🔥🔥🔥That’s how it’s done!! Women need to continue to stand up for themselves and say NO MORE!!🔥🔥🔥...
A biologically male cyclist who now identifies as female was barred from competing in a women’s championship race this weekend, following threats of boycott from female competitors...👏🏻👏🏻
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

Exactly what they should do. If the transgenders want to compete somewhere other than with their own biological sex, then let them set up a competition for transgenders only. Don't pollute everyone else.
I proposed this long ago as a response to the steroids and blood-doping scandals, etc. There should be an "Unlimited" category, where absolutely anything goes. Trannies, cyborgs, robotic exoskeletons, and more. I think it would be a huge hit, and would correctly categorize all the freaks together.
Oh this is good. Allow the genetically modified, the steroid gorillas, and doped up to compete as well. It would be a huge hit. Watch the freaks go nuts.
Agreed! But it should be up to them to set it up themselves and not expect existing organizations to do it for them...
Pfft! Do actual work? Yeah, right. That’s why they took the easy way out to begin with.
Look for an old Saturday Night Live sketch called "The All-Drug Olympics"
Yes, absolutely!
That sounds pretty entertaining. Would Fetterman be there? Would he actually do anything?
... would fetterman be there?
Depends what the meaning of the word there, there means.
Hard to tell with lumps of protoplasm.
Anyone/anything can enter!
Well I have to say... This loser probably feels it can't compete with it's own biological sex so it has to go and try this crap! If we let freaks like this get away with it they will.
remember all of the "participation trophies"??? chickens coming home to roost?
All women athletes should boycott any event that includes a trans. That would put an end to this shi# show immediately.
... and it has only taken the women this long to even START to figure this out.
If they put up with it, they deserve what they get. It is that simple.
If a shower is involved, the women should wrap their soap in a towel and beat the living shit out of him
He changed his name... that is all he did.
I’m still shocked no one is seeing the pattern. Almost Universally. The “Trans” Athletes are shit tier male athletes who had no hope in hell of meaningfully competing and breaking into the upper echelons of Men’s sports. So they switch to Women’s sports.
Oh NO, I'm betting that hurt his feelz.... NNOOOoooooooo, not THAT!
Real men don’t act that way, ever.
Good! No race without racers, and I can't imagine that there wouldn't be absolute solidarity among the ladies.
Every team, group, club or whatever ought to do this. Just freaking say no.
I think that hat say's it all...
Way to stick together. Canadian powerlifting let a dude compete ant set a new record of 275#. The coach of a women's team stepped up with full beard, declared himself woman, and easily benched 370# to obliterate the transvestites claim on the female record. Its clear the deviant cannot add 100#. Take it back. Either women refuse to acknowledge the perverts or real men step up and erase their names from the records. https://youtu.be/ZdpC4MJf-O4
Yay. That is the way!
His cap says everything you need to know about him. Wonder if it had a propeller on the top too
Seriously? That creature on the bike doesn't look even remotely female!
I have said from the beginning for all real females to drop out and watch the things compete against themselves. Shit would’ve been over by now.
How can these men feel good about themselves if they win?
Whoopie they beat a woman.
Fucking about time. This needs to happen everywhere.
finally. these women & the parents of teenage female athletes should realize they are being USED. they are PUPPETS to an agenda that looks to ERADICATE them.
it's the worship of baphomet. as above, so below. male & female as one. all garbage ideology to destroy the idea of "Adam & Eve".
the 9/11 twin tower destruction was symbolic of this. the old towers represented Adam & Eve, of the human race. they destroyed them & put a ONE WORLD tower in their place, representing the one seed of the serpent.
Obama signed the top of the tower [W]e remember. [W]e rebuild. [W]e come back stronger.
Who's WE? the [33]% of angels that were booted from Heaven. There is that number [Masonry]. Jesus's age was [33], etc.
We remember being kicked out. We will rebuild our forces. We will come back stronger against the Lord God.....
WWW= in Hebrew is 666, or Vav, Vav, Vav
Fun fact... look at the [MONSTER] energy drink logo symbol, then compare it with the three Hebrew symbols of Vav, Vav, Vav.... Same thing.
In other ideologies, such as within Freemasonry, God is the perfect MAN. 666 is the number of protons, electrons & neutrons in an atom of Carbon. Humans are carbon-based lifeforms, ergo 666 is the number of MAN that has become GOD.
sorry for the rant :)
100%. Do not show up. Do not give these weak men the sense of pride of having won. Make them race by themselves.
HOWEVER: Do not abandon your sports. And make SURE you dead-name them. They will get so irrationally angry that it'll make excluding them easy.
Boy got caught.
AMEN for the sisterhood! Stand your ground, young and older women! complacency has overtaken the females of our species...NO MORE! Fight back against this satanic bullshit...we all know it's not right, and we all know it's not just a "women's" issue...daughters, granddaughters are being denied their civil rights guaranteed under Title IX! ENOUGH is ENOUGH!
Any second rate male trying to impersonate a women in any sport anywhere should be boycotted and none of the real women should participate. Stop the madness, do not give in ever!