That's beyond frustrating, I hope you are able to get things sorted out.
The good news is that frustration is easier to deal with that blood clots. But it's like mandates were dropped for everyone else on earth and I'm still stuck with them. I've tried getting legal advice but no luck.
Can’t you just fake it? Obviously the knucklehead empiggery which enables such fetid obscenity to exist must be visciously eradicated, but just make a fake piece of trash and punch them in the face with it and come home.
Faking it would be a lot easier back in the states. Foreign country, harder to fake signatures, harder to get the right formats. So i figure it's safer to not submit fraudulent data to the gov.
Same for me. I cannot renew my visa or become a citizen without the jab. My American husband already accepted the fact we will have to move somewhere else and we are studying another country to live, we are fine with that since we are beyond fed up with everything in US. We think it’s gonna be better for our kids anyways. We are considering Japan, Portugal and Paraguay. Another option would be you find a religious reason to not take it and convince the immigration agent that this reason is valid. I still have a considerable visa time so we are planning this with calm. We’ll have to get rid of everything; our house, car, pet, plans and dreams and of course family members and learn a new language and start from zero in a foreign country. Well, I doubt the government and even Trump being reelected will get that removed from the requirements specially because it would be like recognizing it ( the warp speed) was a huge mistake from his administration in the public eyes.
Under our Constitution, the Federal Government has exclusive jurisdiction over immigration enforcement. Both the President and Congress are refusing to do their job and of the four southern border governors, Abbott is the only one attempting to do anything about the issue and he has pushed beyond the limits of his power on several occasions. So far, his effort have bee thwarted by the courts and this effort will likely face the same fate. While he does have nominal command of the Texas National Guard, there are limits on how he can use them and they can be nationalized by the President and used against him at any time. Without any real authority, Governor Abbott has done more than any other person to bring nationwide attention to this crisis. This latest move will have no impact now but when we get a President willing to deport those here illegally, this power will be invaluable in rounding them up.
This announcement would carry much more weight with me if he'd said " I have just signed a law...." What's with this "in two weeks I will sign..." BS? Typical Abbott, waiting for the focus group results. (TX here)
I suspect that if there ever IS a trend of states seceding from the US, the first to go will be Texas. Yes I know, it would appear that the Civil War settled that question, once and for all. But we're living in VERY different times today and the sovereign states are facing something that the Founders and the Constitution NEVER wanted, an overreaching tyrannical federal government.
2 more weeks - LOL! Hope nobody is falling for Gov. Abbott’s photo opps and big talk. He hasn’t done jack shit of any significance to stop the flood of illegals into Texas.
He could send 50K National Guard to the border, but it’s all about their marching orders - which has been to stand down and let them all in.
The more “authorities” that get sent to the border only results in expediting/processing more bajillion of the illegals getting brought in and delivered to wherever their little hearts desire like a mass Uber service.
Though I give him credit for trying something I think he is weak. Remember when he used tractor trailer containers to block areas of entry? It worked for a while until Xiden told him to remove the barriers, Abbott agreed based on the promise that the 'fence' will be finished which, of course, was never done.
I think its come to a point where not only 1 attempt at safety be done but all methods put in place.
As for Colonia, if Sarah H Sanders can act on Chynese foreigners buying Arkansas land, so can Abbott.
The ONE THING that seems to bring about the most attention is illegals being dropped off near the homes of politicians. I still have not seen them dropped off in Delaware.
The great irony in the open borders policy from Democrats is that, to reverse it, draconian policies will have to be adopted and their worst nightmares about what they said was happening but wasn't, will come true by their own hand.
If one state can do this, why not all of them? I know some of the governors, like mine in MD won't do it-but still it should be done by all the Republican governors. At least I believe they should.
I hope one day you can get out of MD. I was born there, and hated it so much I graduated early and went into the military at 17 just to get out. I tried to go in at 16 but they made me wait.
There are some great places and people in certain areas of MD (Western MD has some really good people) but the closer you get to Baltimore and DC the worse it gets.
Tell me about it! This state is California east, but you know this. I am kind of stuck here now, although my wife and I have thought about Florida, but the homeowner's insurance cost there is too expensive-with all the hurricanes. She doesn't like snow and cold weather, I don't really either, but can tolerate it more. So we seem to be spinning our wheels and staying. It is good that you got out earlier.
Great, now can somebody do something about the covid-19 vaccine requirements for LEGAL immigrants? I'm losing my fucking mind being banned from my own country because my wife can't get an immigration visa while thousands of illegal immigrants walk over the boarder every day.
Thank God my wife got here late 2019. I'm sorry you're dealing with this!
Congrats, you definitely dodged a bullet on this one.
Fly her to mex and walk in w her
Let me know if you can put in a good word with the cartel. They have operational control over the southern boarder.
It’s no longer the US southern boarder. It is now known as the cartels northern boarder
That's beyond frustrating, I hope you are able to get things sorted out.
The good news is that frustration is easier to deal with that blood clots. But it's like mandates were dropped for everyone else on earth and I'm still stuck with them. I've tried getting legal advice but no luck.
Can’t you just fake it? Obviously the knucklehead empiggery which enables such fetid obscenity to exist must be visciously eradicated, but just make a fake piece of trash and punch them in the face with it and come home.
Faking it would be a lot easier back in the states. Foreign country, harder to fake signatures, harder to get the right formats. So i figure it's safer to not submit fraudulent data to the gov.
Same for me. I cannot renew my visa or become a citizen without the jab. My American husband already accepted the fact we will have to move somewhere else and we are studying another country to live, we are fine with that since we are beyond fed up with everything in US. We think it’s gonna be better for our kids anyways. We are considering Japan, Portugal and Paraguay. Another option would be you find a religious reason to not take it and convince the immigration agent that this reason is valid. I still have a considerable visa time so we are planning this with calm. We’ll have to get rid of everything; our house, car, pet, plans and dreams and of course family members and learn a new language and start from zero in a foreign country. Well, I doubt the government and even Trump being reelected will get that removed from the requirements specially because it would be like recognizing it ( the warp speed) was a huge mistake from his administration in the public eyes.
Day late and a dollar short. Where has he been?
Rolling about pretending to care.
💯!! I've had about a gut full of this POS blowing smoke up our asses with decisions that could have been made years ago. GTFO already...
exactly, but I suppose better late than never.
It's not a crime already???????
Xiden is using Federal Jurisdi of INS to allow unfettered illegal immigration.
Under our Constitution, the Federal Government has exclusive jurisdiction over immigration enforcement. Both the President and Congress are refusing to do their job and of the four southern border governors, Abbott is the only one attempting to do anything about the issue and he has pushed beyond the limits of his power on several occasions. So far, his effort have bee thwarted by the courts and this effort will likely face the same fate. While he does have nominal command of the Texas National Guard, there are limits on how he can use them and they can be nationalized by the President and used against him at any time. Without any real authority, Governor Abbott has done more than any other person to bring nationwide attention to this crisis. This latest move will have no impact now but when we get a President willing to deport those here illegally, this power will be invaluable in rounding them up.
Gonna arrest them and do what with them? Give them a free ride to where ever they want to go? Get real, this is just a photo op.
He’s gonna arrest thousands of them daily and put them where? A football stadium?? 😂
This announcement would carry much more weight with me if he'd said " I have just signed a law...." What's with this "in two weeks I will sign..." BS? Typical Abbott, waiting for the focus group results. (TX here)
Ok. Now ask him about the big ass illegal immigrant city he's allowed in Texas.
Citizen Arrests!
Throughout history when countries were invaded people ended up getting shot.
Here's a little historical irony: When Texas was part of Mexico, many Americans crossed into Texas to start farming/ranching, illegally.
What took so long …..?
It perturbs me how much he looks like Chimp Bush Jr.
How long has he been in office??..............
I suspect that if there ever IS a trend of states seceding from the US, the first to go will be Texas. Yes I know, it would appear that the Civil War settled that question, once and for all. But we're living in VERY different times today and the sovereign states are facing something that the Founders and the Constitution NEVER wanted, an overreaching tyrannical federal government.
I basically agree, but I don't suspect. I know.
Tennessee is also welcome BTW.
Hehehe, oh I've heard talk...
2 more weeks - LOL! Hope nobody is falling for Gov. Abbott’s photo opps and big talk. He hasn’t done jack shit of any significance to stop the flood of illegals into Texas.
He could send 50K National Guard to the border, but it’s all about their marching orders - which has been to stand down and let them all in.
The more “authorities” that get sent to the border only results in expediting/processing more bajillion of the illegals getting brought in and delivered to wherever their little hearts desire like a mass Uber service.
Must be a reelection year for Abbott.
Abbott to me is a traitor RINO. I hate that guy.
Completely agree! I’ve lived in Texas the whole time he’s been Governor and he’s beyond a RINO - he’s working for the bad guys full stop!
Though I give him credit for trying something I think he is weak. Remember when he used tractor trailer containers to block areas of entry? It worked for a while until Xiden told him to remove the barriers, Abbott agreed based on the promise that the 'fence' will be finished which, of course, was never done.
I think its come to a point where not only 1 attempt at safety be done but all methods put in place.
As for Colonia, if Sarah H Sanders can act on Chynese foreigners buying Arkansas land, so can Abbott.
The ONE THING that seems to bring about the most attention is illegals being dropped off near the homes of politicians. I still have not seen them dropped off in Delaware.
A day late and 50 million illegals short
The great irony in the open borders policy from Democrats is that, to reverse it, draconian policies will have to be adopted and their worst nightmares about what they said was happening but wasn't, will come true by their own hand.
Okay, that's one state down. Only 49 more to go.
If one state can do this, why not all of them? I know some of the governors, like mine in MD won't do it-but still it should be done by all the Republican governors. At least I believe they should.
I hope one day you can get out of MD. I was born there, and hated it so much I graduated early and went into the military at 17 just to get out. I tried to go in at 16 but they made me wait.
There are some great places and people in certain areas of MD (Western MD has some really good people) but the closer you get to Baltimore and DC the worse it gets.
Tell me about it! This state is California east, but you know this. I am kind of stuck here now, although my wife and I have thought about Florida, but the homeowner's insurance cost there is too expensive-with all the hurricanes. She doesn't like snow and cold weather, I don't really either, but can tolerate it more. So we seem to be spinning our wheels and staying. It is good that you got out earlier.
Best news I have heard so far.