I learned my lesson after 9/11. All the patriot-boner "if you're not with us, you're against us," rhetoric that fueled OEF/OIF. I enlisted and I have to live with that now, for better or for worse.
Yep. Spent many years in the IC. Landed in AFG. Got blown up. USG didn’t give a shit about their grey men. Then they let Kabul fall. Patriots are the new anti-war hippies.
Much better than the anti-war hippies in fact. Those were hypocritical douchebags that have become the biggest pro-war, pro-deep-state, pro-totalitarian creeps.
"Always have been".
Patriots walked the walk, saw the beast (US MIL) for what it is, saw through the lies and having experienced both the hallucination and the actual reality, can now help with the new world/awakening.
Interesting conversation. If one of you would start a post about your experience "awakening" in the miltary, I'd be happy to sticky it. Would be some interesting discussion.
It has been argued by David McGowan and others that there was a legitimate patriotic anti war crowd in the mid 60s, but through social engineering, Tavistock hatched cultural movements, and as always a complicit media, the hippies / drug fed crowd took over and became the face of anti war, for all intents and purposes.
I was medically not able to clear MEPS for the military, but I was also warned to not step foot by my own (now ex) fiancé and my dad both. I was angry for a long time that both my ex military father and fiance told me it wasn't worth it to serve, when that was all I wanted to do. But yes, even a never-enlisted patriot like me can see the reality. Endless wars funded on both sides by Rothschilds and other cabal elites to settle scores and debts, using brainwashing techniques and pandering to genuine patriots to further advance their agenda. Disgusting that they use their own military men. The ones who die first are the enlisted infantry and on the ground men who just wanted to serve. The officers that got a college degree and upped their rank are the ones who move themselves further away from the front lines. I'm not saying everyone does it for that reason, but that's what happens. It saddens me that so many lives were taken in vain, and I make sure that I show my appreciation for the veterans, but the elite pin military men against each other too to play their chess game. Thanks to those who served only to get disrespected no matter what position they chose. You realize in that moment that you don't matter to these powers that be. You can be a patriot and dodge the draft too. They will hate you no matter what. You don't have to participate in their bullshit. Fight for God. Your family. But most importantly, for your own life. That's what matters. God Bless America as it originally was.
God bless ya, I'm sorry you were injured. I fall under the umbrella of the formerly-enlisted-now-anti-war-"hippy" group too, though I never had the chance to be deployed and see actual combat. It's one of those weird insecurities for me because even though I know war is evil and NATO is the primary driving force for causing conflict in the world, the entire purpose of my job (11B) was to fight and so I feel like my thoughts on the matter don't really carry the same weight as a combat veteran's.
I met a veteran at the recent anti-war rally in D.C. and he fought in Iraq, retired in 2007 and has been a part of all the major protests against our foreign interventions. And I just couldn't help but feel small in comparison knowing he got to see the evidence of our policies 1st-hand whereas I only know about what I've read.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I think the armed forces are going to really lose something now that all of the combat veterans have retired/are retiring or are 1st Sgts/Sgt Majors now. Even when I first joined there were very few platoon sergeants and below who had actually seen combat (and even then it wasn't nearly the same degree of intensity as the early-mid 2000's). The lack of people with 1st hand combat experience in proximity to lower enlisted means a lot of that wisdom is going to be lost on the new people coming in.
I was 11B as well back in the 80s. I had drill sergeants that were Vietnam vets, at least some were. Unfortunately, there was not much going on then, so I got out when my time was done. Was more like the movie Stripes.
I spent years as a TLA contractor, eventually running a high threat technical security team. We got hit by a huge VBIED - I wasn't injured badly - TBI, blown out eardrums mainly. But a couple years of daily carbombs in Kabul, watching trafficking ops go by with no intervention, the corruption, the disdain from towards us from the Diplomatic Corps I began to see the bigger picture. Look up "art in embassies trafficking".
I came home from AFG just as Pizzagate broke and I was able to draw the connections very, very quickly. Then everything started to unravel as I drew the connections - 9/11, Gulf I and II, hell even WWII and probably WWI. The world hasn't looked the same since.
The MIL has a big problem they are facing. A lot of those with combat experience are disillusioned and done with service. Hell, those that signed up because of 9/11 are up for retirement now.
I cannot imagine being active duty under Obama and/or Xiden. I came out OK all things considered. The only real lingering issue is a bad shoulder and tinnitus. The PTSD is subsiding 7 years later. I have a good dog to help me through, as well as wife and family and life is good. I got paid very well for what I did and I knew the risk. I can still fight and we may have to if things don't get fixed real soon.
Look into psilocybin for PTSD. You can grow them at home easily with a bit of research. It’s a healing compound and has been turned into a schedule 1 drug for a reason (government keeping us all depressed, anxious, etc. and away from a natural healer).
Feel free to ask me any questions on it, PTSD sounds horrible and I think this substance can help people. I thank you for your service (even though you may regret it at times), and I pray for your healing! 🙏🏻
I've thought about it. If I decide to try it, I know I need to be in my happy place environment. I'm almost there. I should be moving into a new, custom home next month, complete with gardens, chickens, and all the other things which make me happy. It is manageable most days. I'm still paranoid and don't do well in crowds. But I have a stellar service dog, a wonderful wife, and am not living in DC anymore after many years. I've thought about the microdosing route vs full trip. I like to garden, so growing things comes naturally to me. Thanks for caring.
Spot on ☝️☝️ We are the new hippie peacenik. Webster definition: noun peace·nik ˈpēs-ˌnik Synonyms of peacenik : an opponent of war specifically : one who participates in antiwar demonstrations
Yep. I agree 100%. Same here. 3 tours in the dirt and then in Bosnia. It's like it's all for not? I'm one of those hippies now. We left society and live out in the woods now.
I’m not sure if the hippies were anti-war so much as they were pro socialism. My parents are hippies-turned-boomers and they’ve supported every war that wasn’t against communism. Not that they’re pro communist, but they just seemed to follow the narrative of the day. Now they’re on the Russia Russia Russia train. Too bad they don’t see the irony that their right wing son is the peacenik of the family.
Same. Altho at this point i might be persuaded to re enlist under president Trump, if the deal was we get to fight zelensky instead of putin. Fuck that guy in particular
So the upcoming war is a method to reduce populations. This effort as described will solve several problems for TPTB.
reduce population
give the feeling of change or "winning" to mitigate rebellion
Allows for relaxing of resistance against other issues and efforts to subvert the conservative efforts as they make much further strides in what remains.
gives excuse for "Blue Wave" of election fraud as the "leftist" come out to vote due to losses, really election fraud.
Will give the opportunity for all sorts of pathogens and chemical poisoning to be brought back to the states due to biological and chemical weapons used during war.
money machine for economic manipulation.
excuse to further restrict liberties.
scare and fear mongering for manipulation.
excuse to restrict resources
as with everything else further division of the people.
I wonder how long this would last after they start throwing people in jail en masse for trying it. Would the militias' rise in defense of their own? Forgive me but I doubt it.
We should get more trannys to join and go in first.
Offer an "Op for Ops" promotion. Free transition operation for completion of military operations in Ukraine. They get to choose from a variety of sex toys as weapons to fight against Russia with. Fill up their punch card and get a free dick choppin'
They won't get me to lift a damn finger for them. Any war includes Milley, Biden and Graham on the front lines, bumbling, fumbling and tripping and running into each other while I laugh hearing Benny Hill music,with their army of the vaccinated dropping dead all around them, and not from bullets.
Thankfully the 13th Amendment prohibits involuntary servitude.
Although it is highly unlikely that any Court would enforce this constitutionally guaranteed right any more than they would enforce lawful treaties signed by the U.S. Government with the Native American Tribes.
In the end, it is the responsibility of the people to enforce the inalienable rights given them by their Creator. The American Indians are still waiting for the Judicial System to make even a single honest decision.
The Public has the responsibility to keep their governments honest. And it is their prerogative to do so at any time they will.
FAKE PATRIOTS are the new "deep state lite"(DSL) some are on these city tours with some of the many speakers. DSL is real and those who are for Ron DeSantis really show who they are. when asked, NOTICE they are silent about TRUMP silence is consent in in this info war. If Ron announces just watch The above is possible yet the FAKE PATRIOTS are no to be overlooked. the DSL will come the DS before we know it lets be vigilant and unpack this needed subject more.
Is an easy one. Only defend and concern yourself with your country, your home and your family.
Everyone does that and the filth gets washed away almost by default
I learned my lesson after 9/11. All the patriot-boner "if you're not with us, you're against us," rhetoric that fueled OEF/OIF. I enlisted and I have to live with that now, for better or for worse.
Fool me once.
Yep. Spent many years in the IC. Landed in AFG. Got blown up. USG didn’t give a shit about their grey men. Then they let Kabul fall. Patriots are the new anti-war hippies.
Much better than the anti-war hippies in fact. Those were hypocritical douchebags that have become the biggest pro-war, pro-deep-state, pro-totalitarian creeps.
"Always have been".
Patriots walked the walk, saw the beast (US MIL) for what it is, saw through the lies and having experienced both the hallucination and the actual reality, can now help with the new world/awakening.
Interesting conversation. If one of you would start a post about your experience "awakening" in the miltary, I'd be happy to sticky it. Would be some interesting discussion.
I wrote a bunch down but I ran out of time. I'll finish up tomorrow and see if it's worth posting.
Do it, brother
Looking forward to it
Not to force but to encourage. Hell yeh fren, Let's hear your story.
It has been argued by David McGowan and others that there was a legitimate patriotic anti war crowd in the mid 60s, but through social engineering, Tavistock hatched cultural movements, and as always a complicit media, the hippies / drug fed crowd took over and became the face of anti war, for all intents and purposes.
I was in HS in the late '60's and remember the "hippie, drug, anti war" movements very well. Kent State debacle comes to mind.
I was medically not able to clear MEPS for the military, but I was also warned to not step foot by my own (now ex) fiancé and my dad both. I was angry for a long time that both my ex military father and fiance told me it wasn't worth it to serve, when that was all I wanted to do. But yes, even a never-enlisted patriot like me can see the reality. Endless wars funded on both sides by Rothschilds and other cabal elites to settle scores and debts, using brainwashing techniques and pandering to genuine patriots to further advance their agenda. Disgusting that they use their own military men. The ones who die first are the enlisted infantry and on the ground men who just wanted to serve. The officers that got a college degree and upped their rank are the ones who move themselves further away from the front lines. I'm not saying everyone does it for that reason, but that's what happens. It saddens me that so many lives were taken in vain, and I make sure that I show my appreciation for the veterans, but the elite pin military men against each other too to play their chess game. Thanks to those who served only to get disrespected no matter what position they chose. You realize in that moment that you don't matter to these powers that be. You can be a patriot and dodge the draft too. They will hate you no matter what. You don't have to participate in their bullshit. Fight for God. Your family. But most importantly, for your own life. That's what matters. God Bless America as it originally was.
God bless ya, I'm sorry you were injured. I fall under the umbrella of the formerly-enlisted-now-anti-war-"hippy" group too, though I never had the chance to be deployed and see actual combat. It's one of those weird insecurities for me because even though I know war is evil and NATO is the primary driving force for causing conflict in the world, the entire purpose of my job (11B) was to fight and so I feel like my thoughts on the matter don't really carry the same weight as a combat veteran's.
I met a veteran at the recent anti-war rally in D.C. and he fought in Iraq, retired in 2007 and has been a part of all the major protests against our foreign interventions. And I just couldn't help but feel small in comparison knowing he got to see the evidence of our policies 1st-hand whereas I only know about what I've read.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I think the armed forces are going to really lose something now that all of the combat veterans have retired/are retiring or are 1st Sgts/Sgt Majors now. Even when I first joined there were very few platoon sergeants and below who had actually seen combat (and even then it wasn't nearly the same degree of intensity as the early-mid 2000's). The lack of people with 1st hand combat experience in proximity to lower enlisted means a lot of that wisdom is going to be lost on the new people coming in.
I was 11B as well back in the 80s. I had drill sergeants that were Vietnam vets, at least some were. Unfortunately, there was not much going on then, so I got out when my time was done. Was more like the movie Stripes.
I spent years as a TLA contractor, eventually running a high threat technical security team. We got hit by a huge VBIED - I wasn't injured badly - TBI, blown out eardrums mainly. But a couple years of daily carbombs in Kabul, watching trafficking ops go by with no intervention, the corruption, the disdain from towards us from the Diplomatic Corps I began to see the bigger picture. Look up "art in embassies trafficking".
I came home from AFG just as Pizzagate broke and I was able to draw the connections very, very quickly. Then everything started to unravel as I drew the connections - 9/11, Gulf I and II, hell even WWII and probably WWI. The world hasn't looked the same since.
The MIL has a big problem they are facing. A lot of those with combat experience are disillusioned and done with service. Hell, those that signed up because of 9/11 are up for retirement now.
I cannot imagine being active duty under Obama and/or Xiden. I came out OK all things considered. The only real lingering issue is a bad shoulder and tinnitus. The PTSD is subsiding 7 years later. I have a good dog to help me through, as well as wife and family and life is good. I got paid very well for what I did and I knew the risk. I can still fight and we may have to if things don't get fixed real soon.
Look into psilocybin for PTSD. You can grow them at home easily with a bit of research. It’s a healing compound and has been turned into a schedule 1 drug for a reason (government keeping us all depressed, anxious, etc. and away from a natural healer).
Feel free to ask me any questions on it, PTSD sounds horrible and I think this substance can help people. I thank you for your service (even though you may regret it at times), and I pray for your healing! 🙏🏻
I've thought about it. If I decide to try it, I know I need to be in my happy place environment. I'm almost there. I should be moving into a new, custom home next month, complete with gardens, chickens, and all the other things which make me happy. It is manageable most days. I'm still paranoid and don't do well in crowds. But I have a stellar service dog, a wonderful wife, and am not living in DC anymore after many years. I've thought about the microdosing route vs full trip. I like to garden, so growing things comes naturally to me. Thanks for caring.
Spot on ☝️☝️ We are the new hippie peacenik. Webster definition: noun peace·nik ˈpēs-ˌnik Synonyms of peacenik : an opponent of war specifically : one who participates in antiwar demonstrations
Yep. I agree 100%. Same here. 3 tours in the dirt and then in Bosnia. It's like it's all for not? I'm one of those hippies now. We left society and live out in the woods now.
I’m not sure if the hippies were anti-war so much as they were pro socialism. My parents are hippies-turned-boomers and they’ve supported every war that wasn’t against communism. Not that they’re pro communist, but they just seemed to follow the narrative of the day. Now they’re on the Russia Russia Russia train. Too bad they don’t see the irony that their right wing son is the peacenik of the family.
Don't beat yourself up fren. The most important thing is that you saw through the lie.
I lost mine in a boating accident
Same. Altho at this point i might be persuaded to re enlist under president Trump, if the deal was we get to fight zelensky instead of putin. Fuck that guy in particular
RECALLED to Active Duty for 2 years...TOTALLY AGREE..
All white men and women should decline unless you are a democrat. Then its fine by me if all the democrats go that solves one problem.
I have Reddit-warrior battlefield heart attacks on my bingo card, just calling it now
And kick immigrants out
So the upcoming war is a method to reduce populations. This effort as described will solve several problems for TPTB.
Do not support them.
if they start trying to enlist you against your will or start any draft shit,
"sorry, i'm an active militia member"
militia legally cannot take orders from ANY federalized "authority". any private, federalized branch of military or the President.
Militia cannot take federal orders (the entire point of a militia is to take power back from tyrannical, federal government)
Is this true? I’m ignorant on this aubject
Just claim your an alcoholic or drug addict.
I wonder how long this would last after they start throwing people in jail en masse for trying it. Would the militias' rise in defense of their own? Forgive me but I doubt it.
Assuming someone would arrest "draft dodgers".
Those stupid enough to try will find out what "Shall not be infringed" is all about
no stopping till y'all are in court (not you anons, but those f'ers)
What kind of bullshit lie is "white men are checked out of participation in society"
They have not and to say so it total bullshit.
I think the trannys are doing just fine in Ukraine.
We should get more trannys to join and go in first.
Offer an "Op for Ops" promotion. Free transition operation for completion of military operations in Ukraine. They get to choose from a variety of sex toys as weapons to fight against Russia with. Fill up their punch card and get a free dick choppin'
The only war I'll participate in is the one the expunges Jews from positions of power in the country.
They won't get me to lift a damn finger for them. Any war includes Milley, Biden and Graham on the front lines, bumbling, fumbling and tripping and running into each other while I laugh hearing Benny Hill music,with their army of the vaccinated dropping dead all around them, and not from bullets.
If congress votes for war, they can fight it themselves. They were not elected. They do not represent us. The constitution does not bind us to them.
Whatever you do, if you have a promising career in the NFL, don't drop-out, enlist in the army and get killed in Ukraine for the Deep State.
the only war I'm down to fight is a war against the people who are truly behind perpetuating this war in the first place
This is ridiculous
Is there sauce for the thread?
Not sure how to link to the post but do a few search terms on it
Thank you for the sauce!
Found this reply also worth considering.. https://files.catbox.moe/g0u76c.jpg
Thankfully the 13th Amendment prohibits involuntary servitude.
Although it is highly unlikely that any Court would enforce this constitutionally guaranteed right any more than they would enforce lawful treaties signed by the U.S. Government with the Native American Tribes.
In the end, it is the responsibility of the people to enforce the inalienable rights given them by their Creator. The American Indians are still waiting for the Judicial System to make even a single honest decision.
The Public has the responsibility to keep their governments honest. And it is their prerogative to do so at any time they will.
Once I hit two misspellings in an article, which appear to be the way this person really believes the words are formed, I quit. Too dumb.
FAKE PATRIOTS are the new "deep state lite"(DSL) some are on these city tours with some of the many speakers. DSL is real and those who are for Ron DeSantis really show who they are. when asked, NOTICE they are silent about TRUMP silence is consent in in this info war. If Ron announces just watch The above is possible yet the FAKE PATRIOTS are no to be overlooked. the DSL will come the DS before we know it lets be vigilant and unpack this needed subject more.
The war will be the genocide
Unless Trump is President, then 🤷🏻♂️
Nah...man. I'm good. I'ma stay home with mah monkey... 🐒
they can go first...........clean them out then we can finish the job
Is an easy one. Only defend and concern yourself with your country, your home and your family. Everyone does that and the filth gets washed away almost by default
Nothing will ever make me
This isn’t happening. There will be no war only the fear and illusion of pending doom. Buckle up!
Fool me once you know the thing!! FJB the KAHZAREN MAFIA and its Associates!
Hmmm, I don't know. If they sent me to Russia, I think I would go join the Russians in rooting out the Nazi's.