college= big business with little to no payout for the "student"
loans= fiat debt to bankers
the two make a perfect pairing in order to keep the little people enslaved.
college consists of many classes that have no part in being required for a degree. i don't need to know Shakespeare to become a programmer or linesman. classes take twice as long as they need, simply so they can milk more debt from the students.
the commie professors & deans are making $$$$$ no problem though...
It wasn't that long ago when the Federal government held the loans at a low interest rate. I don't remember who pushed it over to the banks, but it was near the end of Bush's term, or the beginning of Obummer's term.
I had a loan, but it wasn't that much (less than 1/3rd of a years income after graduation).
But, you are correct in that college's have gotten out of control. No longer merit based to get in, and way overpriced for the value out. Having a college education does not ensure a higher income. In fact, in many cases, people do better without it. But many businesses use a college degree to restrict access to jobs. Unfortunately, they have to in many cases - too many people think they can do a job they are completely unqualified for, and would put other people's lives at risk. So there needs to be qualifications.
As a young lad i saved up 10 grand or so through high school. After 1 year of college i watched it melt away and become 10 grand of debt. Then they wanted me to do that 3 more times. Doing some math in my head i decided this was going poorly and joined the military instead
The college degree worked out for me - I'm doing the kind of work that really fits me, and it helps people as well (bonus). But I tell people (when it comes up) that the degree only matters if it opens the doors you need/want opened. There is one other thing, that used to be true, but probably not so much anymore - some college programs force you to learn things you wouldn't otherwise be interested in, that are actually important in doing a job well. It's not about not hiding secrets no one learns otherwise - anyone can learn what they need to know for many jobs completely outside of college. Unfortunately, too many people don't pay attention to the things they aren't interested in, and won't bother to learn things outside of their primary area of interest.
I say that because I find myself pointing out things to people who should know them, or should have given consideration to them. For instance, when doing precision work, check thermal expansion for small temperature changes. If a 5* temperature shift eats up most of the tolerance, and temp variances on the production floor are greater than that, find a different material to work with - not a piece of scrap in the shop. I should not have to point that out, repeatedly. For some reason, word doesn't get around on that one...
But the lowest income, likely least qualified, students, often get full scholarships, so it is the students from middle class families who take out the loans (the wealthy just pay outright for their children to attend college). Seems like just one more way to destroy the middle class.
In fact, in many cases, people do better without it.
Because there is something amazing about entering the work force debt free, or using money semi-wisely to learn new skills (which is much cheaper to do now with the advent of the internet).
When you are saddled with trying to pay off rent, a vehicle to commute, taxes, fees for your licenses, general home owner / renting bills like electricity etc., and then compound that with 10s of thousands or even 100K+ in student debt, you don't get to think much about improving your skills or working upwards.
It doesn't matter if you're 18, 20, or 30 entering the work force for the first time because of extenuating circumstances, if you can avoid accumulating debt and you don't let yourself get complacent, you can improve yourself and keep moving upward.
When you're saddled with all of the above, you tend to fall into a routine of just trying to stay afloat.
Federally backed loans. Just like when the fed started backing housing loans so banks could make bad loans and still make money - another form of money laundering.
Maybe they always were federally backed, but the interest rates were reasonable, and standards were higher.
The textbook industry is straight graft. How about teachers who sell you their own fucking book. Or we have a new edition (we changed some punctuation) and now the old edition just won't do. You'll need a whole new set for your school.
That actually did happen to me. One of my nursing professors was a co author. I finally got wise and went to the library and photo copied the pages I needed from the English Lit poetry book or whatever bs class I had to take. The books are as bad or worse than the tuition.
Worked in the bookstore during college and got us reprimanded one year for hurting a professors book sales. Found out what profs required their own books and didn't use them and began passing the word LMAO. I and other employees caught hell for it but it was worth it
Dude was an African history prof who taught from an overhead scroll probably as old as Great Zimbabwe. Lmao. Books never came into play when I had his class
I didn't know until fairly recently that when Texas was actually part of Mexico, many Americans illegally took up various activities there, so were the original "border trespassers" :)
Student Loan debt needs to be wiped out (eventually). It's existence is designed to cripple the younger population and make them feel like the debt slaves they are. It prevents them from buying homes, having families, etc.
The high cost of education, and the encouragement to get a "college education," in addition to the indoctrination of communist ideology, was designed specifically for the purposes of reducing the population (Malthusian agenda), and to ensure all those who "want to succeed" are hampered in that effort through a decade of "putting off buying a home" to pay off the debt.
Having said that, this was obviously not the way. The People need to see the debt for what it is, slavery to the Banks. Wiping it out in this manner would have prevented the reveal that must come. "It's got to hurt for it to heal." Once people really see that "debt" is not a proper way to run a society, then, and only then, can we tell the Banks (and the Banksters that run them) to fuck off and die, once and for all time.
Our modern concept of "public" schools were created by Rockefeller (et al), with early efforts starting in the 1890s. Private student loans were created by Rockefeller (through the Carnegie Corp) in the 1910s (If I remember correctly) to increase enrollment. The government portion of Student Loans were also created by the Carnegie Corp (Pell Grants), and then handed over to the tax payer to pay for it.
About 50 years later (1970s), after everyone was convinced that the youth must go to college to be successful, college tuition started to increase, even in "State schools" (which is a fabrication in itself, since all schools, public or private, are all run by the same conditional funding scheme). Tuition crept up, year after year, until a B.S. (great acronym) at any State college costs $100k - $200k. Depending on housing costs private schools can double that, which are also paid for by loans.
But State schools still cost more than their tuition, the rest of the burden is paid for by the tax payer. All of that money going into the School Industrial Complex.
It is a fantastic scam. Create the institution, convince everyone they should go, offer a "payment plan" to make it possible, increase the costs as more attend, get the State (the public) to pay for it.
When I started college in AZ in 1976, instate tuition was only $200/semester (I was out of state, so my parents paid the $600?/semester). It kept creeping up each year, but was still very affordable compared to what it costs today. A semester in the dorm was only $140, and you could get a 15 meal/week ticket for about $300/semester.
Yup. It was still cheap(ish) (for state school) in the 90s, but by that time, 20ish years later, it was 10 times what you paid. Another 20 years after that, it was 10 times that again. That's just for tuition. Housing and meals have gone up the same 2000%.
It started in the 70s, but was blamed on the same inflation as everything else was experiencing after going off the gold standard in 72. Except school, housing costs (all housing), automobiles, and medical care all increased by much larger percentages than everything else (bread, pants, etc.), becoming multiples of the inflationary index, both acting as "luxury products" from an economics view, and being called "essential" in the propaganda and law.
Just wait until they find out the Dept of Education doesn't legally exist and Congress doesn't have the power to loan money. Congress has the power to collect taxes for only 3 things: pay the debt, provide for the common defence, and general welfare of the United States (aka the federal government)
It's also a tool used by the "free stuff" party to manipulate votes. I guarantee next election cycle they will hold this carrot out for everyone again and more sheeple will keep believing it will happen and gladly vote Dem.
Nah most 18 year olds are too young to comprehend how much debt they are going into because they havenβt really had to pay bills yet. Their dumbass parents and the school system that push them to do this are more at fault here.
Back in 1969-1973, I was able to pay for college by myself with a $500/semester scholarship, a nursing grant, and working part time. Cost was about $2500/year plus books. Back then you could easily finish in 4 years, with a little sacrifice regarding class hours. All nursing courses began at 08:00, 07:00 if you were scheduled for clinical.
college= big business with little to no payout for the "student"
loans= fiat debt to bankers
the two make a perfect pairing in order to keep the little people enslaved.
college consists of many classes that have no part in being required for a degree. i don't need to know Shakespeare to become a programmer or linesman. classes take twice as long as they need, simply so they can milk more debt from the students.
the commie professors & deans are making $$$$$ no problem though...
It wasn't that long ago when the Federal government held the loans at a low interest rate. I don't remember who pushed it over to the banks, but it was near the end of Bush's term, or the beginning of Obummer's term.
I had a loan, but it wasn't that much (less than 1/3rd of a years income after graduation).
But, you are correct in that college's have gotten out of control. No longer merit based to get in, and way overpriced for the value out. Having a college education does not ensure a higher income. In fact, in many cases, people do better without it. But many businesses use a college degree to restrict access to jobs. Unfortunately, they have to in many cases - too many people think they can do a job they are completely unqualified for, and would put other people's lives at risk. So there needs to be qualifications.
As a young lad i saved up 10 grand or so through high school. After 1 year of college i watched it melt away and become 10 grand of debt. Then they wanted me to do that 3 more times. Doing some math in my head i decided this was going poorly and joined the military instead
The college degree worked out for me - I'm doing the kind of work that really fits me, and it helps people as well (bonus). But I tell people (when it comes up) that the degree only matters if it opens the doors you need/want opened. There is one other thing, that used to be true, but probably not so much anymore - some college programs force you to learn things you wouldn't otherwise be interested in, that are actually important in doing a job well. It's not about not hiding secrets no one learns otherwise - anyone can learn what they need to know for many jobs completely outside of college. Unfortunately, too many people don't pay attention to the things they aren't interested in, and won't bother to learn things outside of their primary area of interest.
I say that because I find myself pointing out things to people who should know them, or should have given consideration to them. For instance, when doing precision work, check thermal expansion for small temperature changes. If a 5* temperature shift eats up most of the tolerance, and temp variances on the production floor are greater than that, find a different material to work with - not a piece of scrap in the shop. I should not have to point that out, repeatedly. For some reason, word doesn't get around on that one...
But the lowest income, likely least qualified, students, often get full scholarships, so it is the students from middle class families who take out the loans (the wealthy just pay outright for their children to attend college). Seems like just one more way to destroy the middle class.
You speak much truth, patriot
Because there is something amazing about entering the work force debt free, or using money semi-wisely to learn new skills (which is much cheaper to do now with the advent of the internet).
When you are saddled with trying to pay off rent, a vehicle to commute, taxes, fees for your licenses, general home owner / renting bills like electricity etc., and then compound that with 10s of thousands or even 100K+ in student debt, you don't get to think much about improving your skills or working upwards.
It doesn't matter if you're 18, 20, or 30 entering the work force for the first time because of extenuating circumstances, if you can avoid accumulating debt and you don't let yourself get complacent, you can improve yourself and keep moving upward.
When you're saddled with all of the above, you tend to fall into a routine of just trying to stay afloat.
My loan was interest free. That was in 1983. And I paid it off in my 20s.
And college cost, what, a fourth of what is does now?
Federally backed loans. Just like when the fed started backing housing loans so banks could make bad loans and still make money - another form of money laundering.
Maybe they always were federally backed, but the interest rates were reasonable, and standards were higher.
Why do I need Texas history in order to become a BSN RN?
Let's don't get started on the textbook money laundering ..
The textbook industry is straight graft. How about teachers who sell you their own fucking book. Or we have a new edition (we changed some punctuation) and now the old edition just won't do. You'll need a whole new set for your school.
That actually did happen to me. One of my nursing professors was a co author. I finally got wise and went to the library and photo copied the pages I needed from the English Lit poetry book or whatever bs class I had to take. The books are as bad or worse than the tuition.
Worked in the bookstore during college and got us reprimanded one year for hurting a professors book sales. Found out what profs required their own books and didn't use them and began passing the word LMAO. I and other employees caught hell for it but it was worth it
Good for you!
Dude was an African history prof who taught from an overhead scroll probably as old as Great Zimbabwe. Lmao. Books never came into play when I had his class
The "new edition" scam is ridiculous! Fortunately, many professors allow the earlier additions.
Every school in the union, from kindergarten to university, should teach Texas History. Just my opinion, kek
Well, that is right, fren! π€
I didn't know until fairly recently that when Texas was actually part of Mexico, many Americans illegally took up various activities there, so were the original "border trespassers" :)
Humans. We just keep repeating things in a giant circle. Kek
Remember The Alamo!
Big Book // & not the Bible.
The Biblical Book is Freeβ¦β¦
The bait should be loan forgiveness not debt but whatever.
Student Loan debt needs to be wiped out (eventually). It's existence is designed to cripple the younger population and make them feel like the debt slaves they are. It prevents them from buying homes, having families, etc.
The high cost of education, and the encouragement to get a "college education," in addition to the indoctrination of communist ideology, was designed specifically for the purposes of reducing the population (Malthusian agenda), and to ensure all those who "want to succeed" are hampered in that effort through a decade of "putting off buying a home" to pay off the debt.
Having said that, this was obviously not the way. The People need to see the debt for what it is, slavery to the Banks. Wiping it out in this manner would have prevented the reveal that must come. "It's got to hurt for it to heal." Once people really see that "debt" is not a proper way to run a society, then, and only then, can we tell the Banks (and the Banksters that run them) to fuck off and die, once and for all time.
yep and keeping the student in debt for decades.
Exactly. I shake my head at those who shriek about paying it off while blatantly ignoring what a scam it is.
Yes, it is a great scheme.
Our modern concept of "public" schools were created by Rockefeller (et al), with early efforts starting in the 1890s. Private student loans were created by Rockefeller (through the Carnegie Corp) in the 1910s (If I remember correctly) to increase enrollment. The government portion of Student Loans were also created by the Carnegie Corp (Pell Grants), and then handed over to the tax payer to pay for it.
About 50 years later (1970s), after everyone was convinced that the youth must go to college to be successful, college tuition started to increase, even in "State schools" (which is a fabrication in itself, since all schools, public or private, are all run by the same conditional funding scheme). Tuition crept up, year after year, until a B.S. (great acronym) at any State college costs $100k - $200k. Depending on housing costs private schools can double that, which are also paid for by loans.
But State schools still cost more than their tuition, the rest of the burden is paid for by the tax payer. All of that money going into the School Industrial Complex.
It is a fantastic scam. Create the institution, convince everyone they should go, offer a "payment plan" to make it possible, increase the costs as more attend, get the State (the public) to pay for it.
When I started college in AZ in 1976, instate tuition was only $200/semester (I was out of state, so my parents paid the $600?/semester). It kept creeping up each year, but was still very affordable compared to what it costs today. A semester in the dorm was only $140, and you could get a 15 meal/week ticket for about $300/semester.
Yup. It was still cheap(ish) (for state school) in the 90s, but by that time, 20ish years later, it was 10 times what you paid. Another 20 years after that, it was 10 times that again. That's just for tuition. Housing and meals have gone up the same 2000%.
It started in the 70s, but was blamed on the same inflation as everything else was experiencing after going off the gold standard in 72. Except school, housing costs (all housing), automobiles, and medical care all increased by much larger percentages than everything else (bread, pants, etc.), becoming multiples of the inflationary index, both acting as "luxury products" from an economics view, and being called "essential" in the propaganda and law.
That plus it gets more kids into school for brainwashing.
Does anyone else find themself noticing when images of the real Joe Biden are used? ππ
More and more.
Like Billy Madison: "Joe biden 1973? Or Joe Biden now?"
Just wait until they find out the Dept of Education doesn't legally exist and Congress doesn't have the power to loan money. Congress has the power to collect taxes for only 3 things: pay the debt, provide for the common defence, and general welfare of the United States (aka the federal government)
It's also a tool used by the "free stuff" party to manipulate votes. I guarantee next election cycle they will hold this carrot out for everyone again and more sheeple will keep believing it will happen and gladly vote Dem.
I do feel bad for the students, though. They got conned in the worst way. So I'm torn on this.
Nah most 18 year olds are too young to comprehend how much debt they are going into because they havenβt really had to pay bills yet. Their dumbass parents and the school system that push them to do this are more at fault here.
Catturd TS post -
It's freakin' high larious that we knew this was coming from the very first day!
[Β°~Β°] Derp.
Back in 1969-1973, I was able to pay for college by myself with a $500/semester scholarship, a nursing grant, and working part time. Cost was about $2500/year plus books. Back then you could easily finish in 4 years, with a little sacrifice regarding class hours. All nursing courses began at 08:00, 07:00 if you were scheduled for clinical.
Will they learn?
No, most likely not.
The biggest financial asset in the United States Gov is Student Loan debt.