HE CAN BE TAQUGHT!! I figured out how to approve frogs on the X.com GREATAWAKENING community, and over 100 frogs joined our digital battlefield! JOIN US if you have an X account! Let's goooooo!
🕊️ Digital Battlefield 🕊️

Join the GreatAwakening Community on X:
EDIT: This post was 28 minutes ago and we already have 50+ frogs up for approval on the GAW X Community. YESSS, you guys rule
My account is super new without much activity... I look forward to joining more frens on the digital battlefield.
176 now!
I’m in thank you! 🐸
Requested, having issues with app replying to the 2 questions though
I'm still banned for life. Kek. I must be a especially dangerous frog. 🎯🐸🎯
I was able to make a different ID under the same phone number, phew. But no matter how many times I appeal, my "catsfive" seems to have been judged as PERMANENTLY DANGEROUS
I remember why I was banned. I said "Knock knock" to a Rothschild
That is cool. Really, really cool.
Same here, decided in September with the approaching election year that I would need to create a new account. They never answered my appeals.
Many who made it through the bans for reporting covid and election fraud truths eventually got banned for attending the Jan 6th rally.
I joined X after the “Go FuckYourself”incident. I just asked to join this group with no history on X. Would love to see this group get legs.
Don't try to follow everyone in the community all at once or x will flag you and force you to reset your password. Just found out. Figured I'd follow all the frens for the tasty meme's.
Aaaaand now I'm locked out. This is why I prefer GAW to tweaker
^Found the frog that clicks as fast as a few dozen bots from China.
I congratulate your fast fingers fren. Hope it unlocks soon.
I would LOVE to but I wear the BANNED Badge of Honor.
i was able to get an account iwht same phone number different email. I paid for Premium+ so let's see if I get my checkmark
Put in request and followed frens up to my daily limit.
Hardcore frog
Yeah! I'm in!
I am permanently banned, never to be heard from again, for the absolutely heinous crime of changing my profile pic to GEOTUS to show support for him when he was banned. Appeals post Musk takeover have gone nowhere. I know I could set up a new account but at this point, I’ve just said f em!
It's an election year and if you're in the US, it's imperative you are on X. I had to create a new account myself. I bit the bullet and did it.
I'm in. Yeah frens!
I was accepted into the group today. Thanks fren.
Glad to see so many frens over there. If you don't have an anon account, it is probably best to consider that as an option with a burner phone before you sign up for the group.
I figure using your personal account wouldnjust make the Feds ability to track your dissent that much easier.
I joined last night, says my membership is still pending
Requested just now.
I did a search for gaw x and found nothing...sorry for the ignorance but always looking for more gaw content
NVM found the direct link and applied Chad Asay is me
Thank you
Shows account suspended
Can I please get a copy pasted link to the community on X? I tried searching and the fledgling group is not showing itself.
Why isn’t the link in here?
Tell people to go to Truth and duplicate at truth. Elon is a pro-chipper
apparently i'm a dumb frog. i'm on x, but where am i going to join...? i'm @17frank76
i figured it out. my phone didn't let me scroll down after i responded to the question, so i removed the question answer. please let me in. i'm the #1 silent lurker. been GAW since the early day of reddit gaw, wild wild west. catsfive, you know me, let me in!!!
We've been lied to about a lot of things. The lie is that the earth is flat. A sphere is the only shape that is stable. A disc would crumble under the forces of gravity. And people living near the edges of a disc would stand at an angle.
No flat earthier thinks there’s a disc flying in space as nasa and science teach it. Just so you know.
*oblate spheroid
I prefer smushed ball