I'm convinced McC was playing an important part in this movie. My guess is that he WAS RINO for sure but WHs got to him before the speakership role and said "play ball" or else. So McC obliged and when he did, Trump gave McC his endorsement for SOTH, which kinda shocked us all. Now he's out and putting up absolutely no fight bc he knows the consequences. Opening the door for all these reps to nominate Trump
A couple weeks ago in South Carolina, Trump dropped a hint that he would be back in the White House in less than 5 months. Q has told us that everything had to be legal, by the book. Is this how it happens?
So I was in agreement that with others commenting on the earlier post about McCarthy being ousted that Trump would have to be far from any position of power while the shit hits the fan. But maybe him being speaker puts him in a position for the public to beg him to make peace and avoid WWIII. There would be no resistance to him moving into POTUS position if that were to happen. It would mean that things are going to move really fast now though.
We called every one of the eight who voted to vacate and left a message of thanks on their voicemails.
The pressure on them must be intense. Donate to them if you can, call if you can’t donate, but we should lay on some praise for these folks and their staffers.
Unless you don’t agree of course.
I think it’s high time for some consequences for duplicity. And treachery. Getting publicly fired is a consequence.
The method I thought they would use to remove Kamala is gone. Newsome nominated that baby killer lesbian for Feinsteins seat.
They are so desperate they activated one of their mk ultra assets to commit a mass shooting at a HSBC. Havent heard who the perp was but willing to bet hes white and has a 'white supremacist' manifesto.
Elect Donald Trump, Speaker of the House.
Impeach Joe Biden for bribery, and Kamala Harris for ineligibility to hold Prez/VP office.
Senate to CONVICT the impeachments, because to refuse is tantamout to TREASON.
That makes Donald Trump the President, during a time that he runs for re-re-election.
I dont have enough popcorn to get through step three... let alone four
That would be a 4-bagger...don't forget the Butttter & Salt...GOTTA HAVE THOSE!!!!
I'm convinced McC was playing an important part in this movie. My guess is that he WAS RINO for sure but WHs got to him before the speakership role and said "play ball" or else. So McC obliged and when he did, Trump gave McC his endorsement for SOTH, which kinda shocked us all. Now he's out and putting up absolutely no fight bc he knows the consequences. Opening the door for all these reps to nominate Trump
Totally agreed. Over on patriots they are saying…Trump told us to support him!
If it wasn’t for this board…well…what a hopeless situation.
LOL. I 100% love the passion on patriots; not so much the critical thinking and analytics ability ;)
And the memes! THE MEMES!
LOL. MY GOD THE MEMES!! Yes, def that too ! ;)
Big brain thought.
This is why Trump doesn't care to debate, he'll be Speaker'd in.
Year of the boomerang?
Remember this was always how they wanted to get President Pelosi after impeaching Trump and Pence resigning
It's a very plausible scenario
A couple weeks ago in South Carolina, Trump dropped a hint that he would be back in the White House in less than 5 months. Q has told us that everything had to be legal, by the book. Is this how it happens?
I just gave you your 45th updoot. This movie is about to go bonkers.
And, now is the time to revisit this Trump clip
He said that on September 25, 5 months, just in time for spring
My thoughts exactly.
This should be fun to watch. Every RINO and Uniparty member will have to cast a vote for or against Trump.
Getting harder and harder for the disloyal to America to hide.
In my mind I visualize Trump lifting up the rug and you see a bunch of cockroaches scattering.
Ds, Rs and Independents.
...TALK ABOUT UNCOVERING whether they are #americafirst OR SIDE WITH Biden's OPEN BORDER POLICIES... we literally WILL SEE 😱😱😱
If this actually happens, it will be like our favorite president Tbagged the cabal. Epic!
Oh, the hopium! Don’t tease me, my poor heart can’t take it!
So I was in agreement that with others commenting on the earlier post about McCarthy being ousted that Trump would have to be far from any position of power while the shit hits the fan. But maybe him being speaker puts him in a position for the public to beg him to make peace and avoid WWIII. There would be no resistance to him moving into POTUS position if that were to happen. It would mean that things are going to move really fast now though.
Just in time for 10/4.
We called every one of the eight who voted to vacate and left a message of thanks on their voicemails.
The pressure on them must be intense. Donate to them if you can, call if you can’t donate, but we should lay on some praise for these folks and their staffers.
Unless you don’t agree of course.
I think it’s high time for some consequences for duplicity. And treachery. Getting publicly fired is a consequence.
The timing is in credible.
There's no fucking way. I can't believe that pipe dream of a schizo rant from a few months ago might actually be happening.
Conspiracies are just yet to be proven events.
No salt mining if it happens, I will be laughing to much as it is.
Direct Sauce
Here is what I expect. This move will cause the cabal puppets to scurry to get rid of Kamala and bring in their new stooge before removing Biden.
Force their hand once again.
The method I thought they would use to remove Kamala is gone. Newsome nominated that baby killer lesbian for Feinsteins seat.
They are so desperate they activated one of their mk ultra assets to commit a mass shooting at a HSBC. Havent heard who the perp was but willing to bet hes white and has a 'white supremacist' manifesto.
Never say gone until its all done. I wouldnt be surprised if bad press about her is so intense that they need a replacement in quick time.
True. This could be cover for the real move.
The lesbian has only been nominated, not seated. Who knows what'll happen. Don't give up
I like this one its more realistic, I don't believe trump has any intentions but it will force their hand.
I agree with this
Could this really be happening? Tears of joy just thinking of it.
Mods: There is a post directly from Troy Nehls Twitter feed. Please sticky it with a screenshot.
This would be worth it to watch the criminal MSM heads to Explode.
Come to think of it, this may be a more sure fire method to regain the Oval Office than trying to do it through a corrupted voting system.
...wouldn't THIS just frost the DEMS clavicles 🤣🤣🤣 and THERE WOULD BE NOTHING THEY COULD DO ABOUT IT ...LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Archive link: https://truthsocial.com/@therealtoriabrooke/posts/111173672659717893
“According to sources close to the President”, he would be up for it, too! Since when does Trump want to be #3? 🤔
If we're getting close to the end, he wouldn't be number 3 for long.
Same answer.
He knows how to play the long game better then anyone.
Maybe some aren't true rinos ;)
If this succeeds then I'm trusting the plan like 10x more than I'm already trusting the plan, which is already like 99 percent
Would it then be 990%, or 99.9% :)
Would he do this without DJT's approval?
LOL I LOVE IT! Sleepless night for some. Check in with your favorite cabal members and see how they are doing concerning this.
From January: https://web.archive.org/web/20231003232247/https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/speaker-of-the-house-ousted-motion-to-vacate-rcna64902
How do you sneak one in? Is this how Pres DJT gets things cleaned up in 5 months MAGA if he accepts House Speaker?
Maybe AJ Tata and Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes were correct
This would be the perfect platform for Trump to talk about the 1871 act.
Gaetz posted on his twitter that he’d nominate Jordan
i thought Jordan was against ousting McCarthy?
Hell yes!!!
Can a man be Commander In Chief and Speaker of the House at the same time?
The hopium is real!
You really think T will go for third place? He's too proud for that.
This is the stickiest of sticky posts!
MTG has also nominated Donald J. Trump to be Speaker of the House. The impossible is inching closer to the possible.....................