Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Crowd reaction to Trump first twitter post. Thoughts? Sorry I can only find on instagram (posted by Don Jr)
Something just occurred to me,after hearing all these internet intel people you know who im talking about for years now .'We have to have at least 80% of the country or well have a civil war' well it dont seem like the deepstate swamp gives 2 flying fucks about any of that BULLSHIT does it,look how many pubs were deplatformed/arrested/jailed/intimidated/ during trumps presidency and after. I'm getting really concerned about the plan here,i;m just sayin
The gathering place for people with their eyes closed and hearts filled with fear is down the corner.
Oh 'Contraire Mon Frère' for one to think the he should not question is group think in which i will always separate/analize/research my own deductions,making assertions' of ones points of view should be championed by this group if any,even if one see's things differently.It's called Critical Thinking.
Think of the timing: [They] start floating the idea of more lockdowns. Then Trump breaks the internet that same week, twice.
In HONOR of u/rooftoptendie ❤️🥺
Bob barker died. Age 99. https://tvline.com/news/bob-barker-dead-dies-the-price-is-right-host-cbs-781294
Did anyone chat with rooftoptendie before she deleted her account? I am curious
aww noooo! Tendie come back.
Following. Concerned. Praying.
why did she do this
I don't know all the details, but you'd have to check the Logs to find out.
Actually, I dont know if there are logs if you delete your account...
there arent any 😭 we need to make a rooftoptendie appreciation thread. Maybe she will change her mind!
also the wayback machine has many captures of her comments (use the url for u/rooftoptendie) but it cant be switched into Post mode I dont think
I did make one.
Come back tendie
Awesome ty!
Also curious and concerned, actually.
Yeah, she did some deep dives sometimes..one of the first people here I think spooks would target
I don't understand people deleting their account. That deletes all their threads and posts aswell, which means even if I have it saved it is gone now. What's the point of posting? Beyond realtime digs, and even those would be helpful to have archived.
I have probably had 6 or 7 or 8 accounts since TD forked off of Reddit.
I think one reason I burn everything down and start over again is that I don’t mind real talk or disclosing something in a moment, but I despise identity politics types who exhume some two year old comment and say something nasty and irrelevant about my life or story to win whatever point they’re trying to prove today. That’s why I don’t like them. I don’t have any secrets but it’s a lot like Reddit right, you’re talking about your favorite 5-speed transmission , and someone goes “oh , I see you’re from the Donald, your opinion about cars is irrelevant.” That sort of crap.
I don’t see it as much on scored. I dont mind disclosing certain things but I also don’t feel a need to drag my personal proclivities into absolutely EVERYTHING like those people do. For that matter, I prefer it to be at my own discretion, when I think it’s helpful, and not weaponized against me by some bigoted partisan clown
I get that. I have different accounts for the other scored subs
Never really thought of that.
Even just between GA/TD, people are like “ooohhh you’re a Qultist.” Which is exactly what the rest of Reddit did to TD’ers, I’ve seen this movie before.
That part, I don’t care about anymore. I’m here. I like the board. I wish I had had the presence of mind to respond with that , re: t_d back in the day
Well welcome fren <3 glad you found the board
It does mean that if someone were to be malicious, and seeing that a certain topic usually is only allowed to go "Hot" once, they could attempt to be the one to make the post, get all the engagement, and then after a while nuke their own account and scrub it (or at least scrub the title from the Search feature, I think if you have a hot link you can still get to the comments thread, but the OP would be deleted)
So it would make searching the archives miss the posts by that account
Well, she’s missed!!
Yeah she’s one of the oldest accounts I remember. Hope she’s just looking to clear the brush and start over like I do. :)
Prayer Garden Podcast Episode 13 Dan(u/Spacemonkey)
On this episode we speak with my friend Dan (Spacemonkey on communities.win). We start off talking about Dan's childhood and the reasons why he swayed between being a believer, an atheist, and even a satanist. However, Dan's pursuit for knowledge ultimately led him back to Christ. We hear Dan's honest testimony how part of that journey involved experimenting with various drugs, but how the Truth overcame even when seeking in the wrong places. We then move on to discussing other "truths" in the world, such as globalism, the controlled church, and other various systems of control. We then end showcasing Dan's server (GAW.Social), which is a social platform that helps bring independent media under one umbrella.
Thank you for tuning in! Together through Christ we have endless potential.
GAW social server: http://www.gaw.social/
0:01 - Introduction
1:17 - Opening Prayer
2:34 - Bible Verse (Matthew 5:16)
7:15 - Announcements
8:35 - Beginning of Testimony/Dan's Childhood
19:00 - Shifting Back to Jesus
21:44 - Experimenting with Psychoactive Drugs
28:24 - The Truth Revealed
36:15 - Importance of Sharing Personal Experiences/Power in Testimony
40:23 - The Truth vs. The World (Globalism Discussion)
50:00 - The Controlled Church
56:54 - Dan's Server (GAW.Social)
1:10:30 - Closing Prayer/Remarks
So here is a question for anons..
If you have any people from your past you consider an enemy in life
Would you rather they be 4-6% or would you rather they awaken?
A family member of mine told me this once.
For ourselves, we won’t mercy… But for others, we want judgment.
I have to remind myself daily, that if I was held accountable for all the horrible things I did in the past, I probably be in prison for the rest of my life. I was an extra garlic, back in my teenage and young adult years, I did a lot of stupid things. I’m grateful I was not caught in held accountable for all of those stupid things I did. The price people paid for doing drugs, and selling drugs back in the 80s and 90s, or a lot steeper than they are now. I’m grateful for my freedom, and more importantly, my freedom in Christ.
I want that for all of my enemies, and for anybody who’s ever done me wrong. Yes, I want them to see and feel the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I haven't thought of anyone as an "enemy" in, gosh, forever. Maybe never. That in itself is a blessing. It means I haven't ran into any real "monsters", I guess.
I'd always rather have anyone be awakened, because to me that means Saved by Christ. Would never want anyone to be lost forever, as that is profoundly sad.
Good question. WWG1WGA
That's a very good observation on awake. Thanks for sharing I always learn from frens here.
10 years ago my answer would be very different than today... and filled with venom and vitriol.
However, only through my own pursuit of self inquiry, and most certainly the grace of God, have I been fortunate enough to experience first hand, Christ's greatest commandment: To love thy neighbor as yourself.
Deep prayer and meditation allowed me to be silent enough to experience our true nature - which is love and compassion.
God's grace shined on me as I sat on complete silence - no monkey chatter - zero thought - and for a brief moment of time I finally deeply understood Christ's greatest commandment.
I struggled my whole life to truly understand how it was even remotely possible to love people that pissed me off on a daily basis. As you know, you can't force yourself to love or be loved. It's just not possible. And never being able to heed Christ's commandment, always made me feel disingenuous that i couldn't achieve it, that I didn't get it.
But what I came to understand through the grace of God is that, I don't have to love the actions of any of these "characters" playing their role. I don't have to love the fudge round bag toting characters or any others that weren't living right.
Instead, I can love that which is the Holy Spirit within these characters. That which is in God's image, beyond the body and brain. That which is eternally pure and untainted by the conditions we find ourselves in.
I can genuinely feel compassion for the hell they've experienced, which no doubt has caused them to play this shit character that pisses me off. That's the difference and that makes loving your neighbor as yourself possible, no matter what character they play or deed they do.
I hope y'all get to experience what I did, even for only a few seconds, because that's all it takes when God shines His Light on you. None of us are ever going to be perfect characters, but God's Spirit within ALL of us is eternally perfect.
Beautiful comment fren. And yes, I had an epiphany like that once as well, and I'm literally eternally grateful for it.
Thanks for articulating this so well.
We all certainly make mistakes and sin. So much peace can be had from remembering our own flaws before casting stones.
It's kind of cosmicly comical how flawed we all are, and how perfectly forgiveness and repentance answer the problem.
Christ, and his teachings, are funnily airtight. 🤗
I’d rather them awaken. They can influence more people alive than dead. Also, I’m all about peace and love at this point in my life. Helping others.
AI will take our game one step up and create a new wave for this truther movement. In order to do so I'm helping by showcasing some of the best tools that some other teachers and myself are using in our applied courses for universities and companies. Yesterday I showed a text-to-image generator called mage.space. Today I'm focusing on "all in one" AI platforms for social media. There are 3 main ones Ocoya.com Simplified.com and cohesive.so. My favorite one is Ocoya. You can create any post, write any kind of creative copy, create images, and then calendarize it on all social media platforms. Hope you can expand your social media game with this tools frens.
Fren, you should not be encouraging people to use opaque AI models by private companies, but rather teach people how to run their own pirvate AI on their own computers. If we learnt anything the past few years, getting dependant on private companies, no matter how open and friendly they pretend to be, always leaves us at their whims and evilness.
Open source AI is out of my reach in a technical sense. I have found some AI with and some whiteout a truth bias. This tools are like having whole armies at our disposal. With just a little command and control the sky is the limit. In my view this is the noosphere so either we make it work for us or against us. People can easily train their own bots, create content ten times as potent. Thanks but let’s see how we can repurpose some of those tools.
If you want to use existing tools and dont care about private control, nothing better than ChatGPT, if you know how to craft prompts properly. Nothing even comes close to that.
Yes ChatGPT or Claude and soon Gemini will be the main ones. But people can use some multimodal AI to create, research, post, and digg in ways that Unimodal AIs can’t. Today I will introduce a Chat Bot training platform that works with your data.
looking for other pedo references- we have pizza and hot dogs that have come back out recently. i'm trying to tie these to chicken as referenced in sound of freedom but i'm getting nothin. what ya got frens and anons?
Chicken is definitely a code word.
I read a post where chicken refers to an infant
That's what we've decided to name the bs brewing in the background...
The big motorcade, 2 ambulances, 50+ motorcycles, swat team escort is a dead giveaway imo. There is no way anybody gets that unless they're the President.
Beloved Commander in Chief
Does anyone know the youtube channel "Canadian Prepper"?
It is clearly a business selling prepping and related items, with an informational angle that is high on WW3 scare mongering (a prepper's wet dream, lol)
I haven't watched the content but I've been following their headlines. I can hardly correlate with other sources. All it does is scream "WW3 IS BREAKING OUT!"! (Video titles in all caps since a few months -- once a content creator goes there, it's hard to go back - very hard)
Direct link to most recent videos overview
You should check out “Angry Prepper”. It’s been a journey for him. To watch someone waking up is a beautiful thing. He still has away to go, but he’s getting there. Also Patera on “Appalachia Homestead”. Woke in a good way and trying to wake up others. She has great gardening tips as well as canning etc., and she’s fun to listen to.
So today is Aug 26, delta for Suicide Weekend....
I took a much needed vacation and didn’t post an “everything’s flipped” last week. Your topic suggestions have been good, but I haven’t had time to research. I find that writing these is a good constructive way to release my frustrations with the world. This week’s topic is light bulbs.
The Phoebus cartel existed from 1925-1939. They set a target lifespan of 1000 hours for light bulbs. The justification for this was that a hotter filament produced a higher quality light and was more efficient. I don’t have the time to find out whether the trade off between bulb costs and energy costs actually benefited the consumer. Most likely not. We perceive light in a logarithmic fashion. If the bulb lasted twice as long and used the same energy we would save money. We’d just deal with a bulb that’s slightly dimmer.
The incandescent bulb ban is annoying as the bulbs can be used for many other things than lighting. The old HP audio oscillator used the negative resistance of a light bulb to regulate the oscillator amplitude. They make nice dummy loads that even shows you how much power is flowing. Sometimes you want to heat something, like an easy bake oven.
Incandescent bulbs emit a lot of near-infrared light. When exposed to near-infrared light, the mitochondria produce melatonin. One paper acknowledged the difference in lighting but thought that the intensity of light from indoor incandescent lamps was not sufficient to make a difference. Since the bulbs are banned and not simply taxed to make them more expensive than LEDs….
Fluorescent lamps are have been the standard at schools and workplaces because of their higher efficiency. I can’t stand the light from these things. Fluorescent light is suspected to cause or aggravate many mental and visual disorders. The spectrum from these bulbs looks nothing like a black body. Thankfully many big box stores are installing skylights.
They contain a small amount of mercury. A Tesla coil can light a fluorescent tube from a distance. I suspect some types of Directed Energy Weapons would do the same. Note that bulbs in a fixture are partially shielded by the metal box of the fixture. The old T12 tubes are banned as well as some other types.
Many LED bulbs die prematurely from heat. If you have an enclosed light fixture with 2 LED or CFL bulbs consider this. How long does the first bulb last? How long does the second last? Most likely the second bulb alone will continue to operate for a very long time. It’s running in a cooler environment now.
Many of the new LED fixtures are basically disposable. However, they should last much longer than LED bulbs in old fixtures since they should be designed to properly cool the LEDs. The Dubai lamp is a super efficient LED bulb that uses many LED filaments to reduce the temperature rise. The cooler LEDs are more efficient and last longer.
The LED street lights are replacing the orangeish high pressure sodium lamps. This is annoying for astronomers as the LEDs are broadband emitters compared to a few spectral lines from the sodium lamp. The could use filters to reduce the specific wavelengths emitted by sodium lamps. They tell us to avoid blue light before bed, but then they put it in the streetlights. Some of those lights emit almost purple light.
Incandescent bulbs are nearly perfect resistors and have a power factor near 1. LED bulbs can have a much lower power factor and produce harmonics.
Unless we are going to run everything on batteries, there is not much reason to reduce the energy consumption of overnight lighting. You’ve seen stores keep their lights on all night. Overnight electricity is cheap.
Love these posts. That is all. o7
Thank you, that was interesting!
Overall I feel that LEDs are a good technology. I use them because I don't want to pay the electric company extra money. The greater blue output of cool white gives them a bit more efficiency. Good idea mixing them.
The modern LED flashlights are superior to anything previous. Just 2 problems. Many are now a lot brighter than the need to be, so battery life isn't as long as it could be. And the switches seem to get corroded fast.
For my workshop I use 20 Watt LED floodlights. I connect each light to a 1.5µF X-class capacitor in series with ONE of the wires (live or neutral, it doesn't matter which). The capacitor mounts handily inside a standard outdoor plastic junction box.
The result is a dimmer light but it runs much cooler and lasts forever. I got the idea from a Fakebook group. Here's a photo: https://files.catbox.moe/7bbmgf.jpg
Our sheriff will not comply with any Covid mandates https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwLKAEMqHP5/
Watched that last week. We need more like him.
Only at the precipice of another lockdown.......... May Everyone have the courage not comply like your sheriff!
Great news!
Yahoo email is driving me crazy these past couple of weeks. Every time I try to sign on, it says there has been "suspicious activity". Makes me get a code from a "recovery email", which is also a Yahoo account. So I go to get the recovery code, and THAT account says "suspicious activity", so it needs to send a code to the different email. Now, when I log out of one email, they all get logged out! Are they trying to force us to buy their Premium service at $5 per month? I have used these free accounts for YEARS for genealogy research and online purchases, and have no idea of how to retrieve my data if I get permanently locked out. Any ideas of how to resolve this?
Thanks to everyone for all your helpful suggestions. I will try some of these.
Get protonmail and vpn. Getting a paid plan several years ago was something that definitely helped eliminate such problems.
I recommend NOT using a "free" email address. It's not really free. [They] make money from you via adverts or using your data.
Do you happen to have :
My bank was rejecting transfers in the mobile app because I had a vpn profile from an app going 24/7 and I wasn’t aware of it.
You’ll probably see really annoying behavior like being asked to solve puzzles for every other google search if that’s what it is.
The fact you get this error on both accounts makes me think that’s what it is. Try a desktop computer or something that has no apps. Or go try it from a friends house or computer. My home ISP is “range banned” from 4channel because of some idiot gore posting on a board I don’t even visit. You never know.
I don’t have a yahoo address but I have an old aol address and they’re the same company. When I get the prompt about secondary verification methods I have the ability to change phone numbers and backup emails as long as ONE of them works. I don’t know if that’s true on the “yahoo” email side , or if you’re screwed if you only have one on file. (Add one if you can get in!)
Worst case scenario, yahoo/aol let you recreate your inbox after a year of inactivity. It USED TO let “just anyone” steal your email handle. Now it only lets you reclaim it. I had to do that one time for the same reason- no access to backup methods. I was locked out for an entire year but did save a 25 year old address by just rescuing it after 12 months
🥇 VERSE. 🥇
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
Oh Come to the Altar https://youtu.be/rYQ5yXCc_CA?si=QngK_mXpoKurDE_O
Loved this. What a great song.
surprised I saw this so early/never happens🤡 Happy Weekend! and this is a good one to get people thinking. It's a lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. never thought she would make sense, but she does; especially since Q posted the prayer about the enemies in the upper realms. https://youtu.be/l-7sHrC0fks?si=oU1zo_k3nQrcx4WO
Can you post the Q prayer post you referenced please? Thanks
yes, it's the Armor of God Prayer and what this is all about; we need to protect ourselves with armor to maneuver this world. Q is making that evident & showing us how to fix it. which is why I thought the Elizabeth Clare Prophet video was intriguing, she acknowledges the entities, and gives precise steps on how to protect oneself. been studying the supernatural since I was child, and I'd put this video in the top 5% of explanations. now I'm not familiar with all of her teachings, so hopefully she didn't go totally off the deep end. but I did find the presented info helpful/aligned with Q.
this is the Q drop 4429/prayer;
The Armor of God
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of
God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our
struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the
authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces
of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that
when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you
have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled
around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your
feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to
all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming
arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the
Spirit, which is the word of God.And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all
kinds of prayers and requests. Withthis in mind, be alert and always keep on
praying for all the Lord’s people.
Have faith in Humanity. Have faith in Yourself. Have faith in God. The Great Awakening. Q
ECP's book on the Violet Flame changed my life for the better and helped open my heart and strengthen my divine personal connection to God and absolute faith that Christ is King!
thanks for sharing, you guys are the only ones I trust, that's helpful to know:) I heard her decree the violet flame/made sense & find myself repeating it today! also there's a verse Luke 6:40 that I find fascinating. it's from the section of the Bible known as the Q-Source✨ (common material between Matthew and Luke) I think it aligns well with ECP's message & probably why they mocked her so much.
40 The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.
They mock because she spoke truth. Real truth, not the garbage from Con Inc gatekeepers and grifters.
yes that has to be the case, makes sense. and I think it's what they've done to other influential spiritual figures over the years, keeps everyone suppressed. also find it interesting that General F. referenced her in a roundabout way. definitely think that's a hint to dig more🐸
When General Flynn spoke of the 7 Rays, I knew he must be the real deal.
Shame that nearly all spiritually enlightened people get the concepts but not understand the importance of how to implement them to help the brainwashed. The TDS makes them blind because their ego blocks them from questioning the narrative from popular new age religious people, such as Marianne Williamson.
Is it this one (my favorite Q post)?
Q posted this Scripture (Ephesians 6:10-20) often.
yep that’s it:) And Q posted it multiple times/must be important, and the video I shared explains how to protect ourselves from such entities.
years ago I would have scoffed a bit at Elizabeth CP, but her work makes more sense considering what we know now.