The destroyed bunker was not just a NATO bunker. It was their NEW HEADQUARTERS. It was filled with up to 300 commanders. Including Generals and top officials.
The bunker was just one target. Russia launched a TOTAL OF 6 KINZHAL Hypersonic Missiles at once. Source at 2 minutes 30 seconds.
The KINZHAL are unstoppable. They can NOT be shot down. It reached and went through this NATO's deep heavily fortified underground NUCLEAR RESISTANT BUNKER. Wiped it out. It was located 262 feet (80 meters) underground near Kiev. Source start at 2 minutes 30 seconds.
Two short 40 seconds videos show other KINZHAL hits:
This event was during the night from March 8th to 9th, 2023. The Redacted video with new evidence and information was published today, April 22nd, 2023.
Russia is presently MASS PRODUCING their KINZHAL Hypersonic Missiles. In tipple shifts. Source at 4 minutes.
Zelensky was supposed to be in the bunker at the time Russia obliterated it. But somehow was not.
He suggests to look at the video Zelensky made shortly after the bunker was wiped out. Look at Zelensky's face and body language.
What is an average English speaking American Joe doing in Ukraine filming?
And if I saw complete white after an explosion I would not stand there filming.
"Video by a US reporter accidentally films the destruction of a strategic weapons depot of the Ukrainian Kiev regime troops located in a 136-meter-deep Soviet bunker - by a Russian hypersonic missile "Kinzhal". The only true hypersonic missile in the world. The kinetic energy of the impact and the explosion correspond to a small tactical atomic bomb."
The Kinzhal has the speed necessary to achieve the same result, and the mass necessary to penetrate and vaporize the target. That is why I said " Rods of God in airspace: remember this is Russias assault on the festering wound that is Ukraine.
Do you think the missle flew level and straight into the target? NO, it angled itself at altitude into a steep dive and as I explained ^^^ it succeeded.
I understand what you're saying, but that missile is not a ground penetrator. It has no hardened nose. Even it's shape shows it's not a penetrating weapon. I'm not saying the bunker wasn't destroyed because it was, but not by this particular missile.
The conclusion this leads me to is that Russia has a non-nuclear weapon capable of destroying DUMBs, which the US Government either lacks the technology to effectively neutralize, or the military has the technology under lock and key and isn't deploying it at this time.
That first video is pretty terrifying to be honest. From that point of view the immediate foreboding bright flash and large cloud with the rumble of a visible shockwave is reminiscent of a Hollywood nuclear attack.
Awesome in the literal sense.
This is what happens when you try to back a large country into a corner and they're tired of it.
I'm not actually sure just when this happened. Do you happen to have the link for the video Zelensky made shortly thereafter? Or a hint as to when it was?
Thanks so much for all the links. I heard about this missile strike back when it happened but had forgotten about it. Not much news since the event. This will be helpful to refer my friends.
THANK YOU FREN!! Haven't been able to keep up. You maybe know how it is, So many things going on at once and all the FFs happening, if you missed out, one can get lost. I listened to Redacted and I thought I'd heard about the missle strike and I did but that was back to March 9th and I thought it was recent. Almost 2 months ago but he was right, not a peep out of the MSM. again thanks
Funny how those commanders were more than willing to play war while they were safely tucked away in their bunker.This Marine grunt truly appreciates the irony.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.Sea's part,the sun remains up,walls fall down,quail and manna fall from the sky,loaves and fishes multiply,water turns to wine,Lazarus lives,blind men see,giants fall,demons are cast out.The son of God arises from death.
We need to support Ukraine more than ever. It is time to send our very best including obambas (mike and barry), kamala, pelosi, watters, schiff, oac, brennan, cheneys, bushes, clintons, transvestites, pedofiles, etc. We should also load up millions of illegals and set the free in their new Ukrainian homeland
This loss of top brass from western nations can’t be covered up for too long. That many of the highest ranking Generals are going to be missed and people will ask questions. Connect the dots to all of em and you have big story: why did NATO have all these high ranking personnel in Ukraine? Why did NATO build such a huge bunker there if ukr is not officially a member?
Putin just DESTROYED NATO'S top Ukraine leaders with HYPERSONIC MISSILE yet the Snake News is Silent
Russia is alleged to have used a hypersonic missile to destroy a bunker that was packed with Ukraine's top leaders and NATO brass. The bunker was 400 feet below ground near Kiev, and the attack was devastating.
From TheIntelDrop (TID): "Some of our staff are retired US military and Government and lots of them are not listed on our staff due to remaining anonymous. The person who provided the information is retired military, retired intelligence officer and a former US Diplomat. we do publish things that can get us some heat. We are not funded and controlled by big corporations or any of the like."
I wonder if this is why Pres. Trump keeps asking "Where's Hunter?" - although he's been asking longer ago than March 2, but wouldn't it be just like him to taunt Biden if Hunter had been there in Ukraine for this attack. Is Hunter dead?
The problem with this story is the Kh-47M2 Kinzhal missile is not a ground penetrator. It's a hypersonic missile that is either conventional or nuclear. It's for surface targets only and is not a ground penetrator. The Kh-59MKM is the newest "bunker buster" Russia has, and I'm not sure of its deployment history, but that missile is rumored to be capable of doing what this video is saying.
The Kh-59MKM is the newest "bunker buster" Russia has
Interesting. I learned something new.
"Kh-59MKM – penetrator version that eliminated the seeker section and fitted a 360 kg (790 lb) warhead, able to penetrate 3 m of reinforced concrete."
The very high speed of the [Kinzhal] missiles also makes them more able to penetrate heavily armored targets, such as the underground weapons depot in western Ukraine said to be the target of the latest strike.
The destroyed bunker was not just a NATO bunker. It was their NEW HEADQUARTERS. It was filled with up to 300 commanders. Including Generals and top officials.
The bunker was just one target. Russia launched a TOTAL OF 6 KINZHAL Hypersonic Missiles at once. Source at 2 minutes 30 seconds.
The KINZHAL are unstoppable. They can NOT be shot down. It reached and went through this NATO's deep heavily fortified underground NUCLEAR RESISTANT BUNKER. Wiped it out. It was located 262 feet (80 meters) underground near Kiev. Source start at 2 minutes 30 seconds.
Two short 40 seconds videos show other KINZHAL hits:'Kinzhal':b
Aftermath video showing the destroyed secret NATO bunker. Only the first part on the ground at the crumbled building with firefighters:
This event was during the night from March 8th to 9th, 2023. The Redacted video with new evidence and information was published today, April 22nd, 2023.
Russia is presently MASS PRODUCING their KINZHAL Hypersonic Missiles. In tipple shifts. Source at 4 minutes.
Zelensky was supposed to be in the bunker at the time Russia obliterated it. But somehow was not.
He suggests to look at the video Zelensky made shortly after the bunker was wiped out. Look at Zelensky's face and body language.
Re: video 1
What is an average English speaking American Joe doing in Ukraine filming? And if I saw complete white after an explosion I would not stand there filming.
Translation of the video description:
"Video by a US reporter accidentally films the destruction of a strategic weapons depot of the Ukrainian Kiev regime troops located in a 136-meter-deep Soviet bunker - by a Russian hypersonic missile "Kinzhal". The only true hypersonic missile in the world. The kinetic energy of the impact and the explosion correspond to a small tactical atomic bomb."
Rods of God in airspace... Kinetic energy is truly awesome!! 👀
This could be the true answer on what took out that bunker, it was not a Kinzhal that's for sure.
The Kinzhal has the speed necessary to achieve the same result, and the mass necessary to penetrate and vaporize the target. That is why I said " Rods of God in airspace: remember this is Russias assault on the festering wound that is Ukraine.
Rods of God is a kinetic weapon deployed from a satellite. It's a giant titanium rod that would absolutely destroy a bunker like this.
The bunker was 100% NOT destroyed by a Kinzhal because it's not a ground penetrator. It was never designed or built for that mission.
Do you think the missle flew level and straight into the target? NO, it angled itself at altitude into a steep dive and as I explained ^^^ it succeeded.
I understand what you're saying, but that missile is not a ground penetrator. It has no hardened nose. Even it's shape shows it's not a penetrating weapon. I'm not saying the bunker wasn't destroyed because it was, but not by this particular missile.
You"re right I'm no rocket scientist, BUT, I 'm done with you...
Yeah, I agree video 1 looks fake. That mushroom cloud looked nuclear, and I am not even seeing claims that any nukes have gone off in Ukraine yet.
Yeah all of Ukraine and probably some surrounding countries would have seen that flash, and be without power.
A nuke detonated underground will have different effects than one detonated in the air
The conclusion this leads me to is that Russia has a non-nuclear weapon capable of destroying DUMBs, which the US Government either lacks the technology to effectively neutralize, or the military has the technology under lock and key and isn't deploying it at this time.
That first video is pretty terrifying to be honest. From that point of view the immediate foreboding bright flash and large cloud with the rumble of a visible shockwave is reminiscent of a Hollywood nuclear attack.
Awesome in the literal sense.
This is what happens when you try to back a large country into a corner and they're tired of it.
Thank you for providing more sources!
I'm not actually sure just when this happened. Do you happen to have the link for the video Zelensky made shortly thereafter? Or a hint as to when it was?
During the night from March 8th to 9th, 2023.
The Redacted video with new evidence and information was published today, April 22nd, 2023.
Thanks so much for all the links. I heard about this missile strike back when it happened but had forgotten about it. Not much news since the event. This will be helpful to refer my friends.
I'm assuming that he is referring to videos of Zelensky published on March 9th, 2023 or shortly after. Maybe this:
Zelensky with cocaine during a live video call with Elon Musk at
Or this hilarious parody video ;) With an offensive Zelensky at
THANK YOU FREN!! Haven't been able to keep up. You maybe know how it is, So many things going on at once and all the FFs happening, if you missed out, one can get lost. I listened to Redacted and I thought I'd heard about the missle strike and I did but that was back to March 9th and I thought it was recent. Almost 2 months ago but he was right, not a peep out of the MSM. again thanks
Funny how those commanders were more than willing to play war while they were safely tucked away in their bunker.This Marine grunt truly appreciates the irony.
Not so safely tucked away any more it seems.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.Sea's part,the sun remains up,walls fall down,quail and manna fall from the sky,loaves and fishes multiply,water turns to wine,Lazarus lives,blind men see,giants fall,demons are cast out.The son of God arises from death.
We need to support Ukraine more than ever. It is time to send our very best including obambas (mike and barry), kamala, pelosi, watters, schiff, oac, brennan, cheneys, bushes, clintons, transvestites, pedofiles, etc. We should also load up millions of illegals and set the free in their new Ukrainian homeland
Yes! For the children!
Video 30 seconds "Ukraine Official [CONFIRMED] Russia Hit Them With 6 Kinzhal Hypersonic Missiles"
This loss of top brass from western nations can’t be covered up for too long. That many of the highest ranking Generals are going to be missed and people will ask questions. Connect the dots to all of em and you have big story: why did NATO have all these high ranking personnel in Ukraine? Why did NATO build such a huge bunker there if ukr is not officially a member?
Related Video
I didn't hear any new evidence in the video but it's definitely a story worth being aware of.
Here are a few in his April 22nd, 2023 video in my updated comment down this page at
How much money have we sent since March 9th? Instead of sending to train wreck areas?
Thanks for saving me the time...I figured as much.
Pentagon Leak Confirmed That Russia Wipe Out US/NATO Secret Command in Kiev
Related Article With Details
From TheIntelDrop (TID): "Some of our staff are retired US military and Government and lots of them are not listed on our staff due to remaining anonymous. The person who provided the information is retired military, retired intelligence officer and a former US Diplomat. we do publish things that can get us some heat. We are not funded and controlled by big corporations or any of the like."
I'm skeptical. Both Cairns News and Veterans Today are very clickbaity.
45 Seconds Video Shows a hit by a Russian Hypersonic Missiles KINZHAL
I remember this one early in the war.
Some nazis shot at the Russians and went to reload their launchers at this Ukrainian Mall.
They then met their maker. 🤣
Bonus: The mall was of course full of ammunition so double boom! Thanks for posting pede!
20 Seconds Video Shows a hit by a Russian Hypersonic Missiles KINZHAL'Kinzhal':b
2 minutes video specification of Russian Hypersonic Missiles - AVANGARD, ZIRCON KINZHAL
The sad part of all this is these NATO scumbags and all the traitor American military in that NATO bunker died TOO quickly.
Ask Russia if they can come up with a massive pain inflicter missile that maims heavily but doesn't kill so quickly.
Rootin' for Pootin'
Nice start
Coming to a city near YOU
I wonder if this is why Pres. Trump keeps asking "Where's Hunter?" - although he's been asking longer ago than March 2, but wouldn't it be just like him to taunt Biden if Hunter had been there in Ukraine for this attack. Is Hunter dead?
Trump has been saying "Where's Hunter?" for a long time. I suspect he turned on Joe and others and
Providing evidence to lessen his own penalties.
Knock knock who’s there ?
Is it safe to assume if you are in the military, you are safer the lower the rank you are when your enemy is Russia? Lol
When is the UN and WHO moving there? Just dreaming out loud
400 ft deep and they still get cracked.
Pray WW3 never happens because we're all toast
Hope so.
Soldiers of Fortune MFers dealing with reality, OMG, that's not fair!.
What did they hope to achieve by having all those high value personnel near the front lines? Couldn't they all have WFH?
The problem with this story is the Kh-47M2 Kinzhal missile is not a ground penetrator. It's a hypersonic missile that is either conventional or nuclear. It's for surface targets only and is not a ground penetrator. The Kh-59MKM is the newest "bunker buster" Russia has, and I'm not sure of its deployment history, but that missile is rumored to be capable of doing what this video is saying.
Interesting. I learned something new.
"Kh-59MKM – penetrator version that eliminated the seeker section and fitted a 360 kg (790 lb) warhead, able to penetrate 3 m of reinforced concrete."