Eagles fans march on city after Super Bowl loss to Chiefs
Signs of unrest surfaced almost immediately after the loss - with fans already seen swarming City Hall and clashing with police that had been stationed throughout the city in case of such an outcome.
They would have rioted if they won.
never let a looting opportunity go to waste..........
That you, Rahm?
lol no
Not necessarily true. I was there 5 years ago after they won and it was perfectly fine.
However the city has certainly changed a lot in that short time. Decriminalization
He got them mixed up with LA, I think they rioted after the Lakers 3-peated.
They sure did.
Free sneakers!
The useful idiots usually riot more when they win!
Meanwhile, the productive patriots won't even riot once they start implementing 15 minute cities and replace your cereal with dried cricket paste.
It's like "I do everything the authorities tell me to do, why aren't things getting better!"
Theh actually have parades but they still drink and act stupid.
all over a damn game......who gives a rats ass..........
Lol. Brain dead normies. They have high fluoride in there water supply.
I'm sure they were promised a rigged win
I placed a bet on KC to win mostly cuz of a TD celebration during the regular season where KC QB and teammates were flashing illuminati devil worshipping hand signs. Figured I might as well try to make money looking at it from a rigged perspective.
I saw that video too.
Wow. I never watch football, but have friends who are die hard fans of KC. Is there link for this?
Sure is. You'll wanna start watching at about the 8:15 mark in the video, through to about the 10:00 mark:
Did anybody save that screencap of where the news station broadcast the game score result like two weeks ahead of time?
Didn't save it but I saw it, I wanna say it was like 38-34 eagles
Football game - yeah, I guess that's a good enough reason. Philly is such a low life scum ghetto city that they don't really need a football game for justification. And not just Philly - every major urban center is the same. Come out of her my people
Rioting, the democratic solution for every circumstance, ultimately escalating into looting and lighting fires, when done correctly and according to liberal manuals on peaceful engagement.
Everyone gets a trophy comes to mind.
They riot if they lose. They riot if they win. The NFL needs to punish these cities. If you can't handle a professional sports team in your city, win, lose, or draw; then you don't deserve a professional sports team in your city. Find a city not populated by animals.
That would make sense if we weren't living in clown world.
You assume the rioting is a bug. One could make the argument that it's a feature.
Let them burn their cities to the ground.
Believe me, I know all about mandatory jabs in Philadelphia......and what they can do to your face.___ Rocky Balboa
If Philly is so woke, how come they have a statue of old white guy Rocky Balboa instead of me? ___ Smokin Joe Frazier
On second thought, death is better than Philadelphia. __ W. C. Fields
They redid indepence hall area with a bunch of Obama shit. Glad I moved out of that shit hole.
Imagine being so sleep that you riot over sportsball but not the covid madness
Bill Burr got Philly right.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia theme plays
Guess they did not close out "the spell" properly or something.
How can anyone tell? The downtown is a warzone full of junkies. Watch videos to see how bad it is there on a day to day basis.
That was just the loser-bracket riot, they do a much better riot for the winner's bracket.
This is the city that fans threw batteries and snow balls at Santa Claus.
I heard rocks lol
Not a fan But the NFL is RIGGED
I never understand that "destroy your own city" mentality - I'm very happy it doesn't really happen here in NOLA
It's not THEIR city. None of these clowns owns anything in the city in which they occupy. I bet none of them own a storefront or anything that they've destroyed.
They are the destroyers
I suppose not. Few own the buildings in Nola either but tourism is life blood and if you destroy 200 year old buildings, there no replacing them.
Imagine the level of moronic stupidity.
They would have destroyed it if they won, too.
Nothing like destroying our own shit
I laughed at those two that jumped no one caught them
normies are the bad guys.
Identity crisis. They took away the family unit. Loss of identity. They took away God. Loss of identity. They took away traditions and replaced with diversity. Loss of identity. All the strong healthy sources of identity are being destroyed and we have a people with identity crisis that absorb every chance to identity with what they feed us. This is sports team tribalism. Those who have a strong family and faith in the living God could give a rats ass who loses the superb owl. There is an alphabet tribe, a Ukraine tribe, a higher education tribe made up of "experts ", a climate change tribe, a vegan tribe, etc. Take your pick. Its all ok, but dont you dare pick the Western God, family, country tribe. Its evil.
Bread and circuses.
They still angry even today.
So angry, they shot up a Wawa.....
Dumb person with a CHL hit an innocent bystander.
Wonder how many federal agents manufactured this riot
0 because they do this shit everytime eagles lose.
Could've engineered from the very start by feds
Naw. I used to live out there. Not everything is a conspiracy. Just stupid drunk people. I didnt see Ray Epps.