So I haven't been on much the past year/year and a half. I've had a massive amount of personal issues. The past few weeks I've been trying to distance myself from all the trouble, so GAW has been a great source of community for me. I don't post much, but I read and feel like you guys are my friends and telling me the latest I've missed out on. But it seems no matter how much I try to move on from my issues, they follow me. I found out my partner of 10 years was cheating on me for the last 2 that I was with him, and so I packed up and moved to another state. I found someone else I thought cared about me but that didn't work out so well either. I'm pretty much getting it from all angles. Financial problems too and I have a 4 year old daughter. I seemed to have made just a giant mess of my life, and no matter where I turn, I can't seem to fix it. I've been praying to God with my whole heart for months. Crying out to Him with tears in my heart and running down my face, and I get no answers. I'm really trying to stay strong for my little girl and strong in Him and I try to turn to Him but I seem to just be going in the same nauseating circle with no end.
Any prayers at all you guys can throw my way would be greatly appreciated. I am also aware that there are people on this board with bigger problems than mine, and in no way am I trying to downplay that or make out that my problems are more important. So please pray for them first, and if you have time please try to remember me. I just feel so alone and helpless.
God bless you all, frens. WWG1WGA
Holy Father, I pray u/NewbieQbie ‘s daughter only perceive her Mummy’s love for her and not her desperation whatsoever. I pray her Faith grows to extinguish her inner sorrow and she finds herself finally smiling back to life. May you be blessed with serenity and share many joyous and serene moments with your adorable kid. Amen.🙏🏻💐
NewbieQbie... the following video's should help you identify what you should be praying for. it seems there are systematic issues working in your life that you can take care of by engaging is spiritual warfare. please watch. Derek does a good job at explaining the scriptures especially in the areas of unanswered prayer. Breakthroughs happen once you figure out how the enemy has infiltrated your life.
here is a nice prayer for you... it's also a song but, yes... it is my prayer for you.
another good video for you
Thank you so much for these links. I am a firm believer in curses & these links help me to understand so much.
i see many of the same testimonies that Derek discusses. healings and casting out demons. baptizing the willing and making disciples. many denominations are under the delusions of the enemy and are therefore powerless. we live in an outrageous spiritual realm and a fiery battle is in our midst. ignorance is the primary way the enemy wins.
I had a visit in the middle of the night about 22 years ago. She looked to be in her 60s & didn't look happy to be there. It seemed like a hollow grahm. She was dressed in scarves covering all but her face. She never said a word, but then I felt something throughout my body. It felt glorious. Then she started fading away. I tried to say please dont go, but she was gone before I could get the words out.
thank you so much for praying for her and the flowers ❤️
Have another hug🤗, flowers💐, and maybe a funny jester🤡 for the younger LQdy👼🏻.
you are an 😇
Just doing what it takes to feel better myself: gratuitously making an unknown person feel better. I had it in me to begin with but seeing how other great Friends interact that inspired me. u/Mary911 ‘s answer to you gave me the chills.🙏🏻💐 Find some friends in need and just give them warmth and consideration, I guarantee you will be muck better. And, as you told, you are a young Mum. Maybes, not so far Frens know you will find the right Husband-Friend-Confident-Dad to make you a lucky Mom and your daughter some happy siblings. I pray this happens to you, LQdy.🙏🏻💐🤗
So sweet your words are. I'm almost 38 so I don't know if I'll be able to have any more kids sadly. I would love to have more, but that's up to God I suppose. It also depends on how long/if ever I find someone. There go the tears again.....
Young LQdy, don’t cry unless if it’s of joy. Just take a walk with your daughter in the woods (unless you’re living in a big town), enjoy God’s nature on this Day of rest. Find a used copy of Marcus Aurelius, and read it one note a day at bedtime, maybe discuss it with your little ewe of God, and any accept whatever comes to you as an experience and an opportunity, not a judgement. You have one mission in this life: to better yourself for the best. Be the exemplary person you search around. You will do it.🙏🏻💐
solid advice. thank you, fren ❤️
No, I meant to send it to our your LQdy Fren in need. But I wanted you to know that I recommend people to get in touch with you.🤗💐
I have no words... thank you 🙏🏻
Mary! 🙏🏻💐 that was beautifully inspired. Thank you for being the beacon of Faith we need so much.🤗❤️
Dear fren - I've been there. (head knowledge not heart) Your answer is about faith not feeling.
Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God' (it says "KNOW" it doesn't say feel -Best advice I've ever received)
Proverbs 3:5-6 says Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding
I was sitting in the airport one day, listening to a brother and a sister in their late 30s. The sister was saying that she was single and she was getting to the point that any man would be better than nothing, and her brother said what he did not understand was why she thought she had nothing.
God never gives you more than you can handle... Yes it can feel overwhelming at times but know that He is always there... Put it in His hands and as u/fatigued said, KNOW that He's got you... No matter what, don't lose faith... Trust in His power and believe that He will never give you more than you can handle... Blessings to you and your little one...
Lord God in heaven, we pray for u/NewbieQbie to be given patience for your mercy, as we know your answers to prayer are yes, no, or wait. We also pray u/NewbieQbie will be given strength and wisdom in time of need. In Jesus Christ name, Amen.
Perhaps asking God to show what you need to repent of will open the door, it did for me. God looks at the heart; if you truly seek him, and are willing to become a disciple and follow Jesus, you will see the change you need. God puts us in tight spots not to have us get temporary relief, but to truly turn our lives around.
Don't need partners; you need to be rooted and grounded in Him, healed and released from all that keeps you bound and made whole. I pray that you will truly come to know the depth, height and width of God's love and mercy, and that you will come to know his peace, joy and abundant provision and blessings.
CLAIM GOD,S promises. He is the husband to the widows and the fatherless. And to my understanding that is your position.We and you can pray until we are blue in the face Cast all your burdens upon the LORD because he cares for you . In case you are going ... I was widowed at 34 with 4 children under the age of 9. idid the above and my life and my children and grandchildrens lives are amazing grace literally.
This is good advice. Meanwhile I am praying for you and your little girl!
you are never alone fern
oh my goodness.. thank you for all the responses this late/early in the day. It truly means so much to me. I will keep all of you in prayer as well.
Love you sis. You've got this & our Savior's grace is sufficient to bring God's mercy & help to you.
I know because it has happened for me too.
Feel like I've made a mess of my life all the time fren!!! It does feel like lonely. Love ya
The love and security you seek and need, has been there the whole time. The One who made you, will never forsake you, and even though your journey has been rough, yet you still live, and have not given up. Lift up your chin, give thanks for all the blessings you have yet to receive, and give your daughter a life of peace. God is more than capable of leading you to the things you need. Be of good cheer.
God is still listening. Maybe He isn't going to send Prince Charming or a lottery ticket, though. The gifts of the spirit are what you need to keep going now. I pray that he settles your confusion, strengthens your faith, and replaces despair with hope and direction out of your vicious circle. May the Holy Spirit uphold you now, and ever more, in Jesus's name, amen.
Pray the Lord’s Prayer over your life and Psalm 23 with Psalm 91. It will bring comfort. Psalm 136 is a reminder that His lovingkindness is everlasting.
Lord, please bless u/NewbieQbie with your love & grace. Please wrap your arms around her & send your angels to protect her as she seeks to fill your will. Help her not only find the man you have chosen for her, but the discernment to know who that should be.
Father most of all, help her know your love for her & the love we all have for her.
I grieve for you sister $you are added to my prayer list.
Everyone's problems to them are huge. Don't feel your problems are less than someone else's.
Remember God doesn't give you anything more than you can handle.
You are being tested. Raise your head and move forward. Things will turn around.
God loves you and your daughter!
Psalm 46 begins, “God is our refuge & strength, a very present help in trouble.”
Here is the whole psalm.
Dear Lord, keep & protect NewbieQbie and her daughter. Place them on the path you have for them. You know the plans you have for them. Fill them with your peace and your joy. I ask this in Jesus’ Holy name, Amen.
🙏🙏🙏 we will always be here for you as long as the site holds and in spirit always.
Time and patience are you ally. Keep on praying and we will pray for you. Focus on raising that little girl right and God will handle the rest. This is a great community to reach out to. God Bless.
You are never alone fren..just saying Jesus help me is a prayer. Say it over and over thru out the day. We have all been there needing Our Heavenly Father…May God bless you and your little girl. 🙏
Prayers for you friend. Life is certainly tough these days. Try and celebrate the small wins. And tell yourself that God put you here at this time for a reason. You may not see it now, but one day you’ll be able to look back and see how He had a plan for you ❤️
Dear fren, may you find the support you need, whether it is from a new relationship or whether is if from other sources.
Keep chipping away at the problems and stabilise your immediate situation and the good things will come along. When good things come along, accept them if they are right for you. You deserve it.
Here is a little salve for your wounded heart, please share with your little girl...she needs to know.
Heavenly Father, bless our friend NewbieQbie with discernment, lighting her way that she might make the right decisions, in accordance with your will which is always for our best and highest.
I have no advice to offer, just ❤ & 🙏
AS a non-christian who (in spite of occasionally poking fun) respects christians, I feel uncomfortable offering prayers without first acknowledging that they wouldn't be to the same god/s you would prefer. If you have no bjection, then I'll happily pray on your behalf.
with that being said, hopefully some advice will help.
a) never get into a new relationship until at least six months after your previous relationship has ended. You'll have way too much baggage fromt he previous relationship bundled up in the new one, and it'll just poison your new relationship. not to mention you're going to be extremely vulnerable after ending that relationship and prone to falling for the wrong kind of person.
b) there's an old saying "where there's a will, there's a way," that basically means if you're willing to go the distance and do the hard work, you can succeed no matter the difficulties you face. instead of looking at setbacks as roadblocks, look at them as challenges to be overcome, or even as puzzles to be figured out and solved.
c) corollary to that is a personal proverb of my own, "never lose your sense of humor; where there is humor, there is hope, and where there is hope, there is a path to success. it's easier to get past a difficult time if you can find the humor in that situation, even if the humor is a bit dark. that doesn't mean it's not still difficult, it is, but it's easier.
d) I know it's weird to hear this in an online forum, but make a point of making irl friends. having a network of people in the real world to lean on and who can lean on you will make your life a lot easier, rather than depending exclusively on people who may be hundreds of miles away and can do nothing if things go south. I'm not crapping on anyone here, but reality is reality, unfortunately.
Good luck out there, fren. May you find what you're seeking on life's journey.
This is a kind of prayer if you ask me.
I am also not a Christian and so this is the kind of thing I write on these prayer requests. My non-Christian prayers get upvoted just like the Christian ones so that means that frens here are happy enough to see them, even though they do not refer to God.
It is my belief that these prayers can help the object of the prayers. There is statistical evidence that they do.
Make peace with yourself and forgive yourself for past failures. Do not let those experiences overwhelm you into helplessness. The power and help you are seeking is already within you. God gave that to all of us. You just must recognize it, believe it, know it, and then exercise that power. Do not look towards another person to save you. You are already saved, claim it. It is your God given right.
I have been there - you can make your way out, believe it. I just prayed for you, sweetheart. So sorry you’re going through all of this alone.
Hang in there sister. God is the only one that can bring healing in your life. Sometimes he uses the hardest situations in our lives to show us we need to totally lean in on him for absolutely everything. It is at your most broken that the healing begins. I was a single mother of 2 for a very long time. Im 54 and God is still healing and working on me. He has big beautiful plans for you! Hang in there and reach out anytime if you need to talk 😘
Just keep moving forward. However you can, inch by inch. I’m proud of you.
Added you and your daughter to my morning prayers.
He will shepherd you through the darkness. God bless.
thank you God bless you 🙏🏻 you're in mine as well.
You have a child...possibly the most precious gift of all. You are not alone.
You have frens here on GAW. You are not alone.
Keep the faith. Stay strong. Cherish the gifts you have in life, your health, etc. Times are never easy, but you are not and never will be alone.
Start going to church. Seriously. I prayed to be surrounded by fellow Christ followers two years ago, and God answered. I now have a church family. A good pastor and youth minister. I know for a fact now if I needed help, with anything, I have a whole church that would literally put hands on me. We help each other, and others as much as we can. All in His glory.
This world is to difficult for some of us to venture alone, in our walk with Christ. Seek out fellow Christians. Don’t wait. Start today. Seriously, this has really been helpful to me. I hope you take the leap. 👍