COMPED: Elon just apologized for his Soros tweet... What does Magneto have on Musk?? Did he have to 'bend the knee' to Magneto to get to space??? DOES MAGNETO WEAR A TINY SPACE HAT????
(((( Magnetoberg! ))))

That wasn't an apology...
Elon flexes his troll power.
This post is sarcasm lol
More like an unpology.
For those that do not know Magneto is often considered an anti hero in Marvel Comics more so than a villain. What Musk is saying is that Soros is a true villain and is apologizing to a fictional character like Magneto. This is because Magneto should not be lumped in together with a truly evil character like Soros.
Magneto is a Jew and a Holocaust survivor that saw his family and relatives die to the Nazis when he is just a little boy.
Soros betrayed his fellow Jews to the Nazis and lined his pockets with the money stolen from the bank accounts of the betrayed.
Magneto will probably strangle Soros to death for being a greedy, cowardly, traitor. And Magneto will probably do it with a gold chain around Soros's neck.
That's the way to do it.
For those who somehow are utterly unaware of Magneto and X-Men history: he's a Marvel comics character who is a Jewish mutant who survived the Holocaust and became a Mutant Supremacist who wants all humans dead which is in opposition of the X-Men who want humans and mutants to co-exist. Elon is implying that Soros is worse than Magneto.
Soros betrayed his fellow Jews to Nazis, stole money from the bank accounts of the ones he betrayed, and did not feel a bit sorry about it.
Magneto will use his power over metals to strangle Soros to death with a gold chain. It seems that few people tolerate a greedy traitor.
I fell for the bait. My heart fluttered, wondering what happened to Elon, how they got to him…
And then I read the follow up tweet.
Kek. I like this guy!
lol this title is good
My sides, writing it, KEKKK <3
LOL I'm starting to like this guy.
Something something villain something something nazi's...
KEK, let's get this to rising, then remove... LOL
Question? Anyone here think that rocket was not going to explode ?
This is Elon... 👌
Lol... great troll
Magneto and Soros are nothing alike
Magneto is ultmateky a good person
Elon got Soros good
Ver naas. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1658291808592629761
"I'd like" is a FU. I'd like apologize, but F that. Total troll
Not an apology to Soros. That's the thing. It's like saying Dylan Mulvaney looked like my grandmother and apologize because he is uglier than my grandmother. Howls.
Yes. The comparisons are incredible.
Soros & his foundations have created and funded nearly every anti-White, anti-American, anti-Gun and anti-Christian organization operating. He also funds groups and activities that are: Pro-Abortion, Pro-Muslim, Pro-Jew, Pro-segregation, Pro-Immigration, Pro-Open Borders, Pro-Pedo and Pro- LGBTQ/Trans. He is the one who formed and funds BLM & Antifa!
Soros mirrors the character 'Magneto' in both looks and actions. Magneto was portrayed in the movie as an evil, ugly old Jewish man who lived through the Holocaust.
According to the wiki: The character Magneto "...was born "'Max Eisenhardt'" sometime in the late 1920s to a middle-class German Jewish family. He was forced during the Nazi occupation to help the Nazi's dispose of the Jewish bodies." (Soros helped the Nazis, too, remember? He wasn't sorry about it either.)
Soros is following The Kalergi Plan to a 'T'. That is, he funds the massive hoards of illegal immigrants and refugees and 3rd world people into first world nations to overwhelm the countries' resources, food and infrastructure. The Plan is to dilute the first world's ethnicity, prosperity and overall national identity. This in-migration influx causes chaos and division. The Kalergi Plan says that the Semites are God's chosen people, and that they are a superior race that can freely destroy or enslave any other race that is not a Semite.
"Magneto believes this: that mutants ("Homo superior") will become the dominant life form on the planet and he sets about either creating a homeland on Earth where mutants can live peacefully, or conquering and enslaving humanity in the name of Mutantkind."
I thought magneto wore his " space hat" per sey, to keep professor out of his head. I have, though only watched those movies 1 time. Not my faves. In the end though to my recollection magneto does come around? I maybe mistaken?!
Yes, the helmet is protection from Charles Xavier's mental powers.
Magneto's really a fantastic character because he's been legitimately harmed. His family was killed and his own life was threatened, so to him the mutant question (an allegory for race/ethnicity) is existential, and that's why he is not forgiving, despite Charles' constant entreaties to make peace with non-mutants. He's been too traumatized and simply can't forgive. He won't ever put himself in a position of vulnerability ever again. As others have said, he's an anti-hero more than a villain, sort of like a Malcolm X kind of character.
George Soros is no Magneto. He's a straight up, stone-cold villain who sold out his own people to the camps. There's nothing sympathetic about him, nothing that makes his actions understandable under any normal morality.
I love when the apology is a burn 🤣
Who made this post? CNN?
I was really dejected when I saw this post up but figure I should check it. As soon as I saw his tweet I couldn't stop laughing! kek
Soros is clearly vatican funded. As is well known, the vatican places jews in positions of power in order for them to take the blame during the inevitable fallout/backlash. They used the exact same method in Nazi Germany as OP is doing now. It is how Rome gains power.
Dude, read better.
"It was really unfair to Magneto"
In other words, Magnito uber-megalomaniac and twisted super evil dude from the X men series, is STILL a lot better than Soros.
u/catsfive, I wonder if this is an opportunity for your to re-evaluate the prism your looking at old Musky with.
Either that, or you you totally forgot to add the SHITPOST flair.
Either way, thank you mods. And thank you Special Mod In Charge.
I'll wait to torrent the PowerPoint presentation from comic-con 😎😂
Well, I got snuckered by that one.