I remember when Nancy Pelosi had some Chinese dragon-lady at her side (early 2020, just before Covid). At the time, there were pictures of her holding Pelosi's arm in a death-grip. Recently, I tried to find out more about this Being and - surprise surprise surprise! - I couldn't find any of those pics. There were just shots of her walking beside Nancy, no arm-clinging.
Even though we know what the answer likely is, just to play devil's advocate, California, and especially LA and San Fran have a massive Asian population. Problem number one is her likely political ideology. If I heard her talk with a Chinese accent, that would be further cause for concern in the CCP vein
This happened frequently in the Rules Committee with Jim McDermott (??), chair. So much so during one meeting as they railroaded the passage of the Democrat rules and failure of the 17 amendments the Republicans put forth to those rules, that I thought it was a runaway train.
Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) can attest. Tom Cole (R-OK) can attest.
What rules were they considering back then? If memory serves me correctly, it was the Rules for the impeachment of Donald Trump measure in the House.
"If I point my finger, it shows I am clearly still in charge, and tbh I don't even know why we have to look into this at all..."
She aint gonna make it ya'll.
It is too bad that this is all theater, both parties-they always use sound bites and nothing ever comes from these hearings as far as I can tell, going all the way back to Iran-Contra during the Regan years.
Parlimentarian prolly told her she was fucked
This is what her CCP leash-holder did to her:
What a POS she is.
Her fall from power will be MOST delicious to watch. Her cabal days are coming to an end, and she knows it.
Her face will fall the fuck off.
And the wig
She has a face ?
I thought that was something sloughed off the ass-end of a swamp creature.
If you look right below the bunghole of a male hippo, that's where they got her face. Hippo scrote
you know that face you make right after puking and the taste hits you...thats maxine waters
Operation wigsnatch
That’s a kunt. Anything else would just be outright RACIST
It's a shame to not have people with some respect in decorum in office. The condescension is just ridiculous.
It truly is embarrassing. An absolute mockery of what was designed.
The tough part about this post is seeing Maxine's face. Need an eye wash pronto.
Some people are wondering if it's Matt Damon...
You've got a point there. If I was forced to look at someone...
I have a serious Baal Gates allergy.
I got an allergic reaction just reading your comment. :)
He is so toxic, needs removing asap.
I am stealing that and throwing it up on twatter!
You have to ask youself why they act this way. Sus af
How come every person in power has a Chinese secretary/girlfriend/wife? Inquiring minds want to know.
Chinese handlers.
I remember when Nancy Pelosi had some Chinese dragon-lady at her side (early 2020, just before Covid). At the time, there were pictures of her holding Pelosi's arm in a death-grip. Recently, I tried to find out more about this Being and - surprise surprise surprise! - I couldn't find any of those pics. There were just shots of her walking beside Nancy, no arm-clinging.
Archive everything offline. Use a flash drive to transfer everything to a computer that's not connected to the internet.
Thanks. I wish I had.
Infiltration instead of invasion.
Nobody like Maxine Waters in power is there by their own hand. They are all controlled.
Even though we know what the answer likely is, just to play devil's advocate, California, and especially LA and San Fran have a massive Asian population. Problem number one is her likely political ideology. If I heard her talk with a Chinese accent, that would be further cause for concern in the CCP vein
What a massive POS.
The finger point is all you need to see. Id of pointed my finger back at her.
It's weird she's upset he wanted to ask questions. Of all people, she should know, "It's a Man's World".
This happened frequently in the Rules Committee with Jim McDermott (??), chair. So much so during one meeting as they railroaded the passage of the Democrat rules and failure of the 17 amendments the Republicans put forth to those rules, that I thought it was a runaway train.
Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) can attest. Tom Cole (R-OK) can attest.
What rules were they considering back then? If memory serves me correctly, it was the Rules for the impeachment of Donald Trump measure in the House.
Hostile there much Maxine?
Another demonstration of how satan and his servants will walk right over you if you do not stand up and claim your rights!!
James Brown really has let himself go.
OMG I LOVE THIS!! if looks could kill, that bitch would have slaughtered that man 🙈
What an ugly fucking cunt.
lol.. her chinese handler was right there in plain sight pulling her strings!
She's so fucking ugly.
Holy cow she was pissed
Anyone know what he asked?
LOL! "If I point my finger, it shows I am clearly still in charge, and tbh I don't even know why we have to look into this at all..." She aint gonna make it ya'll.
Where is the long version of this hearing?
I don't mean to brag but I voted for him 😏
It is too bad that this is all theater, both parties-they always use sound bites and nothing ever comes from these hearings as far as I can tell, going all the way back to Iran-Contra during the Regan years.
Bet its a wig and she's bald.
Ayanna Pressley has entered the chat
Yup, that's why I'm fights with one another, the first attack is directed at dethroning the weave.
Funniest response I've read in a while. And so true. Have to be a boomer to get it.
Hot tub! Gonna make you sweat!
So can that somali freak in MN.
80? Thats generous.
I think you're being generous here ;
more like an IQ of < 60,
with huge amounts of neo-marxist programming.
Rocks resent that comment: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0d/8a/e6/0d8ae627a9b3c77a72da34a2c4fbc7aa.jpg