The Democrats don't give one single shit about black people. The only purposes of black people for them are votes and for use as a shield. I wish my fellow Americans who are "black" would see that. Some of them do, but I want all of them to see this. So the Democrat Party Commies can fucking disappear as soon as possible.
That's what they do. The people who are supposed to be accountable and be across all the details are, now, effectively "Cut Outs". So Team Evil can say "Well we didn't know". "We'll get back to you." "Thank you for your input."
And if any one of us peasants did this at our job, or didn't complete the responsibilities of our job we'd be fired without hesitation.
I am so fed up with these absolute moronic dumb fucking brain dead satanic pesos in our government, they don't deserve to be fired, they deserve the harshest stay at gitmo
In a Soviet/1984/"Canada right now" style system, looking at the evidence is unnecessary and a waste of time. The conclusions are set ahead of time and the rest of the show trial is just a formality.
It was a congressional hearing, not a trial. Congress does not have the power to try anything except an impeachment, and that's the Senate. This J6 clown show was done in the House. There was no trial. There were no charges pressed. Just a bunch of clowns trying to associate the word insurrection with Donald Trump in hopes of disqualifying him for running again in 2024.
The same "staff members" who decide what Biden and Harris will say in their speeches? The same "staff members" who choose what will be shown, said, presented to the public at all times? The same "staff members" who leak random stuff to certain left leaning press, that helps one agenda and hurts anyone that pushes back at them? They are trying to throw the mysterious "staff members" under the bus or they are out right lying SOBS. "experts say" "Scientists say" "Doctors agree".. "Staff members did EET!" IF that footage is such a security threat as they keep claiming, why were mysterious staff members given access to them to view as they please?
Oh, look. The Democrats took a lazy, stupid, lying black man and put him at the top of their Committee, so they had a shield against criticism.
This is my surprised face.
Race Hustlers suck.
If that's your surprised face, I'd hate to see your sleeping face, lol!! Aint that the truth though? And all of us are just baffled.
Don't be baffled. This is their grift.
The Democrats don't give one single shit about black people. The only purposes of black people for them are votes and for use as a shield. I wish my fellow Americans who are "black" would see that. Some of them do, but I want all of them to see this. So the Democrat Party Commies can fucking disappear as soon as possible.
Saying "we didn't know" is their only defense against being convicted as treasonous liars.
This is their way of throwing somebody else under the bus.
Don't forget the perfected eye roll.
plausible deniability doesnt cut it in a situation where they SHOULD know and took it upon themselves to not know
That's what they do. The people who are supposed to be accountable and be across all the details are, now, effectively "Cut Outs". So Team Evil can say "Well we didn't know". "We'll get back to you." "Thank you for your input."
i dont send a single dollar to washington dc to be lied to or cheated or stolen from...but here we are
I agree with you but it seems (perhaps? not sure) you think I do not. These people are liars and ghouls. I despise them.
no youre good👍all good
Magic Negro Shields... activate!
Oh nooo—they’re using Magic Negro Shield ?!?
QUICK—!! 😱
Somebody get a Handicapped Minority Transsexual to break through Shield with the power of Oppression Points and make a scathing tweet!!
With our powers combined... we become HeSheThey!!!
(Hands over a limp rope noose like Excalibur) Wear this, and wear it well. It will protect you when you say the words: ‘MAGA did it!’
By the Power of GaySkull!
Kek <- this one 😂
so they spent millions of tax payer $$ on innuendo...we want our money back and the committee prosecuted........
Spent millions, and didn't lift a fucking finger, while demonizing half the country, and lying to the entire country.
Fuck these fucking fuckers.
They deserve a quick "drop" in at gitmo
Corp money being spent out of bankruptcy court. Won't matter in the end. It will be a part of the world default on all money.
"You have been convicted!"
Hands over list, "Pick your crime."
That's not an admission...
it's a fucking LIE
Pure CYA to avoid TREASON.
PSA: It wont work fucktards.
And if any one of us peasants did this at our job, or didn't complete the responsibilities of our job we'd be fired without hesitation.
I am so fed up with these absolute moronic dumb fucking brain dead satanic pesos in our government, they don't deserve to be fired, they deserve the harshest stay at gitmo
In a Soviet/1984/"Canada right now" style system, looking at the evidence is unnecessary and a waste of time. The conclusions are set ahead of time and the rest of the show trial is just a formality.
Soviet/1984/Canada right now
It was a congressional hearing, not a trial. Congress does not have the power to try anything except an impeachment, and that's the Senate. This J6 clown show was done in the House. There was no trial. There were no charges pressed. Just a bunch of clowns trying to associate the word insurrection with Donald Trump in hopes of disqualifying him for running again in 2024.
What's your point???
Still trying to cover up
They determined it was worse than 9/11 based upon evidence they never even looked at.
The House of Cards is in free fall
We should start calling the unselect committee ... Building 7.
If they claim they never watched it then they can’t be accused of lying about what they saw.
Well they can't watch it, it proves their narrative false. So now they are running on plausible deniability.
The old "I didn't know, so therefore I'm innocent " gag huh?
"Knew, or should have known" is the standard based on their position.
The same "staff members" who decide what Biden and Harris will say in their speeches? The same "staff members" who choose what will be shown, said, presented to the public at all times? The same "staff members" who leak random stuff to certain left leaning press, that helps one agenda and hurts anyone that pushes back at them? They are trying to throw the mysterious "staff members" under the bus or they are out right lying SOBS. "experts say" "Scientists say" "Doctors agree".. "Staff members did EET!" IF that footage is such a security threat as they keep claiming, why were mysterious staff members given access to them to view as they please?
Anyone defamed by j6 com fraud should sue the hell out of them personally, alongside the criminal cases that should be done.
Execution for treason. That is malicious intent. Period, full stop, end of story, no argument.
public executions, now
Trump was right all along. It was only a Show trial.
"Who kind of went through the video". Sweet Lord...
That doesn't save your asses when this all shakes out. Get your ass ready for gitmo.
Lying bastards are going to try and blame this on anonymous staffers. Pathetic.
team of employees = 3 letter agencies
The Sham J6 Committee just parroted what they gave them.
PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY it's the government way
Running interference for the team and deflecting.
Worried about Treason, maybe? I'm thinkin' a long drop with a short rope is in order for the whole stinkin' committee, to START with.....
No excuses, you are not any less culpable. You had a job, you just proved dereliction of duty.
Probably true. These scumbags know how to squirt the law. They had peons view the footage with orders to edit it to show a specific narrative
This confession needs to be made to all of Congress, while naked, then he needs to be paraded through the streets for the populace to weigh in!
Kinda like the team of staff that writes all the legislation that the Dem side does not read but pushes and the Rs never get time to read or debate.
They are all just puppets!!!!
Giving aid and comfort to the [enemy].