the prevailing theory is that "someone" was margin called, and was forced to sell off their portfolio which consisted of those 80 stocks (which are largely blue chip type). the corrupt SEC stepped in during the margin call, and their PPT (Plunge Protection Team) halted trading to prevent the price from just completely crashing
Looking over level 2 data and can't make sense of the trades. Prior day closing price vs this morning's opening 'ask' line up. What does NOT line up are the opening trades that caused the halt. In some cases you see a 25% delta between the 'ask' and the purchase price. Meaning, the opening trade executed successfully far, far below the 'ask'. Level 2 shows the trade time, trade price, market and lot size. So everything about the data appears to show a live trade but SEC is indicating data issue.
A live trade making it into the tape and market maker executing also lines up with the fact that all systems were go therefore automated systems caught the massive delta between closing price and opening trade. Since the delta was so large, automated halts triggered and trading stopped on those particular securities.
As a result you also see what appears to be multiple 'stop loss' orders also execute within the same second or next as the trade that caused the halt. Stop loss orders triggered and executed. So in essence, many investors were traded out of their positions without need. For those investors that were traded out unnecessarily, if not caught immediately and traded back in, may have lost on the upside depending if that position was up or down for the day.
Edit: Adding more info*
Another oddity. If you look at the the trade price that caused the halt you will also notice a few trades at a price higher than the offending trade but lower than the 'ask' that was in line with the previous close. So not only was their a "data issue" concerning the opening and offending trade, but more trades were also executed outside of what's to be expected given the 'ask' at the time.
I can think of two scenarios when this can happen.
Buy Limit order, set up by an investor to trade at a market price below a predetermined price and execute at the next available oppurtunity. Example: current price is $75 and investor sets up a trigger to buy at the next available price when security reaches $65. The security price reaches trigger of $65, order is triggered and finds a seller at $66. The trade is executed and investor now owns the security at $66.
Trades were executed outside of current channels without the knowledge of the market makers. Let's think this out. If market maker executes a trade in error at $65 when his book is clearly showing an 'ask' of $75, it wouldn't stand to reason that market maker would make several other error trades at $67, $68.50 and $71. Why? First because there isn't an 'ask' at those price points. Keep in mind the opening 'ask' was $75. So not only did the market maker error on the opening trade but continued to disregard or error on other phantom ask prices. Asks that didn't exist on the book. But where I'm leaning is that market maker had no clue the trades were happening and the trades that happened were intended to never have made it to the tape therefore never to have been made public. My guess is that this shit has been happening for a while but just now ran into a "technical issue". Technical issue for sure, they likely logged it into the wrong data stream.
BBZ,,,DAMN good write-up on what took place...people who aren't in the stock market such as this, the "bowels of the market", explanation such is this is EXTREMELY HELPFUL!!!!
Just want to clarify that I do not know for a fact what I stated above is what took place. Simply my thoughts with what I know about the transactions that took place and market behavior given the tools at my disposal.
What I do know for sure is that the stock market is a beautifully complicated system when left to its natural order. It's a monster when played with. Stock market history is littered with manipulation evidenced by the massive amount of laws and regulations placed upon it through time. The massive majority of which are designed to protect the investor but left by the side of the road when government decides its own horrendous monitary policy and errors should be protected.
Damn dark pools. Another shaft given to the people by the "elites". Let the market do its thing and keep the trades within the market, and within the market hours. NO DEALS. Don't like what a large buy order does to your price? Well, what about the current owners depending on that demand to realize their investment theses? You can't blame them for going through a currently open loophole (thanks SEC) but the loophole should not exist.
No doubt we'll know when the market plunges. What isn't so obvious are the moves (and mistakes) made along the way to that plunge.
These bean counters track every penny and know exactly when to expect when time is up. As such they maneuver (sometimes illegally) in the shadows to cover their exit so that they mitigate losses. In return the Fed likely works with them the dampen the market blow as much as possible for as long as possible.
The mistakes are key for the little people to be keen on. If indeed this was a maneuver to that end then what we seen today was the ghost in the machine we should be paying attention to in order to cover our exits or at the very least to be at the ready to mitigate our own losses so when the plunge is obvious we can move as quickly as possible.
I for one moved to invert the market months ago and currently half pressed on a light trigger to exit at a moments notice. Once the bottom completely falls out we should all be at the ready to jump back in to catch the rebound whatever that may look like. Keep in mind, like their exit, they also don't announce their re-entry. Much in the same way we should be keen to the ghost in the machine on the re-entry to gain as much upside as possible. It should be possible to come out of this debacle better than what we came in at.
My positions have already been crushed. My only new positions are shorts against the companies who colluded in this fraud market, Blackrock and Goldman Sachs.
More and more of these "glitches" are rising up. All while Hedge Funds claim to be "making" the most money ever... why? How? They simply sold over-leveraged securities they didn't actually own/buy. It's a Ponzi scheme out in the open for all to see, the SEC, DTS, IRS, FBI, DOJ and all of DC are letting it happen without any limit.
Any time the data "pops" and shows some reality within this universe of naked shorting, it's explained away with generic BS about a computer glitch.
Hodling is free. Buckle up Mayo Boy. You're about to get decimated.
The only thing you need to know, It's just another crime cabal, like pharma, oil, military industrial complex, fed reserve, fbi, cia, big tech, and main stream media....The main ingredient is crime.
Stocks are just a bad idea, imo. It Ieaves countries open to foreign takeover. I admit. I have no idea how to tackle this problem, but the idea of some organization being able to essentially buy out your country's infrastructure just doesn't sit well with me. At what point does it become foreign interference?
And no, Leftists. This isn't a dig on capitalism. Sure, investments existed back then but capitalism predates the stock exchange.
Edit: I just thought of something, actually. It's rather simple. Any foreign investor that has a holding that has been advocating for changes that would otherwise be proven unconstitutional is fined outright. How, precisely? Foreign investors should have something of a deposit towards the country in question, commensurate to the amount they are investing there. The company is awarded a share for presenting foreign coercion and the other party fined.
If you're in another country, you are obligated to follow their laws. So if you have your money elsewhere, what difference is there?
Looks like a hedge fund tried to launch the first life boat today and that sent ripples as they tried to sell off.
What do you mean by this?
Moass is coming for your ass
Stealing it
Buy XRP.
Ain't Noone gonna buy a shit coin when ripple ceo groveling at davos. Sucking the boot of wef
How do you think you get legal clairity first?
The stock market is a scam designed to launder money. Same with lotto.
Blackrock sell-off
the prevailing theory is that "someone" was margin called, and was forced to sell off their portfolio which consisted of those 80 stocks (which are largely blue chip type). the corrupt SEC stepped in during the margin call, and their PPT (Plunge Protection Team) halted trading to prevent the price from just completely crashing
That would have to be a massive margin call.
Looking over level 2 data and can't make sense of the trades. Prior day closing price vs this morning's opening 'ask' line up. What does NOT line up are the opening trades that caused the halt. In some cases you see a 25% delta between the 'ask' and the purchase price. Meaning, the opening trade executed successfully far, far below the 'ask'. Level 2 shows the trade time, trade price, market and lot size. So everything about the data appears to show a live trade but SEC is indicating data issue.
A live trade making it into the tape and market maker executing also lines up with the fact that all systems were go therefore automated systems caught the massive delta between closing price and opening trade. Since the delta was so large, automated halts triggered and trading stopped on those particular securities.
As a result you also see what appears to be multiple 'stop loss' orders also execute within the same second or next as the trade that caused the halt. Stop loss orders triggered and executed. So in essence, many investors were traded out of their positions without need. For those investors that were traded out unnecessarily, if not caught immediately and traded back in, may have lost on the upside depending if that position was up or down for the day.
Edit: Adding more info*
Another oddity. If you look at the the trade price that caused the halt you will also notice a few trades at a price higher than the offending trade but lower than the 'ask' that was in line with the previous close. So not only was their a "data issue" concerning the opening and offending trade, but more trades were also executed outside of what's to be expected given the 'ask' at the time.
I can think of two scenarios when this can happen.
Buy Limit order, set up by an investor to trade at a market price below a predetermined price and execute at the next available oppurtunity. Example: current price is $75 and investor sets up a trigger to buy at the next available price when security reaches $65. The security price reaches trigger of $65, order is triggered and finds a seller at $66. The trade is executed and investor now owns the security at $66.
Trades were executed outside of current channels without the knowledge of the market makers. Let's think this out. If market maker executes a trade in error at $65 when his book is clearly showing an 'ask' of $75, it wouldn't stand to reason that market maker would make several other error trades at $67, $68.50 and $71. Why? First because there isn't an 'ask' at those price points. Keep in mind the opening 'ask' was $75. So not only did the market maker error on the opening trade but continued to disregard or error on other phantom ask prices. Asks that didn't exist on the book. But where I'm leaning is that market maker had no clue the trades were happening and the trades that happened were intended to never have made it to the tape therefore never to have been made public. My guess is that this shit has been happening for a while but just now ran into a "technical issue". Technical issue for sure, they likely logged it into the wrong data stream.
BBZ,,,DAMN good write-up on what took place...people who aren't in the stock market such as this, the "bowels of the market", explanation such is this is EXTREMELY HELPFUL!!!!
Tango Yankee for taking the time...😎😎😎😎😎😎
Just want to clarify that I do not know for a fact what I stated above is what took place. Simply my thoughts with what I know about the transactions that took place and market behavior given the tools at my disposal.
What I do know for sure is that the stock market is a beautifully complicated system when left to its natural order. It's a monster when played with. Stock market history is littered with manipulation evidenced by the massive amount of laws and regulations placed upon it through time. The massive majority of which are designed to protect the investor but left by the side of the road when government decides its own horrendous monitary policy and errors should be protected.
Damn dark pools. Another shaft given to the people by the "elites". Let the market do its thing and keep the trades within the market, and within the market hours. NO DEALS. Don't like what a large buy order does to your price? Well, what about the current owners depending on that demand to realize their investment theses? You can't blame them for going through a currently open loophole (thanks SEC) but the loophole should not exist.
Well this is making sense. MOASS ?
I think sooner rather than later.
Happening this year...100% sure of it
Unless govt intervenes with “muh economy will crash we can’t allow this”
It's today, and if not today, then it's tomorrow.
Pelosi's & Congress asset seizure?
Sounds reasonable. Thanks
Tomorrow should be interesting.
I've seen data errors cause stock prices to be misreported like this. Wouldn't be surprised if this continues and they blame it on a hack.
When the stock market plunges, it won't look like this. We'll know exactly what it is.
No doubt we'll know when the market plunges. What isn't so obvious are the moves (and mistakes) made along the way to that plunge.
These bean counters track every penny and know exactly when to expect when time is up. As such they maneuver (sometimes illegally) in the shadows to cover their exit so that they mitigate losses. In return the Fed likely works with them the dampen the market blow as much as possible for as long as possible.
The mistakes are key for the little people to be keen on. If indeed this was a maneuver to that end then what we seen today was the ghost in the machine we should be paying attention to in order to cover our exits or at the very least to be at the ready to mitigate our own losses so when the plunge is obvious we can move as quickly as possible.
I for one moved to invert the market months ago and currently half pressed on a light trigger to exit at a moments notice. Once the bottom completely falls out we should all be at the ready to jump back in to catch the rebound whatever that may look like. Keep in mind, like their exit, they also don't announce their re-entry. Much in the same way we should be keen to the ghost in the machine on the re-entry to gain as much upside as possible. It should be possible to come out of this debacle better than what we came in at.
My positions have already been crushed. My only new positions are shorts against the companies who colluded in this fraud market, Blackrock and Goldman Sachs.
What will it look look like, not sure what it is?
It will look like bank runs, no buy volume, and prices falling over the edge of a waterfall.
Secret ingredient is crime. Stonks were banging up,looks like they unplugged whomever was tanking.
But we don't have enough data to be sure.
More and more of these "glitches" are rising up. All while Hedge Funds claim to be "making" the most money ever... why? How? They simply sold over-leveraged securities they didn't actually own/buy. It's a Ponzi scheme out in the open for all to see, the SEC, DTS, IRS, FBI, DOJ and all of DC are letting it happen without any limit.
Any time the data "pops" and shows some reality within this universe of naked shorting, it's explained away with generic BS about a computer glitch.
Hodling is free. Buckle up Mayo Boy. You're about to get decimated.
This guy superstonks
Bigly hodling
I also am.
Stock market is something that I have never forced myself to actually focus on learning I get bored the moment I start even trying to figure it out.
Maybe whatever this means will be interesting enough that my attention will be held long enough to learn something.
The only thing you need to know, It's just another crime cabal, like pharma, oil, military industrial complex, fed reserve, fbi, cia, big tech, and main stream media....The main ingredient is crime.
"As the Market Churns" - Now legal apparently. Or NYSE would have backstopped this.
MMTLP and FINRA Fraud. Tip of the iceberg. They can't keep the scam up forever...
I'm lovin' it.
Hedgies r fuk
I wonder if Gates is trying to put vaccines in McDonalds???
Stocks are just a bad idea, imo. It Ieaves countries open to foreign takeover. I admit. I have no idea how to tackle this problem, but the idea of some organization being able to essentially buy out your country's infrastructure just doesn't sit well with me. At what point does it become foreign interference?
And no, Leftists. This isn't a dig on capitalism. Sure, investments existed back then but capitalism predates the stock exchange.
Edit: I just thought of something, actually. It's rather simple. Any foreign investor that has a holding that has been advocating for changes that would otherwise be proven unconstitutional is fined outright. How, precisely? Foreign investors should have something of a deposit towards the country in question, commensurate to the amount they are investing there. The company is awarded a share for presenting foreign coercion and the other party fined.
If you're in another country, you are obligated to follow their laws. So if you have your money elsewhere, what difference is there?
What's trading volume been like compared to historically?