It's gonna be a RANT, so, fair warning.... I am not asking for your Prayers for myself, I ask you for Prayers for the Woman I have called Wife for the last 23-ish years.....
Not to sound ""Cold"" about it, but I'm just a Stoic Man, and I don't do ""Please"" very well, and yes this is somewhat for me, on a ""Via""....
This Chapter of turmoil and strife began about three weeks ago, she decided to quit Drinking, and I'm guessing she is on the wagon Permanently, or the Demons Satan and Lucifer would not have ever attacked her in such a horrible way....
I know they only did this to hurt me, because they have never been able or strong enough to harm me directly, so they attack those whom I love and want Protected and happy....
Well, she chose to do this good thing for herself, and I was joining in for support, more for Strength and emotional stability than anything else, but Full Support....
I was on the way to actually Quitting Drinking also, that is when her headaches began, the first day on the Right side, next day on the Left side, and then full on Head Ache, with some lower belly discomfort, like Menstrual Cramps, as she described it....
Day 4, No Headaches, only Lower abdomen Pain, but not strong enough to take her down, she made a Stuffed Bell Peppers dinner....
This morning she woke up feeling well, with only minor discomfort, then she turned to get up and instantly became Racked with Massive Pain throughout her Abdomen and lower, As she described to me, from Sternum to Pelvis....
After a few hours of attempted Pain relief, various Positions, etc, the pain became unbearable, she/we, off to the Emergency we went, did NOT expect it to be almost Empty, but it was....
After the usual Tests, and a bunch of them, we found out she has a Rupture on the lower intestine, needed Surgery, and is NOW as of 18:00, or 6:00 pm, in surgery, for which I ask you to pray she makes it out without Complications, and with Jesus and Gods Blessings....
But this isn't the tricky part, the tricky part is in two or three months or so, when they go to put her back together, after wearing a Colostomy Bag for such a long time, because as I understand it, this second part, just doesn't always come together as planned or Predicted, and usually ends up in a Second more Permanent Colostomy Bag....
I BEG you folks to Pray she is Shielded from this second part, the Failure to take in the connection of the two parts, she doesn't deserve this level of humiliation, she is of a good Heart, an Old Soul who cares about everyone, and has helped others when they were in need, whether I thought they deserved it or not, She still helped....
I ask for you to PRY for her to be Protected from the Covid Vaxxxes they push in Hospitals as we are Both Pure Bloods, she readily listened, and then investigated what I told her, and she knows the risks, unfortunately this time we just could not avoid going to beg help from those who might do harm via Needles, Please Pray she is protected from that....
I don't know if my writing is correct in what I am asking, or if it translates the urgency I feel, I'm just a Man, a Cowboy, Soldier, Roughneck, WV Coal Hauler, and at this point, feeling like I'm losing yet another piece of my Self, as with my first Wife, when Satan or Lucifer Corrupted our Life, and set us against each other with one or more of their Minions....
Both of them will go to heaven, I already know this, I simply ask that you Pray for Shae to make it through this attack without Permanent harm and Damage, And with the Least Pain, Minimal Pain, and Fastest Healing that only God and Jesus can provide....
She deserves soo much better a Man than me, but, here we are, and it is what it is, and I'm crying through my beers, while writing this through my fears, and my sticism fights back my Tears, yet She an I know we are only Souls having a Human Experience, and That is why I am asking for Your Prayers of Healing, from Jesus and God, and the absolute Minimization of her Pain, Discomfort, and suffering, and to please bring her out of the TWO surgeries, especially the Second one with absolute Best results....
I thank you all for reading this, and for your prayers, and will do a followup when things change....
May God Bless all of you, Your Families, Your Communities, States, and I pray you all reach Heaven....
Sorry about the Rantings and ramblings....
But when Satan and Lucifer Attack me Indirectly, I just go there....
2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light and momentary affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory that is far beyond comparison.
Instead of hopelessness, we have His promise that He will make all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Even when walking through “the valley of the shadow of death,” we need fear no evil (Psalm 23:4). Our Good Shepherd never abandons us, and our suffering is always purposeful (Psalm 56:8). The Lord can take the broken places in our lives and create a mosaic that blesses the world. It is often our darkest pain that becomes our brightest light when we entrust it to Him. Joy comes in the morning when we awaken to our purpose and see that even our mistakes, sorrows, and confusion have become the foundation upon which God builds a ministry.
You are going to have quite the story to tell. Stay fast. We are praying for you both.
Amen and standing with you in agreement!
We Stand Behind You, HOSEQ!
Amen. 🙏
Well said, fren. Amen.
Best verse ever at the top...that one is power. Thank you
Father, hear our prayer. Amen. 🙏🏼
Heavenly FATHER, we humbly come before YOU. We praise YOU in the precious NAME OF JESUS. SWEET FATHER we lift up our brother and sister to YOU. WE ask that you heal them both. Please heal their minds, their bodies, their broken hearts. Cleanse their souls. Rain down YOUR GLORY on them more abundantly than the waters in the days of Noah. Send YOUR holy warring angels and all angels of every ranking and division to surround and protect them. Shield them from all attacks from our enemy. Blind the enemy to them. Pour out YOUR miracles, signs and wonders. Fill them both with YOUR peace and joy, LORD. We apply the MOST SACRED BLOOD OF JESUS over them and all medical personnel taking care of our sister. We know YOU love them FATHER and so do we. We ask these things in Jesus Name. Thank YOU and Amen!
I prayed for her. My brother recently battled or is battling colon cancer. They gave him a temporary colostomy bag. He fought through itnlije a champ. He got his system reconnected in July. His system is working properly and at the moment the cancer is gone.
Prayers work. Praise God. I just wanted to share so your wife may know the 2nd surgery can work well.
Prayers going up for your wife. I got this from a good friend, a 20 year Blackhawk driver now retired, back in early July. Very similar situation but more drastic. She only recently came home. They have two preteen boys whose lives have been rearranged by all this.
Wife had to be airlifted to the Trauma ICU in Atlanta Thursday from Columbus. VERY severe Septic shock. Surgeons are certain a split in her colon caused an infection that spread rapidly to her right leg. She has already lost her right leg, right hip, and colon. Has had 3 surgeries already, 4th in 2 days. Tonight, her belly looked very good, no infection or they installed a temporary G-tube to her stomach for feeding in a few days once off ventilator and a tube for her waste (will be life-long). Likely to lose three fingers on her right hand. This was all very sudden and escalated to life threatening in less than 12 hours. Surgical doctors here in Columbus didn't expect her to make it through Thursday night....but she has crushed the odds! A real fighter! She has improved some, stabilized, but still not out of the woods by any means. BP is now excellent. Thursday she almost bottomed out and died since the BP was so low...47-53/18-20 a few times! Was on two meds to increase her BP....which saved her life but caused the issue in her right arms (smaller veins can shrink and prevent blood flow).
This is what I speak of, those two clowns, Satan and Lucifer cannot directly attack and harm us, and when they have tried, we probably didn't even notice, so they then attack those whom we Love and cherish....
They do these bad things to our Loved ones in order to demoralize us and hurt us....
They do it in order to say ""look how weak they are""....
But our Real fight begins after this life, and we must Pray for each others Families....
Both Satan and Lucifer avoid attacking Warriors directly, they always look to find a weak Point to attack, and then make Fester, and keep attacking through suffrage.....
We Must all remember we are Spirits having a Human Experience, not the wrong way round.....
They attacked my father several years ago, a Christian man who went to church every week of his life, he was in his 80s. He took his own life. To say everyone was shocked was an understatement. I felt like this was a direct attack on me as I was following the Q plan and had on the full armor of God. I'm praying for you both.😔🙏❤️
😢😢🙏🙏🙏🙏 Prayers in progress. God bless you and your Shea.
As I was praying for her, I heard "She will be whole".
Prayers sent for you and your wife, fren. Keep the faith. With God, all things are possible.
I may not have the words or verses or links that others on here are so amazing at but I’m just a man/father/husband on here and I’ve kneeled and spoken a prayer for you and yours. So just know that we are all out here and we are all together in this. Where we go one we go all isn’t just a catchy phrase. Love ya fren.
My friend, a similar situation happened to me - kidney stone and severe septic shock - bp in the 50’s, I nearly died The Lord saw fit to save me, and I quit drinking, had the tube removed(I was in ICU a month ago today). If he can save me- a useless sinner, who didn’t deserve it, he can save you and your family.
You are not a useless sinner, you were created by God are you are the apex of his creation, even before you were a new creation in Christ
Prayers going up now fren. Love you. My name is Ryan. I am here if u ever need a fren to vent to. You are not alone. God bless u
We are with you, Fren.
Prayer for her, and for you. Put down the beer. You aren't doing her or you any good drinking again. you need to be strong for her and help her through this.
Prayers sent, fren. May God bless both of you.
Jerhimiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future"
Just remember, a God big enough to breathe entire galaxies into existence and big enough to weave together the intricacies of life itself is certainly way bigger than any problem we could ever encounter here on earth! I'm going to pray my butt off for you, your wife and your family fren. Stay strong!
Have mercy upon him God, have mercy on him. For his soul trusts in you and he makes his shelter beneath Your wings until these calamities pass by. From Psalm 51. You and your wife will be in my prayers.
Prayers for your wife, and God's gentile healing power on her, and wisdom to the doctors and nurses. But also strength for you. When she comes home you will need to be the strength she can lean on as you will need to care for her, and love her as never before to help her through this
Peace brother, in Jesus name
Don't apologize brother. You are honestly pouring out your heart - not only to God, but to us as well. Heavenly Father, be with this family. Guide them and strengthen them in the days that lie ahead of them. Allow them to grow stronger in their faith in You and in each other through this experience. Most of all, send healing for your child - no complications and a speedy recovery. We thank you in advance for what you are doing. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
You and your wife will be in my prayers.
Prayers sent 🙏➡️
And "where two or three agree..." engaged.
God bless you both friend. Know that your standing with her through all of this is truly what matters and that neither of you are alone, even if you can't see anyone in the room, the angels are with you.
We pray for her quick healing, many years of long life, fulfillment and comfort. None of us are perfect but that doesn't stop God from loving us.
God is great, love one another, bless one another with each day you are given and spread good in all ways you're able.
May God bless her with quick healing, relief and for both of you to ride on the wagon together. It shall be a good day to laugh over.
Our Lord Jesus Christ performs countless miracles, many of which I have witnessed in the lives of family and friends. We stand with you in prayer, Brother Patriot, and believe that the Lird will honor our prayers and bless your wife with a full recovery with no long term effects. Believe with all your hearts, fren! There's no room for doubt in this battle . . . I know from first- hand experience that God honors our unwavering faith in Him.
God bless you both!
Hang in there brother. Prayers
Its amazing how many similarities there are in your story with mine. Mine is ending in divorce, and from the same Satanic attack on my family. It even killed a man. Prayers for you and yours.
May our Creator provide you with comfort and strength, to understand His plan further enough to endure your tribulations. We pray and hope in accordance with His plan, for there is nothing better than His planning, so in this we find peace enough that we may endure any coming trials that may forge our character enough to be accepted into His Kingdom.
The 2 of you are in my prayers..My son made it and no problems.. He has a unique issue.. His intestines were backwards.. .. AND they turned them.. at 2 months they went in and remove the bag and put him back together.. He has been great .. That was in 2015.. Believe in the power of Prayers always.. I do.. God hears you..
Even if they tell you “permanent” things or “bad news”, you will see the Lord in the land of the living. Your situation will not be permanent as his healing presence descends upon you. God wants you to be whole, so badly. Gods timing is different than ours but I feel we are at the cusp of something great like entire nations being saved in a moment. I have situations I need healed too and this is included with your situation and what God wants to do. So be delivered from alcohol addiction right now in Jesus’s name. God is the God where entire mountains will bow to him and the earth will tremble
Two most important and powerful words are: But God…. He changes everything, every decree, every prognosis, everything. Once God enters, everything can change.
The only thing he requires is faith
Prayers on the way fren.
Please don’t be sorry. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to pray with you and your wife. God, please heal this woman quickly and without complications. Let her second surgery be successful. Please let her suffering be minimal and quick. In Jesus’ Holy name we pray. Amen. Please know, my mom went through this and both went well. She was a sickly woman that drank a lot.
Praying for a complete healing and many more beautiful years together
Lord please watch over and bless our friend and his wife. Please ease their pains and shine your love upon them. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
Praying for you and your wife fren. 🙏🏻