Came here to say this, and I will add that if he hadn't been taken out, there is no way there could be a Comer or any other person in Congress or elsewhere talking about this. These guys and their families would be taken out or threatened before this information saw the light of day.
And the fact that some "decisions were made while Vice President," when VP has no constitutional authority, means that it was OBAMA who ultimately made those decisions.
What should piss off every American, on top of these treasonous acts, is the fact that Joe Biden just made jokes about selling state secrets in front of other world leaders and they all laughed about it. They think they are untouchable. If we get another “Nothing Burger” out of these investigations it could get very ugly. It is time for the Biden’s to come clean!! No more jokes No more lies.
I've watched slugs move faster than Republicans in congress. Comer's attitude is reserved and passive. It appears he is afraid to call out treason when it is staring him in the face.
It IS treason. It always has been. Hang the mofo.
Came here to say this, and I will add that if he hadn't been taken out, there is no way there could be a Comer or any other person in Congress or elsewhere talking about this. These guys and their families would be taken out or threatened before this information saw the light of day.
I suspect Obama gets to tell the fake Biden what to do, but the fake Biden only gets to do what he is allowed to do.
Well "this" Biden has the same problem when it comes to groping. So that needs to be considered.
The sniffing is only getting worse
corn pop, i believe. anyone have any popcorn to spare? mirror?
And the fact that some "decisions were made while Vice President," when VP has no constitutional authority, means that it was OBAMA who ultimately made those decisions.
Biden Treason = Obama Treason.
I think that point gets overlooked
Yeah, there's no "borders" to it.
why is there ALWAYS a weasel word in RINO statements?
I noticed that too. Always.
The English language is a real challenge for them.....
or a weapon.
Weaponized but in their hands kind of a primitive blunt weapon.
and "in my opinion". I think these mealy mouth words are used to avoid defamation lawsuits.
Perhaps. But a defamation lawsuit opens a can of worms that the accused doesn't want to open because they are actually guilty of the accused crime.
He was compromised as VP which means the great scandal free Obama was actually an idiot who Biden ran rings around or he was aware and complicit.
So which one is it Barry? Tell us how Joe had you all fooled for 8 years.
While Obama's net worth grew by millions....... that we know of, I still believe he's got caches stashed all over the world.
You should be asking how/why the CIA and FBI covered up Obama's lack of American Citizenship.
China Joe… China didn’t know Biden would be President? Of course they did… they helped the steal
Borders on Treason ----- from the other side.
Wide open border
$40 mil is a drop in the Biden bucket. I’ll bet it winds up in the hundreds of millions of/when the Biden story is fully exposed
Billions is the new millions
Ya Think...........
What should piss off every American, on top of these treasonous acts, is the fact that Joe Biden just made jokes about selling state secrets in front of other world leaders and they all laughed about it. They think they are untouchable. If we get another “Nothing Burger” out of these investigations it could get very ugly. It is time for the Biden’s to come clean!! No more jokes No more lies.
Where are the subpoenas? Let’s get moving! Too much talk with no action! Steve Bannon has a plan for the slow moving cautious R’s. AmericasVoice
"Borders on" my ass! This gang crossed the border years ago!
I've watched slugs move faster than Republicans in congress. Comer's attitude is reserved and passive. It appears he is afraid to call out treason when it is staring him in the face.
Don't waffle. It's treason.
We believe, what? No one can tell me we don't have evidence, so it doesn't need to be/shouldn't be we believe. It should be we know!!
Borders? It IS treason. He needs to hang along with all his family members who benefitted
If there was a border it is definitely treason. All their laws should be scaped to allow the old definitions to run true.
"Borders" on treason?????
Ya think?
You knew this BEFORE he was installed.
Anyone in Congress knows he was dirty way before this.
You all just kept your damn mouths shut.
Borders , He is as China said fake