A buddy sent this. That subreddit is absolutely fucking ridiculous, they have a disclaimer about violence pinned to the top, yet its very name implies it. Smh. When will reddit be fucking dealt with?!
If there was any place you’d expect things to have sparked off, its Memphis. And who could argue with that incident? Was frickin egregious and horrible. I for one cannot see a good faith argument in defense of those cops. Yet I have seen people say some pretty awful things. Where’s ANTIFA on that one? Not a good enough cause?
Supposedly there’s a back story, there always seems to be one. I was reading that the dude was screwing one of the cops wives so it was a hit on him. I’ve also read that atleast one of the cops were in a gang and targeted the guy that was killed. They are hiring anyone now because help is so hard to find and that supposedly made it easier to become a cop for people that normally wouldn’t meet the requirements.
you said it, they are hiring anyone, even gangs, can you find the guardian or other british rag article that states that most police forces in underdeveloped countries exist simultaneously with gangs ?
I read that article a few months ago, it changed my outlook, not for the better.
If 'free speech' means rioting, burning and looting (among other things), then yes, it would be nice if the National Guard was there to protect innocent citizens.
Kemp called up 1000 National Guard and apparently deployed contingents of State Troopers to reinforce Atlanta PD Over concerns about left wing “protests” aka riots.
So, are the games about to begin? With Elon's symbol tweet indicating we may be in the end phase. I expect the NG could be rounding up people under the guise of riot control. Who knows?
The UN may need the National Guard to protect them in Memphis. many folks think Constitutional carry means foreign fighters in uniform are in season with no bag limit or tag required. They will stop feeding the hogs and change the oil on the woodchippers
I made the comment in retrospect of yesterday's post of a meme stating if the police get defunded they will send in the UN to restore order. This post validates my position on how the local and state cops have no influence on if a foreign army is released on our streets.
Yeah, and remember all the hopium when they were deployed to the Capitol with the giant fence and all the usual traitors continued showing up to Congress everyday Congress was actually in session?
That tweet reads like a Chinese wrote it with a slightly off translation
Well, it is Antifa after all. They speak Chinese communist.
Do they include Chinese translations of pronouns in their bios too?
No, their pronouns are just general communist language. I think you would need to refer to the the book of "Retarded Language Translation" for that.
A buddy sent this. That subreddit is absolutely fucking ridiculous, they have a disclaimer about violence pinned to the top, yet its very name implies it. Smh. When will reddit be fucking dealt with?!
I wish someone would just ban reddit in the US.
We need the GME/Superstonk/WallStreetSilver subreddits. They do great work analyzing and exposing financial fuckery.
100% this. They do good job digging up all the financial bullshit behind the curtain
They could always use a different forum?
Top page reddit, I dont dare post the link lol
Why not? We're Free here.
Party’s over Antifa princess feel free to try and riot try it
Did she really call herself Antifa princess???
Bet money it's a dude (see the tranny flag with gaynouns?)
10-1 odds she is over 250 pounds and has non natural hair color
don't have a problem with cops or National Guard coming out to protect American Businesses.
and don't care I may be the only one either,
Have a Constitutional Day and Prosperous Small Business.
If there was any place you’d expect things to have sparked off, its Memphis. And who could argue with that incident? Was frickin egregious and horrible. I for one cannot see a good faith argument in defense of those cops. Yet I have seen people say some pretty awful things. Where’s ANTIFA on that one? Not a good enough cause?
The cops were the wrong race.
Supposedly there’s a back story, there always seems to be one. I was reading that the dude was screwing one of the cops wives so it was a hit on him. I’ve also read that atleast one of the cops were in a gang and targeted the guy that was killed. They are hiring anyone now because help is so hard to find and that supposedly made it easier to become a cop for people that normally wouldn’t meet the requirements.
you said it, they are hiring anyone, even gangs, can you find the guardian or other british rag article that states that most police forces in underdeveloped countries exist simultaneously with gangs ?
I read that article a few months ago, it changed my outlook, not for the better.
If 'free speech' means rioting, burning and looting (among other things), then yes, it would be nice if the National Guard was there to protect innocent citizens.
Antifa idiots.
lol Antifa big mad they can't loot and burn the local Quickie Mart for some free cigs and cheese puffs.
Add West Memphis to the list of cities with deployed NG
And yet they refuse to classify Antifa as a terrorist organization
Troops on the street is not usually a good thing.
I know i know, these are Nat guard...But still...
BE careful what you wish for.
Like DC?
...but there's actually violent antifa riots. idk
Is that some kind of humvee rally?
Kemp called up 1000 National Guard and apparently deployed contingents of State Troopers to reinforce Atlanta PD Over concerns about left wing “protests” aka riots.
I can't help but notice the big Q on the Quik Trip sign.
I have not heard of riots and it is day 2. I dont watch msm, and i am not glued to socialist media. Feels like floyd 2.0 is fizzled. Am i wrong?
People flipped out for about a day, I killed a few "racist cop" discussions with pics of the 5 cops and the police chief lolol
Meanwhile in Memphis......some.old folks marched around yelling slogans.
Yes. This. What in the hell is up with that?
We're pretty lazy, and ANTIFA failed to deploy their goons.
Perhaps the checks bounced?
I hope it’s not like the LA riots where they didn’t issue ammo and the NG was getting robbed of their weapons.
I think this will be when Chauvins cases gets overturned not this.
Antifa Princess, Free speech is valued, death and destruction is not. Hence the NG is called out to prevent your violence.
Protest is respected.
Destruction of property is not.
So, are the games about to begin? With Elon's symbol tweet indicating we may be in the end phase. I expect the NG could be rounding up people under the guise of riot control. Who knows?
I’m sure they are ordered to stop “free speech”.
Guess Kira forgot about the peaceful component to protest as laid out in the constitution, otherwise it is just mindless rioting....
You mean they didnt deploy the UN..
The UN may need the National Guard to protect them in Memphis. many folks think Constitutional carry means foreign fighters in uniform are in season with no bag limit or tag required. They will stop feeding the hogs and change the oil on the woodchippers
I made the comment in retrospect of yesterday's post of a meme stating if the police get defunded they will send in the UN to restore order. This post validates my position on how the local and state cops have no influence on if a foreign army is released on our streets.
Yeah, and remember all the hopium when they were deployed to the Capitol with the giant fence and all the usual traitors continued showing up to Congress everyday Congress was actually in session?
Or, NG deployed to cities for citizen riot control.
RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1
Sounds like RED4. Seemed like the media was all in on Tyre being the next Saint
Which units are being deployed?