One YT comment mentioned that Vivek misused “decimate”. Maybe he didn’t. Maybe he only wants to reduce affirmative action by 10% so that he has the optics of doing something about it while his WEF handlers’ agenda of white genocide continues.
I mean it makes sense to secret appoint your people through the guise of what the enemy wants and when you have power you throw off your guise or keep it but still do the bidding of your master.
WEF is one of those times the baby should go with the bathwater. Everyone associated with it that hasn't come out against it before any revolutionary action should be considered the same as the owners and makers of the WEF and the same with the rest of the associations, organisations, groups etc that were not elected by The People. God bless us all and let us protect each other
And protects his benefactors at all costs in the next breath....nope...don't like it one bit.
He won't debate any legitimate opponent who knows how things REALLY work. Instead, only other controlled or brainwashed talking-heads. Watching such controlled non-debates is a complete waste of time and only further serves to embed deeper brainwashing into the ignorant masses!
I know. Like sure he needs to be vetted but I agree with what he said. Of course if I was a White Nationalist, nothing he says or does would matter to me. Good thing I am a higher life form. Good and Evil gives no shits about race.
OK but "he utterly destroys liberal snowflakes with undeniable logic and pinnacle debate skills" is still an absolutely reasonable, accurate observation IMHO
Five bucks say he agreed willingly to be on a list of "worthy" people, and is now seeing how people know full well the intent of the WEF. Amd what that meams to be named.
If Vivek wants to claim that the WEF are messing with him, it’s an opportunity to point out that he shouldn’t have ever gotten involved with them. WEF are a club of malignant narcissists. The best way to handle them, short of killing them, is to starve them of attention. Do not exchange any communication with them. Shun them and don’t dignify their existence.
Vivek really looks like globalist controlled opposition. He talks a good game of meritocracy to help him infiltrate. He gives white Americans the virtue signaling bonus of being able to say “I support a brown immigrant so I’m not racist”. If he ever gets in power, he won’t do anything about immigration or affirmative action. More likely, he’s just trying to pull supporters away from Trump.
White Americans, it’s ok for you to say “no more nonwhite immigration and no more affirmative action.” You don’t need brown infiltrators to speak for your right to exist.
Dude got a 2yr graduate school scholarship from Soros' dead brother's organization. WEF and in the Sorosphere? Damn. They are really getting desperate.
Seems like the controlled op move is to get someone to sound off with the American First platform but make sure that person is a woman/minority/anyone who isn't a white male.
He's a nobody as far as fame and name recognition. His campaign is doomed. When he eventually drops out and endorses DeSantis they'll act like his endorsement is a big deal. It's not.
Vivek Ramaswamy was on Tucker last night, an announced his bid for POTUS 2024.
I smelled a three letter agency behind his fishy ass almost immediately.
That was the longest and fasted canned and rehearsed answer I’ve ever seen. Totally not trust worthy.
Never heard of him
The awesome thing is, that idiot has no clue Tucker allowed him to show his head-up-his-ass on TV Kek Kek! Nice job Tucker!!👏🏻
The comments under the vid were disheartening but low number of them i suppose...
One YT comment mentioned that Vivek misused “decimate”. Maybe he didn’t. Maybe he only wants to reduce affirmative action by 10% so that he has the optics of doing something about it while his WEF handlers’ agenda of white genocide continues.
I mean it makes sense to secret appoint your people through the guise of what the enemy wants and when you have power you throw off your guise or keep it but still do the bidding of your master. WEF is one of those times the baby should go with the bathwater. Everyone associated with it that hasn't come out against it before any revolutionary action should be considered the same as the owners and makers of the WEF and the same with the rest of the associations, organisations, groups etc that were not elected by The People. God bless us all and let us protect each other
Stinky butt clown
ABSOLUTELY!!! That’s my rule for lying!!!! I call bs when someone goes over a topic really fast.
Bwa ha ha well by that criterion Ben Shapiro would be a non-stop liar.
Irepresentthatremark. Takesonetoknowone. __ Ben
Alex Jones Ben Shapiro. Your point? They both are kosher domesticated.
He is I can't stand him and never did.
Or any educated person with an IQ over 130 whose had a cup of coffee.
Don't like the way he utterly destroys liberal snowflakes with undeniable logic and pinnacle debate skills?
Each to his own I guess :)
EDIT: Look at those downvotes...hi, liberal snowflakes ::waves::
And protects his benefactors at all costs in the next breath....nope...don't like it one bit.
He won't debate any legitimate opponent who knows how things REALLY work. Instead, only other controlled or brainwashed talking-heads. Watching such controlled non-debates is a complete waste of time and only further serves to embed deeper brainwashing into the ignorant masses!
He’s a Zionist chickenhawk who would spend every drop of American blood to benefit Israel.
Fuck him
I know. Like sure he needs to be vetted but I agree with what he said. Of course if I was a White Nationalist, nothing he says or does would matter to me. Good thing I am a higher life form. Good and Evil gives no shits about race.
OK but "he utterly destroys liberal snowflakes with undeniable logic and pinnacle debate skills" is still an absolutely reasonable, accurate observation IMHO
for fairness..his response
Isn't going over very well. :)
Five bucks say he agreed willingly to be on a list of "worthy" people, and is now seeing how people know full well the intent of the WEF. Amd what that meams to be named.
yup, it was all fun and games until the flu hoax
“my exchanges with the World Economic Forum”
If Vivek wants to claim that the WEF are messing with him, it’s an opportunity to point out that he shouldn’t have ever gotten involved with them. WEF are a club of malignant narcissists. The best way to handle them, short of killing them, is to starve them of attention. Do not exchange any communication with them. Shun them and don’t dignify their existence.
Vivek really looks like globalist controlled opposition. He talks a good game of meritocracy to help him infiltrate. He gives white Americans the virtue signaling bonus of being able to say “I support a brown immigrant so I’m not racist”. If he ever gets in power, he won’t do anything about immigration or affirmative action. More likely, he’s just trying to pull supporters away from Trump.
White Americans, it’s ok for you to say “no more nonwhite immigration and no more affirmative action.” You don’t need brown infiltrators to speak for your right to exist.
Dude got a 2yr graduate school scholarship from Soros' dead brother's organization. WEF and in the Sorosphere? Damn. They are really getting desperate.
Adding sauce:
Their first and most important oath is to their freemason brotherhood.
He doesn't have a crying chance in hell. Name is too foreign. We've been down that road already. I'll stick with a name I know, Trump.
Seems like the controlled op move is to get someone to sound off with the American First platform but make sure that person is a woman/minority/anyone who isn't a white male.
Sorry - no presidents with more than 3 syllables in their last name.
cough Ben Shapiro cough cough*
Was he born in America to 2 American parents?
Ramaswamy was born in 1985 in Cincinnati, Ohio, and raised there.[4][7] His parents immigrated from Vadakkencherry, Palakkad, Kerala, India.
So we don't know if his parents were naturalized before his birth.
I mean he sounds good, talks a good speech but, running against Trumps as a republican = Rhino in my opinion.
He's a nobody as far as fame and name recognition. His campaign is doomed. When he eventually drops out and endorses DeSantis they'll act like his endorsement is a big deal. It's not.
Sounds like they’re gonna rig the primaries.
This guy talks like a used car salesman.
what does this say about Ben Shapiro ? XD
The 49 posts he has on this link probably has more written about him than the entire rest of the internet combined
I'm not voting for a colored person. Period.