I strongly recommend doing your due diligence with this one. Check the translation, then reverse it. Back translate to see if the translation is legitimate. This is not phenomenal. It is an abuse of a notoriously inaccurate translator. Anyone who has studied a foreign language and attempted to rely on it as a crutch for their failure to study will know this.
Balenciaga is the company's founder's last name. He was (European) Spanish.
Not sure where that is from, but typically these folks use the word "love" to mean the carnal sort of love. These folks think that passion should rule their lives (and yours). Pathos, not Logos.
As such, they are at best Rousseau-ian. But, really, it is just better to say they are Satanic.
It's the second half of the quote you just quoted. It is the second line that follows the line you posted in crowleys work. You speak with such authority but reveal that you are clueless about what you speak, only repeating what others have fed you.
The Trinity in esoteric religions is the heart, the mind, and the will. Crowley was very big on will above all (and then the degenerate died a heroin addict with no will of his own, the irony).
Love under will means to act with love (open to interpretation) within your own will, or what YOU want to accomplish.
As usual the fundamentalist nutjobs in here go nuts and act out their own version of “everything is proof of white supremacy and systemic racism”. Only instead, it’s “everything is proof satanism is in all things in the secular world”
Effectively what the thelemic law states is that no man can control man or should control man, only gods will controls man.
Crowley was a giant piece of shi, flawed like all of us, but he did have really solid writing and ideas. His over all concept is that there is a divine will for all of us, and all we need to do is to tap into it and play the role. Whether that means you are charles fucking Manson or Nikola Tesla is irrelevant, as each role plays a part.
Inb4 some dolt takes a quote from Crowley out of context to push their agenda … same way atheist cucks will try to put all their eggs in one basket based on a passage about keeping slaves or women being seen and not heard
You trying to explain how it’s possible to extract good logical philosophical insight from the life and writings of Crowley is like watching someone lick the choad of a gangbanged tranny and turn around to explain to people about how the salt you extracted is actually beneficial to the human body.
we all know what happens when the left actually try to engage an argument and hit a wall - they resort to baseless and/or weak character attacks, aka The text equivalent of chimping out
I could honestly care less about engaging in a useless conversation with someone trying to shill for some dipshit who liked to bugger little boys, Good for you noble defender of the pedophiles.
Yeah I’m shilling for him by countering your fake news lol
Jfc I swear so many like yourself are equally as bad and equally as big of a problem as the left. Only good thing is you likely contributed your vote.
The entire quote is actually "Do as thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will. "
You are god, there IS a right and wrong, but you must choose it. You can't force others to be good. You can't stop others from being evil. It can't be forced. You can only help others to make the choice to do good or evil.
He said at a point early in his journey, that his purpose was to.... bring forth restricted light and knowledge to the world, by 'playing the role' of the anti-christ.
He was more chaos than pure black (at first at least) and tried out lots of religions ideas, and served many deities/ entities in a scientific manner to figure out what they were all about and how useful each was (and suggested to others to do the same, instead of relying on what we are told)
He had a really tough childhood and did NOT like the hypocritical control system religions with false promises and answers that was shoved at him, and was all about rebelling against that, and making Christians open their eyes up to the lies of the church and get the hidden world out of the shadows and out into the public consciousness.
His 'great work' was exposing the secrets of the church elders, secret societies, political string pullers, and elite cabal circles. To do this, he had to become them in the most extreme way. He saw himself as 'sacrificing' his life for others, to wash away the secrets of the past and bring forth the same truths Jesus was talking about from a different angle in an increasingly atheist world where the religion and 'science' around the 'supernatural' had become a mockery of the real truths of this reality.
The greatest lie the devil ever spread was that he didn't exist.
Crowley puts people on the path to God, in his own twisted way, by showing them the devil and pure evil are real & the consequences of living that life path.
at least, that was what he told himself and others at one point.... Could have been lies.
This is both "what I already knew" and a totally fresh take on his life. Thank you. I knew he'd gone into a variety of religious ideas, but did not know the motivations you describe. Indeed now he sounds most like someone I should admire more. However, I am very wary of opening doors I don't know much about, so I doubt I would ever follow his example, at least to the degree that it appears he did.
Thanks for the detailed response and insight.
EDIT: I liked also that you stated he chose the third way, Chaos. There is as you say not just Black or White: Brahma and Vishnu are not complete without Shiva. And since I already quoted Jeremiah in a post on this thread, I am reminded of another quote from the same "Call of Jeremiah".
"See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”
How goes it Mahvelous Marvin, my "no virus" comrade in arms!!
I don't take that same "meaning" at all. I'm not making any moral judgments, just evaluating the words on their face.
To me it means what it says without adding anything else to it; you are free to do whatever you want irrespective of the moral benefits or consequences.
You don't have to be "God" to do whatever you want. You are able to "do as thou wilt" in any given moment, which is effectively "you have free will" as I see it. That's all.
Others on this thread have mentioned that a lot of these "esoteric" beliefs are not good or bad, but that thinking makes it so (quote from Shakespeare). Meaning, there are powers in the universe, and one can wield these powers for good or for evil. You decide.
Shakespeare and Bacon were possibly the same person. In light of Bacon's involvement in some of these societies, I consider Shakespeare's quote to be not coincidental.
Indeed and agreed. And to go even deeper, some say Bacon was an earlier soul incarnation of the one later known as St. Germain, and a later soul incarnation of one of the Roman guards who slayed Jesus.
Am I stretching ya too far? These are not popular "ideas" I realize...
I like your quote. I did not know Rumi. Sufi. I think those folks, the Zoroastrians and the Ahura Mazda folks are/were all much closer to God than the Hollow Men religions we have today. Leaning together, headpieces filled with straw.
The quote seems to following along the lines of Nietszche's "Beyond Good and Evil". And, in a way, like Søren Kierkegaard. Or even Tesla. "If one wishes to understand the Universe, one must learn to think in terms of frequency and vibration."
Yes indeed, agreed across the board on all counts. Yes, Rumi came up through the Sufi tradition. He was a very wise individual as evidenced by the quote.
I would put forth to you that all this is pointing to the "Witness for God" idea in biblical scripture. While there are zillions of different ways to interpret this idea, I believe it implies taking the position of a "Neutral observer" in life. In other words, stepping outside of JUDGMENT, which is, in effect NOT "eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, as this is the very definition of JUDGMENT --- assigning a positive/negative charge to a person, place, thing, event, etc. An act that BINDS us to the material realm.
Thus, to "witness" is to look on to a person, place, thing while reserving one's judgment.
Whadaya think? Not a popular idea in mainstream circles I realize...
Vengeance (and Judgement) is Mine, sayeth The Lord. (Romans)
Do not say 'I am too young.' You will go wherever I send you, and say whatever I tell you to say. (Jeremiah)
To God, we are made in His image and we are well loved by Him. But we are not Him, and should not presume to take His role, or think that we understand what He understands. We are more than we think. And I suspect much more. Yet still we are not God.
Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears. - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
In all things, have no preference. - Musashi-san, Dokkodo
And then there’s others on here who know who about people like Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and about their fun little clubs like the theosophical society and the esalen institute. We understand the creation of the melting pot of esoteric religions and mysticism through the emergence of the plethora of new age spiritualism choices that they created to trick naive people into joining their lucifarian intentions without realizing that the ideas and philosophies they adhere to were created and disseminated by lucifarians.
"The word “thou” originates from Old English. Although is used as an ordinary pronoun meaning “you,” it was once used in certain Bible translations to refer exclusively to God and was capitalized."
So it can be translated to "Do What God Wills." Though I believe it's sort of both. Crowley spoke of finding one's True Will. Which is free will but aligned with God - one's true purpose.
thanks for speaking truth among the lies being spread in here by people who have likely never cracked open any of crowleys works before, let alone truly are “awakened” and allow themselves to take advantage of the freedom of thought our creator struggles to give us.
Crowley himself is a pretty shitty person, but his insights/wisdoms and what have you tend to be very solid.
Personally my favorite bit is about explaining nuit and hadit.
Of course there are. Benefits and consequences follow one's choices. Nonetheless, in any given moment the option to choose is always available to each of us.
Having Free Will biblically speaking is an inference drawing from the fact that life is about making decisions. The entire rest of the Bible is about making good decisions.
The best news of ALL though, is that you only have to make 1 right decision for salvation. That is the decision to accept Jesus' FREE gift.
We're not always going to make the best decisions, look at the garden for instance, slipped up pretty big time there didn't we??
However, I will not stand by this comparison. His teachings were awful. He encouraged indulgence to the point of infection, and then encouraged the spread of those acquired infections. He was truly the most evil man alive during his time for with what he let loose on this world.
Although everything is as it should be, and must be, because it is.
In my opinion, "will" should ever be striving towards the ONLY WILL, that EVER WILL happen. Because no matter what we do, ANYBODY, The LORD's Will still continues.
You either play for HIM, or you play against HIM, but either way, you are still playing HIS game.
I don't mean to be a douche with these words either, just doing my best with what I have read in The Word.
Not offended. It just appears to me to be a matter of interpretation. And I'm not suggesting that just because there are "good" or "bad" things one can choose to do with one's free will, you should just go ahead and do them all regardless because the option is there. What I'm suggesting is that the "rules of the game" are you have the option to "do as thou wilt" with your "free will". That's how this realm works, that's all.
What Crowley and his thelema acolytes chose to do was exercise their "free will" from the dark side of the force. A choice no different than choosing to exercise one's "free will" toward the light side of the force. Each are "free will" choices as the option is always granted and available in every moment to "do as thou wilt" irrespective of the moral benefits or consequences thereof.
Thus, the demonic "do as thou wilt" message Crowley received was merely stating the obvious. The message he did NOT receive was "Do as thou wilt without consequences or ramifications". And I think Crowley knew this was so. He was attempting to fully polarize to the dark side to gain maximum power in this direction. I believe he was made aware of how powerful he could become by doing so, similar to the powers generated by the likes of people like Rasputin and Ghengis Khan. He was the "Darth Vader" of his era so to speak. There seems to always be at least one such individual in every era acting as a "balancing force" to maintain polar equilibrium.
For reals though, I really don't like this Crowley fella. Encouraging his followers to go get std's and then go out and purposely give them to other people...
Encouraging people to have sex with animals dead or alive.
Performing ancient Magick that should very well be left alone. Namely from the grimoire of Abramelin...
I am glad I did not offend fren. This is exactly why I love this community.
I wholeheartedly agree. I'm not advocating for a single thing Crowley and his acolytes ever did. Some reprehensible, horrific stuff without a doubt, who could argue otherwise?
But at the end of the day, they were all simply exercising their free will, which is the "whole of the law", for better or for worse.
It really doesn't translate to that! " Ba Len ci aga" isn't Latin at all. Again, that is not a latin to English translation. It's a botched Hausa to English to Latin translation. Google translate is infamous for messing up the original meaning of input text if you translate back and forth with multiple languages. There's a whole genre of comedy based on failed Google translations.
Google Translate is also programmable by anyone in the public who chooses to "contribute". It's an open, publicly accessible translation database. It relies on good faith ut a person could very easily slip in fake translations.
Disinfo is injected in a form that targets particular types of people who respond emotionally, do not vet the information or apply principles of due diligence, checking, and analysis. They latch on to the idea, it grabs their particular emotional vulnerability and they become a 'carrier' of the disinfo virus. They share, and then others share, and then others share.
This injects deliberate disinfo into the truth sphere, to disrupt the lines of communication, to drown out signal with noise, and the lay the foundation to discredit legitimate informational conduits.
Pedes need to really, really think more about this. if this is information warfare, then disinformation is a BIG part of the arsenal. It's not just CNN. People don't trust CNN. But disinfo is constantly being injected into the 'truth sphere' in order to disrupt, and reduce the effectiveness of the true information.
I take it the person who made this meme never sat through a Latin class.
If you translate it from Latin to English as shown, you do get this result, but if you reverse it to back translate "Do what you want" from English to Latin, the translator does a better job of it.
Latin to English: Do what you want
English to Latin: fac sicut vis.
It was interesting to see that subtext suggesting using Hausa of all things. West African languages aren't even close to Latin. They're not in the PIE language family, meaning they're very different. So, out of curiosity, I tried it.
Hausa to English: I don't eat anymore
English to Hausa: Ba na ci kuma
The Google translator is making big errors with this, and it's notorious for being unreliable, especially with short phrases. I don't know what exactly it's detecting, but these aren't legitimate translations. The connection to Alastair Crowley is spurious at best.
Google Translate is programmable. If you are logged in, you can input 'alternative' translations.
If "ba len ci aga" isn't even Latin, there would NOT be an existing legit translation for it, so one could simply select "language" = latin, input the text sting, and then provide a 'translation'.
No, I'm saying I agree with you. I did do the same thing you did when this was originally posted. I'm saying someone is going around downvoting posts like ours.
Balanciaga is the surname of the Spanish fashion designer who started the company - Cristóbal Balenciaga (1895 to 1972). The person this company was founded by and named after Balenciaga was born well before 1904 when Crowley visited Egypt and wrote The Book of the Law.
The founders full name is actually Cristóbal Balenciaga Eizaguirre, In the Basque region of Spain, the first surname is Balenciaga and the second is Eizaguirre.
Basque surnames are not derived from an ancestor (or the profession of an ancestor), but rather from the name of the family's home. surnames fall into two categories: a description of the family home or the name of the first owner of the home.
There are connections between James Alefantis and Lotta Volkovas circle as well as Rachel Chandler and many other strange people including ones behind creepy Marina Abramovic photo with her hand on boys eyes.
Henry Pinault (Salma Hayeks' husband) is the honorary chairman of Kering.
Kering (French: [kɛːʁiŋ]) is a French-based multinational corporation specializing in luxury goods. It owns the brands Balenciaga, Bottega Veneta, Gucci, Alexander McQueen and Yves Saint Laurent. Kering S.A.
Professional translator with more close to 3 decades experience here.
Anytime someone writes "Z literally translates to Y", in 9 out of 10 cases they don't know what translation actually is.
Literal translation is one of the worst forms of translation. Literal translation very often misses the mark.
As for Google Translate, be aware that Google Translate is programmable. In other words, people can take a phrase, text string etc and enter a translation they think is correct, useful or accurate. Which means you can also mess with it.
High probability that this has been input in to the Google Translate database (something anyone logged in can do) in order to generate disinformation and disrupt the actual truthful information about Balenciaga.
Such a scam was recently run to the name "Vladimir Zelenskyy".
This is like someone going to Wikipedia and inputting fake information. Wikipedia, however, has dedicated curators. I don't think Google Translate has that level of supervision or quality control.
Phenomenal. Thanks op
I strongly recommend doing your due diligence with this one. Check the translation, then reverse it. Back translate to see if the translation is legitimate. This is not phenomenal. It is an abuse of a notoriously inaccurate translator. Anyone who has studied a foreign language and attempted to rely on it as a crutch for their failure to study will know this.
Balenciaga is the company's founder's last name. He was (European) Spanish.
Do what you want =/= Do what though wilt
Not one of those words is Latin. Check for yourself in a Latin dictionary.
Not sure why Google would do that. Maybe it's disinfo.
Maybe someone "helped" Google translator to learn new (fake) phrase and they've removed it shortly after.
It doesn't seem to show it anymore and some people below claim that these are not Latin words.
Trying them one by one doesn't translate it too which seems to confirm fake translation.
So nice this post I saw the other post with "translation" (even more juicy) with spaces in different places but it was fake too.
Isn't "Do as thou wilt" the same thing as "You have free will"?
There are dark and light aspects to most occulted knowledge, including Thelema.
Remember that evil cannot create, it only corrupts and inverts.
Mark Passio is the expert if you would like to dive in: https://youtu.be/ozXV0WpWP9k
Of course. I've been listening to Passio for many years. He understands many interesting aspects about the dark side for sure.
The entire quote is "Do as thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law."
Meaning, you are God. Meaning, there is no right or wrong, only what you want.
What does "love is the law, love under will" mean?
Not sure where that is from, but typically these folks use the word "love" to mean the carnal sort of love. These folks think that passion should rule their lives (and yours). Pathos, not Logos.
As such, they are at best Rousseau-ian. But, really, it is just better to say they are Satanic.
It's the second half of the quote you just quoted. It is the second line that follows the line you posted in crowleys work. You speak with such authority but reveal that you are clueless about what you speak, only repeating what others have fed you.
The Trinity in esoteric religions is the heart, the mind, and the will. Crowley was very big on will above all (and then the degenerate died a heroin addict with no will of his own, the irony).
Love under will means to act with love (open to interpretation) within your own will, or what YOU want to accomplish.
As usual the fundamentalist nutjobs in here go nuts and act out their own version of “everything is proof of white supremacy and systemic racism”. Only instead, it’s “everything is proof satanism is in all things in the secular world”
Effectively what the thelemic law states is that no man can control man or should control man, only gods will controls man.
Crowley was a giant piece of shi, flawed like all of us, but he did have really solid writing and ideas. His over all concept is that there is a divine will for all of us, and all we need to do is to tap into it and play the role. Whether that means you are charles fucking Manson or Nikola Tesla is irrelevant, as each role plays a part.
Inb4 some dolt takes a quote from Crowley out of context to push their agenda … same way atheist cucks will try to put all their eggs in one basket based on a passage about keeping slaves or women being seen and not heard
You trying to explain how it’s possible to extract good logical philosophical insight from the life and writings of Crowley is like watching someone lick the choad of a gangbanged tranny and turn around to explain to people about how the salt you extracted is actually beneficial to the human body.
we all know what happens when the left actually try to engage an argument and hit a wall - they resort to baseless and/or weak character attacks, aka The text equivalent of chimping out
You may have hit that wall my friend.
I could honestly care less about engaging in a useless conversation with someone trying to shill for some dipshit who liked to bugger little boys, Good for you noble defender of the pedophiles.
Yeah I’m shilling for him by countering your fake news lol Jfc I swear so many like yourself are equally as bad and equally as big of a problem as the left. Only good thing is you likely contributed your vote.
This is the first time I’ve ever seen someone defend him.
Are they really trying to argue he was a man of Christ?
The entire quote is actually "Do as thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will. "
You are god, there IS a right and wrong, but you must choose it. You can't force others to be good. You can't stop others from being evil. It can't be forced. You can only help others to make the choice to do good or evil.
Fair enough, but in the case of Mr. Crowley, it doesn't appear he chose the White. It appears he chose the Black.
But, also, I wasn't there. I don't know.
He said at a point early in his journey, that his purpose was to.... bring forth restricted light and knowledge to the world, by 'playing the role' of the anti-christ.
He was more chaos than pure black (at first at least) and tried out lots of religions ideas, and served many deities/ entities in a scientific manner to figure out what they were all about and how useful each was (and suggested to others to do the same, instead of relying on what we are told)
He had a really tough childhood and did NOT like the hypocritical control system religions with false promises and answers that was shoved at him, and was all about rebelling against that, and making Christians open their eyes up to the lies of the church and get the hidden world out of the shadows and out into the public consciousness.
His 'great work' was exposing the secrets of the church elders, secret societies, political string pullers, and elite cabal circles. To do this, he had to become them in the most extreme way. He saw himself as 'sacrificing' his life for others, to wash away the secrets of the past and bring forth the same truths Jesus was talking about from a different angle in an increasingly atheist world where the religion and 'science' around the 'supernatural' had become a mockery of the real truths of this reality.
The greatest lie the devil ever spread was that he didn't exist.
Crowley puts people on the path to God, in his own twisted way, by showing them the devil and pure evil are real & the consequences of living that life path.
at least, that was what he told himself and others at one point.... Could have been lies.
This is both "what I already knew" and a totally fresh take on his life. Thank you. I knew he'd gone into a variety of religious ideas, but did not know the motivations you describe. Indeed now he sounds most like someone I should admire more. However, I am very wary of opening doors I don't know much about, so I doubt I would ever follow his example, at least to the degree that it appears he did.
Thanks for the detailed response and insight.
EDIT: I liked also that you stated he chose the third way, Chaos. There is as you say not just Black or White: Brahma and Vishnu are not complete without Shiva. And since I already quoted Jeremiah in a post on this thread, I am reminded of another quote from the same "Call of Jeremiah".
"See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”
Destroy to build.
Well said
How goes it Mahvelous Marvin, my "no virus" comrade in arms!!
I don't take that same "meaning" at all. I'm not making any moral judgments, just evaluating the words on their face.
To me it means what it says without adding anything else to it; you are free to do whatever you want irrespective of the moral benefits or consequences.
You don't have to be "God" to do whatever you want. You are able to "do as thou wilt" in any given moment, which is effectively "you have free will" as I see it. That's all.
Others on this thread have mentioned that a lot of these "esoteric" beliefs are not good or bad, but that thinking makes it so (quote from Shakespeare). Meaning, there are powers in the universe, and one can wield these powers for good or for evil. You decide.
Indeed. One of my favorite quotes. Hard for most to come to terms with.
Here's another: "Out beyond the realm of right-doing and wrong-doing there's a field; I'll meet you there" - Rumi
Shakespeare and Bacon were possibly the same person. In light of Bacon's involvement in some of these societies, I consider Shakespeare's quote to be not coincidental.
Indeed and agreed. And to go even deeper, some say Bacon was an earlier soul incarnation of the one later known as St. Germain, and a later soul incarnation of one of the Roman guards who slayed Jesus.
Am I stretching ya too far? These are not popular "ideas" I realize...
He had a fun cameo in "The Seventh Seal", with Demi Moore.
I like your quote. I did not know Rumi. Sufi. I think those folks, the Zoroastrians and the Ahura Mazda folks are/were all much closer to God than the Hollow Men religions we have today. Leaning together, headpieces filled with straw.
The quote seems to following along the lines of Nietszche's "Beyond Good and Evil". And, in a way, like Søren Kierkegaard. Or even Tesla. "If one wishes to understand the Universe, one must learn to think in terms of frequency and vibration."
Yes indeed, agreed across the board on all counts. Yes, Rumi came up through the Sufi tradition. He was a very wise individual as evidenced by the quote.
I would put forth to you that all this is pointing to the "Witness for God" idea in biblical scripture. While there are zillions of different ways to interpret this idea, I believe it implies taking the position of a "Neutral observer" in life. In other words, stepping outside of JUDGMENT, which is, in effect NOT "eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, as this is the very definition of JUDGMENT --- assigning a positive/negative charge to a person, place, thing, event, etc. An act that BINDS us to the material realm.
Thus, to "witness" is to look on to a person, place, thing while reserving one's judgment.
Whadaya think? Not a popular idea in mainstream circles I realize...
Judge not, lest ye be judged. (Matthew)
Vengeance (and Judgement) is Mine, sayeth The Lord. (Romans)
Do not say 'I am too young.' You will go wherever I send you, and say whatever I tell you to say. (Jeremiah)
To God, we are made in His image and we are well loved by Him. But we are not Him, and should not presume to take His role, or think that we understand what He understands. We are more than we think. And I suspect much more. Yet still we are not God.
Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears. - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
In all things, have no preference. - Musashi-san, Dokkodo
And then there’s others on here who know who about people like Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and about their fun little clubs like the theosophical society and the esalen institute. We understand the creation of the melting pot of esoteric religions and mysticism through the emergence of the plethora of new age spiritualism choices that they created to trick naive people into joining their lucifarian intentions without realizing that the ideas and philosophies they adhere to were created and disseminated by lucifarians.
I'm not a joiner. And I do not seek "power". Only self-knowledge and self-control.
Blavatsky is interesting. Aleister Crowley just seems like a bounder.
"The word “thou” originates from Old English. Although is used as an ordinary pronoun meaning “you,” it was once used in certain Bible translations to refer exclusively to God and was capitalized."
So it can be translated to "Do What God Wills." Though I believe it's sort of both. Crowley spoke of finding one's True Will. Which is free will but aligned with God - one's true purpose.
Thou is not capitalized, by Aleister Crowley. He means that you are the God. Not YHWH or whatever is your name for God.
thanks for speaking truth among the lies being spread in here by people who have likely never cracked open any of crowleys works before, let alone truly are “awakened” and allow themselves to take advantage of the freedom of thought our creator struggles to give us.
Crowley himself is a pretty shitty person, but his insights/wisdoms and what have you tend to be very solid.
Personally my favorite bit is about explaining nuit and hadit.
Yes but there’s rules.
Free will- you play by God’s rules.
Do as thou wilt- you play by satan’s rules.
Choose wisely.
Of course there are. Benefits and consequences follow one's choices. Nonetheless, in any given moment the option to choose is always available to each of us.
Having Free Will biblically speaking is an inference drawing from the fact that life is about making decisions. The entire rest of the Bible is about making good decisions.
The best news of ALL though, is that you only have to make 1 right decision for salvation. That is the decision to accept Jesus' FREE gift.
We're not always going to make the best decisions, look at the garden for instance, slipped up pretty big time there didn't we??
However, I will not stand by this comparison. His teachings were awful. He encouraged indulgence to the point of infection, and then encouraged the spread of those acquired infections. He was truly the most evil man alive during his time for with what he let loose on this world.
Although everything is as it should be, and must be, because it is.
In my opinion, "will" should ever be striving towards the ONLY WILL, that EVER WILL happen. Because no matter what we do, ANYBODY, The LORD's Will still continues.
You either play for HIM, or you play against HIM, but either way, you are still playing HIS game.
I don't mean to be a douche with these words either, just doing my best with what I have read in The Word.
Not offended. It just appears to me to be a matter of interpretation. And I'm not suggesting that just because there are "good" or "bad" things one can choose to do with one's free will, you should just go ahead and do them all regardless because the option is there. What I'm suggesting is that the "rules of the game" are you have the option to "do as thou wilt" with your "free will". That's how this realm works, that's all.
What Crowley and his thelema acolytes chose to do was exercise their "free will" from the dark side of the force. A choice no different than choosing to exercise one's "free will" toward the light side of the force. Each are "free will" choices as the option is always granted and available in every moment to "do as thou wilt" irrespective of the moral benefits or consequences thereof.
Thus, the demonic "do as thou wilt" message Crowley received was merely stating the obvious. The message he did NOT receive was "Do as thou wilt without consequences or ramifications". And I think Crowley knew this was so. He was attempting to fully polarize to the dark side to gain maximum power in this direction. I believe he was made aware of how powerful he could become by doing so, similar to the powers generated by the likes of people like Rasputin and Ghengis Khan. He was the "Darth Vader" of his era so to speak. There seems to always be at least one such individual in every era acting as a "balancing force" to maintain polar equilibrium.
Extremely Nice Write Up!!
Slam Dunkin'!!!
For reals though, I really don't like this Crowley fella. Encouraging his followers to go get std's and then go out and purposely give them to other people...
Encouraging people to have sex with animals dead or alive.
Performing ancient Magick that should very well be left alone. Namely from the grimoire of Abramelin...
I am glad I did not offend fren. This is exactly why I love this community.
I wholeheartedly agree. I'm not advocating for a single thing Crowley and his acolytes ever did. Some reprehensible, horrific stuff without a doubt, who could argue otherwise?
But at the end of the day, they were all simply exercising their free will, which is the "whole of the law", for better or for worse.
Big Hearts!!!
Warm Feelings!!
Blessings Fren!
Right backatcha my friend. What comes around goes around!! Send out the good stuff, get the good stuff on the rebound!
Not defending this, obviously, but they always forget the other half of the quote.
"And it harm none, do what thou wilt."
They are very much harming.
It really doesn't translate to that! " Ba Len ci aga" isn't Latin at all. Again, that is not a latin to English translation. It's a botched Hausa to English to Latin translation. Google translate is infamous for messing up the original meaning of input text if you translate back and forth with multiple languages. There's a whole genre of comedy based on failed Google translations.
THANK YOU, I'm sitting here SMDHing at the illogical leaps here JFC.
Google Translate is also programmable by anyone in the public who chooses to "contribute". It's an open, publicly accessible translation database. It relies on good faith ut a person could very easily slip in fake translations.
Remember when Trump first sent the "covfefe" tweet, and for at least a week, Google Translate said "covfefe" was Arabic for "I will stand up"?
Uh except his name was Cristóbal Balenciaga, born in Spain(Basque country) 1895 Before Crowleys Themla religion.
Also that is not Latin
Maybe you should try translating "do what you want" from english to latin.
^ All of this. These type of half baked info memes discredit the good intentioned.
Pretty sure that is what they are intended to do.
(Google Translate is programmable by ... anyone)
Disinfo is injected in a form that targets particular types of people who respond emotionally, do not vet the information or apply principles of due diligence, checking, and analysis. They latch on to the idea, it grabs their particular emotional vulnerability and they become a 'carrier' of the disinfo virus. They share, and then others share, and then others share.
This injects deliberate disinfo into the truth sphere, to disrupt the lines of communication, to drown out signal with noise, and the lay the foundation to discredit legitimate informational conduits.
Pedes need to really, really think more about this. if this is information warfare, then disinformation is a BIG part of the arsenal. It's not just CNN. People don't trust CNN. But disinfo is constantly being injected into the 'truth sphere' in order to disrupt, and reduce the effectiveness of the true information.
Thank you
"A Life of Aleister Crowley"... Does that mean he's supposed to have more than one?
I take it the person who made this meme never sat through a Latin class.
If you translate it from Latin to English as shown, you do get this result, but if you reverse it to back translate "Do what you want" from English to Latin, the translator does a better job of it.
It was interesting to see that subtext suggesting using Hausa of all things. West African languages aren't even close to Latin. They're not in the PIE language family, meaning they're very different. So, out of curiosity, I tried it.
The Google translator is making big errors with this, and it's notorious for being unreliable, especially with short phrases. I don't know what exactly it's detecting, but these aren't legitimate translations. The connection to Alastair Crowley is spurious at best.
Google Translate is programmable. If you are logged in, you can input 'alternative' translations.
If "ba len ci aga" isn't even Latin, there would NOT be an existing legit translation for it, so one could simply select "language" = latin, input the text sting, and then provide a 'translation'.
I strongly suspect that's what happened here.
(signed, professional translator for MANY years)
Did anyone actually try doing this themselves? Apparently not, as it does not translate into "do what you want."
Hausa - detected
ba len ci aga = I don't eat anymore
Someone's going around downvoting all the logical, factual posts lol.
Whoever you are, remember that finding the truth is way more important than appearing to be correct.
Apparently, you didn't try it, either.
No, I'm saying I agree with you. I did do the same thing you did when this was originally posted. I'm saying someone is going around downvoting posts like ours.
Oh, sorry, fren! I misunderstood your comment.
No worries <3
sorry to push A.J. on you, think humans by themselves can even learn to wipe their butts ?
interdimensional demonic forces
we are not alone and we are able to fight this
Balanciaga is the surname of the Spanish fashion designer who started the company - Cristóbal Balenciaga (1895 to 1972). The person this company was founded by and named after Balenciaga was born well before 1904 when Crowley visited Egypt and wrote The Book of the Law.
The founders full name is actually Cristóbal Balenciaga Eizaguirre, In the Basque region of Spain, the first surname is Balenciaga and the second is Eizaguirre.
Basque surnames are not derived from an ancestor (or the profession of an ancestor), but rather from the name of the family's home. surnames fall into two categories: a description of the family home or the name of the first owner of the home.
Hilary Clinton tweeted something similar not that long ago.
I ran that, too and got
“I don’t eat anymore.”
I also got this. Which makes sense for a fashion company.
Yeh. 💀
No, I didn’t. Look at the other posts in the thread. Google Translate is effing with us.
Cuz you might've switched it to latin. For me and fponick it auto translated from Hausa, the one that your link shows it wants you to translate from.
Balenciaga has the letters C I A in it.
There are connections between James Alefantis and Lotta Volkovas circle as well as Rachel Chandler and many other strange people including ones behind creepy Marina Abramovic photo with her hand on boys eyes.
Google changed it meme is dead
Crowley is a Douche.
And I don't like him.
Henry Pinault (Salma Hayeks' husband) is the honorary chairman of Kering.
Kering (French: [kɛːʁiŋ]) is a French-based multinational corporation specializing in luxury goods. It owns the brands Balenciaga, Bottega Veneta, Gucci, Alexander McQueen and Yves Saint Laurent. Kering S.A.
Professional translator with more close to 3 decades experience here.
Anytime someone writes "Z literally translates to Y", in 9 out of 10 cases they don't know what translation actually is.
Literal translation is one of the worst forms of translation. Literal translation very often misses the mark.
As for Google Translate, be aware that Google Translate is programmable. In other words, people can take a phrase, text string etc and enter a translation they think is correct, useful or accurate. Which means you can also mess with it.
High probability that this has been input in to the Google Translate database (something anyone logged in can do) in order to generate disinformation and disrupt the actual truthful information about Balenciaga.
Such a scam was recently run to the name "Vladimir Zelenskyy".
This is like someone going to Wikipedia and inputting fake information. Wikipedia, however, has dedicated curators. I don't think Google Translate has that level of supervision or quality control.
Why would they code in a Nigerian language?