I have one of his pillows from years ago. Too firm for me, but my son uses it and calls it the “dot com” pillow (lol from the commercial jingle). I’ll have to give his towels a try!
a debate between Kari Lake and Heels up would be awesome to see! but i'm sure (((they))) would never let it happen. they would be scared shitless of what we would see/hear, the incompetence of Harris is just too much for them to show.
Nothing against Lindell, but General Flynn was DJTs original pick for VP.
The deep state indicted Flynn (crossfire razor), which torpedoed his chances to become VP.
Traitor pence was the only viable choice and was encouraged by the swamp to keep an eye on DJT (crossfire hurricane) because DJT wasn't a swamp creature with known moves and connections.
I think Flynn should have first right of refusal for the VP spot in the next election.*
*I didn't say 2024 because only God knows if it'll come early or late here in 🤡 🌎
The look on that guy's face always looks like he thinks he smarter than anyone he is talking too.
Again Flynn was indicted after the election. He did not make Donald Trump's shortlist of VP candidates. Trump had said he wanted his VP to very experienced in politics.
Unless they reused the name, "The Trial of the Machines" was the name of one of ML's prior live events (a year or two ago).
Today's live event is currently at the top of the page at https://frankspeech.com with links to earlier clips from today's live event residing lower on the page.
The men's moccasin slippers are awesome - I have 2 pairs. My wife likes those flip-flop sandal things that are $19.95 right now I believe.
I've had the slippers for a few years now and I wear them every day (I work from home). Can't recommend them enough.
If there was one complaint it would be having to pay for shipping. If you only buy $19.99 slippers and pay $10 for shipping that makes them 50% more expensive. Mike needs to figure out a better way for that.
Go to your local post office with the same box of slippers and try and have it shipped across the country for under $10 and then you’ll see what Mike is dealing with. Shipping has gotten tremendously expensive in recent years. Fuel, labor these are two things he has little control over. He could easily bake the price of shipping into the cost of the product but then you’d be paying $30 for those slippers.
Every product I’ve purchased has been of good quality. Honest. I’m not saying his Co. is the cheapest, but I don’t care. The quality is good. And I feel good supporting Mystore and Mike. I pray for his success. At everything.
Remember early pandemic when DJT trotted out the businessmen taking the lead with helping with supply? They attacked Mike in particular. Much worse than the others. I’ve been a supporter even sense. What a strong dude.
Two pairs of slippers it will be!! And I’ll add a little extra to be happier on the shipping!
Please don't take this the wrong way, it's not a personal attack, fren.
When was the last time you shipped anything that you had to pay for out of pocket? I don't mean an e-packet from China, I mean something YOU had to ship to say a family member or you sold something on an online auction.
Shipping is WAY higher than you remember it being... Here's how much the little $4.95 flat rate "LITTLE" box is now:
Priority Mail® Small Flat Rate Box
USPS-Produced Box: 8-5/8" x 5-3/8" x 1-5/8"
Normal Delivery Time $10.20
This is what Chinese imports, throw away crap at dollar stores and big box has done to our country and the mentality of our people. This is why it's so hard to make a living producing products here.
$10 shipping doesn't seem expensive at all!!! Remember, that includes the cost if the box, tape, labels and paying the employee packaging labor - here in the USA!
Note - I am watching this on RSBN right now. They are carrying it live. If you have the RSBN app for your TV it makes things easier. Android TV doesn't seem to have the frankspeech app and it is a PITA to find an apk and sideload the app.
Thanks for posting the YT link because the only state I missed was my own! (my phone battery ran out of juice while I was driving. So I was able to go back and listen.
What I liked was how the word "hope" was used. There are people who are doing things in their states to clean up their elections. Heck - maybe I will volunteer for something. But if you listen to some of the numbers these groups have found to seem questionable - there was considerable fraud. Add them up and -> Trump has the numbers. Nice way that Mike has set this up.
Love Mike, but I learned from the Cyber Symposium not to get my hopes up too much. I'm so exhausted. If anything significant happens I'll be around here to read about it.
I have a funny feeling, we won’t get to a 2024 election. The deepstate is in trouble and they know it. They won’t be able to cheat or fraud is out of our election. The only way to hold on to power is to not allow an event that gives us the chance to get it back. The election won’t happen due to some deepstate op that makes us forget an election was to occur. I’m predicting a really dark time ahead until military takes over.
Sorry, I just don’t see them giving up power so easily. To me evidence of fraud will be uncovered for all to see that this has been going on and Trumpwas right all along.
I’ve been thinking about this... there isn’t nearly enough time to implement voting reform coast to coast prior to ‘24. But the military can be surprisingly efficient. I think this has got to be part of the plan. Military takes over 2024 voting at the last minute. Valid I.D., same day voting, one day only voting. No time for the deeps state scumbags to get all those illegals a legitimate form of identification. Nor enough money to pay everyone to go out in vote. It was cheaper in 2020 to pay one person to ballot stuff thousands of ballots than it would be to dangle $10 per person to go out in vote in 2024. They are screwed!
Sounds great, but elections are run by the states - not the federal government. If the military tried this it would be just like what the dems did when they let their SOS and Gov offices change election laws without going through the legislatures.
The only way this would be legal is if we are under martial law (which may happen anyway).
And that is why Trump is smiling and laughing right?
If the indictments stick, if all the dozens of charges were guilty, the entire Trump organization is bankrupted and his family will never do business or politics again.
This is the most articulate Mike has ever been, in my opinion. He's a pleasure to listen to -- and I have never said that before.
You are not wrong.
Its been pretty good so far.
Can we count on some Fren to compile us a fact list and on some mod to sticky it?
That would be great.
My problem is I don't have the disponibility to listen to it all, then compile it down.🥺💐
the thing with Mike and DJT is they are real guys not just a puppet on a string...
And when both are in charge, I sleep so well!
I see what you did there👊
I have one of his pillows from years ago. Too firm for me, but my son uses it and calls it the “dot com” pillow (lol from the commercial jingle). I’ll have to give his towels a try!
Number 1 dog sleeps comfy on a MyPillow dog bed. Number 2 dog sits in the corner, stares and growls. Life's not fair.
Get number 2 a couple of sets of slippers. Keep the peace.
The mattress topper is great!
maybe Mike will be DJT's VP?
Kari Lake for the win. Can you imagine the VP debate vs Harris? 😭😭
a debate between Kari Lake and Heels up would be awesome to see! but i'm sure (((they))) would never let it happen. they would be scared shitless of what we would see/hear, the incompetence of Harris is just too much for them to show.
This is my answer anytime I see someone asking who should be Trumps VP on X
Nothing against Lindell, but General Flynn was DJTs original pick for VP.
The deep state indicted Flynn (crossfire razor), which torpedoed his chances to become VP.
Traitor pence was the only viable choice and was encouraged by the swamp to keep an eye on DJT (crossfire hurricane) because DJT wasn't a swamp creature with known moves and connections.
I think Flynn should have first right of refusal for the VP spot in the next election.*
*I didn't say 2024 because only God knows if it'll come early or late here in 🤡 🌎
You're saying Trump wanted Flynn in 2016?
Because Flynn was indicted after Trump's election, not beforehand.
It's spelled out here. If you haven't watched it yet, it's worth it:
Dude, I'm not watching two hours of Ivan R.
The look on that guy's face always looks like he thinks he smarter than anyone he is talking too.
Again Flynn was indicted after the election. He did not make Donald Trump's shortlist of VP candidates. Trump had said he wanted his VP to very experienced in politics.
Is it cyber symposium time of the year again? Comes too fast!
thanks for the reminder, i've got to change the batteries in my smoke alarm
"The Plan" to be revealed tomorrow, 1 pm Central / 2 pm Eastern. Any guesses on what it will be?
"Human Eyes" fixed on every step of the process\procedures at all levels.
I think that is where it all starts, but there is much more to it (we all hope!)
They have stated it is going to take all of us being involved. As it should.
I feel it has to be more than that. He said it was something that has never been tried before. It still may take heavy citizen involvement though.
Yeah, I agree. Or I "hope" anyway!
If it's something Q\Q+ came up with? Who knows, all bets are off at that point! Dyin' to find out.
Wonder if Jeff O'Donnell will be a guest. I believe he will be, given that he listed as an invitee...?
Rumble link: https://rumble.com/v3690qh-live-mike-lindell-presents-election-summit-the-plan-revealed-day-1-8162023.html
No offense u/BQnita, but I don't sleep with the enemy.
Edit: I am also watching something called "Trial of the Machines"??? @ https://frankspeech.com/live/special-live-event
I don't understand the difference.
Unless they reused the name, "The Trial of the Machines" was the name of one of ML's prior live events (a year or two ago).
Today's live event is currently at the top of the page at https://frankspeech.com with links to earlier clips from today's live event residing lower on the page.
Go Mike !! Buying some slippers because of your hard work. (maybe he checks in on his free time?
The men's moccasin slippers are awesome - I have 2 pairs. My wife likes those flip-flop sandal things that are $19.95 right now I believe.
I've had the slippers for a few years now and I wear them every day (I work from home). Can't recommend them enough.
If there was one complaint it would be having to pay for shipping. If you only buy $19.99 slippers and pay $10 for shipping that makes them 50% more expensive. Mike needs to figure out a better way for that.
Go to your local post office with the same box of slippers and try and have it shipped across the country for under $10 and then you’ll see what Mike is dealing with. Shipping has gotten tremendously expensive in recent years. Fuel, labor these are two things he has little control over. He could easily bake the price of shipping into the cost of the product but then you’d be paying $30 for those slippers.
Correct. He should sell them for $30.
Thanks for the insight.
Every product I’ve purchased has been of good quality. Honest. I’m not saying his Co. is the cheapest, but I don’t care. The quality is good. And I feel good supporting Mystore and Mike. I pray for his success. At everything.
Remember early pandemic when DJT trotted out the businessmen taking the lead with helping with supply? They attacked Mike in particular. Much worse than the others. I’ve been a supporter even sense. What a strong dude. Two pairs of slippers it will be!! And I’ll add a little extra to be happier on the shipping!
God bless Anon! We are winning!
I’ll support our
That's a decent shipping price for what I assume are a substantial pair of mocs. 🤷♂️
You are probably right, but in the age of Amazon I'd bet it scares a fair amount of people away. They are worth it though.
dec3169 - Are you serious?
Please don't take this the wrong way, it's not a personal attack, fren.
When was the last time you shipped anything that you had to pay for out of pocket? I don't mean an e-packet from China, I mean something YOU had to ship to say a family member or you sold something on an online auction.
Shipping is WAY higher than you remember it being... Here's how much the little $4.95 flat rate "LITTLE" box is now:
This is what Chinese imports, throw away crap at dollar stores and big box has done to our country and the mentality of our people. This is why it's so hard to make a living producing products here.
$10 shipping doesn't seem expensive at all!!! Remember, that includes the cost if the box, tape, labels and paying the employee packaging labor - here in the USA!
Note - I am watching this on RSBN right now. They are carrying it live. If you have the RSBN app for your TV it makes things easier. Android TV doesn't seem to have the frankspeech app and it is a PITA to find an apk and sideload the app.
Thanks for posting the YT link because the only state I missed was my own! (my phone battery ran out of juice while I was driving. So I was able to go back and listen. What I liked was how the word "hope" was used. There are people who are doing things in their states to clean up their elections. Heck - maybe I will volunteer for something. But if you listen to some of the numbers these groups have found to seem questionable - there was considerable fraud. Add them up and -> Trump has the numbers. Nice way that Mike has set this up.
Love Mike, but I learned from the Cyber Symposium not to get my hopes up too much. I'm so exhausted. If anything significant happens I'll be around here to read about it.
I came here to say the exact same thing, but you did so more eloquently.
I can tell my grandkids I was alive when a reality tv star, a pillow salesman, and a retired NBA player saved humanity.
I have a funny feeling, we won’t get to a 2024 election. The deepstate is in trouble and they know it. They won’t be able to cheat or fraud is out of our election. The only way to hold on to power is to not allow an event that gives us the chance to get it back. The election won’t happen due to some deepstate op that makes us forget an election was to occur. I’m predicting a really dark time ahead until military takes over.
Sorry, I just don’t see them giving up power so easily. To me evidence of fraud will be uncovered for all to see that this has been going on and Trumpwas right all along.
Devolution series said he is a Direct Commissioned Officer and can view classified information like PCAPS.
Thank you for posting that link Fren! Was trying to find it on Frank Speech but they don’t make clear which video it is!
Sounds like military is the only way kek.
I’ve been thinking about this... there isn’t nearly enough time to implement voting reform coast to coast prior to ‘24. But the military can be surprisingly efficient. I think this has got to be part of the plan. Military takes over 2024 voting at the last minute. Valid I.D., same day voting, one day only voting. No time for the deeps state scumbags to get all those illegals a legitimate form of identification. Nor enough money to pay everyone to go out in vote. It was cheaper in 2020 to pay one person to ballot stuff thousands of ballots than it would be to dangle $10 per person to go out in vote in 2024. They are screwed!
Sounds great, but elections are run by the states - not the federal government. If the military tried this it would be just like what the dems did when they let their SOS and Gov offices change election laws without going through the legislatures.
The only way this would be legal is if we are under martial law (which may happen anyway).
They are run by the states until they aren't... As we've seen.
And that is why Trump is smiling and laughing right?
If the indictments stick, if all the dozens of charges were guilty, the entire Trump organization is bankrupted and his family will never do business or politics again.
But Trump is smiling and laughing.