You call them "normies", I call them sheeple. Whatever... but this is not a new thing.
A lot of studies done over decades have shown that only about 1/3 to 1/4 of people are able to think for themselves. The remaining 2/3 or 3/4 just look for somebody to blindly follow and do their thinking for them. They crave the safety of the herd, in all things. Independent thought, much less action, is beyond their capabilities.
Given that reality, I don't understand the need to spend so much time and energy to wake up that majority. What is the point? They are sheep.
Yes some people don't have the time, willingness, nor ability to research. But instead listen to others. Those "others" have included the Main Stream Media of all types, and to their friends and family who have been doing the same.
Merely correcting all the corruption at once would look too much like some kind of a coup d'état. Not good for peace within our country. Normies could easily be swayed by the MSM to riot and destroy.
Exposing the corruption for all to obviously see would much reduce the potential for that chaos.
The solution is careful strategic actions in a precise sequence....
It's not that they don't have the time or willingness to research. They are just scared of standing up and saying, this doesn't make sense and I need to look into it. Once you looked into something and it wakes you, the problem is, you have to do something and they are too lazy. It's better to be told and not have to change.
The critical minority needed to control the direction of a society is around 30%, but that number includes the sheep that you convince to your side. You do not need to get a majority, but you do need to exceed the critical minority. However, this is really a distinction without a difference, as the mechanism and strategies for convincing the "majority" are identical to reaching the critical minority, and when people talk about the majority, they are almost always really talking about the critical minority without realizing it anyway. This is because our own critical minority is in a numbers competition with the critical minority of the opposition, each vying for a dominant 30% or higher support level. The remaining 30-40% of people who remain unconvinced by either side are non-participants and are ignored as they make no difference in the outcome. So, ultimately, you are looking for a majority of the active participants, and this is the "majority" everyone talks about.
Unfortunately, there are simply not enough morally good, intellectually honest, critical thinkers in the population for the critical minority to be reached by convincing only them. We need somewhere in the neighborhood of about 10-20 times as many sheep as there are truly awake people. This is why it is so important to convince friends and family, to get them to trust that you are their best personal thought leader on politics and world events. This is also why it is so important to not ostracize people with general agreement but specific disagreements. This is a somewhat natural process, normies defer judgement to people smarter than them all the time. What we are up against today is that social media and legacy media have hijacked this normal instinct for normies and supplanted the trust normies used to place in the smartest member of their own family for a moron on a noisy lightbox. As the thought leaders attempting to build a critical minority out of the sheep around us, we must first undermine support for the media morons, and then step into that trusted role ourselves.
Why do we lack critical thinkers? Because our schools indoctrinate. They tell students what to think rather than equip them with the skills to analyze opposing opinions, distinguish between truth and propaganda.
This is why so many fell for the C19 vax scam. So few had the capacity to step back and question the narrative pushed out 24x7x365 and why so few doctors asked for the actual test data or question why it was so flimsy? Yes, our esteemed highly educated (indoctrinated) physicians exhibited little to no critical thinking skills before jabbing people young and old, pregnant women, people with pre-existing conditions, little kids, without regard to any potential harm they were doing.
Welcome to 21st Century America where people trade away their health, wealth and freedom so they can be free from the effort required to think for themselves.
Our schools actively discourage independent though and action. I, not to toot my own horn, am fairly bright. Rather than encourage me to put it to good use, I got in trouble for things like reading ahead, doing math in my head instead of on paper, filling out the workbook ahead, etc. They were more worried about me following orders. But they always made up some BS excuse like "you will make the others feel dumb" (obviously not word for word lol). I did have one really good teacher for PC class and economics. Let me do the whole workbook and then I spent the rest of those classes playing Quake 3 Arena.
Yep. Put a mask on. Ok. Put two masks on. Less did that.
However it is an algorithm that can be used for good and evil and is inevitable to become for evil.
End times doomsayers will always claim that too.
I believe the ends times started at the same time God created Adam. The first day you buy a car is the end times for that car.
I prefer to follow and stay content—maybe observe is better to say. I enjoy seeing people being able to become successful, positive, promoted and so on. -regardless of whatever ideology they believe. This woke ideology goes after those like me and it is on purpose.
I apologize. I get the satire. I also found it interesting because Jesus does say the road is narrow. I am not without humor. I seriously thought it was a good thing you said.
Those here are the best-even that one person who downvotes me.
Yes. Some will never awaken. It's simply what they are.
And like this piece says, once enough others wake up the "normies" will simply follow the herd and act like it's always been that way. No reason to worry about them, really.
Just keep looking for those you can reach, before it really is too late.
“ “In the beginning a patriot is a scarce man, hated and feared and scorned. But in time when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be patriot.”
Why wake up the normies? Because it is what Jesus would do. He is the Good Shepherd. We are all his sheep. Calling people sheeple is not new, it's BIBLICAL. This is a spiritual war. Same war back then, same war now. It has always been a battle for your soul. Normies are unaware of this now as they were then. WWJD?
If there were no sheep we would win this war in 2 seconds. All awake people in the world vs all evil and it's no contest. The sheep are the entire reason we are in this mess. If they didn't exist Good would defeat Evil so fast. If the majority of people are incapable of independent though and critical thinking society will always be doomed to go through these cycles. Maybe we should sacrifice the sheep, even those we love, for the betterment of society as a whole.
Sometimes I really think the depopulation program is a good thing ultimately and I wonder if the White Hats are taking advantage of it to some extent to burn out the dead wood in society. I know it's grim but it's so true. I hate having these thoughts about 90% of people. I've tried to push them down my entire life but it really is true. We are in another league compare to general society. I just hope that whatever exists after life that we get a better fate than the sheep. We shouldn't have to share existence with these people imo
It’s not that they need to be woken up, in my opinion. I think most people are aware that we’re riddled with corruption, that their input is negligible in their government, and there are events in play that are far above them. I think they need to be convinced that a failure to act will lead to results that are far worse than the upheaval that action will bring. Secondarily, what action should be taken, and by whom, needs to be articulated. “Vote in your local elections” seems to be the most popular solution presented this far.
Ten percent may be too high. From several sources, the fraction with leadership potential is closer to 5 percent. But a leader must have a vision of where to go. A formless need to "do something" only results in frustrated paralysis.
Only 3 plus percent beat out the British. But that was when only 30% knew what was really going on. The rest where either Sheep or had little to no communication clue period. This time the percentages must be way higher. Close to or at 80% need to be aware, to give us the 30 or so percent we need to fight the Cabal to make the change.
I've come to the realization that we aren't waiting on the folks who refuse to see. We are waiting on a series of events that have been pre-planned to a certain outcome. It's like a ticking clock. The Durham report was one of those events. We are slowly but surely counting down to a massive event. A perfect storm of events.
Revolution: a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system.
"Revolution" is not the plan.
The plan is for the US military to take down the worldwide cabal.
The task of Q followers is to help inform the public of what is really going on when the military tribunals start and half the government is sent to Gitmo.
The actual US government is cleaning itself up. All laws are being obeyed. What is the name for that? It's not revolution.
Revolution is a loaded term. Typically, calls for revolution are from glowies trying to bait others into violence.
As far as I can tell, whatever the actual percentage of people that get that we are all being taken for a ride to slavery, the plan is to minimize the number of casualties from all sides of the geopolitical spectrum around the entire world. How many lives would be lost in a traditional kinetic war? Any and all casualties in that instance should be viewed as a complete waste of our combined resource potential. That is the fundamental result of WAR. I have always thought of war as a great acronym for battles we wage on each other. Waste All Resources. Once upon a time war made a bit of sense in that the winners billed the losers. The current state of post war actions usually means that the US and maybe... MAYBE an ally or two would help rebuild whatever rubble heap is left behind.
I also have a real problem with the use of the word DEFENSE in our Military budget as I have not seen any large scale traditional warfare inside the border of these United States in my 63 years of riding around in circles. WE as a nation have waged warfare on other people's "fields" for the last century or so. That seems pretty damned offensive to my thinking. Color whatever label you wish to slap on me now.... IDGAF what you think of me. Never have, likely never will. This nation was better of confined to our sphere of influence.... ie the Americas. Monroe doctrine? The massive decline of our freedoms and value of the DOLLAR has been a series of roller coasters dips and climbs. As you all no doubt realize as it pertains to roller COASTERS, eventually the ride ends. Until the next utilization of energy takes you back to the highest point where the process of dips and climbs begins again. Geez that sorts of sounds like fun until you realize you are stuck in the "hamster wheel" that certain "forward" thinking bloodlines monitor and maniopulate for one solitary purpose. The eventual enslavement of everyone that is not THEM.
That my 2 cents worth in two long paragraphs that I am sure has an old English teacher or 3 from my days in school wondering why I could never turn in an essay assignment. But that's another story for another time.
At a glance its a reasonable sentiment, but we all know about the difference in theory and practice. Too many here think a little too much of themselves regarding their own state of awakenedness. The remaining unawakened are our parents, children, grandparents, friends, family, acquaintances , and loved ones. If you seriously believe they are not worthy of your consideration, compassion, and patience, then you probably need a little introspective time to think about your place in the universe. I fail to see the benefit of making fun, calling names, belittling, or dismissing the unawakened.
You call them "normies", I call them sheeple. Whatever... but this is not a new thing.
A lot of studies done over decades have shown that only about 1/3 to 1/4 of people are able to think for themselves. The remaining 2/3 or 3/4 just look for somebody to blindly follow and do their thinking for them. They crave the safety of the herd, in all things. Independent thought, much less action, is beyond their capabilities.
Given that reality, I don't understand the need to spend so much time and energy to wake up that majority. What is the point? They are sheep.
Yes some people don't have the time, willingness, nor ability to research. But instead listen to others. Those "others" have included the Main Stream Media of all types, and to their friends and family who have been doing the same.
Merely correcting all the corruption at once would look too much like some kind of a coup d'état. Not good for peace within our country. Normies could easily be swayed by the MSM to riot and destroy.
Exposing the corruption for all to obviously see would much reduce the potential for that chaos.
The solution is careful strategic actions in a precise sequence....
Well said!
It's not that they don't have the time or willingness to research. They are just scared of standing up and saying, this doesn't make sense and I need to look into it. Once you looked into something and it wakes you, the problem is, you have to do something and they are too lazy. It's better to be told and not have to change.
The critical minority needed to control the direction of a society is around 30%, but that number includes the sheep that you convince to your side. You do not need to get a majority, but you do need to exceed the critical minority. However, this is really a distinction without a difference, as the mechanism and strategies for convincing the "majority" are identical to reaching the critical minority, and when people talk about the majority, they are almost always really talking about the critical minority without realizing it anyway. This is because our own critical minority is in a numbers competition with the critical minority of the opposition, each vying for a dominant 30% or higher support level. The remaining 30-40% of people who remain unconvinced by either side are non-participants and are ignored as they make no difference in the outcome. So, ultimately, you are looking for a majority of the active participants, and this is the "majority" everyone talks about.
Unfortunately, there are simply not enough morally good, intellectually honest, critical thinkers in the population for the critical minority to be reached by convincing only them. We need somewhere in the neighborhood of about 10-20 times as many sheep as there are truly awake people. This is why it is so important to convince friends and family, to get them to trust that you are their best personal thought leader on politics and world events. This is also why it is so important to not ostracize people with general agreement but specific disagreements. This is a somewhat natural process, normies defer judgement to people smarter than them all the time. What we are up against today is that social media and legacy media have hijacked this normal instinct for normies and supplanted the trust normies used to place in the smartest member of their own family for a moron on a noisy lightbox. As the thought leaders attempting to build a critical minority out of the sheep around us, we must first undermine support for the media morons, and then step into that trusted role ourselves.
Why do we lack critical thinkers? Because our schools indoctrinate. They tell students what to think rather than equip them with the skills to analyze opposing opinions, distinguish between truth and propaganda.
This is why so many fell for the C19 vax scam. So few had the capacity to step back and question the narrative pushed out 24x7x365 and why so few doctors asked for the actual test data or question why it was so flimsy? Yes, our esteemed highly educated (indoctrinated) physicians exhibited little to no critical thinking skills before jabbing people young and old, pregnant women, people with pre-existing conditions, little kids, without regard to any potential harm they were doing.
Welcome to 21st Century America where people trade away their health, wealth and freedom so they can be free from the effort required to think for themselves.
Our schools actively discourage independent though and action. I, not to toot my own horn, am fairly bright. Rather than encourage me to put it to good use, I got in trouble for things like reading ahead, doing math in my head instead of on paper, filling out the workbook ahead, etc. They were more worried about me following orders. But they always made up some BS excuse like "you will make the others feel dumb" (obviously not word for word lol). I did have one really good teacher for PC class and economics. Let me do the whole workbook and then I spent the rest of those classes playing Quake 3 Arena.
Outstanding summary
Yep. Put a mask on. Ok. Put two masks on. Less did that.
However it is an algorithm that can be used for good and evil and is inevitable to become for evil.
End times doomsayers will always claim that too.
I believe the ends times started at the same time God created Adam. The first day you buy a car is the end times for that car.
I prefer to follow and stay content—maybe observe is better to say. I enjoy seeing people being able to become successful, positive, promoted and so on. -regardless of whatever ideology they believe. This woke ideology goes after those like me and it is on purpose.
Who will win?
Wear the whole box bigot!
Interesting. Would Jesus be a bigot?
Do you always require an /s for satire?
I apologize. I get the satire. I also found it interesting because Jesus does say the road is narrow. I am not without humor. I seriously thought it was a good thing you said.
Those here are the best-even that one person who downvotes me.
I do hyper focus on things at times. :)
I'd say that it's about more like 4/5 to 5/6 are Sheeple. Might even be closer to 9/10.
In my experience, everyone is capable of thinking for themselves. But only about 10% are actually capable of doing something more than just thinking.
Yes. Some will never awaken. It's simply what they are.
And like this piece says, once enough others wake up the "normies" will simply follow the herd and act like it's always been that way. No reason to worry about them, really.
Just keep looking for those you can reach, before it really is too late.
God calls for strong men, not careful men.
The careful men come later writing the biographies of the strong men, lotting them for their courage
But normies are waking up all the time . . . There are indeed Patriots who have been deceived, and will come around.
“ “In the beginning a patriot is a scarce man, hated and feared and scorned. But in time when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be patriot.”
Mark Twain
Why wake up the normies? Because it is what Jesus would do. He is the Good Shepherd. We are all his sheep. Calling people sheeple is not new, it's BIBLICAL. This is a spiritual war. Same war back then, same war now. It has always been a battle for your soul. Normies are unaware of this now as they were then. WWJD?
Pray for all to come to knowledge of Jesus as king.
This ^
Wow. This is sidebar. But, maybe better. WELL SAID, FROG. 🐸🐸🐸
If there were no sheep we would win this war in 2 seconds. All awake people in the world vs all evil and it's no contest. The sheep are the entire reason we are in this mess. If they didn't exist Good would defeat Evil so fast. If the majority of people are incapable of independent though and critical thinking society will always be doomed to go through these cycles. Maybe we should sacrifice the sheep, even those we love, for the betterment of society as a whole.
Sometimes I really think the depopulation program is a good thing ultimately and I wonder if the White Hats are taking advantage of it to some extent to burn out the dead wood in society. I know it's grim but it's so true. I hate having these thoughts about 90% of people. I've tried to push them down my entire life but it really is true. We are in another league compare to general society. I just hope that whatever exists after life that we get a better fate than the sheep. We shouldn't have to share existence with these people imo
He'd flip tables and crack whips
Sounds good to me. Most people are just dumb.
It’s not that they need to be woken up, in my opinion. I think most people are aware that we’re riddled with corruption, that their input is negligible in their government, and there are events in play that are far above them. I think they need to be convinced that a failure to act will lead to results that are far worse than the upheaval that action will bring. Secondarily, what action should be taken, and by whom, needs to be articulated. “Vote in your local elections” seems to be the most popular solution presented this far.
Lets fucking go
Ten percent may be too high. From several sources, the fraction with leadership potential is closer to 5 percent. But a leader must have a vision of where to go. A formless need to "do something" only results in frustrated paralysis.
Only 3 plus percent beat out the British. But that was when only 30% knew what was really going on. The rest where either Sheep or had little to no communication clue period. This time the percentages must be way higher. Close to or at 80% need to be aware, to give us the 30 or so percent we need to fight the Cabal to make the change.
I would definitely vote in favor of amending the sidebar with this excellent analysis of our role in this 5th Generation War.
Nope. That is not great awakening
This option does not eliminate the 4 to 6 percent
This option does not facilitate the greatest preaching of the gospel ever
This option does not redefine society or the world
I will stick to the plan not a half measure
Yeah this seems like a complete contradiction to everything Q said.
Very good point.
I've come to the realization that we aren't waiting on the folks who refuse to see. We are waiting on a series of events that have been pre-planned to a certain outcome. It's like a ticking clock. The Durham report was one of those events. We are slowly but surely counting down to a massive event. A perfect storm of events.
"Revolution" is not the plan.
The plan is for the US military to take down the worldwide cabal.
The task of Q followers is to help inform the public of what is really going on when the military tribunals start and half the government is sent to Gitmo.
The actual US government is cleaning itself up. All laws are being obeyed. What is the name for that? It's not revolution.
Revolution is a loaded term. Typically, calls for revolution are from glowies trying to bait others into violence.
watch out for the time wasters, they are the wurst !
I don't want to be normal! I want to be natural!
so...even though you were born normal, you now identify as natural?
As far as I can tell, whatever the actual percentage of people that get that we are all being taken for a ride to slavery, the plan is to minimize the number of casualties from all sides of the geopolitical spectrum around the entire world. How many lives would be lost in a traditional kinetic war? Any and all casualties in that instance should be viewed as a complete waste of our combined resource potential. That is the fundamental result of WAR. I have always thought of war as a great acronym for battles we wage on each other. Waste All Resources. Once upon a time war made a bit of sense in that the winners billed the losers. The current state of post war actions usually means that the US and maybe... MAYBE an ally or two would help rebuild whatever rubble heap is left behind.
I also have a real problem with the use of the word DEFENSE in our Military budget as I have not seen any large scale traditional warfare inside the border of these United States in my 63 years of riding around in circles. WE as a nation have waged warfare on other people's "fields" for the last century or so. That seems pretty damned offensive to my thinking. Color whatever label you wish to slap on me now.... IDGAF what you think of me. Never have, likely never will. This nation was better of confined to our sphere of influence.... ie the Americas. Monroe doctrine? The massive decline of our freedoms and value of the DOLLAR has been a series of roller coasters dips and climbs. As you all no doubt realize as it pertains to roller COASTERS, eventually the ride ends. Until the next utilization of energy takes you back to the highest point where the process of dips and climbs begins again. Geez that sorts of sounds like fun until you realize you are stuck in the "hamster wheel" that certain "forward" thinking bloodlines monitor and maniopulate for one solitary purpose. The eventual enslavement of everyone that is not THEM.
That my 2 cents worth in two long paragraphs that I am sure has an old English teacher or 3 from my days in school wondering why I could never turn in an essay assignment. But that's another story for another time.
I believe it's more than 10%. I'd say 25%
Some posts that summarise group-think and how and why "normies" are normies.
Explain to me how you plan on waking up the "revolutionary 10%"
How do you even target that audience?
Pretty sure Q has this shit handled.
I would agree but that's because the Cabal has always controlled information. That is falling apart now.
You cannot compare the past to the current time. They didn't have 100,000s decentralized citizen journalists back then.
**God calls for strong men, not careful men.
The careful men come later writing the biographies of the strong men, lotting them for their courage.**
At a glance its a reasonable sentiment, but we all know about the difference in theory and practice. Too many here think a little too much of themselves regarding their own state of awakenedness. The remaining unawakened are our parents, children, grandparents, friends, family, acquaintances , and loved ones. If you seriously believe they are not worthy of your consideration, compassion, and patience, then you probably need a little introspective time to think about your place in the universe. I fail to see the benefit of making fun, calling names, belittling, or dismissing the unawakened.
Isolating themselves in the meantime. Telling themselves they are living some stoic ideal
Isolating themselves in the meantime. Telling themselves they are living some stoic ideal
This is Leninism. Not really sure why people are cheering hard line Leninism