Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Using filter app: https://www.bitchute.com/video/tGLUuVc3D5B0/
And Plastic Surgery:
And Just Make-up:
And: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_3S9aYVEAAQ0Pp.jpg:large
And: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-2pEgQX9lqj8/XR7q44mtHqI/AAAAAAAAP7U/N8FObCt2Dqov8L2-pQ9-zNG47R-cWkP7wCLcBGAs/s1600/13%2BAmazing%2BMakeup%2BTransformations%2BThe%2BPower%2Bof%2BMakeup.jpg
People are simple. Some of us just need to see a DEMON DIE IN THE LIGHT….. for the world to move on in a positive direction.
I want to see just one DEMON go down live and publicaly destroyed, their DNA exterminated from the planet and all planets hereafter.
What is the significance of crackdown on Netflix and illegal pirate sites for watching tv/movies? They both happened recently.
My read on Netflix is that the magic money supply finally ran out, same with recent Reddit API price increase.
As far illegal pirate sites, what exactly happened? I haven't noticed anything different
Illegal site: a popular one went away forever yesterday.
Ah, there are plenty of them still up and running, so I think perhaps not related to Netflix, or maybe that particular site was running on the fumes of Netflix.
Exactly what are the marines being taught these days? WTH? 😳 I don't think they will be rescuing us..
Amazing what marxist commies can push into the minds of our youth.
6/2023 - Road Robbery gone bad - if they are robbing you or car jacking through your window you can do this as a solution:
I have a question. So Trump's campaign fundraising is through WinRed which is the GOP and I understand it always had been. I was reading the fine print on his site yesterday and it stipulates that Trump gets 90% of what is donated on his site and some GOP pac gets the other 10%. Was this always the deal or is this percentage something new? Curious if anyone knows..
That is what I have always believed and haven't donated so far. But there isn't any other way to support Trump is there? Plus 90% is quite a lot, much more than I thought.
Hi all,
My friend has developed myocarditis or pericarditis from the vax. Does anyone know of a natural remedy to help? I know it can’t be “cured” per se. But she is desperate for pain relief. She’s willing to try anything. Let me know your thoughts and thank you for your help!
2 Blackhawks & a C130 here in N Wyoming. 1 helo landed at the local college. May be for recruitment purposes ?
Hopefully there to give the Cheneys a ride to Gitmo. 😂🥳
Cheney's won't come to this part of Wyoming. They cant walk our streets safely. That would have to be Jackson Hole.
I see. Well maybe they could drop them off in the middle of Main Street and let the Patriots finish them off. Put them out of Wyoming’s misery. 😂😆😆
Training law enforcement for mass casualties.
Do you have a link?
I may go back & ask a medic who is your CIC. I wish I thought of that earlier.
I drove over to the college and talked to the Army medics, pilots and homeland security. Took my 1st self in front of a blackhawk. They are doing the same thing in Cody Wyoming at the airport. Also Guardian med flights involved in the training.
Interesting. Why would they bring a blackhawk there?
They have 2 medic Blackhawks with red & white crosses on them here in Powell Wyoming. A Hercules C130 & a blackhawk in Cody. The Army is training law enforcement for mass casualties event. I am home now watching on flight tracker. The C130 flew in but I haven't seen it fly out yet.
I dont know how to share pictures with this sight. I tried to send a pic to my wife thrue messenger and they somehow disabled that, but not FB ?
You can upload them at https://catbox.moe then it gives u the link you click to copy and paste
How do you know that sites like temu are bad to use? I'd like to know what should stand out to me about it. Cheaper than dollar stores.
What we are seeing now in the media regarding Trump and documents is a continuation of the narrative they started on day one of his presidency. "Illegitimate President" therefore in their eyes he did not and does not have the rights and privileges of previous presidents. Sad state of our Republic that so many believe this.
We need to break the back of the Administrative State. I think their jobs should become short term contract positions. All of them. Automatic termination dates built in except in extenuating circumstances or if there should be extreme merit earned. No pensions. Eliminate these lifetime appointment bureaucrats.
….. WAR …..
Hello frens. Here is some Pepe PNGs.
Blank stare: https://files.catbox.moe/hj4a4c.png
Pure disgust: https://files.catbox.moe/5x6eni.png
Shouting/Praising: https://files.catbox.moe/e2ossu.png
Pimp Slap: https://files.catbox.moe/c6ud79.png
Nice ones!
You guys rock! Love the pimp slap!
The line in Trump's speech last night about "what they've done to my family" has been haunting me. How much more is there that hasn't even been made public? He's spoken before about Eric handling the subpoenas, but last night he said "thousands" of them! If that is true how insane is that?
“They” have also handled Ivanka and seemingly turned her against him
I hope you’re wrong about Ivanka turning against her father. Talk about a straight shot to his heart.
I just bought GME for the first time via Computershare.
Now how do I DRS it?
I know it said it was a DirectStock Plan, and that DRS means I personally own the stock directly. I'm just making sure of things, seeing as I've never done this before.
I do believe if you but it from ComputerShare, its already DRSed.
Bought in CS means it's directly registered to you (DRS) since CS is GameStop's transfer agent.
Also the consensus over at superstonk is to covert from plan to book in CS as there's a theory the DTCC can still lend your shares if they are in a "plan" account and not "book.
Guidance here: https://www.drsgme.org/converting-plan-to-book
Dear Lord 🙏, please protect Donald Trump from the vipers that are trying to hurt him. Please wrap your loving arms around him and shield him from the daggers that are being thrown at him. Please continue to bless him and those supporting him through this war against evil. Please lay your ever powerful and righteous hand upon this man and guide him with your devine presence. And please forgive us for allowing this evil to infect this country that you have blessed us with. In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen 🙏
🙏Thanks to all those that have shown love and support. Together Through Christ we have endless potential🙏
On this episode we speak with my friend Michelle (ThisIsHowItStarts on communities.win). Michelle and I met about three years ago on .win as she helped support and encourage the idea of the prayer thread which eventually grew into the Prayer Garden. We learn about her difficult childhood which directed her to the path of Christ and salvation. We also discuss how to lean on Jesus when battling depression and how the church can improve when helping one another through that kind of darkness. Ultimately, we hear Michelle's testimony how surrounding yourself with the Word and other believers is the path to victory in Jesus.
Thank you for tuning in! Together through Christ we have endless potential.
0:01 - Introduction
1:21 - Opening Prayer
2:29 - Bible Verse (Philippians 4:4-7)
5:17 - Announcements
5:47 - Beginning of Testimony/Michelle's Childhood
17:35 - Coming to Christ
26:35 - Falling Away
32:40 - Returning to Him
43:35 - Battling Depression through Jesus/Stigmas in the Church
50:28 - Making Jesus Your Identity Over Depression
54:02 - "The Victorious Life"
57:18 - Closing Prayer/Remarks
Hi, Slechta! You’re doing the Lord’s work, as usual! May God bless you with something very special today. In Jesus’ name I ask this. Amen!
Amen. Thanks fren. God bless u sis. Much love
He wasn't saying "I did not declassify it." He is asking "do YOU know whether or not I declassified it?" "I could have."
I haven't seen the clip either. Just taking it from the transcript they are saying is so incriminating and in my head reading it in Trump the Master Troll's voice. They are choosing to make it mean what they want it to mean.
Does anyone remember Don Jr tweeting in 2019 or so, something to the effect that Trump has declassified everything (after weeks of "declassify everything") ? Not sure how this connects to this.
I am convinced that he declassified everything that implicates the Cabal.
So, what would be the one thing he would not declassify?
C.O.G related.
And this is exactly what the Cabal has been trying to find - to understand why their puppet Biden just cannot seem to make anything work.
I wrote it on Sunday: looking forward to the week.
Oh, blessed week, thou hast not disappointed....
<slight belly ache from over-indulging on popcorn, must learn to pace myself>
Boy, do I wish I were in the popcorn business.
Could Trump's words "The seal has been broken", repeated a couple of times, be an instruction?
Japanfag here. So at one of the schools I teach at, I work with this young, beautiful woman who is rather paranoid about UV light. Even though she doesn't go outside, schools in Japan have lots of windows and she is afraid of UV light exposure. So she applies sunscreen constantly. It's rather bizarre. I'm a pale Caucasian, and her skin is maybe whiter than mine. So when we had a conversation about that yesterday, I told her about non-nano zinc sunscreen. I'd bought some from Infowars several years ago after they showed how nano zinc is actually bad for your skin. The problem is that it doesn't really disappear when you rub it into your skin.
So my concern is her vitamin D absorption. This study implies that sunscreen does not interfere with D levels:
This page says the same.
Other pages say that it may affect D slightly, but not enough to make much of a difference. My concern is that this young, beautiful woman will be aging her skin prematurely. Maybe I don't pay enough attention, but Japanese women do not apply so much makeup as Western women do, and I think this contributes to their youthful appearance as cosmetics tend to age one's skin. I'd say that using sunscreen daily would age her skin more than the ambient UV levels within a room. Do any healthfags here have an opinion on this? Thanks.
Japanese women and sunscreen, like peanut butter and jelly. I bet she has one of those sun hats that can fold in a purse. Asian pale is definitely the palest one can get, but then again, these women look 30 into their 50s so can you blame them?
I would suggest she take a good vitamin d3 supplement, she will absorb it well because between seaweed and natto she is set on vitamin K. Probably start her out on 3000iu, just make sure to find capsules or gummies where each one is 1000 so you can dose through the day
If she possibly suffers from Lupus , or other auto immune issues, UV is toxic and triggers flare ups, which feel like a flu, aches and pains and fatigue. Even UV from fluorescent lights can trigger it. It is an unfortunate photosensitivity. There are UV protective clothes, and hats, much better than slathering oneself with sunscreen, and, of course supplementation with Vitamin D. COQ10 also helps with this. Back in the late 70's , when people were worried about the Ozone layer weakening, it was thought that the amount of UV light was reaching a dangerous level, affecting everything from Dolphins to Humans. Or, she could just be phobic.
Seeking advice/techniques to decompress during these times. Anyone tried meditation? Any tips/tricks/techniques you could share with a beginner?
Singing bowls are your friend. My favorite is this singing bowl for cats
Good to start with, the whole channel has great bowls
I’m a huge Andrew Huberman fan. Here is a quickie breathing technique. He explains how it works in this short https://m.youtube.com/shorts/vErS61fumLc
His podcasts are long but worth listening to. I listen to binaural beats and sometimes Tibetan bowls and 432hz music not really as meditation but just for healing. For mediation, I pray the holy rosary. I’ve been doing this (HR) for years and it is my go-to but may not be appropriate for you. I like Stevetgefish76’s advice. I also need a phrase. Daily affirmations would also work.
Even 10 mins every day is very helpful if that’s all you can dedicate. I can just see those families with kids or whatever when you say “ok, going to do my meditation now.. for an hour..see ya!” So I know it doesn’t always work but if you can squeeze 10 mins, that would be hekpful.
Psalm 46:10 --- "Be still, and know that I am God." Sometimes I will just repeat this under my breath while trying to relax. I also like to listen to 432Hz music on YouTube when I want to relax, particularly on a Sunday afternoon. Q had introduced me to this, as it was something I'd never heard of before.
Find a quiet place with no interruptions, get comfortable, if you can't sit in the position they always depict Buddha , it doesn't matter, but it is good to sit up to keep the spine as straight as you can, in comfort,you want to be comfortable, I do it with a prayer opening of my own words, but simple. I just say "Come Jesus, Come be with me". Then breathe,not shallow not too deep. I try and concentrate on my breath. Expect a lot of thoughts to come, but try and watch them as if you were watching a train go by, there will be thoughts under thoughts, don't attach, don't get discouraged, but just do it. It is a practice, that's all it is. it should be done daily, some days you may get a glimpse of God's Kingdom, briefly, and some days you will get a back ache. Don't attach to what your mind tells you to expect, let negative thoughts and positive thoughts go by like a train. It is a practice, like prayer, but it is the stillness that you want out of it. "Be still and know that I am God" . It helps me mentally, if I find myself swinging emotionally to the point I feel anxious or depressed, it helps, it helps with pain too. Centering prayer, a few words Inspired by Christian prayer will keep away any evil spirit lurkers. When we sweep the house clean (our chattery brain, or worries in our head) and do not fill it with God's presence, there is unholy spirits who will seek residence in your head, Just breathe in and out, with the One who gave you breath.
I will practice this! Thank you!
you are very welcome
This was a very lovely exercise, and great advice. Thank you for sharing.
Trump's speech tonight was 20 minutes of MAGA fire. Check out a replay if you can. 🍿
Possible comms? The new Captain America movie changed its name from "New World Order" to "Brave New World"
And it releases on May 3rd, 2024.
Are there any Sudoku fans out there?? I love puzzles by Will Shortz, who I am proud to say is from my home state of Indiana where we both attended Indiana University...he is THE BEST...
I started doing them as brain gym to keep my aging brain from...well aging...plus they can be pretty challenging...
Just for fun I asked if we would ever run out of puzzles and this is the reply.
"Realistically, no! There are 6,670,903,752,021,072,936,960 possible solvable Sudoku grids that yield a unique result (that's 6 sextillion, 670 quintillion, 903 quadrillion, 752 trillion, 21 billion, 72 million, 936 thousand, 960 in case you were wondering)."
Pretty interesting...I really recommend all home schoolers to get their children involved with working Sudokus...Shortz has wonderful books for beginners/children and he is a master at this...so if you're looking for something new and exciting/challenging...give Sudoku a try...they are very addictive...
I love Will's crossword puzzles. Increased my vocabulary and learned a lot, doing them over the years.
I do Sudoku puzzles on occasion.