Jennifer Aniston and Pizza Party
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Pizza is way, way too preponderant a motif in the 'entertainment' industry than is reflected in our general daily lives. It means something, as does ping pong. Where else in the world do people look forward to going to play ping pong whilst eating pizza? It's bizarre.
And who the hell ever describes pizza as "fun"???
It's delicious, tasty, scrumptious, etc.
I think it's not that one instance of calling it fun, but how much it has seemed to come up over the years.
There are also a few moments where Adam sort of hesitates when saying pizza, as if there's a self correction.
Immediately after saying pizza, Jennifer Aniston messed up and said "part" instead of "heart" and corrected herself, as if nervous or excited.
Absolutely, I think there's a lot to question but pizza parties that are actually about PIZZA can be fun, but I also wouldn't believe I'd ever hyper focus on just "pizza parties".
Also it took Jennifer Aniston like 30 years to visually age by 10 and it only really seemed to start post 2016, like a few other people who didn't age.
Exactly this. Good friends of ours in the rural area here have built a wonderful massive outdoor adobe pizza oven. The husband is big on fresh ingredients, he absolutely enjoys getting folks together and having his sons dish out the fresh pizzas from that monster oven. Not my thing since I don't do bread, but a really cool way to "break bread" as it were.
Zuk: "Just went to Walmart and picked up this smoker. Going to smoke some meat."
(Look! We're just like you plebs.)
It's code. Just like many words have been use as code. Handkerchief was used as code.
I know 😉 Remember the 'handkerchief with a map on it that seems pizza-related'?
These DEMONS are spawn of the Styx 👿🔥
Children of Satan.
Did you know Macaulay Culkin of Home Alone fame has a parody band of The Velvet Underground called The Pizza Underground? With lyrics changed to be about pizza, he also has a news website called
From what I know of that guys life, he fucking knows about these people in and around Hollywood, entertainment, etc.
He was abused like most of the former child stars.
Didn't he also call out Rami Malek for eating babies too ? That kid has been thru some unfathomable hell I'll bet. It's a miracle he is still alive tbh.
Now that I did not know. I will certainly look.
There's quite a few Hollywood people coming out over the years talking about it. Some were stunt actors, and others were EMTs, Physical Therapists and trauma doctors. They all confirmed the abuses they have seen and it's not work related type injuries.
Fully agree with all of the replies! Lets pray this ends soon.
Oprah bought up a bunch of houses, including her own 75 acre compound, in Montecito, CA. She then sold some of those houses to her friends, such as Jennifer Aniston and Jeff Bridges. Another interesting neighbor that moved into town a few years ago is Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
Jeff Bridges? Oh no, not The Dude too!
Wonder if Harry and Meghan are both vampires also. Who is Jeff Bridges? Never heard of that one.
Jeff Bridges is a well known actor. He has been in a lot of movies over the years including "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot", "True Grit", and "The Big Lebowski."
Oh okay. Sorry for being a brain-dead.
No problem. There are a lot of actors/actresses out there, and it's hard to keep up on all of them if you don't watch a lot of movies.
You are right. I don't watch. I don't want to pollute my brain. Only sinful pleasure is watching Miami CSI. I like that one. Not sure why.
Oh, and drinking coffee.
Well, I'm no high roller but I did build myself a pizza oven in the backyard a couple years back, and yes, I have pizza parties where everyone has fun making their own pizzas. It's fun for the whole family and nothing shady going on either.
That's the thing with the pizza/hotdog stuff - it CAN be passed off as legit conversation, or it can be code. My gut says this video is a reach purely based off the word pizza. Needs more evidence to convince me they're referring to "pizza" and not just pizza.
TikTok EATS this stuff up especially when you put a fancy soundtrack over top - don't underestimate the convincing power of the music that is chosen here. People have been programmed and immediately flip into that receptive state where they think they're being fed the hidden truth.
Exactly! If celebrities talking about pizza 100% means they are talking about "pizza", then it's a pretty lousy code word.
Not saying this isn't something to look at, but I think you need a little more here.
Yeah, this video is completely harmless and means nothing. Not like the "Podesta" creepy shit, where pizza is CLEARLY code for something else.
I am sure you have some good, innocent, and fun pizza parties. There are some people who use that word differently. If you have not look at Pizzagate, it's dark, it's black and it's no fun.
Uhh. Watch the scene where she strips in "We're the Millers"
Tell me one person who's had a sex change from M to F that looks like that.
She is not a dude, at all. Period.
Uhhh- you are aware they use body doubles for most of these types of shots with exceptions of the closeups where she looks at the camera directly....
Spez to add - but I don't think she is male. Early photos of her are plentiful. Def female, imo.
Jamie lee looks hot..and she's male
Don't know about her. But what about what I said? I would like for someone to explain lol.
Jamie lee curtis was born both genders parents decided to go w girl...doctors can do crazy transformations that can fool you
Its weird that you are getting down votes. I mean, no one hid this information - its known to the public. She also adopted her children because of this.
Yeah. That dancing scene in his underwear with those massive tits was hot.
Look at true lies
Definitely Sandra bull ox
1 month ago - An ox /ˈɒks/ OKS (PL: oxen, /ˈɒksən/ OK-sen), also known as a bullock (in BrE, AusE, and IndE), is a bovine, trained and used as a draft animal. Oxen are commonly castrated adult male cattle; castration inhibits testosterone and aggression, which makes the males docile and safer to work with.
Changes their mind from ass to grass
If she’s a dude, I’m gayer than hell.
Yep, I even believe Brad Pitt found out and that was the end. The hands tell the tale... and the lack of ever securing a hubby to have a family with kids. Maybe the reason is because Maniston can't and never could.
There's two times when sex-influencing hormones occurs in the body. Once in the womb and the other at puberty. What happens when there is hormone fuc***y in the womb, through adolescence, and prepubertal hormone treatments?
I think she was loaned out, abused, suffered injury and couldn't have kids... agree, weird as she could have adopted as she wanted to be a mom 'so much'
Makes sense Anniston's dad was a big soap star on Days Of Our Lives.
He’s a dude 100 percent that’s why no kids ,, however not having kids is not the reason people know he’s a dude ! Her mom, Illuminati , decided to trans him to her rather then sacrifice !
Any particular picture that is a give away that she's a dude?
She isnt. These dudes are just muppets repeating some other BS.
Sure fire Biological way to tell that never changes: The bellybutton.
On females the Bellybutton will always be just below the hip line, males just above. A female might have masculine traits, but if that bellybutton is below the hipline, she still full female. Anistons bellybutton is clearly below the hipline in every bikini pic in existence.
How this began as her being a dude is as baffling as it is stupid to basic biology.
There's 'something' amiss with her and getting a man continual saga..
Could be something as "simple" as being barren;i.e. Brad wanted kids and she couldn't.
No idea the issue(s), but her being a dude when so many obvious unchangeable biological signs she isn't is just absurd. That's the only thing I was addressing here.
Like yoko swifto
Oh my gosh I’ve seen so many .. but nothing I could grab quickly ,.,,I will say that many anons have posted major videos concerning her and others with lots of pics where u can see she’s a dude caught without her make up . Many people have done extensive videos from the time she was younger till now let me see if I can go back and find something
Jennifer Aniston was on a comedy show called The Edge and she often appeared in bikinis. She's a real woman. I dunno about this pizza stuff. She is (was?) pro-vaxx, but FWIW she is one of the few Trump-supporting celebrities. Probably why we don't see her around much anymore.
Where did you ever see her supporting Trump?
I just double checked the "Celebrities for Trump" thing and apparently I had happened across some clickbait fake crap. It was a hoax. Seems to be a lot of fake clickbait going on this forum too, with users with a high enough postcount to warrant a Pepe icon yet all they do is post crappy memes and ThePeople' fake news links.
I've probably only watched about half a seasons worth of friends, but wasn't her character in the show once know as the hemorphidite of long island?
Not that it means anything I just thought it was funny.
Yes. Some anons actually told me.
All of them were stuttering and not really making sense. Nervousness big time
Tool of the system,
Yes, follow the star. I only follow the star the Magi from the East were following.
Jennifer Anisdone........
Looks like an angel and acted like a demon.
Which kind? I definitely don't want the kind Hillary eats. Neither will I eat anchovy
Yeah. All those codes. No thanks for pizza party. Now, NY has really good pizza in the Italian town.
For a city like LA that has such shitty pizza they sure love to talk about it
Yes. LA do not have any kind of good pizza.
I feel a disconfort in him when he knows he has to put it out there.
You can see him sweat.
I've always wondered about Ryan Reynolds blowing up on a show called "Two guys a girl and a pizza place"
You can see him sweat. LOL
Odd how they never get into what kind of pizza. If it is so great why not some hint of what kind of ingredients used? That is why you know it is communications, likely pedo related.
I have dug into pizzagate before. I know it's kind of hard to believe; I thought it was crazy talk until I looked into it also.
Lin Wood?
Not sure what you mean Lin Wood?
Meh. Confirmation bias on this one. Don't get me wrong, I'm all the way in on PedoWood and Hollyweird but I think this is pretty much a nothing burger.
Q said you will be surprised at who all are trans in Hollywood…like I the Jennifer is and definitely Sandra Bullock…just watch the latest movies it’s so obvious …
You think she is a he?
Ouch. I like her looks.