the better title is is: Material from a filament of plasma erupting from the Sun's surface broke away and appeared to form a crown-like vortex over the solar north pole.
For fuck's sake this is not comms. This is an event that happens on the sun like every...few days. This is 100% a non-event. It is like saying 'Oh hey the wind is blowing today in Kansas City'. The reason there is no main stream media mention is because it is not worth mentioning.
And that is not a 'very large piece'. It is a filament. Sure it is orders of magnitude larger than the Earth but it is by no measure significant when compared to the mass of the Sun.
They were, but I don’t care as I still think it was a relevant thing to repost as is. Thanks a lot for caring about me and please: never apologize to me for I know you only mean good to me.❤️
I do not like the sound of this. We could be in some trouble here, with that heat. Considering the moon is made from cheese, how do we deal with the melt? That's gotta be one large corn chip ...
Hopefully...a chunk will break off and land smack dab on earth, burning it to a complete black crispy cinder, causing everyone to graduate early. Amen.
Such a bad title:
the better title is is: Material from a filament of plasma erupting from the Sun's surface broke away and appeared to form a crown-like vortex over the solar north pole.
Exactly. Poor if this has NEVER happened before in the Sun's 4.5 billion year history.
But, but, the sky is falling. I heard it from very reliable source. C.L.
I'm an anonymous source and I can confirm that. ;)
Just in:- A huge piece of America has broken of and is milling about in the ocean soliciting passing ships for a lift to the mid-pacific gulch.
"Very Large Piece of Sun" - implies when I look up at the sky in the morning, things will look different.
Will it be a new star?
Will it be flat? ; )
DNA upgrades. Get sunlight on your skin
It is called a coronal mass ejection. Plasma stream erupting and being pulled back to the Sun through a magnetic field.
The sun just rubbed one out?
Huge load!
Yes. The sun's name is Dave Ellefson.
So, does the Resident declare a new national emergency and call for 'masks up' again? He needs more cash for Ukraine.
Because it’s comms
For fuck's sake this is not comms. This is an event that happens on the sun like every...few days. This is 100% a non-event. It is like saying 'Oh hey the wind is blowing today in Kansas City'. The reason there is no main stream media mention is because it is not worth mentioning.
And that is not a 'very large piece'. It is a filament. Sure it is orders of magnitude larger than the Earth but it is by no measure significant when compared to the mass of the Sun.
Sometimes reading shit here is so exhausting.
Hope we don't have a toilet paper shortage. lol
It's clearly comms. House of Windsor negotiations over what gets exposed and when.
I think the Biden "No Fly" meme is part of this. I've also seen other no exit memes linking Windsor to the superbowl 38 halftime show.
If it’s big in the news (and is a common occurrence) there’s a reason it is being promoted in the news.
At least, as of yet, haven't seen anyone claim it was due to Satan. Satanic, or the devil.
Obviously bullshit
Isn't the sun beautiful from the twit vid? Can stare at that for hours.
And for only a slight increase of 7% of your wealth they vowed to fix it
This happens all the time and nothing "broke off". It's just more fear-porn churned up for the retards.
I hope that wasn't a serious comment... oh wait... Twitter... fucking moron clowns.
Weren’t a bunch of Starlink satellites taken out by CME related space weather this past February (22)?
"A piece of the sun broke off"
How is this guy not embarrassed to type that?
I don’t know, but then, it might be large compared to our Earth, not to the Sun itself.
Suprised nobody posted Suspicious Observers for this one yet...
Just don't look up
That title is copypasta my Dear.❤️💐
They were, but I don’t care as I still think it was a relevant thing to repost as is. Thanks a lot for caring about me and please: never apologize to me for I know you only mean good to me.❤️
Whenever you want and I beg you to!❤️💐🤗
It was a pressure valve.....we're OK
I do not like the sound of this. We could be in some trouble here, with that heat. Considering the moon is made from cheese, how do we deal with the melt? That's gotta be one large corn chip ...
I've heard this shit about solar flares and other nonsense for the past 2 years and people think something will happen. Never pans out
Hopefully...a chunk will break off and land smack dab on earth, burning it to a complete black crispy cinder, causing everyone to graduate early. Amen.
Nice CGI. So fake.
That's not how the sun works.
It means Hillary Clinton just got arrested