With one HUGE difference: Local Police and State are hired and ultimately paid by Federal Funds via the State; i.e. play ball/our rules or your budgets get cut. Sheriffs are elected and paid by We the People; i.e. Do your Constitutional Job or you wont have one.
first Priority for who ever wins the election, rescind executive order establishing FBI. Lets see if they go down quietly are have to be taken down by Military.
Maybe for the same reason the Catholic Church protected the pedophiles - to save the institution from falling. In their minds it was justified. It was for the greater good. Just a guess.
When I see all this news and how BADLY the swamp creatures are handling things and how many Americans are seeing the level of corruption in our government, I can't help but believe Q, this is a controlled demolition of the old guard. Just hang tough though and say your prayers, we still have the darkest hour to come.
More reason to arrest those who feel they are above the law, including FBI. Defund them now, Congress.
Who can arrest the FBI?
A Sheriff of any county in the nation can as well. https://www.federallawenforcement.org/2014/12/local-law-enforcement-has-it-well-within-their-rights-to-arrest-federal-officers/
Any local or state law enforcement can but they need a DA or State Attorney General with balls. That’s the problem.
Paging Ken Paxton
With one HUGE difference: Local Police and State are hired and ultimately paid by Federal Funds via the State; i.e. play ball/our rules or your budgets get cut. Sheriffs are elected and paid by We the People; i.e. Do your Constitutional Job or you wont have one.
Good question!
Need Assange to testify on live TV that Seth was the leaker, then also evidence that they offed him.
That may be the only dead man’s switch keeping him alive.
Silly lawyer. Doesn't he know that court orders are only for pushing Republicans around? The NKVDFBI can ignore them with impunity.
Amazing the reps don't see it. Probably bc they're too close to it. Or, corrupt also. Over 70% of Congress is compromised Q told us.
I really think it must be over 95%.
Even "MAGA" Mike Johnson is proving to be a useless dolt or corrupt.
NKVD at least fought against the nazis.
Feds ARE the nazis.
“A** timeline** for the disclosure of information on Seth Rich’s personal laptop, Seth Rich’s work laptop, the DVD and tape drive within 14 days following the issuance of this Memorandum of Opinion and Order.” -- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/big-news-federal-judge-rules-fbi-must-hand/
Is anyone surprised?
Surprised, No.
More Shocked (and embarrassed) that we are allowing this to happen in America!
first Priority for who ever wins the election, rescind executive order establishing FBI. Lets see if they go down quietly are have to be taken down by Military.
Why is the F.B.I. shielding evil people?
Maybe for the same reason the Catholic Church protected the pedophiles - to save the institution from falling. In their minds it was justified. It was for the greater good. Just a guess.
Because the evil republican party allows, and even helps them to do it.
Didn't they say to Trump that no one is above the law?
Isn't there anyone working in these agencies with morals and a spine to stand up?
Yes. And, we're watching a movie. The plot thickens.
I sure hope you are correct.
Sometimes I feel myself doubting this.
When I see all this news and how BADLY the swamp creatures are handling things and how many Americans are seeing the level of corruption in our government, I can't help but believe Q, this is a controlled demolition of the old guard. Just hang tough though and say your prayers, we still have the darkest hour to come.
Thank you.
Prayer is the only thing that gives me hope.
That sounds right to me.
"Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."
We connect with and become the conduit for God's will through pray, I believe.
Guilty until proven Guilty!
Does this really surprise anyone here?
The FBI---ABOVE THE LAW! Jus sayin!
More likely that the FBI views themselves as the LAW. They have no superior, and can do whatever they want.
Oh good. Glad you cleared that up. Now we won't be so angry. 🥴
Lawlessness, WTF, without rule of law we are undone. Why would any of us submit to rules if our governing body chooses to ignore law. This is bullshit
So if an unconstitutional bureaucracy is in contempt of court.....
Must not be time yet for that scene
Good point. From a 40k view. 👍
Arrest them. What the hell.
Oooooh big surprise there.