"The new study states that the FDA “strongly believes the potential benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the potential risks of COVID-19 infection.” No evidence was cited in support of the belief."
we did... we knew and tried to warn. it's our job, perhaps chosen for this even?
we still feel bad tho, compassion is our nature, so hopefully soon all will awake from induced slumber? that choice is, at least, mostly yours. we chose to listen. we chose truth and realize that not everyone has the gift of a built-in bullshit detector housed in their dna- that common sense ain't so common.
due to our nature, we're not even completely sure we were actually "chosen" for this crusade, but the more people wake up... sure feels like it?
join us, bc apparently we can't head to the next destination until all are aboard.
I do NOT for the people who tried forcing others to get vaccinated or wear masks etc.
Those types can clot and rot as far as I care. For the decent folk who simply believed the authorities and got injected because of being misled, who didn't force other people to do anything, it is a massive wake up opportunity for them to do better
My husband's ex girlfriend had a stroke at 42. She's been in the hospital for 2 months. She can't move her right hand and can get 2 coherent words out before it's jibberish. Her next 4 months will be in assisted living to learn how to speak and rehab the arm. She was double vax. Not sure which manufacturer or if she got the following booster.
The icing on the cake was she was in middle of moving and had all her belongings in storage. She didn't make the payment and the storage facility sold her belongings.
This makes #7 around me who is injured or gotten some sort of cancer. So sad.
I see now, the FDA Approval process is not for our health and safety, it’s code to Doctors that the coast is clear to murder people and charge the patients double
I will never trust a doctor again. As this cardiologist points out, over the last 20 years, all forms of medical intervention have had a negative affect on public health.
Also 71% or some crazy number more likely to have heart problems. I know so many people who’ve had strokes and heart problems and I don’t know a lot of people.
There's no paywall if you register and then ignore the nagging to subscribe.
They publish a lot of articles, so there can be a lot of email notifications unless you adjust your preferences.
Now they need to do the study on all age groups and on cancer. I had one friend's husband die of cancer and another who has cancer now, that doesn't look good of pulling through.
So..when the public know..it will be like COVID all over again..sole topic of conversation....allowing the lite scum to hide all sorts under cover of this distraction.
The REAL travesty is THEY DON'T CARE. They have and still are easily accomplishing mass murder through fear.
Remember when the vaccines first became available? People were going NUTS. It was evident on social media. Initially, the vaccine availability was extremely sporadic. This continued for several weeks. There was panic everywhere. People were traveling hours away to obtain a vaccine. Hotlines were maxed out with the masses calling to obtain a jab appointment ANYWHERE.
And the link at the end proves THEY DON'T CARE how many they kill.
"FDA strongly believes the potential benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the potential risks of COVID-19 infection. Per FDA communication of these findings, FDA is currently not taking any regulatory actions based on these signal detection activities because these signals are still under investigation and require more robust study."
Hmm Mid terms over... FDA says it is a clot shot.......Published employment numbers were off be three orders of magnitude.......nothing to see here... except that We were right again and again...
It’s almost always MRNA, and Pfizer. Rarely Modern, J&J, AZ…
Pfall guy as part of the big reveal?
They tabletopped it in 2017 with the SPARS simulation, and injuries hypothetically leading to a recall. The assumption being the reveal gets us to breakdown of trust in institutions, destroying the old system, so they can herd us to the new, fascist slavery reset that normies won’t even notice but will be queuing up for, as they already are. Meanwhile false prophets and Judas goats abound.
"The new study states that the FDA “strongly believes the potential benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the potential risks of COVID-19 infection.” No evidence was cited in support of the belief."
should I laugh?
It’s been a matter of faith / religion all along.
Trust the Faucience!
Branch Covidians
It's always been. The only atheist's in this world are the ones not ruling it.
Not yet
Here it is with no paywall.
Thanks for that Fren
who knew?
we did... we knew and tried to warn. it's our job, perhaps chosen for this even?
we still feel bad tho, compassion is our nature, so hopefully soon all will awake from induced slumber? that choice is, at least, mostly yours. we chose to listen. we chose truth and realize that not everyone has the gift of a built-in bullshit detector housed in their dna- that common sense ain't so common.
due to our nature, we're not even completely sure we were actually "chosen" for this crusade, but the more people wake up... sure feels like it?
join us, bc apparently we can't head to the next destination until all are aboard.
I feel bad for the misled.
I do NOT for the people who tried forcing others to get vaccinated or wear masks etc.
Those types can clot and rot as far as I care. For the decent folk who simply believed the authorities and got injected because of being misled, who didn't force other people to do anything, it is a massive wake up opportunity for them to do better
agree^ and in case you haven't seen it, from drop 773;
Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past? Be the autists we know you are. You were chosen for a specific reason. Q
& I also feel like we're waiting on others; seniors on a field trip with a bunch of ornery 3rd graders; can't leave until 'they' behave.
You are speaking the truest of true.
My husband's ex girlfriend had a stroke at 42. She's been in the hospital for 2 months. She can't move her right hand and can get 2 coherent words out before it's jibberish. Her next 4 months will be in assisted living to learn how to speak and rehab the arm. She was double vax. Not sure which manufacturer or if she got the following booster.
The icing on the cake was she was in middle of moving and had all her belongings in storage. She didn't make the payment and the storage facility sold her belongings.
This makes #7 around me who is injured or gotten some sort of cancer. So sad.
This is terrible. Praying for her healing.
that is so tragic. I hope she gets her life back
I see now, the FDA Approval process is not for our health and safety, it’s code to Doctors that the coast is clear to murder people and charge the patients double
And push remdesiver in their veins to make sure they die and gain 10k for it…
I will never trust a doctor again. As this cardiologist points out, over the last 20 years, all forms of medical intervention have had a negative affect on public health.
well they get like 70% funding from big pharma. its like big oil telling you to change your oil every 3000 miles
Read both Part 1 and 2. Very good papers.
Also 71% or some crazy number more likely to have heart problems. I know so many people who’ve had strokes and heart problems and I don’t know a lot of people.
My Dad, 78 triple vaxxed get Afib due to blood clots. Although I speculated, this is validating. Sux.
That thing our "conspiracy theory" community has been calling "the clot shot"? I'm shocked.
Oldpatriot I want to thank you for your contribution here. Appreciate the content you bring everyday.
Thank YOU Fren!!! Very proud to be in the battle with fellow patriots
Now the FDA needs to let the public know how many of the deaths they will be taking responsibility for.
They tested aged 65+ only. They are afraid to test every age group.
Was thinking the same thing. I know like 5 people at work under that age who got the jab and are now worm food.
And I believe this is the link to the study
In addition to the 12ft.io link above, someone on Twitter archived it
I didn't get hit with a paywall.
There's no paywall if you register and then ignore the nagging to subscribe. They publish a lot of articles, so there can be a lot of email notifications unless you adjust your preferences.
Nooooooo shit
They only looked at data from older people.
It's also linked to blood clotting in younger people.
I will happily drink the vaxholes tears.
Now they need to do the study on all age groups and on cancer. I had one friend's husband die of cancer and another who has cancer now, that doesn't look good of pulling through.
Sister’s SIL 46, marathon runner, rarely drinks never smoked: stage 4 liver cancer triple 💉💉💉
Yep. Stalling. Just like the elections.
I still see people in masks when I was out today. Fucking low IQ tools
It's hard not to say something to them especially when they mask the little ones. I have to tell myself to look away and bite my tongue.
Call me cold, but I would love to see reddit post about 1/3 of their users suddenly stopped posting.
No refunds.
"FDA now says Pfizer's COVID-19 VACCINE Linked to Blood Clotting...There is no stopping the flood of information and Evidence coming out."
This is called managing the narrative. This is precisely what the FDA is doing.
So..when the public know..it will be like COVID all over again..sole topic of conversation....allowing the lite scum to hide all sorts under cover of this distraction.
Is there a link to an actual FDA source about this?
This study was published by the journal Vaccine on Dec. 1, 2022 at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X22014931
The REAL travesty is THEY DON'T CARE. They have and still are easily accomplishing mass murder through fear.
Remember when the vaccines first became available? People were going NUTS. It was evident on social media. Initially, the vaccine availability was extremely sporadic. This continued for several weeks. There was panic everywhere. People were traveling hours away to obtain a vaccine. Hotlines were maxed out with the masses calling to obtain a jab appointment ANYWHERE.
And the link at the end proves THEY DON'T CARE how many they kill.
"FDA strongly believes the potential benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the potential risks of COVID-19 infection. Per FDA communication of these findings, FDA is currently not taking any regulatory actions based on these signal detection activities because these signals are still under investigation and require more robust study."
Hmm Mid terms over... FDA says it is a clot shot.......Published employment numbers were off be three orders of magnitude.......nothing to see here... except that We were right again and again...
It’s not just clotting in the elderly: https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/jets-rookie-max-mitchell-sidelined-due-to-blood-clots-issue-father-says/ar-AA154LE0
... no shit ...
It’s almost always MRNA, and Pfizer. Rarely Modern, J&J, AZ…
Pfall guy as part of the big reveal?
They tabletopped it in 2017 with the SPARS simulation, and injuries hypothetically leading to a recall. The assumption being the reveal gets us to breakdown of trust in institutions, destroying the old system, so they can herd us to the new, fascist slavery reset that normies won’t even notice but will be queuing up for, as they already are. Meanwhile false prophets and Judas goats abound.
See chapter 17.