The revolutionist of the 60's and 70's turned into the establishment in the last 10 years and came out against the people. Just shows they are all puppets with someone else pulling the strings. The destruction of the USA has been a long process starting in the 50's. The destruction of the family unit was the beginning. Like feeding arsenic in small doses to someone and watching them die little by little for years.
The character on that MEME that really makes me boil is Howard Stern - that Son of a bitch was the original ‘Outsider’ - he spearheaded protests against the unfair censorship of the FCC, he fought for the normalization of freaks, geeks and misfits & stood up for counter cultures for decades…. When he married Beth O., that all changed - Stern who for 25 years was rejected by Hollywood and the mainstream due to his content and his blistering observations was now suddenly thrust into the spotlight. Quickly after marrying Beth O the show changed forever… Howard would move to Satellite and his show would become more ‘ Americas Got Talent’ rather than ‘Radio Free Europe’. Stern himself became the darling of Hollywood - A list parties, A list friends … he lost sight of the core audience … it’s when I began to notice Stern was part of a narrative - he was the Mockingbird - fully controlled.
Shame, because Stern used to be funny - when that’s what the show was about ….
Read what you wrote: fought for the normalization of freaks, geeks and misfits & stood up for counter cultures for decades
So he was used to fight for and normalize the freak show we have to deal with every day now. Of course he was cast as an outsider, and now that mission is accomplished he is the hero.
These people are fascists. You should never let "artists" gain any power. The artist types have a track record of becoming the worst dictatators and fascists throughout history. We have helped create the mess we are in because of our worship of celebrities. These people gained fame and wealth and became involved with politicians and the super rich. Their influence helped create the mind control necessary to mesmerize the sheep. When this is all said and done, I hope we all realize that fanatical behavior to any celebrity leads to them gaining power and influence. In the future, please choose your heroes wisely.
This needs to “stay in the rotation”. All of these fucking communist fucks needs to be stigmatized for all time. I know God says not to hate, but sometimes …
Funny, I never gave a shit what these dickheads thought before 2020, really don't care now. But, excited for the day they can't walk the streets. I daydream about seeing one of these types in public, I won't need to do anything but watch the rabid masses rip them apart. I know I am supposed to turn the other cheek, but I am sinful and don't think I can.
I will never ever ever ever EVER forget. I was kept from having close contact with my daughter who lives in an intermediate care facility for nearly 2 years! Vaccinated individuals had more rights during about 10 months of that time. She didn’t understand why we couldn’t touch her. No, I WILL NEVER forget!!
I hear you. My husband couldn’t meet his daughter until she was 6 months old. That was 6 months of sleep deprived, screaming, confused, guilt riddled, desperate, hopeless soldier camp of womanhood for me, all with slightly older baby in tow, 100% alone. Fuck every one of them. Fuck them visciously, violently, hatefully and for ever. Fuck them for the rest of my life.
We as a nation created these men by turning into Their Life’s. We spent our money into their life’s. We made them wealthy. We put them onto petal's. We did it to ourselves.
None of these people ever enter my life. Why should they enter yours? I hear something about those half-wits on The View every day, our media must constitute half their viewership.
The dispensibles.
I wonder which of those actually got vaxxed.
My intuition tells me ALL of them.... fuckers...
I agree. Wasn’t their a report on individuals who were able to purchased their vaxxxed certification?
Stern's a jew too.
Simmons and Kimmel also. Other status unknown, but all complicit in murder.
of course, he's the Jewest
The real deplorables
I am waiting for them to "Died Suddenly."
More baffling will be good...
...of blood clots
Yes and they don't know why.
Some of them probably already have. They quickly replace them.
I believe so.
The revolutionist of the 60's and 70's turned into the establishment in the last 10 years and came out against the people. Just shows they are all puppets with someone else pulling the strings. The destruction of the USA has been a long process starting in the 50's. The destruction of the family unit was the beginning. Like feeding arsenic in small doses to someone and watching them die little by little for years.
"The revolutionist of the 60's and 70's turned into the establishment in the last 10 years and came out against the people."
It was never "freedom" they wanted. It was Power.
Weren't the "revolutionists" of the 60's and 70's actually people whose parents were either CIA or MI6? I thought that I read that somewhere.
Some maybe but certainly not all of them. Of course the "leaders" could have been for sure.
You mean communists talk a good talk and if they actually ever get power, never actually empower anyone other than themselves? How shocking /s
Not all the anti establishment were communist. Most of us wee revolting against the war in Vietnam.
Of course not. Was referring to the DS figureheads/assets.
The character on that MEME that really makes me boil is Howard Stern - that Son of a bitch was the original ‘Outsider’ - he spearheaded protests against the unfair censorship of the FCC, he fought for the normalization of freaks, geeks and misfits & stood up for counter cultures for decades…. When he married Beth O., that all changed - Stern who for 25 years was rejected by Hollywood and the mainstream due to his content and his blistering observations was now suddenly thrust into the spotlight. Quickly after marrying Beth O the show changed forever… Howard would move to Satellite and his show would become more ‘ Americas Got Talent’ rather than ‘Radio Free Europe’. Stern himself became the darling of Hollywood - A list parties, A list friends … he lost sight of the core audience … it’s when I began to notice Stern was part of a narrative - he was the Mockingbird - fully controlled.
Shame, because Stern used to be funny - when that’s what the show was about ….
Read what you wrote: fought for the normalization of freaks, geeks and misfits & stood up for counter cultures for decades
So he was used to fight for and normalize the freak show we have to deal with every day now. Of course he was cast as an outsider, and now that mission is accomplished he is the hero.
He was always a scumbag.
Well, he's a jew, so....
Rage on behalf of the machine
Every Hollywood star has their handler.
Right? I can’t believe I read his damn book. I’m going to see if it’s buried in my garage somewhere and I’m going to burn it.
That’s about the time I came across Alex Jones and listened to him every day until the knowing Q bullshit.
These people are fascists. You should never let "artists" gain any power. The artist types have a track record of becoming the worst dictatators and fascists throughout history. We have helped create the mess we are in because of our worship of celebrities. These people gained fame and wealth and became involved with politicians and the super rich. Their influence helped create the mind control necessary to mesmerize the sheep. When this is all said and done, I hope we all realize that fanatical behavior to any celebrity leads to them gaining power and influence. In the future, please choose your heroes wisely.
Hitler was an artist
GW Bush was an artist
I rest your case :)
That’s practically a GAY PRIDE poster with the personnel. How many fags can you fit in one graphic
To err is human, to forgive: divine. But we're not obligated to forget, nor let them forget lest they slip back into old mental patterns.
Nobody asked Jimmy Kimmel what a vaccinated person would need an ICU bed for if they're vaccinated?
Because the unvaccinated infected the vaccinated with what they were vaccinated for.
Oh that's right. Science.
I miss the old days when entertainment was just entertainment.
Totally hear you fren. But was it ever just entertainment? We're just more awake to it now.
Programming has been around awhile.
Thanks Purkiss!! Do you also happen to have a “died suddenly, doctors baffled” meme like this one?
No, not yet... 😉😁
This needs to “stay in the rotation”. All of these fucking communist fucks needs to be stigmatized for all time. I know God says not to hate, but sometimes …
Funny, I never gave a shit what these dickheads thought before 2020, really don't care now. But, excited for the day they can't walk the streets. I daydream about seeing one of these types in public, I won't need to do anything but watch the rabid masses rip them apart. I know I am supposed to turn the other cheek, but I am sinful and don't think I can.
I will never ever ever ever EVER forget. I was kept from having close contact with my daughter who lives in an intermediate care facility for nearly 2 years! Vaccinated individuals had more rights during about 10 months of that time. She didn’t understand why we couldn’t touch her. No, I WILL NEVER forget!!
I hear you. My husband couldn’t meet his daughter until she was 6 months old. That was 6 months of sleep deprived, screaming, confused, guilt riddled, desperate, hopeless soldier camp of womanhood for me, all with slightly older baby in tow, 100% alone. Fuck every one of them. Fuck them visciously, violently, hatefully and for ever. Fuck them for the rest of my life.
It’s unforgivable.
Fascists one and all.
We as a nation created these men by turning into Their Life’s. We spent our money into their life’s. We made them wealthy. We put them onto petal's. We did it to ourselves.
Clearly shows that ambition is no proof of character.
None of these people ever enter my life. Why should they enter yours? I hear something about those half-wits on The View every day, our media must constitute half their viewership.
My people perish for a lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6
I wonder why we ever would listen to them at all to begin with.
Properly all child rapist!
This makes me wanna choka bitch
Not one set of balls among them.
Idiots, all, too bad they are will paid idiots, but idiots all the same.
Washed up has beens…don’t even give them the time of day.
Surely some of these shitbirds will have Myocarditis soon…