miles in West Virginia. Inverse-Square law, atmospheric interference and physical signal blockage (the earth) are to blame. I wish elon would go to the moon so he could finally prove it for those who can't understand. Flat earth and moon landing theories exist because the elites want everyone to think that ALL conspiracy theories are insane like those two.
Even in my young years, I always thought a moon landing was so cinematic. Not until I was older that I realized it was so bogus. Here for these comments!!!
Has anyone suspected maybe cell towers are not just for making phone calls? I am super sensitive to this type of radiation and starting to think they are also some type of (cue Alex Jones voice) “brain control technology”… Tin foil hats aren't a conspiracy theory for no reason.
Let me answer that with another question. How many individual and independent full duplex communications on the cellular network are happening at any given time within a three mile radius of an average cellular tower in an atmosphere full of electromagnetic interference and constantly changing terrain?
I can say with absolute confidence that we did not land on the Moon with the tech they say they used. Denies all laws of physics. Vacuum, liquid fuel rockets, heat transference, radiation exposure, communications, etc etc
Because cell towers transmit waves omni-directional (not focused), and are also relatively low powered transmissions. When a dish is used focus the transmission waves into a tight beam, and the power of a transmission station increased, the waves can travel many times farther. Also, once the Tx waves leave the earths atmosphere, they travel without interference.
Think of it like the range of a flashlight set to wide beam, aimed in the dark, through a light fog, compared to a stadium spotlight on tight beam focus.
(credit to u/ToxicLibertyism)
And the 🌎 is round. Not a straight line of sight.
Ever seen a picture of the "lunar lander"? :)
I saw it in person in DC. No way that tiny craft held 3 people or landed on the moon. I looked like it was made of tinfoil
Can you imagine sitting inside it next to a go-cart while it was flying at 26,000 MPH? Hahahahahaha :)
You can say it all you want, you will still be wrong.
I liked the one where NVIDIA proved it happened with a 3d model of 1 photo that they colorized and lit up until it matched.
Thanks. I don't necessarily trust giant tech corporations to tell me the truth about earth. Imo black military contracts started back at roswell and we have a group of private corporations with access to incredible technology not available to the public. They've been slowly reproducing / disclosing this technology because quite frankly living 100 years ahead of the general population but bound to secrecy is a lame way to operate and probably not as profitable. There's probably a power struggle at that level of folks who want to disclose stuff like live changing medical treatments but then you got other corporations who probably don't want people to live for 100+ years.
The black military corporations have public facing non top secret businesses in which they recycle out old R&D military tech out to the public for profit.
It's kinda funny to me how most here would mock people saying to "trust the science" but where it comes to NASA, that's just the prudent thing to trust.
IMO it's not stretch that there are groups that are centuries more advanced in technologies than what people know.
Because cell towers transmit waves omni-directional (not focused), and are also relatively low powered transmissions. When a dish is used focus the transmission waves into a tight beam, and the power of a transmission station increased, the waves can travel many times farther. Also, once the Tx waves leave the earths atmosphere, they travel without interference.
{edit}. Think of it like the range of a flashlight set to wide beam, aimed in the dark, through a light fog, compared to a stadium spotlight on tight beam focus.
Explain like I'm Fetterman.
Not sure it can be dumbed down that far.
Just say to trust the science in that case.
Or depending on if he's having a tough mental or day or not...
Goodnight Everybody. Moon. Phone-thingy. Talky-Talky. Hello.
Big radio signal, focused beam go far, connecting one caller to another from earth to moon.
Small radio towers, broad signal, too weak for space travel, but supports many callers at once.
Him use big words
pie. pipe. Frac. Franing. I was for. Fracking it. pipe. yeah.
so cell towers have shorter range than landlines, got it!
That’s not what was said whatsoever...
Omnidirectional has shorter range than directional. The earth is round. Put it all together.
Bandwidth, accuracy, digital vs analog
u/ToxicLibertyism gives about the best explanation.
That doesn't help the time delay for the signal.
Most of the "science" when it comes to space is really based on faith because NASA said so.
If they really did go into space and land on the moon, it's not likely to have been in the vehicles shown. The images shown at the time have all been composites.
Ex; Sea of tranquility should have had the earth near vertical from the surface where they landed. It never would go close to the horizon for the "earth rise from the moon" (also a fake photo).
Correct. When standing on the moon, the earth would be stationary in the sky. You would see it spinning on its axis in a fixed location in the sky.
To see the earth on the lunar horizon, one would have to move towards the dark side of the moon.
You would need to move to a location that places you around the edge of the moon's visible disc, when looking from earth.
Wired and wireless?
The wired telephone that Reagan was using used the public (or USMIL) telephone switching network to connect to NASA. Which NASA then beamed up using (as ToxicLiberyism explains below) a unidirectional antenna up to the Moon.
Wireless telephones on the other... don't have wires, so their only method of connection is if there is a tower nearby that they can connect to. If there is no tower in the direct vicinity, they have to keep dropping their connection generation (4G > 3G > 2G > GPRS > GSM) to deal with that. At some point the phone loses service because it has nothing to connect to. Mobile phone companies fix this by having towers at regular intervals so that when the coverage of one tower ends, another tower picks up.
What if anything does this have to do with Q?
Especially since Q said the moon landings were REAL.
Exactly. Focus. Eyes on the prize people.
Because it is a single transmission and kb in data size.
A cell tower by a small neighborhood will have 1000 users off peak. Just simple web browsing or sending pictures can cause congestion, much less streaming video or video calling.
Think of your home wifi. You are right in the middle of the signal and your home still has deadspots. Now mutiply this times a hundred. Throw in multiple buildings, cars, foiliage, etc
Do you really want data throttling? do you want the fcc to decide what data deserves throttling? Do you think congested networks help emergency services, businesses, etc?
Someone here already mentioned how cell towers are low powered. Let's put it in numbers. If you lived right next to a tower, your absorption is 3mw/sq m
Any noticable effects do not happen til 80. Even if you held your handset all day you would not approach that.
If you are worried about efi, keep your router out of your bedroom and use band steering and qos modes to reduce your power output while maintaining netwoerk continuity
I swear, some of you guys are technophobes. For reference, your own bodies put out a charge. A gathering of a dozen reads higher than 3mw just off your own electromagnetic charge
And what would the delay be in a signal sent from Earth to the Moon and back again?
The moon is +/-240,000 miles away. Speed of light is +/-186,000 miles per second.
240/186 = 1.29 seconds from earth to moon, then another 1.29 seconds back.
There's several factors affecting communications distance, one is actual frequency of the transmission. Cell service operates at a above VHF and Ham radio operators regularly bounce comms off the moon in HF. It's called EME, Earth-Moon-Earth comms.
This meme is actually pretty lame and makes anyone with any technical knowledge roll their eyes.
There's better arguments against the moon landing based on more sound technical discussions.
Here's a few:
Nice! Thanks.
A pleasure fren!
I can kind of understand why people would ask the question. Not everyone is technical, and it is honestly frustrating when I see stuff like this.
Come one man.... modern cell tech has NOTHING on good ole Ma Bell. Probably why the government broke it up😉
Line of sight for a start. Output effect, bandwidth and wavelength also plays a huge part.
This is dumb
Cuz it was a landline to the studio next door?
Look at how thick that springy cord is. Thicker means more talk can go through it for longer distances.
Coz the vacuum of space is different than sending a signal over buildings, trees, & the curve of the earth.
I most certainly have been on a mountain peak with no signal. No cell towers around for miles in West Virginia. Inverse-Square law, atmospheric interference and physical signal blockage (the earth) are to blame. I wish elon would go to the moon so he could finally prove it for those who can't understand. Flat earth and moon landing theories exist because the elites want everyone to think that ALL conspiracy theories are insane like those two.
Stay on Q
Q said the Earth ain't flat, son.
Here's a great experiment measuring the angle of the sun from different people in different countries, showing how all the lines are parallel. If you'd like to redo the experiment, i'd be happy to help. You only need a stick and a ruler to measure the shadow/angle. If the earth is not a sphere, how is it possible that those 20 measurements line up perfectly? Is it just a coincidence?
Even in my young years, I always thought a moon landing was so cinematic. Not until I was older that I realized it was so bogus. Here for these comments!!!
We cant afford sound stages
Has anyone suspected maybe cell towers are not just for making phone calls? I am super sensitive to this type of radiation and starting to think they are also some type of (cue Alex Jones voice) “brain control technology”… Tin foil hats aren't a conspiracy theory for no reason.
Some info on Moonbounce for HAM's from RSGB https://rsgb.org/main/technical/space-satellites/moonbounce/
Electromagnetic waves do not have momentum
Oh brother
Things that make you go hmmmmm☘️
Let me answer that with another question. How many individual and independent full duplex communications on the cellular network are happening at any given time within a three mile radius of an average cellular tower in an atmosphere full of electromagnetic interference and constantly changing terrain?
Is there a rule against calling things boomer-level? Honestly I'd expect this from my grandmother's (rip) facebook
This is Gold.