those of us that are Christians... what can we possibly be afraid of? Our Lord has conquered death & has paved the way for us to salvation & eternal life. ALL Glory Be To Our Father God In Heaven, THE Creator. The enemy stands no chance whatsoever at victory
Thank you for acknowledging those of us that took a beating for saying this… like we wanted this to happen… nope we are sad and our hearts are heavy as we realize it has to happen.
He has USSS protection, but his real safety lies in his personal security. What level of guards will he have? Will his personal bodyguards stay with him?
Yep, exactly. I highly doubt they'll allow his personal bodyguards, and once they separate him from them--ensuring he's surrounded only by the deep state (and his secret service detail is in on all this shit, I have no doubt)--then they can do whatever they want with him. These bastards kill with impunity because there are never any consequences for them.
Meanwhile McCarthy sits around wringing his hands saying something has to be done, blah blah blah, so when it goes down he can claim his innocence.
This being my main source of info, I'm wondering what other conservative American social media is like. Are conservatives who aren't as cool as we are getting ready to revolt? Or does everyone with half a brain realize this is just impeachment 3.0?
It’s funny how those of here feel that way but normies don’t. I had 3 friends texting me like it was the end of the world and I was like, ho-hum, just another Russia Russia Russia or another impeachment. Does not mean a thing other than to ignite his base.
If I'm honest with myself like most, I've experienced the emotional highs as well as the lows of this war. I've have doubts at times, yet at the same time understand this is human nature to have some levels of "concern". For me, It's comparable to my active duty days of parachuting only to glide through under canopy heavy clouds and suddenly be blinded 3D 360° of your visual directions. It lasts for mere seconds yet feels like an eternity as you glide forward (and hope the other jumpers are disciplined to follow protocol) until you break through the condensation and can lock onto the DZ. This is how I relate to TRUST THE PLAN. There are times we have a clear visual of target and sometimes, external influencs can muddy that target. But by trusting your own abilities and senses, you will achieve the objective. There two things that are interchangeable today with an underlying common denominator: TRUST. Trust Jesus and Trust the Plan.
What a time to be alive Frens! To witness the destruction of the very evil Cabal DS. Many have unwittingly participated in this effort and not even realize it. That's OK. Just keeping the faith through prayer and supporting our fellow human, we are making a huge difference. Once you wake up, you can never go back to sleep.
I think something bad is coming in the backround, trump is a distraction...dollar collapse. When people rise up at the loss of their fortunes, they will blame it on the trump thing/white supremacists
Q said the "first indictment will trigger mass population awakening. The first arrest will verify action and confirm future direction."
Trump wasn't arrested, he was indicted (my interpretation). They will now, probably, arrange for him to turn himself in and face the charges. Also remember an indictment is not too difficult to obtain. This to me is not an arrest--the police or a law enforcement agency making an arrest at a person's home or on the street--is what I consider an arrest; then the arrested person will be transported to a station, charged and transported before a court official to review the charges and the court official will arrange Personal Recognizance (PR), bail, or a court date. We may still be in for an arrest of someone else, yet.
So is Trump the first indictment and first arrest? This I am not certain of, but we will see. I am hoping he is not the first arrest because that shows a terrible "verify action and future direction" for our great America.
I also believe God is on our side, from our Founding Fathers setting up a great system with a huge belief in our Lord and they built safeguards into this system to fight the tyranny that they were fed up with.
Not concerned. "POTUS is safe."
The only thing I'm 'watching' is what is this a distraction for.
At this point, it's more what ISNT it a distraction from.
those of us that are Christians... what can we possibly be afraid of? Our Lord has conquered death & has paved the way for us to salvation & eternal life. ALL Glory Be To Our Father God In Heaven, THE Creator. The enemy stands no chance whatsoever at victory
Well yes, what exactly? Seriously. What else does this fucking criminal have to do before... something... happens?
Everybody that said President Trump was the 'first indictment' was right.
Thank you for acknowledging those of us that took a beating for saying this… like we wanted this to happen… nope we are sad and our hearts are heavy as we realize it has to happen.
I just hope he truly is safe and insulated 🙏
I've been cozy for months now. Not shaken, stirred or poured. PEACE.
Insulated 100%
No point in being concerned.
Me too. I was bummed when it looked like they were going to chicken out of the indictment. I just want to get this party started already.
“100% insulated”
I'm cozy. We're winning so hard right now.
One of my favs from OG T_d
I am concerned that he will be offed by the glowies while in a cell and they will swear it was suicide. That's how those motherfuckers work.
He will never be in a cell. The Secret Service won't ever allow that.
Three letters for you:
He had USSS protection too, and he was publicly executed in a city street for going against the Deep State
He has USSS protection, but his real safety lies in his personal security. What level of guards will he have? Will his personal bodyguards stay with him?
Yep, exactly. I highly doubt they'll allow his personal bodyguards, and once they separate him from them--ensuring he's surrounded only by the deep state (and his secret service detail is in on all this shit, I have no doubt)--then they can do whatever they want with him. These bastards kill with impunity because there are never any consequences for them.
Meanwhile McCarthy sits around wringing his hands saying something has to be done, blah blah blah, so when it goes down he can claim his innocence.
Imagine what would happen if they tried this.
Where's that meme of the shocked women and the grinning guy? Yeah, that's me right now!
Yes. I am. And I pray for him.
Absolutely, praying without ceasing 🙏 God's will be done
This being my main source of info, I'm wondering what other conservative American social media is like. Are conservatives who aren't as cool as we are getting ready to revolt? Or does everyone with half a brain realize this is just impeachment 3.0?
It’s funny how those of here feel that way but normies don’t. I had 3 friends texting me like it was the end of the world and I was like, ho-hum, just another Russia Russia Russia or another impeachment. Does not mean a thing other than to ignite his base.
If I'm honest with myself like most, I've experienced the emotional highs as well as the lows of this war. I've have doubts at times, yet at the same time understand this is human nature to have some levels of "concern". For me, It's comparable to my active duty days of parachuting only to glide through under canopy heavy clouds and suddenly be blinded 3D 360° of your visual directions. It lasts for mere seconds yet feels like an eternity as you glide forward (and hope the other jumpers are disciplined to follow protocol) until you break through the condensation and can lock onto the DZ. This is how I relate to TRUST THE PLAN. There are times we have a clear visual of target and sometimes, external influencs can muddy that target. But by trusting your own abilities and senses, you will achieve the objective. There two things that are interchangeable today with an underlying common denominator: TRUST. Trust Jesus and Trust the Plan.
What a time to be alive Frens! To witness the destruction of the very evil Cabal DS. Many have unwittingly participated in this effort and not even realize it. That's OK. Just keeping the faith through prayer and supporting our fellow human, we are making a huge difference. Once you wake up, you can never go back to sleep.
Stay safe and enjoy the show!!
This...playing Thomas has its moments of stark fear. Thank you for hitting us up side the the head.
That sounds exhilarating, jumping through a cloud to get behind enemy lines. Bad ass.
I think something bad is coming in the backround, trump is a distraction...dollar collapse. When people rise up at the loss of their fortunes, they will blame it on the trump thing/white supremacists
Zero percent concerned.
100 percent cozy.
He’s safe
Yes. Very concerned. They want him dead. Never forget that.
You think the real Trump would go?
I’m with you. Lots of people here have their panties in a bunch. Remain calm yall
He is moves ahead.
Q said the "first indictment will trigger mass population awakening. The first arrest will verify action and confirm future direction."
Trump wasn't arrested, he was indicted (my interpretation). They will now, probably, arrange for him to turn himself in and face the charges. Also remember an indictment is not too difficult to obtain. This to me is not an arrest--the police or a law enforcement agency making an arrest at a person's home or on the street--is what I consider an arrest; then the arrested person will be transported to a station, charged and transported before a court official to review the charges and the court official will arrange Personal Recognizance (PR), bail, or a court date. We may still be in for an arrest of someone else, yet. So is Trump the first indictment and first arrest? This I am not certain of, but we will see. I am hoping he is not the first arrest because that shows a terrible "verify action and future direction" for our great America. I also believe God is on our side, from our Founding Fathers setting up a great system with a huge belief in our Lord and they built safeguards into this system to fight the tyranny that they were fed up with.
DJT is protected, by God, the military, SS, and the people.
No. I'm curious what the actual charges are. If it's what people are saying about stormy it makes no sense.
NOPE! Comfy AF today.
It seems to be really pissing off the left with how laid-back we are about all of this
No, not concerned. He is, after all, in charge. CIC!
How Trump's arrest will go.
Not worried at all. They know all