John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
1:10 He/Jesus was in the world, and the world was made by Him/Jesus, and the world knew Him/Jesus not.
1:14 And the Word was made flesh/Jesus, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, The Prince of Peace.
The child, being Jesus, would be called the son and the father.
The human body of Jesus, the Word, was made so that God would walk this earth as a man, yet at the same time all God.
Jesus said multiple times that He was the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, and that ALL power was His. ALL cannot be shared. If one has it all, then there is none left for anyone else. So, there is only one God, not two, not three, only One! He said, if you've seen me then you've seen my father.
The Trinity refers to the Christian doctrine that there is one God who eternally exists in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. These three persons are co-equal, co-eternal, and share the same essence or nature of God. Each person of the Trinity is fully God, yet there is only one God.
This concept is often described using the term “three in one” or “tri-unity.” It is not a belief in three separate gods or a belief in one God who merely manifests in different forms or modes. Rather, the Trinity is a unique understanding of the nature of God as revealed in the Bible.
Succinctly stated nature of our triune God. Unfortunately, just as God created man, man has been trying to return the favor by creating their own god(s) since the fall.
One can debunk God (Father) and Jesus (Son) being one entity in Matthew 24:36 speaking of who knows when the 'End of Days' will begin:
“But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone."
If they are literally one existence for one part of an entity to not know what the other knows would be impossible. Also 'Father why have thou forsaken me' (Matthew 27:46) would make zero sense. Who exactly would he be crying out to in pain..
Go to Philippians 2:5-8 and read of the 'Kenosis', or the emptying that Jesus did to become man. As part of the incarnation, He took on humanity, while not displaying all of His Godly attributes. One example is at the transfiguration where Jesus reveals His glory, which had been hidden. As for Matt 27:46, when Jesus was on the cross, and God the Father placed on God the Son the sins of all who would believe, God the Father was could not look at God the Son who had become sin for us 2 Cor 5:21 and Habakkuk 1:13.
Jesus had two natures. One fully man (in which case he didn’t know some things and grew in stature and knowledge), the other fully God. The God Man. The hypostatic union.
Must remember his two natures when considering passages like this.
To create a baby, the mother contributes a full set of chromosomes.The father contributes another full set. To form one cell for life to begin, it takes 2 sets. Mary contributed the human chromosomes, but God contributed the divine chromosomes (man was created in His image and likeness so this wasn't cross speciation). The complete cell therefore was both human and divine. The human is the "child born to us." The divine is the "Son given to us in Isaiah 9:6." The Son is the Word who was in the beginning, was with God and was God (Jn. 1:1). That's why He is called "Mighty God." He is called "eternal Father" because you can't have a son without a father. God is the eternally begetting Father who is distinct but not separate from the eternally begotten Son. By the time Jesus was 12, He knew who He was, but as a human who began as a baby, He was not omniscient. He was limited in time and space until after His resurrection.He learned who He was through what His mother told Him, and what He learned from Scripture through the shepherding of His Father.
If 'Father' and 'Son' were one why the distinction.
They are separate persons that share the same essence/nature. Difference in roles, but holding the same office.
Joseph didn't understand what young Jesus did
Yes, it was difficult for early Jews to understand who Jesus was, even his family. Even Jesus said “a prophet has no honor in his hometown.”
God was progressively revealing himself at the time in the flesh (Messiah), which was foretold in Hebrew prophecy, but the Jews still had a hard time reconciling what they were seeing with Jesus. More miracles (revelation) were needed.
Jesus gave up glory in Heaven, but not Divinity. Jesus does not have 'two natures' he has one nature, and that his personality which happens to be sinless.
So you are right it is impossible that first the Father and Son are the same being, and second it is impossible that Jesus the Son has two natures. He is a human just like me and you but sinless which makes him Divine. We can become divine also.
Honest questions, do we all have blood, water and a spirit? Are they all not me? Do they all have their own purpose? Can blood do what water does or spirit, etc...? Is it all still one me?
1 John 5:7-8
For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.
They are two different persons with different bodies, dispositions, and personalities with a common purpose. They do share the same Spirit that comes from the Father then to the Son, and then the rest of us.
whatever....I'm a nominal Protestant and secular humanist. I just read the Bible the way it reads. The words Father and Son would not be used if they did not mean exactly what those words are supposed to mean.
Some pictures given of the relationship are: Revelation 21:23, "...the glory of God illumined it [the city], and its lamp is the Lamb." God is the "electricity," and the Lamp is the "lightbulb" which contains and expresses the electricity. "I am in the Father and the Father is in Me (Jn. 14:10&11)." We see how that works with the hidden manna from Exodus. The manna (the bread from heaven-Jesus) is in the golden pot (Gold symbolizes God), and the golden pot is in the ark (which symbolizes Christ).
If you read the Bible just the way it reads, you miss most of the good stuff. The truth contained is in pictures which are interpreted in the Bible itself. For instance, John described Jesus as, "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (Jn. 1:29)." You know He's not a sheep, but to understand that statement takes the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. In Jn, 1:51, Jesus alludes to Himself as Jacob's ladder. The Bible has a public key and a private key. When Jesus was asked why He spoke in parables, He said, "because seeing they do no see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand (Matt. 13:13)." "Because to you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens, but to them it has not been given (v. 11)."
Jesus is the Word in the flesh. This may not be a perfect analogy, but I see it as an avatar/username. Are you u/Kensethfan? Is that actually you or just your username? Are you a separate being from your username that just has the same purpose? Your physical being cannot be in the Internet, but it is you on this forum, just like Jesus is God with us (Immanuel).
Jehovah was the God of Abraham, Jacob and Joseph; He took on the flesh of this world as Jesus the Christ and ministered for 3 years, was betrayed after the Garden of Gesthemne to be lifted up to die on the cross, the Atonement and the resurrection saved ALL mankind from spiritual death....if they choose righteous behaivior and conduct...
Lovin it folks, amens all around. My favorite single scripture proof believers in Him ( Christ) are God's people. They wanted to deny us our identity within Him while ruling over us. The spitirtual book of 1 John to believers that get it, that's spirit doesn't sin awaiting the redemption of our body to be sinless as the redeemed spirit in His blood - 1 John 2:23
“Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.”
Those on this earth that deny Jesus after He came and manifest fully who He is aren't God's people, they aren't the apple of His eye. That was achieved in Abrahams SEED not SEEDS as many, like Galatians says. It's us, don't deny the power we have in the innocent Christ's blood compared to the power they have in the innocents blood empowering the other side. They've been shut off supply, we are stronger than ever, they are weaker than ever regardless of carnal posturing.
Bumpy as it's gotten folks, John from the gospel's own MUCH more detailed account of Matt 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 equivalence for the end times we are riding out is even summarized as even so come Lord Jesus and Amen.
Trump's the best so far, but Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lord's and it isn't sorted fully til we are with Him however you see it.
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
1 Timothy 3:16
I'll take and trust God's words over man's words every day.
The Lord Jesus Christ is God in the Flesh.
That's not what this verse means.
It doesn't say "I and the father are God".
"I and the father are one" refers to purpose and agency.
If taken at an absolute literal level of jesus = the father, it would be silly
If you want to add your words like "purpose" and "agency" then I suggest you take that up with Jesus first. And I recommend you start taking his word very seriously.
Also, if my blood, water and spirit agree as one, then Father, Word and Spirit are one 🙏
1 John 5:7-8
For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.
The bible was written by multiple people, but it was authored by One God.
If you've ever read a long multiple book series by a specific author and the author dies, and another author finishes the story, you will instantly know that it is off somehow. I've had this experience with a long series that I was reading, and I was anticipating the final book to finish the series. I didn't realize that the author had died and that the book was finished by his assistant. Without knowing that the original author had died, I immediately disliked the way the book read. It was little things, but it just didn't read the same. The story was the same, but there was a subtle difference in the writing. That last book ruined the series for me.
The Bible is the only book written by multiple hands, over hundreds of years span, that is obviously authored by one mind. The men were the instruments that Almighty God used to write His Word. There is not a book in history, that was written by two or more people, that will be the same. Words and phrases change with the seasons. So no two men will write the same story the same way. The Bible is the only book that never contradicts itself. You as a human being, reading bits and pieces of the Bible, may say it contradicts. But if you'll read the whole Bible, word for word, each part compliments the other. It was inspired and authored by One God.
Genesis 1-26 “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…”
Notice the “our”. That’s the three. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus was there in the beginning. God in flesh. He is human as He is divine.
This reminds me of something from Fullmetal Alchemist
One is all, all is one.
a constant theme in the Bible is this oneness. The trinity, being one in the same. Christ being there since the inception of the beginning. And as someone menrioned below, unity of purpose. Man too was one then made man and woman. Everything is made as one, light and dark, land and sky, blessing and curse
When you look at the Q drops you see this oneness as well. It is even the mantra, where we go one we go all.
If they are one :
1. Who did Jesus pray to?
2. He said that God was greater than him. Impossible, if they are the same.
3. If he died as the scriptures say, who brought him back to life?
4. The scriptures call him "The man christ Jesus". How if he were God?
5. He is the only begotten, how?
6. Many, many more....
God is God and Christ is his "only begotten son". So say the scriptures.
The trinity first appeared in 285 AD, and again in 385 AD. Every encyclopedia, including the Catholic Encyclopedia will tell you the dates of the beginning of the Trinity doctrine. Up until then, there was no controversy, every Christian believed that there was One God.
If you will break down Matthew 28:19 into its proper prepositional phrases in the English language, you will see that that scripture is talking about one person, Jesus Christ.
With faith, it becomes clear and much simpler in Truth. It is good to ask questions, because the answers that come are from that quiet still voice that can pierce the soul of an open hearted person. You are using your questions as a shield against the simple Truth.
Thank you. I will share with you some scripture that moves me deeply: The resurrected Christ to Thomas, "Thomas, because thou hast seen me,thou hast believed; blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed".
I am in the late autumn of my lifeand I feel like it is just beginning!
Give me one example of proof that Jesus is God. Not asking for proof of God but proof that Jesus is God. Not bible scripture. Actual proof. Why do you people believe this so strongly with no evidence? I'm not saying Jesus isn't God just that I haven't seen the proof and I have asked several times on this board and no one can give a straight answer.
I just don't think anything written down especially that long ago can be taken as 100% evidence. People make stuff up all the time. I'm not here to bash the bible or its importance or to imply disrespect from these questions but people have been claiming they know X is God forever. God can't be proven, that requires faith but when I start to get sus is when people say for sure they think this person was/is God.
It is understandable to have reservations about the reliability of ancient writings. However, it is essential to approach the question of the Bible’s trustworthiness with intellectual integrity and careful examination.
The Bible is not a single book written by a single person. It is a collection of ancient texts written by various authors over centuries. These texts have been scrutinized and studied by scholars from diverse backgrounds, employing rigorous methods of textual criticism and historical analysis.
When evaluating the credibility of any historical document, we consider factors such as authorship, manuscript evidence, archaeological discoveries, and external corroboration. Applying these standards, the Bible stands remarkably strong.
The biblical manuscripts have been meticulously preserved and transmitted throughout history, enabling scholars to reconstruct the original texts with remarkable accuracy. Furthermore, archaeological findings consistently affirm the historical accuracy of numerous biblical accounts.
Additionally, the Bible contains multiple eyewitness testimonies, providing multiple perspectives on significant events. It withstands the tests of historical reliability more than any other ancient text.
Regarding concerns about people making things up, it is crucial to recognize that the biblical writers claimed to be recording divinely inspired revelation. They were not mere fabricators, but individuals who believed they were conveying God’s message to humanity. People will die for what they believe to be true all the time. But no one dies for something they know to be false (made up).
Furthermore, if the authors of the NT were making up a lie and trying to pass it off as truth, then they wouldn’t have had women discovering the empty tomb first. The empty tomb is the corner stone of the Christian faith. Women’s testimony, however, in the first century, was equivalent to dirt. Why would the early disciples have women discovering the most important part of the Christian story? Either the authors of the New Testament were the worst at making up a good lie, or they were telling the facts as they happened.
The Bible has withstood the scrutiny of countless critics and continues to impact lives across cultures and generations. It offers profound wisdom, moral guidance, and spiritual insight. While intellectual skepticism is valid, dismissing the Bible solely on the basis of its age would be a hasty generalization. Rigorous examination of the evidence can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of its historical value and spiritual significance.
Lol reading the comments it’s almost as if this topic isn’t as cut and dry as your title suggests. So many scriptures. So many potential double meanings. Literalists reading figurative statements arriving at literal conclusions. And then Paul the wolf in sheep’s clothing gets in the mix..
It’s a “you already proved you aren’t going to discuss this in good faith and I’m not in the mood to deal with that boring shit right now so go pester someone else.”
You keep living in fear and shame, repenting sins you haven't committed and worshiping another human. Religious dogma is a cabal invention to keep the masses docile and it's funny that this site of all places can't see it.
Who said anything about atheism? You can believe in a Creator without taking your entire worldview from an old cabal-written book that tells you you're a worthless sinner who should worship a historical figure as the only way to salvation or else.
I do believe Jesus communicated some of our Creator's principles to us, such as "The kingdom of God is within you" and "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." He also brought the concepts of self-sacrifice and forgiveness to a world of greedy barbarians. This is guidance on where to look and how to live to get closer to our true essence which is that of a loving Creator who resides within all of us (not just Jesus).
However, the cabal stepped in and turned much of his positive message of self-realization, love and hope into a dogmatic religion of fearful, shameful obedience, and that goes for most religions. These cabal power structures and control mechanisms should be transparent to everyone on this forum by now so personal discernment should be used before taking any gospel as gospel.
I'd start with the concept of original sin. Labeling everyone, even innocent children as tainted sinners, forcing them to live in shame, regret and fear of eternal damnation is clearly something the hidden hands edited in later (in the 3rd century according to wikipedia).
Is that really something a loving, forgiving Creator or his messenger would have you believe? That's for everyone to decide for themselves but for me it's a resounding no.
I just said it. You repeat the same shit to everyone like a teenager who just learned a new trick. You came here making a religious argument, and now look….religious arguments. You got what you came for I guess.
Just like Scientology, Mormonism, Hinduism, Seventh Day Adventist, and Christianity, it’s all make believe to give people that warm fuzzy feeling of a life after death. Easier to believe in a “divine” written text than to open eyes to real research about our earth and its past.
I could watch you all quote scripture to each other until you’re blue in the face and none of you would have moved one inch from the position you started with. Such is the persuasive power of scripture vs. preconceived notions backed up loosely with scripture. And yet the smugness with which it’s delivered knows no bounds.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 1:10 He/Jesus was in the world, and the world was made by Him/Jesus, and the world knew Him/Jesus not. 1:14 And the Word was made flesh/Jesus, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. (Thank you, Wbrad, for posting the passage!)
He claimed it because he was given equality in purpose by God the Father, the 'Godhead'. He did not take up the name all by himself as he was born of the Father.
And this ends the discussion. Name calling in a topic of Christ.
History repeats, I do not agree with you so you are a cult and not a Christian.
On this board we seek to understand what is happening in the world around us. We see how history repeats itself. First intolerance and name calling. "Conspiracy", them censoring, finally violence. Read about Airan and the councils of the ad390.
Sadly so many comments here have been very unchristian, and are object lessons on what we see in this world.
Good luck on the future of your unchristian intolerance
You and your son are two distinct people who both share the trait of loving food. This has nothing to do with the relationship between the God the Father and God the Son. Jesus was not CREATED. Read the first part of the Gospel of John if you need to see it in scripture.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. - John 1:1-4
Except that Christ never refers to himself as God- lots of scripture in which He distinguishes himself from His father. In John He says “ I will arise and go to my Father. ….and “ If you have known me, you have known my Father.” We come to God the Father through Christ the Son. God is our salvation. Jesus is the agent of that salvation. The Holy Spirit is the indwelling of that salvation.
Read the next few lines after the verse from John that OP posted.
I and the Father are one.”
Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?”
“We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.” - John 10:30-33
Those listening to Him speak at the time understood His meaning. He was absolutely saying that He is God.
How else would you make sense out of statements like these?
Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” - John 8:58
And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. - Luke 10:18
A good one for this is John 17:3 (I think).
Here he declares God the father as "the one true God" and also differentiates himself.
So according to Jesus' own words, the father is "the one true God" and he is someone else, sent by God, the trinity can't be the one true God whom the father and Jesus both belong to
Correct. Jesus never referred to himself as God, as in the Father the self existent one is GOD. But Jesus has been given a throne, and is part of the 'Godhead', meaning he has been given equality with the Father in purpose that he did not seek on his own. So everything we see, feel, touch, taste ect, was created by the Son of God by having one purpose with his Father who is the original author of the idea of creation and created beings. Christ has been given much by his Father the self existent one.
The 'spirit' or the Holy Spirit, in the King James in some verses the 'Holy Ghost' (not a really good word to use imho), is the power, presence, and personality of God the Father given to the Son then given to us in us.
Who says you're going to heaven? Seems like you're resurrected to a new body and there's a new earth and the new Jerusalem comes down, and Jesus comes down and God comes down to dwell on the new earth.
So, no one... because you're not going to heaven
Luke 22-24 proves that the kingdom of God is the Savior Himself, who was among the Pharisees when He was questioned by them. Wherever the Savior is, there the kingdom of God is. The kingdom of God is with Him, and He brings it to His disciples. He is the seed of the kingdom of God to be sown into God's chosen people to develop into God's ruling realm. Since His resurrection He has been within His believers. hence the kingdom of God is within the church today (Rom. 14:17.) The "kingdom of the heavens" is where "the heavens do rule (Dan. 4:26)."
"One in purpose and agency" is a JW interpretation. The Greek word is "heis" which just means "one." Rather than trying to twist the Scripture to fit what makes sense to you to try to figure how to avoid violating the laws of physics, it would be better to pray that the Spirit would enlighten you about WHAT IT MEANS that they are one. They are Spiritual, not physical.
Never ceases to amaze me how much self avowed christians differ on what they all seem to think is basic doctrine in their own households. Then they meet other christians and always end up telling each other they worship the wrong god.
Then when they got more than 144k followers they made up the idea that the rest of the good people (only those who follow their organization, the Watchtower) will live on the new Earth
Correct. The Father is the self existent one, and at some time in the long ago past eons ago the Son was born of the Father. That is why the word Father is used. If not the Bible would use a different word. Is Jesus divine? Yes, but is the original self existent one? No.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 1:10 He/Jesus was in the world, and the world was made by Him/Jesus, and the world knew Him/Jesus not. 1:14 And the Word was made flesh/Jesus, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, The Prince of Peace.
The child, being Jesus, would be called the son and the father. The human body of Jesus, the Word, was made so that God would walk this earth as a man, yet at the same time all God. Jesus said multiple times that He was the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, and that ALL power was His. ALL cannot be shared. If one has it all, then there is none left for anyone else. So, there is only one God, not two, not three, only One! He said, if you've seen me then you've seen my father.
Emanuel, God with us
One in purpose.
John 5:30 "...I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me."
John 6:38 "...not to do mine own will, but the will of Him that sent me."
Leviticus 1:17
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall become one flesh.
Unity of purpose.
The Trinity refers to the Christian doctrine that there is one God who eternally exists in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. These three persons are co-equal, co-eternal, and share the same essence or nature of God. Each person of the Trinity is fully God, yet there is only one God.
This concept is often described using the term “three in one” or “tri-unity.” It is not a belief in three separate gods or a belief in one God who merely manifests in different forms or modes. Rather, the Trinity is a unique understanding of the nature of God as revealed in the Bible.
Succinctly stated nature of our triune God. Unfortunately, just as God created man, man has been trying to return the favor by creating their own god(s) since the fall.
I'm not changing my mind, my decision has been made. You are free to make your own.
One can debunk God (Father) and Jesus (Son) being one entity in Matthew 24:36 speaking of who knows when the 'End of Days' will begin:
“But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone."
If they are literally one existence for one part of an entity to not know what the other knows would be impossible. Also 'Father why have thou forsaken me' (Matthew 27:46) would make zero sense. Who exactly would he be crying out to in pain..
Go to Philippians 2:5-8 and read of the 'Kenosis', or the emptying that Jesus did to become man. As part of the incarnation, He took on humanity, while not displaying all of His Godly attributes. One example is at the transfiguration where Jesus reveals His glory, which had been hidden. As for Matt 27:46, when Jesus was on the cross, and God the Father placed on God the Son the sins of all who would believe, God the Father was could not look at God the Son who had become sin for us 2 Cor 5:21 and Habakkuk 1:13.
Truly, the Son of Man.
Jesus had two natures. One fully man (in which case he didn’t know some things and grew in stature and knowledge), the other fully God. The God Man. The hypostatic union.
Must remember his two natures when considering passages like this.
To create a baby, the mother contributes a full set of chromosomes.The father contributes another full set. To form one cell for life to begin, it takes 2 sets. Mary contributed the human chromosomes, but God contributed the divine chromosomes (man was created in His image and likeness so this wasn't cross speciation). The complete cell therefore was both human and divine. The human is the "child born to us." The divine is the "Son given to us in Isaiah 9:6." The Son is the Word who was in the beginning, was with God and was God (Jn. 1:1). That's why He is called "Mighty God." He is called "eternal Father" because you can't have a son without a father. God is the eternally begetting Father who is distinct but not separate from the eternally begotten Son. By the time Jesus was 12, He knew who He was, but as a human who began as a baby, He was not omniscient. He was limited in time and space until after His resurrection.He learned who He was through what His mother told Him, and what He learned from Scripture through the shepherding of His Father.
Good questions.
They are separate persons that share the same essence/nature. Difference in roles, but holding the same office.
Yes, it was difficult for early Jews to understand who Jesus was, even his family. Even Jesus said “a prophet has no honor in his hometown.”
God was progressively revealing himself at the time in the flesh (Messiah), which was foretold in Hebrew prophecy, but the Jews still had a hard time reconciling what they were seeing with Jesus. More miracles (revelation) were needed.
Jesus gave up glory in Heaven, but not Divinity. Jesus does not have 'two natures' he has one nature, and that his personality which happens to be sinless.
So you are right it is impossible that first the Father and Son are the same being, and second it is impossible that Jesus the Son has two natures. He is a human just like me and you but sinless which makes him Divine. We can become divine also.
Honest questions, do we all have blood, water and a spirit? Are they all not me? Do they all have their own purpose? Can blood do what water does or spirit, etc...? Is it all still one me?
1 John 5:7-8 For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.
yes one in purpose but not the same individual. Father and Son are separate individuals with separate personalities.
They are distinct, but never separate.
They are two different persons with different bodies, dispositions, and personalities with a common purpose. They do share the same Spirit that comes from the Father then to the Son, and then the rest of us.
"For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Col. 2:9)."
Agree 100%, fren!
whatever....I'm a nominal Protestant and secular humanist. I just read the Bible the way it reads. The words Father and Son would not be used if they did not mean exactly what those words are supposed to mean.
Do you believe Jesus is LORD?
I believe he is the Lord, the Divine Son of God.
Some pictures given of the relationship are: Revelation 21:23, "...the glory of God illumined it [the city], and its lamp is the Lamb." God is the "electricity," and the Lamp is the "lightbulb" which contains and expresses the electricity. "I am in the Father and the Father is in Me (Jn. 14:10&11)." We see how that works with the hidden manna from Exodus. The manna (the bread from heaven-Jesus) is in the golden pot (Gold symbolizes God), and the golden pot is in the ark (which symbolizes Christ).
If you read the Bible just the way it reads, you miss most of the good stuff. The truth contained is in pictures which are interpreted in the Bible itself. For instance, John described Jesus as, "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (Jn. 1:29)." You know He's not a sheep, but to understand that statement takes the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. In Jn, 1:51, Jesus alludes to Himself as Jacob's ladder. The Bible has a public key and a private key. When Jesus was asked why He spoke in parables, He said, "because seeing they do no see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand (Matt. 13:13)." "Because to you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens, but to them it has not been given (v. 11)."
Secular humanist
Jesus is the Word in the flesh. This may not be a perfect analogy, but I see it as an avatar/username. Are you u/Kensethfan? Is that actually you or just your username? Are you a separate being from your username that just has the same purpose? Your physical being cannot be in the Internet, but it is you on this forum, just like Jesus is God with us (Immanuel).
Jehovah was the God of Abraham, Jacob and Joseph; He took on the flesh of this world as Jesus the Christ and ministered for 3 years, was betrayed after the Garden of Gesthemne to be lifted up to die on the cross, the Atonement and the resurrection saved ALL mankind from spiritual death....if they choose righteous behaivior and conduct...
No such animal in my life-conversion 2 years ago..
Ok. We say Abraham Isaac and Jacob. You skipped a generation.
Faith precedes righteousness. Legalism can do serious damage, right behavior never does.
Keep the Faith! (That expression literally means keep the commandments)
I am a senior citizen and my mental rolodex seizes up sometimes (at the worst times, too) Thank you kindly for your correction!! 😊
Lovin it folks, amens all around. My favorite single scripture proof believers in Him ( Christ) are God's people. They wanted to deny us our identity within Him while ruling over us. The spitirtual book of 1 John to believers that get it, that's spirit doesn't sin awaiting the redemption of our body to be sinless as the redeemed spirit in His blood - 1 John 2:23
“Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.”
Those on this earth that deny Jesus after He came and manifest fully who He is aren't God's people, they aren't the apple of His eye. That was achieved in Abrahams SEED not SEEDS as many, like Galatians says. It's us, don't deny the power we have in the innocent Christ's blood compared to the power they have in the innocents blood empowering the other side. They've been shut off supply, we are stronger than ever, they are weaker than ever regardless of carnal posturing.
Bumpy as it's gotten folks, John from the gospel's own MUCH more detailed account of Matt 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 equivalence for the end times we are riding out is even summarized as even so come Lord Jesus and Amen.
Trump's the best so far, but Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lord's and it isn't sorted fully til we are with Him however you see it.
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. 1 Timothy 3:16 I'll take and trust God's words over man's words every day. The Lord Jesus Christ is God in the Flesh.
That's not what this verse means. It doesn't say "I and the father are God". "I and the father are one" refers to purpose and agency. If taken at an absolute literal level of jesus = the father, it would be silly
If you want to add your words like "purpose" and "agency" then I suggest you take that up with Jesus first. And I recommend you start taking his word very seriously.
Whatever helps you feel comfortable.
Also, if my blood, water and spirit agree as one, then Father, Word and Spirit are one 🙏 1 John 5:7-8 For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.
The bible was written by multiple people, but it was authored by One God.
If you've ever read a long multiple book series by a specific author and the author dies, and another author finishes the story, you will instantly know that it is off somehow. I've had this experience with a long series that I was reading, and I was anticipating the final book to finish the series. I didn't realize that the author had died and that the book was finished by his assistant. Without knowing that the original author had died, I immediately disliked the way the book read. It was little things, but it just didn't read the same. The story was the same, but there was a subtle difference in the writing. That last book ruined the series for me. The Bible is the only book written by multiple hands, over hundreds of years span, that is obviously authored by one mind. The men were the instruments that Almighty God used to write His Word. There is not a book in history, that was written by two or more people, that will be the same. Words and phrases change with the seasons. So no two men will write the same story the same way. The Bible is the only book that never contradicts itself. You as a human being, reading bits and pieces of the Bible, may say it contradicts. But if you'll read the whole Bible, word for word, each part compliments the other. It was inspired and authored by One God.
Genesis 1-26 “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…”
Notice the “our”. That’s the three. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus was there in the beginning. God in flesh. He is human as He is divine.
Jesus in flesh was not there in the beginning, not until the Incarnation.
God the Son was there in the beginning.
Correct. That’s where the term “begotten” comes into play.
What does the passage of this post say?
Did you read it?
Wasn’t disagreeing with your statement. Was adding context. No one is fighting you here. Calm down.
Unbiblical assumptions
This reminds me of something from Fullmetal Alchemist
One is all, all is one.
a constant theme in the Bible is this oneness. The trinity, being one in the same. Christ being there since the inception of the beginning. And as someone menrioned below, unity of purpose. Man too was one then made man and woman. Everything is made as one, light and dark, land and sky, blessing and curse
When you look at the Q drops you see this oneness as well. It is even the mantra, where we go one we go all.
It really is beautiful
If they are one : 1. Who did Jesus pray to? 2. He said that God was greater than him. Impossible, if they are the same. 3. If he died as the scriptures say, who brought him back to life? 4. The scriptures call him "The man christ Jesus". How if he were God? 5. He is the only begotten, how? 6. Many, many more....
God is God and Christ is his "only begotten son". So say the scriptures.
Thanks for your reply. I find it interesting that none of writers for (apx) 200 years after the death of the apostles even talked about the trinity.
The trinity first appeared in 285 AD, and again in 385 AD. Every encyclopedia, including the Catholic Encyclopedia will tell you the dates of the beginning of the Trinity doctrine. Up until then, there was no controversy, every Christian believed that there was One God. If you will break down Matthew 28:19 into its proper prepositional phrases in the English language, you will see that that scripture is talking about one person, Jesus Christ.
With faith, it becomes clear and much simpler in Truth. It is good to ask questions, because the answers that come are from that quiet still voice that can pierce the soul of an open hearted person. You are using your questions as a shield against the simple Truth.
I think your comment is the most profound comment in this entire thread. Matthew 18:2-4.
Thank you. I will share with you some scripture that moves me deeply: The resurrected Christ to Thomas, "Thomas, because thou hast seen me,thou hast believed; blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed".
I am in the late autumn of my lifeand I feel like it is just beginning!
They are one because Jesus said they are one. His words not mine. I'm not arguing Jesus.
Always has been.
Give me one example of proof that Jesus is God. Not asking for proof of God but proof that Jesus is God. Not bible scripture. Actual proof. Why do you people believe this so strongly with no evidence? I'm not saying Jesus isn't God just that I haven't seen the proof and I have asked several times on this board and no one can give a straight answer.
First you need to define by what you mean as “proof.”
Second, why do you throw out the scriptures right off the rip?
I just don't think anything written down especially that long ago can be taken as 100% evidence. People make stuff up all the time. I'm not here to bash the bible or its importance or to imply disrespect from these questions but people have been claiming they know X is God forever. God can't be proven, that requires faith but when I start to get sus is when people say for sure they think this person was/is God.
It is understandable to have reservations about the reliability of ancient writings. However, it is essential to approach the question of the Bible’s trustworthiness with intellectual integrity and careful examination.
The Bible is not a single book written by a single person. It is a collection of ancient texts written by various authors over centuries. These texts have been scrutinized and studied by scholars from diverse backgrounds, employing rigorous methods of textual criticism and historical analysis.
When evaluating the credibility of any historical document, we consider factors such as authorship, manuscript evidence, archaeological discoveries, and external corroboration. Applying these standards, the Bible stands remarkably strong.
The biblical manuscripts have been meticulously preserved and transmitted throughout history, enabling scholars to reconstruct the original texts with remarkable accuracy. Furthermore, archaeological findings consistently affirm the historical accuracy of numerous biblical accounts.
Additionally, the Bible contains multiple eyewitness testimonies, providing multiple perspectives on significant events. It withstands the tests of historical reliability more than any other ancient text.
Regarding concerns about people making things up, it is crucial to recognize that the biblical writers claimed to be recording divinely inspired revelation. They were not mere fabricators, but individuals who believed they were conveying God’s message to humanity. People will die for what they believe to be true all the time. But no one dies for something they know to be false (made up).
Furthermore, if the authors of the NT were making up a lie and trying to pass it off as truth, then they wouldn’t have had women discovering the empty tomb first. The empty tomb is the corner stone of the Christian faith. Women’s testimony, however, in the first century, was equivalent to dirt. Why would the early disciples have women discovering the most important part of the Christian story? Either the authors of the New Testament were the worst at making up a good lie, or they were telling the facts as they happened.
The Bible has withstood the scrutiny of countless critics and continues to impact lives across cultures and generations. It offers profound wisdom, moral guidance, and spiritual insight. While intellectual skepticism is valid, dismissing the Bible solely on the basis of its age would be a hasty generalization. Rigorous examination of the evidence can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of its historical value and spiritual significance.
you iz i - i is you - all one.
Lol reading the comments it’s almost as if this topic isn’t as cut and dry as your title suggests. So many scriptures. So many potential double meanings. Literalists reading figurative statements arriving at literal conclusions. And then Paul the wolf in sheep’s clothing gets in the mix..
You think the truth is only figurative?
Lol sure bud.
is that a yes or a no
It’s a “you already proved you aren’t going to discuss this in good faith and I’m not in the mood to deal with that boring shit right now so go pester someone else.”
Organized religion is a cabal control mechanism with a nugget of truth in the middle.
You keep telling yourself that to help you feel good about yourself, and superior to others.
You keep living in fear and shame, repenting sins you haven't committed and worshiping another human. Religious dogma is a cabal invention to keep the masses docile and it's funny that this site of all places can't see it.
Whatever helps you sleep at night
And that comment was meant to…?
I made the post. Deal with it however you wish.
Atheism is an fairy tail for those afraid of the Light.
Who said anything about atheism? You can believe in a Creator without taking your entire worldview from an old cabal-written book that tells you you're a worthless sinner who should worship a historical figure as the only way to salvation or else.
You believe in a creator that has not revealed himself to us? Or desired to communicate with us? Deism?
I do believe Jesus communicated some of our Creator's principles to us, such as "The kingdom of God is within you" and "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." He also brought the concepts of self-sacrifice and forgiveness to a world of greedy barbarians. This is guidance on where to look and how to live to get closer to our true essence which is that of a loving Creator who resides within all of us (not just Jesus).
However, the cabal stepped in and turned much of his positive message of self-realization, love and hope into a dogmatic religion of fearful, shameful obedience, and that goes for most religions. These cabal power structures and control mechanisms should be transparent to everyone on this forum by now so personal discernment should be used before taking any gospel as gospel.
I'd start with the concept of original sin. Labeling everyone, even innocent children as tainted sinners, forcing them to live in shame, regret and fear of eternal damnation is clearly something the hidden hands edited in later (in the 3rd century according to wikipedia).
Is that really something a loving, forgiving Creator or his messenger would have you believe? That's for everyone to decide for themselves but for me it's a resounding no.
And this is the lies that the new age religious folk peddle, and look at mess we are in.
Jesus is the SON of God. He is NOT God. “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” Jesus wasn’t talking to himself out loud.
This is why this site is a hack. Q anon is also fake
Ok whatever you want to keep telling yourself to help you sleep at night.
You’ve said that to like three people now, bro. Is that your canned response for everyone who disagrees with you, Fucking weak.
What do you have to say?
I just said it. You repeat the same shit to everyone like a teenager who just learned a new trick. You came here making a religious argument, and now look….religious arguments. You got what you came for I guess.
So you have nothing to say.
Not to you.
Oh am I on Reddit? Can’t tell the difference on this site
Just like Scientology, Mormonism, Hinduism, Seventh Day Adventist, and Christianity, it’s all make believe to give people that warm fuzzy feeling of a life after death. Easier to believe in a “divine” written text than to open eyes to real research about our earth and its past.
“If ye are not one ye are not mine.”
“Is it not written in your law, I have said, ye are Gods?”
“Be ye therefore perfect, even as thy father in heaven is perfect.”
“THY faith hath made thee whole.”
Make of that what you will.
First quote is not Scripture.
You’re half right.
Or I should say “You’re right in the only way that matters to you.”
Either way, John 17:21-23 is close enough to that.
“That they may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, and they also may be one in us.”
Same dif.
John 17 is the best sermon ever preached! IMHO. Yes, it's a prayer.
It also implies some pretty obvious doctrine. But don’t tell the wrong Christian that. You might as well tell them you like the book of James.
I like the book of James!
Shhhhh. They might hear you. Might think you think what you do might actually matter contrary to what Paul likes to say.
Paul doesn't preach against righteousness. Bad interpretation pretends he does.
Is "I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE" just a contextual statement?
Lol next time I’m wrong Imma yell “Context!!!”
So gay.
I could watch you all quote scripture to each other until you’re blue in the face and none of you would have moved one inch from the position you started with. Such is the persuasive power of scripture vs. preconceived notions backed up loosely with scripture. And yet the smugness with which it’s delivered knows no bounds.
ALL is one.
Is it divided against itself?
You are wrong!!!!
All is One
Begotten does not mean created.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 1:10 He/Jesus was in the world, and the world was made by Him/Jesus, and the world knew Him/Jesus not. 1:14 And the Word was made flesh/Jesus, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. (Thank you, Wbrad, for posting the passage!)
God = His Word. Jesus claimed the personal name of God more than once.
He claimed it because he was given equality in purpose by God the Father, the 'Godhead'. He did not take up the name all by himself as he was born of the Father.
"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."
begotten implies there was a time of non existence. On God the Father is the self existent one.
And this ends the discussion. Name calling in a topic of Christ.
History repeats, I do not agree with you so you are a cult and not a Christian.
On this board we seek to understand what is happening in the world around us. We see how history repeats itself. First intolerance and name calling. "Conspiracy", them censoring, finally violence. Read about Airan and the councils of the ad390.
Sadly so many comments here have been very unchristian, and are object lessons on what we see in this world.
Good luck on the future of your unchristian intolerance
Christianity is who do you say Jesus is.
You're saying Jesus is someone other than who Christianity says He is.
That's the definition of a cult.
So all the "Christians" of the first and second century were members of a cult.
Book - when Jesus became God(
Nope. We have records of this. You might try those who wrote before 150 AD, instead of authors after 1950.
You and your son are two distinct people who both share the trait of loving food. This has nothing to do with the relationship between the God the Father and God the Son. Jesus was not CREATED. Read the first part of the Gospel of John if you need to see it in scripture.
We’ve read it, dipshit. We don’t interpret it like you do. Get the fuck over yourself.
Everyone in this thread needs a fucking nap. Me most of all. I’m out.
I hope you had a good nap, brother. If I may ask in good faith, how else could you interpret such passages without the divinity of Christ?
Except that Christ never refers to himself as God- lots of scripture in which He distinguishes himself from His father. In John He says “ I will arise and go to my Father. ….and “ If you have known me, you have known my Father.” We come to God the Father through Christ the Son. God is our salvation. Jesus is the agent of that salvation. The Holy Spirit is the indwelling of that salvation.
Read the next few lines after the verse from John that OP posted.
Those listening to Him speak at the time understood His meaning. He was absolutely saying that He is God.
How else would you make sense out of statements like these?
A good one for this is John 17:3 (I think). Here he declares God the father as "the one true God" and also differentiates himself. So according to Jesus' own words, the father is "the one true God" and he is someone else, sent by God, the trinity can't be the one true God whom the father and Jesus both belong to
Correct. Jesus never referred to himself as God, as in the Father the self existent one is GOD. But Jesus has been given a throne, and is part of the 'Godhead', meaning he has been given equality with the Father in purpose that he did not seek on his own. So everything we see, feel, touch, taste ect, was created by the Son of God by having one purpose with his Father who is the original author of the idea of creation and created beings. Christ has been given much by his Father the self existent one.
I've made my decision. Make yours.
The 'spirit' or the Holy Spirit, in the King James in some verses the 'Holy Ghost' (not a really good word to use imho), is the power, presence, and personality of God the Father given to the Son then given to us in us.
Who says you're going to heaven? Seems like you're resurrected to a new body and there's a new earth and the new Jerusalem comes down, and Jesus comes down and God comes down to dwell on the new earth. So, no one... because you're not going to heaven
Luke 22-24 proves that the kingdom of God is the Savior Himself, who was among the Pharisees when He was questioned by them. Wherever the Savior is, there the kingdom of God is. The kingdom of God is with Him, and He brings it to His disciples. He is the seed of the kingdom of God to be sown into God's chosen people to develop into God's ruling realm. Since His resurrection He has been within His believers. hence the kingdom of God is within the church today (Rom. 14:17.) The "kingdom of the heavens" is where "the heavens do rule (Dan. 4:26)."
"One in purpose and agency" is a JW interpretation. The Greek word is "heis" which just means "one." Rather than trying to twist the Scripture to fit what makes sense to you to try to figure how to avoid violating the laws of physics, it would be better to pray that the Spirit would enlighten you about WHAT IT MEANS that they are one. They are Spiritual, not physical.
We are all one, not many.
Never ceases to amaze me how much self avowed christians differ on what they all seem to think is basic doctrine in their own households. Then they meet other christians and always end up telling each other they worship the wrong god.
Someday maybe. Someday.
The 144k (the remnant) will have access to the Father and Jesus, all others will see Jesus only.
Sounds like Mormonism
The Mormons don’t yap about the 144,000, the Jehovah’s Witnesses do.
Then when they got more than 144k followers they made up the idea that the rest of the good people (only those who follow their organization, the Watchtower) will live on the new Earth
I knew it one was of those. Cults is cults
I'm not preaching anything.
Correct. The Father is the self existent one, and at some time in the long ago past eons ago the Son was born of the Father. That is why the word Father is used. If not the Bible would use a different word. Is Jesus divine? Yes, but is the original self existent one? No.