"These findings demonstrated that Ivermectin significantly enhanced the anti-cancer efficacy of chemotherapeutic drugs to tumor cells, especially in the drug-resistant cells. Ivermectin,could potentially be used in combination with chemotherapeutic agents to treat cancers.."
I bet the chemo isnt needed at all. They want to get all their money out of the investments into chemo centers.
The Ivermectic IS the treatment.
It's the CHEMO that reduces the efficacy of Ivermectin !!!
( note: I realize the linked study does not support my personal views )
Exactly. Go to https://nih.gov and search “ivermectin and cancer’ and keep clicking “next page”… plenty scientists know what this drug can do…
Yes yes and yes
But common sense supports your views.
Chemo makes you sick so you need more treatment.
Chemo damages cells of every major organ tissue.
Ever seen someone after several chemo sessions, they age years if not decades (largest organ is skin) and you bet the organs are same and even if one beats cancer, gonna be a long haul
Yes, I have. A few years ago I had to have some iron infusions for anemia, and that's done in the chemo center. There were 12 "bays" with 8 chairs each, so 72 patients, twice a day, so 144 pts, 5 days a week. The place was always packed with very sickly people, hooked up to that nasty nasty bright red chemo drug. Red Devil, they call it. Row after row after row of very defeated people being processed through the healthcare system. I always felt so lucky to leave there after my little infusion. I hope i never ever have to have that done to me or my family.
If they ever spilled ANY, you see the nurses in full hazmat mode, cleaning it and anything around them. If it got on a doctor or nurse, they are treated for burns and get blood work done for a few days, sometimes even charcoal or laxatives to force it out of the body.
It reminds me of the original aids drugs, which were failed chemo, Came with black box death warning and the number 666
That's crazy, I didn't know that.
That’s insane. Yet they pump it into peoples bodies…disgusting
yeah, just came here to say fuck chemo
Agreed, they probably also want to make people go through chemo and radiation (in addition to money) to make cancer look like the worst of the worst diseases and put people through trauma. We know they don't care about people's well being and health.
Cancer is curable through natural means. Tits actually treatable if we didn’t have psychopaths running the show.
Sooo right!
I have taken Ivermectin once a week at the maintenance dose since I took it when I had "covid" and I find nothing but benefit. At 72 it is the only "drug" I take (which I hate drugs) but I think it adds to my overall health in such a positive way. I have also continued with zinc, quercetin and NAC and only take many other supplements...hoping to avoid any cancers etc.
My husband would not take Ivermectin and now is dealing with prostate cancer (which probably was a long time coming) but I have to wonder if things would have been different if he had taken IVM.
Fortunately he is now taking fenbendazole (Tippens protocol) and I have every confidence in the effectiveness of that for cancer...dealing with parasites as the cause of all disease is a game changer...
Hey Tweety! Add Apricot Seeds (vitamin B17) to that protocol as well! I eat 8-10 a day. Recommend the book, “World Without Cancer”, as well for more information on it. I listened on Audible, was very informative.
So many things have been hidden from us…
Thank you...how is your mom doing? Do you take actual seeds or a capsule?
I should read/listen to the book but I am just not in the mood to absorb any more knowledge at the moment...I am just overwhelmed...I will let you do all the reading and give me the highlights...as if you don't have enough on your plate...take care...
Eh she’s OK. She fell once again for the doctors sales pitch on chemo for the leukemia THEY CAUSED with past treatments. It sucks because we went all in on alternatives the last couple weeks and she was starting to get better (white blood cell count jumped 50%+). Doctors couldn’t explain it. She started the chemo two days ago and is already barely able to get out of bed, in pain, and coughing up a storm with the bad air quality here.
I can relate to the information overload, I am burned out as well. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Feels like I have nothing left to give at times, started to wonder if I was depressed last night….
The main highlights from the book cover things we already know (FDA has covered up many cures). This book goes over Vitamin B17 found in apricot seeds specifically. It can cure cancer, and cultures with higher portions of it in their diets have longer lifespans and lower cancer rates. Criminal what’s been done.
How is your husband? I continue to pray for you, God gives His most difficult battles to His strongest warriors.
I have already recently added St.John's Wort for depression...that helps me a lot...you just have to be careful of sun sensitivity. I also have Bach Flower Remedies I can make...
I am burned out also...spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally...you name it...I guess we are warriors par excellence to be so used of God...I just don't feel like a warrior...this is when the unseen quality of faith kicks in..."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me..."
I am so sorry that your mom cannot see the truth evidenced in her life...I pray for your family...these are hard decisions and it is extremely hard remaining positive in these life/death situations...
My husband is ok...at least he is taking what I tell him even though he doesn't believe any of it...go figure...you be sure to take care of yourself...you can't give what you don't have...our God is able to do exceedingly more than we can ever imagine...hold tight to the certainty of that truth...
Thanks for the tips on St. John’s Wort, never heard of it but just bought some. I’m not one to turn to “substances” for mental relief, but what harm can an herb do.
It sounds like we are both taxed. There’s a reason God rested on the 7th day. We need to remember the importance of that in these fights.
Your husband can still heal, I believe it. There is something out there that can help him just as there is for my Mom. Stay strong! Will stay in touch
Just one more thing for depression that might even be good for your mom...diffuse citrus oil blends...easy to do and VERY effective for depression...and it really smells good while making you happier...NOW carries good blends in 30 mL bottles which lasts quite a long time...load up on citrus oils!!!
Is it Ok to breathe these in?? Sounds awesome I’m just trying to be super careful!
Read this thread about half hr ago, had to come bk... the "depression" thing bugs me, hits a little too close to home.
Jus a reminder for you and others that-- what we do ain't easy, really is a burden knowing the things we do (those who know can't sleep). Toss in day to day struggles, working to survive, others losing their collective minds either via the vax, pharm/meds, constant media brainwashing of divide & conquer, or whatever... beyond exhausting for even the strongest "chosen" soldiers among us- we're only hue-man after all.
Take a break, get some mother nature (the BIGGEST), exhale, and know that ncswic and we'll be here when you're ready to tag back in ✋ and rejoin this eternal fight of Dark V Light.
(((HUGS))) for my Homies
Thanks so much for your thoughtful response...many of us are dealing with multiple issues that don't have a lot to do with the politics of Q/Great Awakening...sometimes when it rains it just pours and we achieve homeostasis after much trial and error...
GAW has been a blessing as people share cures and strategies for surviving the many different calamities we experience...but the bottom line is sometimes life is just hard...ergo the tendency toward depression...
Nonetheless I do believe God will work everything out according to His purpose...and He is our ever present help in our time of need...it is just overwhelming to walk through the fire of refinement... but joy absolutely comes in the morning...I, for one, look forward to the dawn of a new day...
Of course, tweety, we really are all in this together (as cliche as it might sound).
Truly a wonderful time to be alive... grueling, yes... though no other timeframe/era I'd rather be.
But Lord, this shit is killing me kek
Thanks for the kind words!
The depression for me is in relation to seeing my Mom run through the healthcare system mill and me KNOWING in my mind and spirit that there is another path But being unable to change it because of the indoctrination that “doctors know best”. These doctors take total advantage of vulnerable people and I’ve seen it firsthand, it disgusts me. I’ve seen my Mom go from vibrant, full of life and energy, and loving every minute to literally last week telling me she wants to die. That’s what this system has done to her, taken the literal life from one of the most beautiful souls I know. It breaks my heart and I’ve promised God to dedicating my life to speaking out against it.
I know NCSWIC, I just wish sometimes it would speed up because there are people suffering under this BS.
Sorry for the rant, I like the tip on nature, appreciate you!
I don't have a doctor and I used Joe's protocol successfully for a year and a half for squamous cell carcinoma of the eye...but I think it's coming back. I stopped taking fenben 6 months ago. I'm restarting, but I have a question. Q: What do you think about taking both IVM and Fenben together? Thanks for sharing your story.
If you are on Truth Social you should get in touch with Florida Sharkman who would know more than me...I have seen both used together but I have no experience with that. I will say that the FBZ in Joe Tippens protocol is not a high enough dose according to the Sharkman's protocols so I have increased my husband's FBZ accordingly...and apparently it does make a difference...also he will answer questions...
@contrabandcures or @FloridaSharkman
Thanks so much for your information-I'll make contact. I too felt the dosage of fenben was too little. I doubled it and believe it made a great difference. Here's to perfect health for your husband !!!!
Thank you so much...I hope the Lord leads you to the info you need to make you whole and healthy once again...Florida Sharkman is a gift from God and it is his mission to help as many as he can....I know God has an answer just for you...
I'm searching on Truth Social for "Florida Sharkman" and also under Ivermectin and finding no one even close.....your good wishes bring tears-thank you.
Follow me on TS at tweety51 or @tweety51...I follow both FloridaSharkman and contrabandcures so they will be in my list of following...hopefully that works...I am not technologically inclined and I don't know how to transfer info very well...if that doesn't work I will get it another way...I used to have a link...
I take both just as a preventative and I have been doing so for over a year, ivermectin give been taking since 2020. I’d say to do it because I’ve read that many others do with no Ill affects.
I'm very grateful for your feedback. Thanks so much for taking the time to answer me.
About half the men by the age of 85 have some form of prostate cancer (Life Insurance underwriting stats.) From an underwriting standpoint, unless you develop it when you are young, it is one of the "easier" cancers to underwrite because it is kind of viewed as something older men tend to die with - you just get old. Yes, some forms are more aggressive, and men do die from it, but in general, at those ages, there is a lot more going on.
Good luck!
I would also insist again to him to take ivermectin along with the fenbendazole
Why do you say that?
Because they each prevent / stop cancer in different ways and taking both of them will only increase the chances of beating it with no bad side effects, also yes, the Tippens protocol is on the low side, most people that I consult with say you need at least 2000 mg a day of fenbendazole and they get the best results after six months of use. Once the cancer is gone, I’m told to continue taking at least 200 mg a day for a preventative dose. Like I said, I’m only taking it as a preventative and I still take 2000 mg a day, sometimes I do 3000 a day just to see if it will do anything bad to me before I recommend it to friends and family. I get mine from the happy healing store because it’s the purest form I can find consistently and for pretty good prices.
I use the 10% goat solution...you can buy that in a gallon...pretty easy to take once you figure out the dose...do you take it every day or take time off? I will check out the Happy Healing Store...I have IVM...horse paste...I could add....thanks....
I take them both everyday. Don’t get me wrong, there’s some days here and there when I’m camping or something and don’t take it but for the most part it’s everyday. For the ivermectin I just take the paste as well.
Ivermectin alone kills cancer cells. Chemo isn't needed. What's needed is a full on overhaul of our farming industry and a return to holistic farming without petrochemicals, growth hormones, GMO crops, etc.
harmful chemicals aren't only found in food... detox everything
It’s so hard to avoid though. Can’t even get a glass of water without getting a dose of fluoride..
Get a zero filter pitcher...it removes fluoride according to their literature...easy solution....
Never heard of this..will check it out. Thanks Tweety!!
I hear Fenbendazole is just as effective. From what I’ve read the major difference is that Fenben can cross the blood-brain barrier while Ivermectin cannot. Don’t have a source other than some insight from people who advised my family to try it.
Fixing vitamin deficiencies, anti-parasitics, diet changes, alkalizing the body, etc. are all the keys to curing cancer. Not their toxic, garbage, chemo “treatments”.
From what I understand, you have to take DMSO with ivermectin to get it to cross the blood brain barrier. In the groups that I’m in they always recommend that if you are fighting brain cancer.
Wonder if now they will start raising the price of Ivermectin. Guess we better start stocking up on it now.
Chemo kills everything.... including the patient. It has less than a 3% success rate. I doubt it has any benefit at all with Ivermectin.... except for recognizing chemo isn't needed whatsoever.
They've known this shit for eons. Hang these fuckers.
What fortuitous timing, just when there is a shortage of the standard FDA and CDC approved products? 🤔
Wow ! Thank you for sharing this merf .☝️
No problem. I think one of the nearest things about being an anon is seeing how the broader news fits together and being able to tie it back to the Q plan.
You can really see the pieces moving constantly once you're aware of it.
What’s your theory here? The shortage will naturally draw people to alternatives?
Exactly. All the standard stuff doctors are used to blindly prescribing will be gone so they'll be forced to look around for similar products.
If it's a true "crisis" they may even be forced to put their thinking caps on and forge some new ground.
In the same way the cabal uses crises to take away people's freedoms through fear, white hats could use crises to force us to think for ourselves and find truths we've been missing.
I will say I am hearing lately about MANY people close to me getting cancer. Totally anecdotal but it feels like I’m hearing about a new person every week…
Personally seen results with Ivermectin for cancer.
Chemo kills more patients than cancer. Ivm has been shown to work all by itself. Plus many other natural (graviola, dandelion root, garlic, baking soda, acv, iodine, apricot seeds) have also shown efficacy. Lots of info a available. Check out pubmed and many independent sites.
Here's our list of where to buy pill form IVM, no Rx required:
Hey, hey, hey...long time no see...glad to see you chime in...hope all is well...I see you commenting so rarely. What have you been up to besides work and being the keeper of lists??? It is really good to see you....let me know how you are doing...we are on our journey but it is not over yet...
Howdy ! Yep, I'm still here, but in one of my "step back" phases ...need to focus on my business and also give myself some down time to veg out and clear my brain.
I saw your comment that hubby is using Fenben -- and I'm praying that works out for him!
I took it a few times during 2020-2021 and I haven’t even had a sniffle since then. I haven’t taken any in probably a year or more. Still no illnesses.
I would say Bravo except fuck chemotherapy to begin with. Other than that thank you for good information!
Sounds like i need to mix ivermectim into my fenbendzolone joe tippen protocol
I have a distinct memory of reading years ago - probably 15 years ago - about an anti-cancer drug that was in use in Russia that was showing amazing results. It was in use in here as a cattle de wormer. The article stated that it sold here in the $2-$3 range at the time, but to look for it to be in the 4 figure range if the FDA approved it.
I remember discussing it with my sister, who teaches Nursing. I can't say i remember the name of the medication after all these years, but it is a perfect fit for what we are reading about Ivermectin now. And it is a perfect fit for the behavior of our FDA and Pharma Companies.
Watch gay be caused by parasites and cured w ivermectin.,..be like waking up from a nightmare
Screw that! If I get cancer, I'm not getting any chemotherapy! Big Pharma is not going to make a dime off of me. I will die and they won't get any money! 😡
no...no, no,no, no no no.....its too cheap....the health industry would rather use a $6000 drug rather than one that costs pennies....
I responded to a post on gab, where the poster said that the FDA was going to prohibit the sale of IVM. He said his source was the FDA. I searched the site and could not find anything. Anyone else putting eyes on this would be helpful.
Does anybody know any way to get ivermectin in Canada? I’ve tried ordering from India but customs and health canada seized that shipment and I’m still salty about that. I’m in Alberta and just don’t know enough about where to get it.
Ah yes, they need to throw these types of videos out there to tamp down oppostion to their, "cures", for cancer. The deadly chemo "therapy".