Yes. I've read about Eisenhower's treatment of German POWs after the war. Sickening, really. On the other hand, one of the very few things my father (10th Mountain ski trooper in the Italian Alps) ever said to me about the war was related to how horribly the Germans treated captured Americans and for that matter some of their tactics during the war. There was a LOT of anger over that.
All that said, Eisenhower wasn't one-dimensional, and his famous "military-industrial complex" speech near the end of his second term is BASED (although he was not a very engaging speaker) and in particular when talking about how America could be fully taken over by corrupt forces, his voice shows, to me, real concern and distress.
I think he was, at bottom, a patriot and was seriously concerned for the future of America and of the world. If America falls, the world falls -- freedom will die without at least one strong nation standing up for it, and Ike clearly knew that. His war experiences surely branded that truth deep in his mind.
Thank you for making that more nuanced for me fren. I'm far away and don't know all the details. I was aware of his "military-industrial complex" speech though.
freedom will die without at least one strong nation standing up for it
America has never been for freedom... Every single war in the history of the US has literally been theatre, from beginning to end. For example, The USSR and their communist state was created by Rockefeller/Rothschild as a necessary "opposition" to Fascism (when they were really the exact same "ism"), and to act as the "turncoat" for both world wars. Their "withdrawal" and "betrayal" was done intentionally to turn the tide at the prescribed time, right before America entered the war as "the savior." In both wars this happened after the US armed and funded both sides of the war as a "neutral party".
The USSR's Communist State also provided the introduction and driving force for the separation of all property ownership into "beneficial ownership" and "control ownership" (trustee); a "corporate trust" in Government form. The USSR is exactly the same entity type that they had created to take over all of corporatedom (everything is run by a singular Trust). This system has since been applied to every country in the world (at least all the ones in the UN).
Continuing this example, the Cold War was created by the same people, and controlled both sides from the beginning specifically so they would have a boogeyman to fight against. You must have "an enemy" to wage war, but the "Cold War" wasn't fought in the USSR or the US, it was fought in third world countries.
They created this completely fake war (not fake for the people who died, or even the people who were led around by the propaganda, but fake on the largest scale) so they could put every country in the world into their central banking system and the United Nations (both of which institutions were also created by Rockefeller/Rothschild). It didn't actually matter which went "democratic" (which is a lie) or which went "communist" (which is the same fricken lie). It was all about putting people into the same system of bondage.
The reasons that these were necessary steps for their upcoming One World Government are too numerous to get into here. But thinking that America was ever anything but a system designed specifically as one side of a two pronged system of "opposition" (controlled opposition) is not supported by the evidence.
America is just one major piece of a Hegelian dialectic, applied to socially engineering a Utopia, and it was designed to be that from day one (1787).
No argument with anything you say, Slyver, except for your first sentence.
America's government began getting corrupted on Day 1, and the forces of evil / the ancient Cabal / bankers / money-grubbing psychopaths / etc have beavered away at America's institutions non-stop since the Articles of Confederation, before the Constitution changed our loose confederation of States into a more centrally-controlled republic. Yes, America has been a bully to other nations for its entire existence. Sometimes a friend, of course, but even then with monetary or strategic overtones.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history. The Declaration set off a firestorm of interest in FREEDOM around the world; it created what can well be characterized as a global Great Awakening, and lead to the French Revolution and other revolutionary movements as well. Right into modern times -- the freedom movement in China that was crushed at Tianamen Square, the people in Hong Kong begging for America to be the "America we know you can be" when the CCP started really cracking down there are examples -- America has been a NECESSARY symbol of freedom to the peoples of the world, despite her increasing corruption. Trump's administration brought those positive perceptions back to life, although of course now Biden has tarnished our image (and our reality) more than most of us thought possible.
So, my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target, but the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history.
We The People may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." There are certainly many people today who believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest that pretty much no one has any idea what that means, but people absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries.
From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free People actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of our collective beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it to promote these "opposite beliefs". I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
Alexander Hamilton
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other founding fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Never happened again.
Of course this hypothesis clashes with 2A, but there's more to it, and it isn't worth elaborating at this time because it's not a huge point.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why" it was excluded, as there is for all of the most important issues (everything really important gets "debunked" e.g.). People believe those explanations. However, I suggest there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace that leads us to our beliefs (propaganda), then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. Again, this would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI. "Property Rights" was such a huge part of the "inspiration" (Locke) and its exclusion is so glaringly obvious, that the only conclusion (along with other evidence of Jeffersonian fuckery) is that it was left out of the DoI on purpose so that Banks could do their Loan thing for the US Govt, which of course, they did.
As an aside, the Sovereign claim on an Individuals property by the US Govt is itself legally impossible (a contradiction between Natural Law and Constitutional Law). A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign (Ultimate Authority) because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning.
That's really the key, I agree. Personally, I believe that BELIEF IN A COERCIVE GOVERNMENT OF ANY KIND is the core of the fuckery.
I'm an abolitionist. We abolished chattel slavery; it's long past time to finish the job.
We need a civil society, without initiated coercion (including such things as eminent domain, taxation, and so on) sanctioned AT ALL. Initiating coercion is a crime, and that doesn't change just because the people committing the coercion say they're doing it as a government, or for "our own good," or anything else.
The common objection that civil society is unworkable is simply wrong, and the arguments for retaining coercive government are not unlike those used in the South against the abolition of slavery.
J.R.R. Tolkien was right: Power is hellishly addictive and corrupting, and even using it with the intent to do good ultimately creates horrors. ANY form of government, no matter the form and no matter how innocent and benign it may be at the start, is a danger.
The United States was (and still could be) a step in the right direction: a government set up by men who openly spoke of liberty and set rules in place to protect the rights of the citizens. That was a new thing in the world, and a good one. But it's not what we need, and until we finish the job we will always arrive back where we are now, under a growing tyranny.
This line of reasoning never plays well here, but I continue to occasionally lay it out because ultimately, it's where we need to go.
The Market for Liberty is an excellent look at how a civil society -- one with no government as we know it at all -- would improve on what we have now.
I do not think this belief is the core, but it lays so close to the core that it is easy to make that mistake. Indeed, it is a mistake that I made as well for a while (if it is indeed a "mistake").
The common objection that civil society is unworkable is simply wrong
Agreed. Civil society can work perfectly fine, but only if everyone (or a sufficient number of people) understand "the core of the fuckery," or rather, that they understand that which has been subverted to initiate the fuckery.
ANY form of government, no matter the form and no matter how innocent and benign it may be at the start, is a danger.
I suggest the opposite. It doesn't matter WHAT form of government the populace of some jurisdiction (nation, state, municipality, etc.) desires, it can't do fuckery if sufficient people understand one single thing.
That one single thing, is a basic understanding of Reality and our place in it. To put it briefly, that is an understanding of the Sovereignty of the Individual and what their Jurisdiction is by Natural Law. With that understanding disseminated among the Individuals, the polity itself will respect it. It must, because the people will demand it if they understand this basic principle, and why it exists (i.e. how it is derived from the only law that is not an illusion, to wit, Natural Law). The reason that fuckery is impossible with this understanding is because all government law fuckery has a single nature: it makes fraudulent claims on the Individuals Jurisdiction. It makes these claims because people don't understand that they have a Jurisdiction, or what it is. That it enforces these claims through coercion is a secondary effect, thus the belief in the "rightness" of that enforcement is not core, but stems from a lack of understanding as to why the claim is fraudulent.
It is this understanding that has been subverted. It resides in the minds of everyone still, and it is this residue that is used to motivate change in society towards further subversion. Both "the left" and "the right" are constantly bombarded with different pieces of evidence of this subversion, and then given a plausible path out of it, without really understanding what it is that has been subverted. By this method everyone is both divided (because they are shown different pieces of the problem, and then told "the other side is lying"), and they are convinced they have been shown "the best path out," when in fact, because the understanding is incomplete, they are all led further into the subversion fuckery itself.
Of course "to be brief" leaves out what is required to communicate sufficient understanding, but I'm working on an explanation that shows not just what it is, in a way that all can understand (or at least "enough") but also gives an argument that I believe will show beyond a reasonable doubt how this understanding has been subverted, and how it is "the core issue".
This line of reasoning never plays well here, but I continue to occasionally lay it out because ultimately, it's where we need to go.
You can't grow a tree without planting a seed (or at least avoiding running over it with a lawnmower if some other entity plants one for you).
So plant the seed, and avoid the lawnmowers. Maybe give it a little bit of water every once in a while. This is all that is required to Save the World.
Clearly a message here, imo. Unknown if Eisenhower had to play a role for survival, but it looks like he stacked the 1960 election with Patriots Nixon and JFK, and possibly set something in motion on this date in 1960. "The 1960 “Stolen” Election (partially) explained":
Note that Truman was still alive and possibly operating in the background. So it could be the 66 year "Truman Show" if he was free to operate once he was in the background (presumably with the military). Speculation that there is a COG authority former C-I-C may hold until death:
Context here is that something happened in Antarctica 1957-1959 that triggered something. Note Antarctica Treaty signed Dec 1, 1959 in Washington, D.C. just about 1 month prior to this Time Magazine cover.
The Antarctic Treaty was signed in Washington on 1 December 1959 by the twelve countries whose scientists had been active in and around Antarctica during the International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957-58.
Wasn't the plot of The Truman Show that we indeed are living in a matrix. And Truman physically ran his boat into hard evidence of it all being an illusion (He was sailing and ran into the ice wall that flat earthers think is around the edge of the earth ( I think that's what they believe)
Lots of "soft disclosure" in that movie, including observation from the "moon office" showing there is something weird about the moon, restricted travel to certain parts of the planet, and the shape of the "studio" that Truman is inside (snowglobe type of structure with level land and water) with an outer dome "firmament" type structure.
Note that the Encyclopedia Americana from 1949 or late 50s states that at one point near Antarctica (icewall) the firmament is at a height of 13,000 ft, if I recall correctly. It appears to be some sort of electromagnetic field.
To be left on a meadow with absolutely nothing is brutal, but that is not the reason for age restriction, if you consider all the hollywood movies your kids are allowed to see.The screaming kids in the Podesta vid I found much more brutal.
Don't you remember? That's what Podesta was yelling at the screaming child. "WHAT'S MY NAME?" "John!" "No, what's my other name? You will call me 'father'!"
Hence the reason Q said it was over before it began. By the time the public Q part of the plan began it was essentially done. The rest was just the reveal to us, I guess.
When things happen is likely not predetermined, but certain events are needed to occur generally by target dates. It appears that in some cases cabal plans can be delayed or shifted forward by whitehats. Exampe1: Cuban Missile Crisis appeared to happen earlier than cabal wanted, preventing their planned 1964 WW3. Example2: The 2014 events in Ukraine look like they were intended to kick off a WW that year (1989 NWO kickoff+25 years = 2014), and they got suppressed and delayed all the way into 2021.
Eisenhower was the 33rd "Man of the Year" when he was placed on this cover.
Note what is connected to Washington (with ropes). London (bankers, political control via maritime law/politicians/"water"), Germany (Khazarians/Prussians, later Switzerland control of land via military), and Rome (the Vatican, religious control via the AIR/trusts); rope to London appears to go over Delaware specifically. Rope to Germany goes to Northern Virginia, location of Pentagon.
LAW = Land, Air, Water
Connections to Paris may be reference to the French Rothschilds and all of the Treaties of Paris used to implement the Global Agenda for hundreds of years. Look how many (47 so far). First “Treaty of Paris” was 1229:
Regarding Antarctica, as most rabbit hole diggers know, there is talk that Eisenhower had some secret UFO or actual ET-related meeting that time wise coincides with Antarctic intrigue of some sort. All part of the web of deception we know exists.
Three years from now, the United States will celebrate the biggest and most important milestone in our country's history — 250 years of American independence. That's why as a nation, we should be preparing for the most spectacular birthday party. We want to make it the best of all time."
Details of the five-part plan for a year-long celebration of America's 250th birthday include:
White House "Salute to America 250" task force to celebrate across all 50 states from Memorial Day 2025 to July 4, 2026.
Great American State Fair world exhibition showcasing each of the 50 states, perhaps on the Iowa State Fairgrounds.
Patriot Games, an Olympic-style event for the nation's high school athletes.
Executive Order to restore the Trump administration's National Garden of American Heroes that was halted by President Joe Biden's administration, a park honoring American exceptionalism and historic American figures.
An invitation for world tourists to share in America's 250th birthday.
And finally, and most importantly, I ask America's great religious communities to pray for our nation and our people as we prepare for this momentous occasion,. From the very beginning, America has been a country sustained and strengthened by prayer and by our communities of faith.
Yes. We are almost there. People are going to be amazed about what has happened once it is safe to reveal. But cornered animals are dangerous, and they likely will try destroy as much as possible before going down.
The cabal plans in 100 year blocks with expectations of 3 generations of males, grandfather, son, grandson each contributing ~33.3 years each. They also have 25 year operational plans of 25-25-25-25 and also 16-8-16-8 that coincide with election cycles in the US. Example is 1889 Russia attacked with "pandemic" which is kickoff of destruction of Russia. Then 1889+25 = 1914, kickoff of WW1. Then 1914+25 = 1939, kickoff of WW2. Then 1939+25 = 1964, attempted kickoff of WW3, pulled forward by JFK into Cuban Missile Crisis and stopped.
67 years is ambitious if one considers it stops the cabal when they are 1/3 or 2/3 the way through their planned destruction of US, depending if you count from 1964 or 1989.
if I was running a long game plan to unfuck the planet from satans cabal id probably choose 66 of something and 6 just to rub their stupid faggot symbolism right back in their faces.
Exactly. Whitehats appear to be doing this with death dates as well. If they capture someone that they subsequently execute, the public "death date" appears to be the date of that person's biggest crime or some other meaningful date that sends the message to other cabal players what happened, so they know.
Look at that picture. Washington DC is threading its influence across the world. Interdasting.
Speaking basics here, 666 ain't really a white number though... That's one of the other team's faves. In general, if there is comms using 666, it usually isn't coming from Patriots. TIME has always been a globalist rag too.
You wanna see more encoded predictions and secret symbol comms on magazine coverd? Check out back issues of the Rothschild-run Economist. Or old issues of JFK Jr's George Magazine.
7-4-2026 is 250th anniversary of country from 7-4-1776. Trump appears to be signalling with his speech and planned “celebration” in 2026 that 1. He will publicly be in charge at that time, and 2. This is the END of the Plan or a Phase; So then I started looking for a July 4, 1960 event that would be START realizing 1960 would be -66 years and I found this 1-4-60 cover and then did a “days between” calc.
It is likely being used mockingly against the satanists who love their symbology. It is the mark of the beast (per Bible), but it may also be "secret knowledge" (occulted per Masonic rites) related to the tetrahedral structure of water. Two water molecules viewed from the front with one rotated out of sync may show some sort of 6-6-6 pattern:
True nature of water is a deep rabbit hole, indeed. Water vibrated at a harmonic of what appears to be “creation frequency” itself appears to impart special powers and potentially repair DNA among other things. I don’t fully understand, but experimenting.
Because we are 80% water, vibrating at one of these harmonics appears to concentrate/spike energy (resonance?). If you run/move at one of these harmonics you can run far and fast at low energy consumption (or you are pulling energy out of environ) and moving like on a wave.
Look at the rhythms of long distance runner pace. This is what they are doing. They are synching up at a harmonic and then riding the wave. When they decrease or increase pace they shift to another harmonic frequency. The very fast ones learn to shift into the higher harmonics that other runners unable to reach. I believe this applies to all sports, but running is most obvious application.
How many nations fell to communism between 53 and 61? Did IKE ever clean out the commies that infiltrated our government under FDR & Truman? McCarthy (Sen. Joe) was right about the infiltration, but IKE didn’t do anything about it and gave the D’s an assist in the 50s version of canceling McCarthy.
Operation Wetback (1954) was just one of several mass deportation campaigns where very large numbers of illegals and communist infiltrators were removed from the country (by force):
And this was just part of the publicly visible operation by the military. Expect a similar initiative under 2nd Trump admin. Screeching from liberals will be continuous as wall gets completed and 50M illegals (WallCrossers) get sent home and all benefits stripped.
He's the guy that starved millions of Germans after the war.
To hell with him, he was as bad as Churchill.
Cabal goon.
Yes. I've read about Eisenhower's treatment of German POWs after the war. Sickening, really. On the other hand, one of the very few things my father (10th Mountain ski trooper in the Italian Alps) ever said to me about the war was related to how horribly the Germans treated captured Americans and for that matter some of their tactics during the war. There was a LOT of anger over that.
All that said, Eisenhower wasn't one-dimensional, and his famous "military-industrial complex" speech near the end of his second term is BASED (although he was not a very engaging speaker) and in particular when talking about how America could be fully taken over by corrupt forces, his voice shows, to me, real concern and distress.
I think he was, at bottom, a patriot and was seriously concerned for the future of America and of the world. If America falls, the world falls -- freedom will die without at least one strong nation standing up for it, and Ike clearly knew that. His war experiences surely branded that truth deep in his mind.
Thank you for making that more nuanced for me fren. I'm far away and don't know all the details. I was aware of his "military-industrial complex" speech though.
America has never been for freedom... Every single war in the history of the US has literally been theatre, from beginning to end. For example, The USSR and their communist state was created by Rockefeller/Rothschild as a necessary "opposition" to Fascism (when they were really the exact same "ism"), and to act as the "turncoat" for both world wars. Their "withdrawal" and "betrayal" was done intentionally to turn the tide at the prescribed time, right before America entered the war as "the savior." In both wars this happened after the US armed and funded both sides of the war as a "neutral party".
The USSR's Communist State also provided the introduction and driving force for the separation of all property ownership into "beneficial ownership" and "control ownership" (trustee); a "corporate trust" in Government form. The USSR is exactly the same entity type that they had created to take over all of corporatedom (everything is run by a singular Trust). This system has since been applied to every country in the world (at least all the ones in the UN).
Continuing this example, the Cold War was created by the same people, and controlled both sides from the beginning specifically so they would have a boogeyman to fight against. You must have "an enemy" to wage war, but the "Cold War" wasn't fought in the USSR or the US, it was fought in third world countries.
They created this completely fake war (not fake for the people who died, or even the people who were led around by the propaganda, but fake on the largest scale) so they could put every country in the world into their central banking system and the United Nations (both of which institutions were also created by Rockefeller/Rothschild). It didn't actually matter which went "democratic" (which is a lie) or which went "communist" (which is the same fricken lie). It was all about putting people into the same system of bondage.
The reasons that these were necessary steps for their upcoming One World Government are too numerous to get into here. But thinking that America was ever anything but a system designed specifically as one side of a two pronged system of "opposition" (controlled opposition) is not supported by the evidence.
America is just one major piece of a Hegelian dialectic, applied to socially engineering a Utopia, and it was designed to be that from day one (1787).
No argument with anything you say, Slyver, except for your first sentence.
America's government began getting corrupted on Day 1, and the forces of evil / the ancient Cabal / bankers / money-grubbing psychopaths / etc have beavered away at America's institutions non-stop since the Articles of Confederation, before the Constitution changed our loose confederation of States into a more centrally-controlled republic. Yes, America has been a bully to other nations for its entire existence. Sometimes a friend, of course, but even then with monetary or strategic overtones.
But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history. The Declaration set off a firestorm of interest in FREEDOM around the world; it created what can well be characterized as a global Great Awakening, and lead to the French Revolution and other revolutionary movements as well. Right into modern times -- the freedom movement in China that was crushed at Tianamen Square, the people in Hong Kong begging for America to be the "America we know you can be" when the CCP started really cracking down there are examples -- America has been a NECESSARY symbol of freedom to the peoples of the world, despite her increasing corruption. Trump's administration brought those positive perceptions back to life, although of course now Biden has tarnished our image (and our reality) more than most of us thought possible.
So, my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target, but the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.
We The People may have, from the beginning, believed in a "Free Nation." There are certainly many people today who believe in a "Free Nation." I suggest that pretty much no one has any idea what that means, but people absolutely believe in it. They have fought for it and died for it for centuries.
From what I have found, the vast majority believe that a Free Nation is the opposite of what a Free People actually is, but an elaboration of the intrinsic and subtle lies of our collective beliefs is a larger discussion for another time. I suggest however, that We The People have been misled, and the vast majority believe the opposite of the Truth, and they have since day one. Even the DoI, the flowery words which you laud, has intentional fuckery contained within it to promote these "opposite beliefs". I'll get back to that in a bit.
My research suggests that the following "Founding Fathers" were agents of the Cabal beyond a reasonable doubt (for me, based on the evidence):
I don't know about any others, because I didn't do "deep dives" into any other founding fathers specifically. These are the four that I did, and they all turned up "Cabal" beyond a reasonable doubt (again, by my assessment based on the evidence I found).
My research suggests that Controlled Opposition takes many forms. There are the people that push the main agenda (Alexander Hamilton e.g.). There are the people that push an agenda opposite to the main agenda (Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin). There are people that are useful "physical agents" to drive the "propaganda of the deed" (George Washington as the "Front Man" and War Leader e.g.). Every effort in history requires these agent types. They always follow the same pattern. The main agenda must be pushed. The reasons are obvious. The opposite agenda must also be pushed. The reasons are NOT obvious, but obvious once you see the pattern. The opposite agenda will happen. There will ALWAYS be an opposition to the main agenda. The only way to ensure that the main agenda moves forward is to Be the agency that pushes the "opposition" agenda. There will be a Front Man to push the physical part of the effort as well. It is essential to also make sure that person is your agent.
I am oversimplifying things for the sake of brevity, but the pattern is sound, and found at every stage of the currently running Utopian Dialectic, which began (intentionally began) sometime in 1500s I think. (I mean the current version of the Controlled Dialectic. There were previous versions that were run through the Religious Trust, controlled by the same group).
As an example of how this plays out, and I choose this only because you brought it up, there are so many more examples. One of the unalienable Rights given to us by Natural Law (or God, or Source, or "The Universe" if you prefer) is the Right to defend our Property. This was laid out explicitly in the works that inspired the DoI, notably the philosophical efforts of John Locke, who is specifically attributed with that inspiration.
Notice I said "Right to defend." We do not have a Right to our property by Natural Law. We do not have a Right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness (freedom of choice) by Natural Law. Every single one of those things can be taken away from us at any time, and Natural Law says that is totally fine. We do however, have the unalienable Right to defend all of those things, given to us by the only actual (non-fraudulent) Power That Be. The word "defend" was explicitly not included in the DoI, and I think that was also fuckery. This is atm just a hypothesis, but I think that word was excluded to make sure we didn't rebel against the government they were setting up, ensuring:
Never happened again.
Of course this hypothesis clashes with 2A, but there's more to it, and it isn't worth elaborating at this time because it's not a huge point.
Regardless, Property was purposefully excluded from the DoI. There are all sorts of explanations for "why" it was excluded, as there is for all of the most important issues (everything really important gets "debunked" e.g.). People believe those explanations. However, I suggest there is one reason, and one reason only, for why that was left off. Because if it was included anywhere in the DoI, or the Constitution, or anything that is pushed on the populace that leads us to our beliefs (propaganda), then Income Taxes, and Property Taxes would have been very hard to sell. Without these taxes, Bank Loans (on this scale) are impossible. So instead of including a clear and explicit statement of our Right to defend our property (which can't be taken away, but we can be convinced that it can), the exact opposite of that Right was written into the Constitution (end of 5A):
This makes it explicit that the Sovereign Government can do with your property whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes. Again, this would have been a really tough sell if "property" (or more appropriately, the Right to defend your property) was one of the unalienable Rights included in the DoI. "Property Rights" was such a huge part of the "inspiration" (Locke) and its exclusion is so glaringly obvious, that the only conclusion (along with other evidence of Jeffersonian fuckery) is that it was left out of the DoI on purpose so that Banks could do their Loan thing for the US Govt, which of course, they did.
As an aside, the Sovereign claim on an Individuals property by the US Govt is itself legally impossible (a contradiction between Natural Law and Constitutional Law). A corporation (legal fiction, such as a governmental corporation) can't be a Sovereign (Ultimate Authority) because a corporation can't make decisions, only Natural Persons can. That particular piece of fuckery (sovereign corporation) is a larger exposure, outside of the scope of this response, but I will be creating a post soon that will elaborate this in detail with the evidence.
My statements are not made out of anger, but out of hope. Hope that we can learn the frauds that bind our thoughts, so We The Entire People can learn the path to transcend our box.
Maybe you are correct, and I don't disagree, but I suggest we can't possibly make it to where we both hope it goes unless we understand the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning. This includes the Sacred Cows, such as the DoI, or the Founding Fathers. We MUST understand the full extent of Controlled Opposition to understand the box our minds have been placed in (The Matrix). If we do not, we will fall back into the same trap with the next "good ruler" that comes along and "saves" us.
That's really the key, I agree. Personally, I believe that BELIEF IN A COERCIVE GOVERNMENT OF ANY KIND is the core of the fuckery.
I'm an abolitionist. We abolished chattel slavery; it's long past time to finish the job.
We need a civil society, without initiated coercion (including such things as eminent domain, taxation, and so on) sanctioned AT ALL. Initiating coercion is a crime, and that doesn't change just because the people committing the coercion say they're doing it as a government, or for "our own good," or anything else.
The common objection that civil society is unworkable is simply wrong, and the arguments for retaining coercive government are not unlike those used in the South against the abolition of slavery.
J.R.R. Tolkien was right: Power is hellishly addictive and corrupting, and even using it with the intent to do good ultimately creates horrors. ANY form of government, no matter the form and no matter how innocent and benign it may be at the start, is a danger.
The United States was (and still could be) a step in the right direction: a government set up by men who openly spoke of liberty and set rules in place to protect the rights of the citizens. That was a new thing in the world, and a good one. But it's not what we need, and until we finish the job we will always arrive back where we are now, under a growing tyranny.
This line of reasoning never plays well here, but I continue to occasionally lay it out because ultimately, it's where we need to go.
The Market for Liberty is an excellent look at how a civil society -- one with no government as we know it at all -- would improve on what we have now.
I do not think this belief is the core, but it lays so close to the core that it is easy to make that mistake. Indeed, it is a mistake that I made as well for a while (if it is indeed a "mistake").
Agreed. Civil society can work perfectly fine, but only if everyone (or a sufficient number of people) understand "the core of the fuckery," or rather, that they understand that which has been subverted to initiate the fuckery.
I suggest the opposite. It doesn't matter WHAT form of government the populace of some jurisdiction (nation, state, municipality, etc.) desires, it can't do fuckery if sufficient people understand one single thing.
That one single thing, is a basic understanding of Reality and our place in it. To put it briefly, that is an understanding of the Sovereignty of the Individual and what their Jurisdiction is by Natural Law. With that understanding disseminated among the Individuals, the polity itself will respect it. It must, because the people will demand it if they understand this basic principle, and why it exists (i.e. how it is derived from the only law that is not an illusion, to wit, Natural Law). The reason that fuckery is impossible with this understanding is because all government law fuckery has a single nature: it makes fraudulent claims on the Individuals Jurisdiction. It makes these claims because people don't understand that they have a Jurisdiction, or what it is. That it enforces these claims through coercion is a secondary effect, thus the belief in the "rightness" of that enforcement is not core, but stems from a lack of understanding as to why the claim is fraudulent.
It is this understanding that has been subverted. It resides in the minds of everyone still, and it is this residue that is used to motivate change in society towards further subversion. Both "the left" and "the right" are constantly bombarded with different pieces of evidence of this subversion, and then given a plausible path out of it, without really understanding what it is that has been subverted. By this method everyone is both divided (because they are shown different pieces of the problem, and then told "the other side is lying"), and they are convinced they have been shown "the best path out," when in fact, because the understanding is incomplete, they are all led further into the subversion fuckery itself.
Of course "to be brief" leaves out what is required to communicate sufficient understanding, but I'm working on an explanation that shows not just what it is, in a way that all can understand (or at least "enough") but also gives an argument that I believe will show beyond a reasonable doubt how this understanding has been subverted, and how it is "the core issue".
You can't grow a tree without planting a seed (or at least avoiding running over it with a lawnmower if some other entity plants one for you).
So plant the seed, and avoid the lawnmowers. Maybe give it a little bit of water every once in a while. This is all that is required to Save the World.
Should be easy enough.
Wow, thank you for this.
Clearly a message here, imo. Unknown if Eisenhower had to play a role for survival, but it looks like he stacked the 1960 election with Patriots Nixon and JFK, and possibly set something in motion on this date in 1960. "The 1960 “Stolen” Election (partially) explained":
Note that Truman was still alive and possibly operating in the background. So it could be the 66 year "Truman Show" if he was free to operate once he was in the background (presumably with the military). Speculation that there is a COG authority former C-I-C may hold until death:
Context here is that something happened in Antarctica 1957-1959 that triggered something. Note Antarctica Treaty signed Dec 1, 1959 in Washington, D.C. just about 1 month prior to this Time Magazine cover.
"Truman Show" Interesting comms.
I think "Truman" is an alternative and less common spelling of the name "Trueman"
Wasn't the plot of The Truman Show that we indeed are living in a matrix. And Truman physically ran his boat into hard evidence of it all being an illusion (He was sailing and ran into the ice wall that flat earthers think is around the edge of the earth ( I think that's what they believe)
Lots of "soft disclosure" in that movie, including observation from the "moon office" showing there is something weird about the moon, restricted travel to certain parts of the planet, and the shape of the "studio" that Truman is inside (snowglobe type of structure with level land and water) with an outer dome "firmament" type structure.
Note that the Encyclopedia Americana from 1949 or late 50s states that at one point near Antarctica (icewall) the firmament is at a height of 13,000 ft, if I recall correctly. It appears to be some sort of electromagnetic field.
Don't forget that the main villain was called Christoff (Christ off)
I've never heard of the starving part, but didn't Eisenhower warn us of the military industrial complex?
I think over 2 million German POWs died of starvation and exposure because of Eisenhower's orders. Food supplies were cut to their camps.
This is from memory so somebody else might have more detail.
"Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps Documentary"; YouTube asking for sign-in, must be brutal
To be left on a meadow with absolutely nothing is brutal, but that is not the reason for age restriction, if you consider all the hollywood movies your kids are allowed to see.The screaming kids in the Podesta vid I found much more brutal.
"Ya think yer hot shit, dontcha?" Yeah... It is brutal.
Pardon me?
Don't you remember? That's what Podesta was yelling at the screaming child. "WHAT'S MY NAME?" "John!" "No, what's my other name? You will call me 'father'!"
Hence the reason Q said it was over before it began. By the time the public Q part of the plan began it was essentially done. The rest was just the reveal to us, I guess.
nothing new under the sun
When things happen is likely not predetermined, but certain events are needed to occur generally by target dates. It appears that in some cases cabal plans can be delayed or shifted forward by whitehats. Exampe1: Cuban Missile Crisis appeared to happen earlier than cabal wanted, preventing their planned 1964 WW3. Example2: The 2014 events in Ukraine look like they were intended to kick off a WW that year (1989 NWO kickoff+25 years = 2014), and they got suppressed and delayed all the way into 2021.
Eisenhower was the 33rd "Man of the Year" when he was placed on this cover.
Note what is connected to Washington (with ropes). London (bankers, political control via maritime law/politicians/"water"), Germany (Khazarians/Prussians, later Switzerland control of land via military), and Rome (the Vatican, religious control via the AIR/trusts); rope to London appears to go over Delaware specifically. Rope to Germany goes to Northern Virginia, location of Pentagon.
LAW = Land, Air, Water
Connections to Paris may be reference to the French Rothschilds and all of the Treaties of Paris used to implement the Global Agenda for hundreds of years. Look how many (47 so far). First “Treaty of Paris” was 1229:
Eisenhower started his term cabal controlled- The Dulles brothers essentially ran his administration. He may have rebelled towards the end.
Eisenhower warned us of the military industrial complex, starting wars just for profit...
Regarding Antarctica, as most rabbit hole diggers know, there is talk that Eisenhower had some secret UFO or actual ET-related meeting that time wise coincides with Antarctic intrigue of some sort. All part of the web of deception we know exists.
The use of thread and rope, tied up in admiralty law perhaps?
Yes. Looks like maritime rope to me, but clearly it is "thread" with the needle. Does it also mean "puppet strings"?
From and including: Monday, 4 January 1960 To, but not including Saturday, 4 July 2026
Result: 24,288 days It is 24,288 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.
Or 66 years, 6 months excluding the end date.
Or 798 months excluding the end date.
Wednesday, 31 May 2023 02:54 PM EDT; "Trump Plans 'Salute to America 250' Year-Long Party":
Details of the five-part plan for a year-long celebration of America's 250th birthday include:
White House "Salute to America 250" task force to celebrate across all 50 states from Memorial Day 2025 to July 4, 2026.
Great American State Fair world exhibition showcasing each of the 50 states, perhaps on the Iowa State Fairgrounds.
Patriot Games, an Olympic-style event for the nation's high school athletes.
Executive Order to restore the Trump administration's National Garden of American Heroes that was halted by President Joe Biden's administration, a park honoring American exceptionalism and historic American figures.
An invitation for world tourists to share in America's 250th birthday.
What would’ve made the White Hats think it would take 66 years to save the USA?
Isn’t that a little less-than ambitious?
66 years to defeat the 1000s year old satanic death cult seems pretty ambitious to me.
I guess we can wait 7-8 years then.
Yes. We are almost there. People are going to be amazed about what has happened once it is safe to reveal. But cornered animals are dangerous, and they likely will try destroy as much as possible before going down.
It's 4 generations
The cabal plans in 100 year blocks with expectations of 3 generations of males, grandfather, son, grandson each contributing ~33.3 years each. They also have 25 year operational plans of 25-25-25-25 and also 16-8-16-8 that coincide with election cycles in the US. Example is 1889 Russia attacked with "pandemic" which is kickoff of destruction of Russia. Then 1889+25 = 1914, kickoff of WW1. Then 1914+25 = 1939, kickoff of WW2. Then 1939+25 = 1964, attempted kickoff of WW3, pulled forward by JFK into Cuban Missile Crisis and stopped.
67 years is ambitious if one considers it stops the cabal when they are 1/3 or 2/3 the way through their planned destruction of US, depending if you count from 1964 or 1989.
Thanks for the solid answer!
if I was running a long game plan to unfuck the planet from satans cabal id probably choose 66 of something and 6 just to rub their stupid faggot symbolism right back in their faces.
Exactly. Whitehats appear to be doing this with death dates as well. If they capture someone that they subsequently execute, the public "death date" appears to be the date of that person's biggest crime or some other meaningful date that sends the message to other cabal players what happened, so they know.
Thanks for the great response!
I'm gonna need to read this 👆 a couple of more times..
Look at that picture. Washington DC is threading its influence across the world. Interdasting.
Speaking basics here, 666 ain't really a white number though... That's one of the other team's faves. In general, if there is comms using 666, it usually isn't coming from Patriots. TIME has always been a globalist rag too.
You wanna see more encoded predictions and secret symbol comms on magazine coverd? Check out back issues of the Rothschild-run Economist. Or old issues of JFK Jr's George Magazine.
See comment showing the "days between calculator" results
7-4-2026 is 250th anniversary of country from 7-4-1776. Trump appears to be signalling with his speech and planned “celebration” in 2026 that 1. He will publicly be in charge at that time, and 2. This is the END of the Plan or a Phase; So then I started looking for a July 4, 1960 event that would be START realizing 1960 would be -66 years and I found this 1-4-60 cover and then did a “days between” calc.
I’m not a fan of 666.
It is likely being used mockingly against the satanists who love their symbology. It is the mark of the beast (per Bible), but it may also be "secret knowledge" (occulted per Masonic rites) related to the tetrahedral structure of water. Two water molecules viewed from the front with one rotated out of sync may show some sort of 6-6-6 pattern:
This gives new meaning to "watch the water." I'd like to hear more on that. (I liked Mel Gibson in "Signs")
So mocking the Masonic occultists and Satanists? Like Elon wearing the garb of Satan? Like gargoyles on a cathedral? Gorgon on a shield?
Maybe. Hopefully. But the choice will be ours. Like rejecting the vax or accepting, perhaps.
The cumulative development of conscience over a lifetime, connected to God (and good people) and a genetic predisposition to resist helped me there.
True nature of water is a deep rabbit hole, indeed. Water vibrated at a harmonic of what appears to be “creation frequency” itself appears to impart special powers and potentially repair DNA among other things. I don’t fully understand, but experimenting.
Because we are 80% water, vibrating at one of these harmonics appears to concentrate/spike energy (resonance?). If you run/move at one of these harmonics you can run far and fast at low energy consumption (or you are pulling energy out of environ) and moving like on a wave.
Look at the rhythms of long distance runner pace. This is what they are doing. They are synching up at a harmonic and then riding the wave. When they decrease or increase pace they shift to another harmonic frequency. The very fast ones learn to shift into the higher harmonics that other runners unable to reach. I believe this applies to all sports, but running is most obvious application.
Seems like the needle is pointed at Russia for one more stitch. Discuss?
Yes. The needle location and orientation is likely meaningful, but I can't figure it out. Maybe Space related?
How many nations fell to communism between 53 and 61? Did IKE ever clean out the commies that infiltrated our government under FDR & Truman? McCarthy (Sen. Joe) was right about the infiltration, but IKE didn’t do anything about it and gave the D’s an assist in the 50s version of canceling McCarthy.
Operation Wetback (1954) was just one of several mass deportation campaigns where very large numbers of illegals and communist infiltrators were removed from the country (by force):
And this was just part of the publicly visible operation by the military. Expect a similar initiative under 2nd Trump admin. Screeching from liberals will be continuous as wall gets completed and 50M illegals (WallCrossers) get sent home and all benefits stripped.
Totally bitchin’ datefagging! That’s a good one. Love it!
Well, we don't need his demented ass.
This is Eisenhower, not Biden...hehe
Here is his full farewell address.
He was a wise man