Come one, haven't you wondered how Afrika and Middle Eastern population are crashing!
Was on a sports forum and people mentioned in the Bronny James thread that he was vax'd. Man, there was a meltdown there! Good news is many many more people are talking now. Before there were crickets.
Good point. And the good news - People started posted links to studies. A WHOLE LOT OF RED PILLS. Then mods froze the thread. But that is fine because when people check the thread, they'll see the links instead of dribble.
Stupid... blood thickens in the cold... thins in the heat... just stupid. Born in Las Vegas.... thin blood... moved to cold location... blood thickened.... my own personal science and I will take it as fact.
They are just trying to cover-up what we here already know.
The jabs are causing most of the clots as well as turbo-cancer.
Here in the states over the past year or so there are multiple commercials pushing drugs (some new, some old) for all sorts of health problems, some of which I've never heard of. And when they start listing the possible side effects, every single one seems to have "blood clots" listed along with the usual "death".
Under normal circumstances, your blood does not thicken when you get too warm. Rather, as mentioned, your body initiates mechanisms to cool down, such as increasing blood flow to the skin's surface and inducing sweating. These processes help regulate body temperature and prevent blood from thickening.
However, in certain situations, factors like dehydration and extreme heat exposure can lead to changes in blood viscosity (thickness). When you become dehydrated, your blood may become more concentrated due to a decrease in fluid volume. This increased concentration can cause a slight increase in blood viscosity, meaning it becomes slightly thicker.
It's important to understand that these changes in blood viscosity due to dehydration are typically minimal and not the primary means of temperature regulation in the body. The body's primary response to heat involves vasodilation, sweating, and other thermoregulatory mechanisms.
Staying properly hydrated and avoiding prolonged exposure to extreme heat are essential to maintain proper blood circulation and prevent dehydration-related issues. If you have concerns about your health or the effects of heat on your body, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional.
Yes, then you jump into a cold pool and have a heart attack or stroke because of your "sticky blood", as I recall from last summer's reporting. If only people knew this for the past few hundreds of years, especially those that live in desert and tropical climates, think of all the lives that would been saved.. cough.. sigh. So, done with the lies and blame everything but..
I guess it's somewhat ingenious on their part. They need to come up with an argument for these blood clots and push global warming. So they tied the two together.
Without the context of the article, here is my two cents: Yes, your blood does thicken as you dehydrate, and extreme heat will lead you to dehydrate quicker.
There is some truth in the headline, just carry around a bottle of water when you are outside for extended periods of time. As long as you stay hydrated.
I live in SA which reaches Temps of 30 to 35 celcius throughout the summer.....I have NEVER known of Anyone to die of "Blood clots" because of the's BS...
Australia is very similar. Sydney in summer often gets to 47°C, 35°C to 40°C is considered normal. It gets much hotter in the bush. Out in the desert, temps in the low 50°s is normal.
I never mentioned blood clots, just thicker blood due to dehydration. It was late last night when I posted, and there is no link to the article, so I couldn't read it. I was just going off the known info I had, which is from wilderness survival books and stories.
Libtard, I never drank any water growing up and it was as hot if not hotter than it is now. Take your fake science BS and shove it right up where the sun don't shine.
Do they really think people are THIS stupid to believe this? Oh wait.... they are. I personally know people who would 100% believe this.
it only takes one redpill to break the dam of any given normie. it's almost like patriots are in control.
They're all so different though. We need some sort of formula or chart for which red pill would be most effective for which normie.
just gotta shotgun it, that's what we're for.
Username checks out
pew pew!
If I showed this to my functionally retarded normie coworkers, they would 110% believe it and then with no evidence tell you this is a fact.
Same here Fren.
Are you no longer invited to cookouts, retirement parties or service anniversary parties also?
Nope!! And I'm grateful for it! I don't have to pretend to like any of these people.
Come one, haven't you wondered how Afrika and Middle Eastern population are crashing!
Was on a sports forum and people mentioned in the Bronny James thread that he was vax'd. Man, there was a meltdown there! Good news is many many more people are talking now. Before there were crickets.
The meltdown was probably due to the fact that the melt-down-ees are all double vaxxed & triple boosted. There mind can't allow them to go there.
Good point. And the good news - People started posted links to studies. A WHOLE LOT OF RED PILLS. Then mods froze the thread. But that is fine because when people check the thread, they'll see the links instead of dribble.
Wow that's probably why there are no people in Africa.
Or Florida for that matter
Or Texas. It's 110 today. Nope, traffic is still a mess.
Shouldn't people that use the sauna regularly have this issue then? Saunas are like 180°f, way more hot than outside.
Saunas be wayciss CMON MAN
Stupid... blood thickens in the cold... thins in the heat... just stupid. Born in Las Vegas.... thin blood... moved to cold location... blood thickened.... my own personal science and I will take it as fact.
I was gonna say this. I'm from the desert of Phoenix. People there are thin blooded.
And here I thought blood clots were caused by Putin. And racism.
And fisar
Come on, man. Keep up!!
They are just trying to cover-up what we here already know.
The jabs are causing most of the clots as well as turbo-cancer.
Here in the states over the past year or so there are multiple commercials pushing drugs (some new, some old) for all sorts of health problems, some of which I've never heard of. And when they start listing the possible side effects, every single one seems to have "blood clots" listed along with the usual "death".
Under normal circumstances, your blood does not thicken when you get too warm. Rather, as mentioned, your body initiates mechanisms to cool down, such as increasing blood flow to the skin's surface and inducing sweating. These processes help regulate body temperature and prevent blood from thickening.
However, in certain situations, factors like dehydration and extreme heat exposure can lead to changes in blood viscosity (thickness). When you become dehydrated, your blood may become more concentrated due to a decrease in fluid volume. This increased concentration can cause a slight increase in blood viscosity, meaning it becomes slightly thicker.
It's important to understand that these changes in blood viscosity due to dehydration are typically minimal and not the primary means of temperature regulation in the body. The body's primary response to heat involves vasodilation, sweating, and other thermoregulatory mechanisms.
Staying properly hydrated and avoiding prolonged exposure to extreme heat are essential to maintain proper blood circulation and prevent dehydration-related issues. If you have concerns about your health or the effects of heat on your body, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional.
Complete and utter nonsense. We are not frogs, except figuratively.
As homeotherms, mammals' blood is kept within an extremely narrow temperature range REGARDLESS OF THE DAMN WEATHER.
Again: they need you to FEAR the INVISIBLE. And there's nothing more invisible than the mythical "global warming".
(Notice, they're back to that term again now, instead of "climate change"? Qeq!)
Finally - we have the doctors are no longer baffled.....
Heat should make the blood thinner
I can see a problem with people not hydrating enough in the heat, bout it.
I guess a/c is useless then.🙄
The level of gaslighting and ongoing effort from the media still astounds me. Every day. Something more kooky or twisted or extreme stoopid.
as an AZ pede I am qualified to say this is nonsense.
Yes, then you jump into a cold pool and have a heart attack or stroke because of your "sticky blood", as I recall from last summer's reporting. If only people knew this for the past few hundreds of years, especially those that live in desert and tropical climates, think of all the lives that would been saved.. cough.. sigh. So, done with the lies and blame everything but..
They think we are just bunch of idiots. Maybe those who had taken the clot shots could be lied to but we sure won't buy that.
How did we survive all these years and never seen this before?
I guess it's somewhat ingenious on their part. They need to come up with an argument for these blood clots and push global warming. So they tied the two together.
Clown world keeps reaching new levels.
There is it. They finally admit it. Global Warming is caused by the Death Jab.
OK, yeah, that's it.
That’s not climate change, that’s heroin
It's the vax, 100%. Medical "professionals" are killing us, NEVER go to the doctor or take ANY of their medicines ever.
I know the VAX is causing blood clots.
I was referring to the picture of the person laying on the ground. That is not heat exhaustion, or a blood clot that is heroin or fentanyl.
Stay in the a/c. Idle your car if necessary
despite the fact that liquids turn into gasses at higher temperature under the same pressure? seems more like thinning XD
And 🤡🤡🤡 clown world continues to degrade in stupidity and madness.
...okay, I'm sure there is some truth to this, but this...this is just grasping at straws...
LOL - funny how extreme heat never did that in the past.
This is completely crazy and freaking Bold… MSM needs to FOAD
Uh, then wouldn't all of us here in Phoenix Arizona be long dead by now??!!
Without the context of the article, here is my two cents: Yes, your blood does thicken as you dehydrate, and extreme heat will lead you to dehydrate quicker.
There is some truth in the headline, just carry around a bottle of water when you are outside for extended periods of time. As long as you stay hydrated.
I live in SA which reaches Temps of 30 to 35 celcius throughout the summer.....I have NEVER known of Anyone to die of "Blood clots" because of the's BS...
Australia is very similar. Sydney in summer often gets to 47°C, 35°C to 40°C is considered normal. It gets much hotter in the bush. Out in the desert, temps in the low 50°s is normal.
I never mentioned blood clots, just thicker blood due to dehydration. It was late last night when I posted, and there is no link to the article, so I couldn't read it. I was just going off the known info I had, which is from wilderness survival books and stories.
Libtard, I never drank any water growing up and it was as hot if not hotter than it is now. Take your fake science BS and shove it right up where the sun don't shine.