👹⚖️🏛 THEY’RE COMING AFTER YOU: Biden’s DOJ Targets Trump Supporters on Twitter – Demands List of All Users Who Retweeted, Liked, or Mentioned President Trump’s Twitter Account 👹⚖️🏛
🧠 These people are stupid!
There’s millions and millions that have re-tweeted his stuff.
I was SHOCKED to see that my Security Clearance was re-approved, following my refusal of taking the vaccine, my conservative values, the fact that I am not gay, I still identify as the same gender as I was born, and I voted for Trump.
Plus, I got a nice promotion, into a very desirable position. They are going to have to try harder.
Congrats! Not everyone fared as well. God shed his grace on thee! Stay healthy, stay frosty, protect your DNA. 🐸🇺🇸
We’re gonna need bigger work camps and more plastic coffins then.
Instead of creating "work camps" why don't we just make the entire country the work camp and set aside pockets of segregated communities for the elite ruler class? ...oh wait.
Side quest completed
Ooo, I haven't thought about the coffins in a while. Did they expect the coof to be deadlier?
It’s not that the coof is deadly. The shots are, they use the coof to cover for the genetic experiment. But yea. The coffins were towards the end of obamas term if I believe. So maybe he lined everything up for Hillary. It was her turn after all.
In the world.
Well now there's a curtain I didn't need thrown back.
Not only that, but his tweets were used in memes, politicians used them, hollyweird used them. If he wants it all, he will literally get every single peraon who used twitter
This is just a way to threaten digital soldiers and keep them from sharing information before the election (more election interference from the Biden Administration. What are they going to do with all of us?
The REAL question is what will we do with all of them.
There may come a time when they push an inch too far., and when that happens the power will be measured in millimeters.
I mean, this list would include many liberals as well, if the criteria is as loose as they're saying here. Pretty useless list overall.
True but if it stops a small %age then its done its job
I'm sure I did but it's been soooooo long ago that I really can't remember liking or sharing any of his tweets.
And, to be honest, I really don't give a damn about them coming to knock on my door to ask me about it. Unless the FBI shows me a warrant (for some made up garbage) then they won't get a word out of me in response. Well, maybe, a quick FUCK YOU before I close the door.
Don't open the door
Even if they have a warrant you don't have to speak.
They can knock on my door all they want - I won't answer. If I don't know who you are, I don't open my door. If they have a warrant, nothing I can do is going to stop them from executing that warrant. So, if they are not kicking in my front door, I can assume there is no warrant, and if there is no warrant, I don't engage.
Never answer questions when approached by law enforcement - any questions. Do not engage them by answering even what seems like the most simple of questions - like your name, etc. This is how they trap people - especially the Feds. Anything you say can and will be twisted to use against you. Don't play their game. Opt out. Even with a warrant, do not answer questions - that is your right. When asked a question, simply reply, "I do not answer questions." Ask any defense lawyer and they will tell you that their client's worst enemy is the client themselves because of what they say to law enforcement. We have a Constitutional right to remain silent - exercise it.
Desperate scare tactic. They're trying to stifle his popularity.
Good I look forward to telling them to go fuck themselves.
This will be used to deny gun purchases first before they start loading cattle cars.
That sounds about right.
Any Patriot that hasn't ensured they have their personal 2nd Amendment resources in hand is trailing far behind.
There is still time to catch up, but as you suggest, that may not always be the case.
The time that you NEED your 2A resources most, is the same time you will NOT be able to get them, either from bans or extreme demand.
All Patriots should have something, anything is better than nothing at all.
People may never need their 2A resources, but if they do, and they don't have them, they will realize their were very foolish indeed.
Agreed, if you've not taken care of this by now then you haven't paid much attention. I can't imagine too many here have those concerns though. My wife & I started seriously prepping as soon as bathhouse barry was elected.
When joining USCCA there are resources available advising how to answer law enforcement questions. Same details for any encounter with less not just a justified defensive shooting situation.
I was already on a list when I asked the Soros financed Secretary of State in NY to tell me if she ever checked to see if Barack Obama was actually born in the USA after he got elected.
I also wrote to every NY Democrat electoral college member with certified letters with return receipt required . Cost me over $300 to send them all out to every member. I asked them to check his status as a Natural Born citizen. Andrew Cuomo was the AG of NY at the time and one of the members of the electoral college. I got all receipts except I never got back Cumo’s return receipt
Not even a week after they got those letters I found a key logger had been installed on my computer. My double disk drives were both completely scanned.
They replaced your Linux install with Windows 10?
I had a MAC. Both my drives had been scanned remotely as I was hooked directly into the internet and had left my computer on. It was asking me if I wanted to add the IP address as a new user. I ran a virus check and found a key logger had been installed on my computer and figured that’s how they got access.
But what do I really know? I’m not very computer savvy.
Things are getting hot!
Just when you thought this despotic regime couldn't be more Stalinist...
DOJ can demand all they want. I demand the DOJ fuck off.
I'm sure Elon will have something to say here. Hopefully it's not only no, but HELL NO.
Dear Elon Musk,
If you want to have the undying support of many MAGA-men in your efforts, you should refuse this demand with scorn.
Patriots everywhere.
Nikki Haley will make sure your real name and info is on this list.
Sheat…that birdbrain doesn’t even use her real name…
Be easier to figure out who didnt. 85 million people want trump. A couple billion worldwide. Trump could literally get a billion people mobilized world wide with one sentence. Probably get a dozen militaries besides our own to help too.
Twould be glorious!! Just imagine...like the mixed species army from LOTR.
And no, I’m really not that big a nerd...I heard the shaking of the earth and trumpets in my head and got a little excited is all...
This will bump up his poll numbers.
Fat chance that succeeds, kid.
They got my 78 year old mom's account cancelled.
Not that I believe they care, but is this even legal, by any stretch of the laws/constitution?
We are probably on a list and being watched.
No doubt THEY know every single one of us I’m sure.
Good. Another opportunity to be a giant pain in the ass.
Jack Smiths wife did the documentary on Michelle Obama?
They’re all incestually inbred to deep levels.