Borax: the hidden history
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A minor correction:
He says "pulling out heavy metals such as fluoride"
When he means - pulling out heavy metals and fluoride
Boron supplements do both, but fluoride is a halogen and not a metal.
Ah...I would not have noticed that distinction...good catch on the are showing off your brilliance...😅...
Thank you lovely fren.
I was just paying attention at the right moment.
No surprise there, considering that borax is used as flux (metal cleaner/purifier) in modern metalsmithing.
Some of you anons a smart as fuk.
We've all got different backgrounds and education so there's always someone around here who is knowledgeable about any given field.
Great isn't it!
I also take the “laundry detergent”. I add Celtic salt and a pinch of baking soda. I actually like what it does to the taste of my water and can tell when I haven’t been drinking it. For the record, i also use the “horse paste”. FU Big Pharma!!!
Also, this guy has great videos about gardening, lost history and lost medicine. I’ve been following him almost a year and I can’t believe he hasn’t been cancelled out banned on yt. He must divert the algorithm.
What guy? Are you talking about earth clinic?
Matt from CultivateElevate.
It’s crazy that beautiful 20 mule team borax actually taste sweet to me. I didn’t expect that
I know! It has a sort of pleasant refreshing taste to me. My brain said it would be “soapy” because of the false hype on the “dangers” of borax as if it’s a detergent. I now know that is ridiculous but the garbage we are sold can play tricks on the mind even if you’re awake to the propaganda.
Here is a longer borax thread from a year ago:
u/catsfive and u/farpointpatriot
Either of you have good reports after trying borax?
I've been drinking it in my water for years and it doesn't have negative effects, while killing parasites and taking out heavy metals effectively.
Good to know. Thanks for the first-hand testimony.
I take a boron supplement when my hands and wrists start to hurt. It seems to help. I wont take it for more than a week though because I dont know who to believe.
Good to know; thanks. I tagged those anons because in the older thread, both said they'd try it, so hoping for testimonials like yours.
Boron supplements dont work as well as borax in my opinion.
Interesting! I've used regular Borax for several years, along with Diatomaceous Earth, and was thinking about getting Boron tablets. I think I'll stick with Borax, which I also occasionally use as laundry detergent :)
Hey...just woke up...good video...I still take it and I hope you are still having good results. I saw this on X and of course there is a warning about the info. People need to take the time to read "The Borax Conspiracy" that talks about how this all came about. This is just that the people who make money don't want to give that up no matter how others suffer. Hope you are having a good day...glad you posted should help many.
I take it too, it really helps with my 30 year old knee injury and its associated arthritis.
I think that it's part of the awakening to discover what the pharma industry has been hiding from us.
Despite rare hand pain I must say Boron is a life saver. Amazing find, LQdy!🤗💐
BTW, the video underlines the lows where the WHO/Big Pharma/WEF fell. We now know who the Enemy is: greed from « them » and laziness from our ranks.🔥
Since gout is a form of arthritis, do you think boron could help relieve gout pain?
Dairy product can cause gout, my Mom used to give it to my Stepdad when he drank. He would have to quit drinking because it hurt so bad.
I eat some cheese- now and then. That doesn’t trigger anything, but alcohol of any kind is very bad for gout sufferers. I’m going to try 5 mg of Boron daily to see if it helps.
Excess red meat can do it too. I was told by my podiatrist that Gout has always been called the kings disease because the king always steak and wine.
The video is under a really is worthwhile to read the are right...$$$$ is at the root of our entire healthcare system...sadly...
The Borax Conspiracy - "How The Arthritis Cure Has Been Stopped" by Walter Last
I've been taking a sprinkle in my morning coffee since BC (Before Covid). I didn't have arthritis and I still haven't.
I started putting it in my coffee because of your suggestion and I find that is a very good way to take my daily dose. I thank you for that suggestion. When I clicked on the link above it says "not found". Note that I used complete sentences just for you. It is killing me, but as you can see, I have survived such trauma to my psyche.
I have borax I put in my RV tanks to help keep it smelling fresh. How much do you add to your coffee? I want to try it.
Women 1/8 tsp./ Men 1/4 tsp.
Can slowly increase amount if needed...
4-5 days on, 2-3 days off...
I take pharmaceutical grade boric acid from Florida Labs in my water daily. Fixed my knee pains.
I take it every day. Mix 1 heaping teaspoon of Borax "laundry detergent" into 16 ounces of water. Take two teaspoons of this solution daily, I mix one tsp. into my water/lemon juice drinks twice a day. I also add a pinch of Redmond salt to the mix, along with 2 drops of Lugol's iodine and a few drops of Stevia.
You have a unique way of taking it...I just mix 1/8 tsp. of borax (female dose) in my coffee in the morning. That is also a great way to add you add 2 drops to 16oz...which seems fairly diluted. I just take a drop a day. Do you feel the positive effects of the iodine? My main drink is water/lemon throughout the day so your recipe looks quite doable but I wonder if it is too diluted...I found where this suggestion comes from...interesting...
Question for you and u/rherrell - whole not as good, would I still get lemon juice benefits from a tablespoon of this daily?
I am really not sure what your question is. This lemon juice that you posted about has horrible reviews so I wouldn't even be tempted to buy it. I use a product called True Lemon for my daily lemonade (true lemon/stevia) and it has great reviews. I am sure you know that you would never take highly acidic things straight. I also use True Lime/stevia to flavor my unflavored unsweetened yogurt. I am thoroughly pleased with these products because I have the benefits of lemons/limes without the hassle of keeping them on hand or buying a product like the one you listed. Hope you find the answer you are looking for...
I've never had a peppermint with the product and have been using it for years. The number of reviews on the vendor site (17) don't compare to the number on Amazon (>10k) and the average is 4.6 stars.
Most of the reviews on the vendor site were "bought at Walmart", which is starting to sounds more like this is a Walmart problem rather than a Santa Cruz problem.
But. I will say again... You did answer my question. 😊
I have used Santa Cruz juices in the past with no problem so it could very well be a Wal-mart problem...isn't everything they sell made in China???? I didn't know they sold a straight lemon juice...I guess "Let the buyer beware."
I’m fortunate to live in a relatively small town with a Natural Grocers store. I shop at them almost exclusively. I buy my produce only there because they won’t use Bill Gates’ Apeel. I don’t trust anywhere else, and so by default I trust the products they buy because I like what they won’t buy.
Not totally logical, but hey… it’s workable.
Sounds are very lucky to have such a great set up...small town is more intimate. I read a lot of organic produce uses it always marked?...
Wonder how your grocer knows for sure what he buys. They have literally ruined our food supply...people are smart that grow their are blessed to have a workable solution to control what you eat...
This helps, thank you.
Thats a ton. 1/8 tsp a day female. 1/4 tsp day male.
would size/weight be a better way to judge dose?
Duno, the dosing ive seen is what i stated, didnt mention weight.
How do you figure?? You take in FOUR DAYS what I take in a MONTH!! Read my post again, the 16oz. of water with one teaspoon of borax dissolved in it lasts me a month, I don't drink the whole thing in one day.
Sorry, cant read. That is indeed low, more like the test it out and see how you react experimenting.
No worries. Check out a guy named Walter Last, here's his recommended dosage...
Walter Last Boron Concentrate
Mix 1.5 tsp or 6 grams of borax in one litre of distilled or pure filtered water. This becomes your concentrated solution.
Drink 1-2 tsp or 5-10 ml's of this solution, mixed into a glass of water or food three to five times daily spaced evenly throughout the day. Continue with this amount for 3 to 4 months before dropping back to a maintenance dose of twice daily.
That's an awfully large dose. You really only need a small pinch daily. There is no added benefit for larger doses.
Read my post again, 1 tsp. lasts me a month.
Ah, my mistake! Good idea.
I just did a quick review of borax on a couple natural remedy websites. The consumption of borax can be hard on your liver, among other side effects, so thorough research should be conducted before trying this.
True, we should thoroughly research everything.
This makes me nervous because boric acid is the key ingredient for cockroach killer. This is a salt of boric acid. And cockroaches are renowned for survival.
I know we don't trust EPA & CDC, but the Indonesian government said there is likelihood of liver cancer associated with long term consumption of 5-10 years.
There are many medications and supplements that can be used in different ways for different purposes. Borax is used as a laundry detergent booster and to kill fleas in dog bedding as well as to help with arthritis pain. Boric Acid is used as an eye flush and pH balancer as well as roach killer.
Warfarin is an anti-coagulant used for years to prevent blood clots in patients with atrial fibrillation, that was originally used as a rat poison. The mechanism of action is to block part of the clotting cascade so that the blood takes more time to form clots. This mechanism worked in rats so that they effectively bled to death internally. In humans the dose is adjusted to prevent clots forming in the atria of the heart where blood can pool during atrial fibrillation. For years this was the primary medication used to prevent strokes in Afib patients.
Just as Ivermectin was originally used as an anti-parasite and has been found to exhibit anti-viral and anti-cancer properties, many drugs and supplements can have different health outcomes with different uses. The whole COVID debacle revealed a lot of different uses for Wormwood, Hydroxychloroquine, Fluvoxamine, Metformin, Azithromycin, Vitamin D, Iodine, Chlorine Dioxide, and Methylene Blue. It's all in the dosing and how its used.
Borax is also an old-time cure for women's "yeast infections". Works when OTC and prescription drugs won't (personal experience).
True, that's what I meant with pH balancing. That's how it works.
Go ahead and take it, I'm just expressing caution and just maybe a tiktok video isn't an authoritative source. I'd rather trust an industrial chemist.
I was just pointing out the fallacious assumption in your original comment that Borax is dangerous for human consumption just because it has been used as a pesticide. Many products have different purposes in different doses in different applications.
Trust whomever you want as an authoritative source, but independent research is always the most trustworthy.
I really don't care what you do, I just think someone on tiktok that claims suppressed knowledge should be treated with the same skepticism as you give the government.
You continue to miss the point. Products can be used for different purposes, and to assume that a product can only be used for a single purpose is limiting your thought process.
I never said such a stupid thing. I said people should express skepticism. Something that can be sorely lacking here at times.
The toxological data that was provided here in a few links had a few holes in it and not much data on long term exposure. Yet I'm also reading people on here saying they drink it regularly and others wanting to try it.
You're right about research and skepticism, but that's not the part of your comment I was addressing. I was just pointing out that a product that is used as a pesticide in some form may also be used as a therapeutic. I provided some examples of products used for different purposes.
I personally don't take Borax although I add it to my laundry sometimes. I have used Boric Acid to flush debris out of my eyes, though. I don't even watch TikTok videos much less take any medical advice from them.
Borax is not the same as boric acid.
You're right, in order to produce boric acid, borax has to be refined by a reaction with a strong acid like hydrochloric acid. Which just happens to be the primary acid in your stomach.
What an ignorant take.
Don't care, eat all the borax you want.
u/Tweety51A : amazing video…
If any of you are looking for osteoarthritis relief, there is nothing better than taking vitamin K2 everyday. It has worked for countless people I know and there are many published papers on how it prevents osteoarthritis and arterial calcification. We are not getting enough K2 in the western diet because we stopped eating fermented foods and instead rely solely on refrigerated foods.
can you take it with blood thinners?
I’ve heard people can take K2 with xarelto because the mechanisms of action are not additive. Check with your doctor of course.
On effient. See internist tomorrow routine followup. I'll ask him. Don't want my blood to clot.
We've been using this in our homemade detergents. Now I need to use it other ways too. I bought a case off Amazon for $22 or so a few weeks ago, so we're set for awhile.
This article has everything you need to know about boron/borax, including how to dose it properly. This is important, because it is possible to take too much:
Interesting …never heard of this - thx for the info !
I really wanna watch this but I have to go to church. I’m very interested and I’ve heard a lot of great things about borax. Thanks for this post.
This shit is AMAZING for my shredded knee arthritis. Drink it 5 days for couple years, no adverse i can see.
So hows this compare with boron?
Borax is made from Boron.
Went and bought some this morning. Just took a teaspoon in spring water. Crunchy kek. Let's see what happem.
Thats an awful lot
Kek i took another teaspoon this afternoon. Other than having a little more zest i don't report any side effects. So i guess dosage wise i should be good till February.
Wow just drank some of muhh coffee and it tastes amazing wtf. Ill keep responding right here if anything bad happens kek. Hopefully i don't die kek.
A pinch of Borax on my tongue daily with a water chaser has been my method for over a year. Completely healed my arthritic wrists and fingers. I could barely hold a cup of coffee before and zero pain or restrictions now. It took about a week to start to feel the difference in my pain.
so is 20 mule team Borax gone?????
I started using Borax a couple of years ago, and my experience has been nothing but good. Knee pain is diminishing, and it seems to be working as advertised. Since the government is on a full out war against human use, I bought a 25 pound carton of it, for the long term. More than I need, but others can use it as well.
Place keeper borax
hum,,,,, I can still get this here in America. its manufactured in USA by the DIAL corporation.