Here's the Dalai Lama with some of his 'friends.' Any questions?
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Creeps of a feather flock together.
Yes. Definitely. Can you believe I went to see him while in Portland?
It’s sad isn’t it? … this is how I felt when I learned about Bush, Romney and no name.
Truly sad. Sorry.
The only one we can truly trust is Christ.
Again, the Bible is correct. Never put your trust in a man. Only God. I've learned that lesson so many times with family, friends, etc. They'll all betray us in some fashion. But Christ never will.
You are right. I need to remember that.
I never trusted Romney but I was a huge admirer of Bush, not Sr. It's like finding out your friends or family are very bad! I was just thinking this week about how for decades people have been infatuated with celebrities, rulers etc. It's all distraction to us from putting God first.
Dudes definitely satanic. Hanging out with Gaga.
Another excellent example of the old saying: " You are judged by the company you keep"
More photos of his-horniness-the-dalai-lama with women-branding-sex-cult NXIVM at
Liz Crokin@lizcrokin
A video of the Dalai Lama is circulating of him sexually assaulting a young boy. In the video, he demands the child to “suck my tongue”. Sadly, this is no surprise. – The Dalai Lama endorsed the NXIVM sex trafficking cult. – Just like Jeffrey Epstein, he has ties to the CIA. Declassified documents show that the CIA paid the Dalai Lama $180,000 a year for much of the 1960’s. – Like all elite pedophiles, he despises Trump and had the audacity to claim Trump has a “lack of moral principle”.
Sadly, its easy to corrupt even good people if you start slowly with a taste of the good life and over time increase the pressure and depravity. Its like slowly turning the heat up on a frog.
While living/working in China 2007 we were initially SURPRISED by how many tibetan monks were zooming around the world in first class. Started researching and even back then it was not hard to find awful stuff on the "dalai lama" TIBET like the rest of the world is a complex story.
You have clear sight.
THANKS Hindsight 20/20 vision, can get you into trouble. Tibet and its monks and lama are more of a no go zone than the pope.
Amen to that.
Whats with the white scarf on Nasty P & Obummer?
In an excerpt from the Daily Mail. "The deal saw the Dalai Lama speak to 3,000 followers of NXIVM and place a khata - a traditional ceremonial Tibetan scarf - around the neck of the group's founder, Keith Raniere."
White is the color of death.We use black.
The Lama, just like the Pope.
Big religion is big business.
Are we starting to connect the dots with all religions…it’s all about power and control.
.........and the key word here is ALL religions.
Agreed. Religion is man trying to approach God on man's own terms.
Here's a video of the pedo Lama trying to French kiss that boy:
Apology tweet from the Dalai Lama on his 'blue check' Twitter page: (he ludicrously attempted to pass it off as a 'joke' saying that he was just "being playful")
Of note.... Article about Trump signing policy so China wont interfer in the selection of the nex Dali Lama
Grandma always said " show me who you hang with ill show you who you are"
He’s the Kool-Aid man of Child Predator.
Former CIA clandestine operations Robert David Steele wrote his 5 volume book on the pedo empire that rules over us. This chapter addresses NXIVM and its ties to the Clintons, Rotchilds.
The inside story on Sara Bronfman, Basit Igtet and Lama Tenzin Dhonden. This is not a good rabbit hole so digg with caution.
Are you implying the Dali Lama got a golden ticket to Epstein Island? Wow!
Another weird event. It's like something is forcing these people to show who they are.
A mystical and damn spooky force!
Interesting: "Contrary to original Buddhist doctrine, Lamaism developed into a theistic religion with many gods and demons, and an elaborate ritual with spells, incantations, and prayer formulas."
They also practice tantras which are sexual rituals
Arrest him and shock the world.
That would do it! Agreed!
Cat5, you bring good info. Who is the one at the bottom with blond hair?
Lady Gaga?
Yeah. You are right. I checked. Think so.
Oh wow. She's with Hunter. All demons hang out together. Licking blood there, maybe?
Idk but it sure looks like her.
Did he get them to suck his tongue as well, or did they immediately go third base?
Honestly, I'm not shocked. Most of the time people who are proped up as saints are not actually saints or are easily corruptible.
The Dali loves the good life and is easily bought!
He is the head of the most Satanic religion on earth. Do some research on Tibetan Buddhism. It's all about ghosts and demons. Ugh. And he prances around, collecting money from idiots who want to be associated with "His Holiness". Garbage.
Dharma, karma… reincarnation…. All of the wrong “spirit” They mimic and mock and hide behind the veil
I notice, well a lot of people notice, but a ton of folks here on this board have similar beliefs but with different names for all of the main tenants. I'm not the first one to notice obviously. Anyone with 5 friends in school would have at some point t discussed openly the many contradictory aspects of the religions of the world. As well their many commonalities. Especially in the hierarchical power structure of the orthodoxies.
He’s always surprised.
Lol. Right? ヾ(’O’)/
The sickies of society run it.
Mandarin - Iron Man 3…
He is sick!
You mean Bend over and let me kiss your ring . That Dalai Lama. "Show me your friend and I will show you your character." ~ African Proverb.
[ EVIL ]
I seem to remember the dalai lama also gave money to epstein which was odd at the time but now seeing him as a creepy pedo all makes sense.
he gives me the same creepy vibes of that faggot from startrek george takai or whatever his name is.
Nah, an apology aint gonna cut it.....because all of us know, If he was comfortable saying "suck my tongue" with cameras around imagine what the Lama thinks he is entitled to when he has a child for some alone time, away from those pesky parents. Not quite sure how just yet, or what it will ultimately mean, but the Stormy/ NXIVM / Dali Lama threads have come up too close to one another in the public eye to not be related.
He didn't do his homework and only had one roomful of liquor, and when she arrived, they ran out in the first day.