I tend to believe that once We The People rise up and the guns come out, martial law will not apply. There will be no turning back until one side has victory. Maybe that’s why it hasn’t happened yet. Should happen right about the time the illegals get voting rights and become the UN security forces inside of our borders…
And in the comments of this video on youtube is this...
While renewing my CDL last year in Pennsylvania last year i overheard the conversation between the Penn Dot examiner and the illegal alien who was applying for a driver license. The examiner said if you check ✔️ off this box on the application you will have the right to vote. This is outrageous allowing non citizens to vote.
It's impossible to come for the guns now, if the plan is to start civil war 2, the East and West coasts are going to have an unwinnable quagmire that would make Vietnam, much less Afghanistan look like downright total and complete victories.
Possibly. It could also be to intentionally break up the U.S. That would allow them to claim that the Constitution no longer applies and that it needs to be dissolved and replaced with a new "woke" one.
If TX stands firm then step one would probably be to suspend all federal funding for the state and go from there.
Most people are living hand to mouth trying to make ends meet. That's because of inflation and other forms of currency manipulation.
If we had hard currency, like our founders did, more people would be independently wealthy. And they would be able to form a militia to resist tyranny, just like the founders did.
But no, you have to go to work every day to survive. You don't have time to defend liberty.
This is a good post. The reason there aren't thousands of Texans, and people from surrounding states, is because they can't miss work. If they do, they can't eat. It's getting closer and closer to the time when people will have to make a choice. Freedom, or being enslaved and barely getting by.
It's a similar situation with the yellow jackets in France. They kept up protests for an impressive amount of time but people eventually had to largely go back to work.
I do think he is right in that it is time for WE THE PEOPLE to rise up and stop this invasion. Why do we have to wait until they do pull off some terrorist attack. Our supreme court has truly let us down, most especially ACB
To be fair;
If the roles were reversed; if a state like california was letting illegals flood in and the supreme court ruled the state could not because immigration is a federal matter; we'd all be cheering.
It's my understanding (based on a radio snip I heard, so correct me if I'm wrong) that the supremes essentially ruled that immigration is a federal matter, right?
Again; this could POTENTIALLY be a win, because when Trump gets in, in November....he will close that border tighter than crap & subsequent legal challenges SHOULD fail, based on this precedent.....
But I could be totally wrong.... I haven't read up on it much; just heard a blurb on the radio....
I read a comment to that effect on another post.. the author of the post was celebrating this because it paved (in their theory) the way for Trump to create sweeping immigration changes and do mass deportation.
A state ONLY has the right to STOP illegal immigration. States defer to the feds. If the feds or the state refuse to control the borders thenother has the right to do it. The feds only have the right to control it according to immigrarion law, not to let it run haywire and uncontrolled. Paxton actually used that as his argue ment amd the Supreme Court FAILED.
Whilst immigration is a federal matter it also cant supersede states rights can it?
This was never a problem under a truly united states with people bonded over culturally agreed values.
There is a conflict at the heart of it between state and federal rights, but that wouldn't matter if both the people in government and the people of the states all agreed that protecting borders is paramount for a nation to exist let alone survive and letting in illegals which break the law by entering without permission in the first place, is a fucking CRIME which needs stopping!
This situation is the result of a destabilised and fractured nation, and exactly why the FFs said it's only a Republic IF you can keep it.
• What is the true intention behind the creation of Space Force?
• Why did the Deep State delay the creation of Space Force for nearly two decades?
• What is the significance of Space Force’s plan to dominate Earth-Moon orbital environments?
• How was the Deep State’s ability to stage false flag events ended by Space Force?
• How will Space Force will thwart a planned Space Pearl Harbor event to be launched by Taiwan, Israel, and Ukraine with Deep State backing?
• Why does Space Force threaten the space operations of transnational corporations & their plans for dominance on Earth and in space?
• What are the Deep State’s behavioral alteration and genetic modification plans using new generation satellite networks and how does Space Force threaten these?
• How is Space Force destined to put an end to the Global Child Sex Trade?
• How will Space Force eventually incorporate a US Navy-run SSP to form a multinational “Star Fleet”?
I think we should drop a whole bunch of flyers at the border with the home addresses of every court justice who allowed them to come here, inviting the criminal invaders specifically to their homes with directions on how to get there.
I’m not kidding.
It’s not like it would cost a lot of money to do so. I also think that it’s time for citizens to simply start killing these foreign invaders as they come across and start invading our cities and towns.
Our government, including all of the courts at every level, have NO power over any of our rights, including free speech.
[You have Rights] antecedent to all earthly governments: Rights, that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; Rights, derived from the Great Legislator of the universe. ~ John Adams
“Mr. Madison has introduced his long expected amendments... The rights of conscience, of bearing arms, of changing the government, are declared to be inherent in the people.” ~ Fisher Ames (1758-1808), American statesman, orator and political writer
“History is clear that the first ten amendments to the Constitution were adopted to secure certain common law rights of the people, against invasion by the Federal Government.” ~ Bell v. Hood
Bell v. Hood, 71 F. Supp., 813, 816 (1947) U.S.D.C., So. Dist. CA.
“The first ten amendments were proposed and adopted largely because of fear that Government might unduly interfere with prized individual liberties. The people wanted and demanded a Bill of Rights written into their Constitution. The amendments embodying the Bill of Rights were intended to curb all branches of the Federal Government in the fields touched by the amendments—Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.” ~ Justice Hugo L. Black (1886-1971) US Supreme Court Justice
Adamson v. California, 332 U.S. 46, 71 (Dissent) (1947).
I’m tired of being lectured by multi millionaires.
Tucker should raise a go fund me for every one missing work during a Texas protest and pay it himself. There are two elite classes and they are warring for the soul of the nation.
I believe they are doing this to make us rise up. Once that happens they can declare martial law and come for the guns.
It's the whole purpose.
I tend to believe that once We The People rise up and the guns come out, martial law will not apply. There will be no turning back until one side has victory. Maybe that’s why it hasn’t happened yet. Should happen right about the time the illegals get voting rights and become the UN security forces inside of our borders…
It appears they are on their way to voting rights...
Illegal Immigrant Has Social Security Card and Drivers License With Work ID in 4 Months...
And in the comments of this video on youtube is this...
Illegals are already getting local voting rights which is destructive in its own right.
They said there were 20,000,000 in 1990.
They say there are 20,000,000 now.
Someone’s lying.
It's impossible to come for the guns now, if the plan is to start civil war 2, the East and West coasts are going to have an unwinnable quagmire that would make Vietnam, much less Afghanistan look like downright total and complete victories.
Possibly. It could also be to intentionally break up the U.S. That would allow them to claim that the Constitution no longer applies and that it needs to be dissolved and replaced with a new "woke" one.
If TX stands firm then step one would probably be to suspend all federal funding for the state and go from there.
They already ignore rhe constitution.
Check the synopsis for the TV Series Jericho and Revolution. Hollywood is shaping the narratives.
It a dangerous game they're playing.... once the uprise starts it's to the death
The South Shall Rise Again! 🤠
And join the North in kicking Deep State arse. I propose a contest...call it "a friendly competition"!
the great american scrimmage part deux: enemies of the deep state
This is why THEY control the money supply
Most people are living hand to mouth trying to make ends meet. That's because of inflation and other forms of currency manipulation.
If we had hard currency, like our founders did, more people would be independently wealthy. And they would be able to form a militia to resist tyranny, just like the founders did.
But no, you have to go to work every day to survive. You don't have time to defend liberty.
This is a good post. The reason there aren't thousands of Texans, and people from surrounding states, is because they can't miss work. If they do, they can't eat. It's getting closer and closer to the time when people will have to make a choice. Freedom, or being enslaved and barely getting by.
It's a similar situation with the yellow jackets in France. They kept up protests for an impressive amount of time but people eventually had to largely go back to work.
You're right. I fear most people will not realize they had a choice until it's too late and they're already firmly enchained.
So slavery wasn’t re-established under the central bank?
Correct observation.
I do think he is right in that it is time for WE THE PEOPLE to rise up and stop this invasion. Why do we have to wait until they do pull off some terrorist attack. Our supreme court has truly let us down, most especially ACB
I mean, ACB proved everyone who criticized her right (again.)
Even if this is just a 5D chess move, we are clearly supposed to project frustration about it and so I have no qualms doing so.
So SCotUS says we can cut the barbed wire.... Does that include the wire around Jan 6th detainees?
Around the Resident's House too?
Not the military, but the militia (the people)
To be fair; If the roles were reversed; if a state like california was letting illegals flood in and the supreme court ruled the state could not because immigration is a federal matter; we'd all be cheering.
It's my understanding (based on a radio snip I heard, so correct me if I'm wrong) that the supremes essentially ruled that immigration is a federal matter, right?
Again; this could POTENTIALLY be a win, because when Trump gets in, in November....he will close that border tighter than crap & subsequent legal challenges SHOULD fail, based on this precedent.....
But I could be totally wrong.... I haven't read up on it much; just heard a blurb on the radio....
I read a comment to that effect on another post.. the author of the post was celebrating this because it paved (in their theory) the way for Trump to create sweeping immigration changes and do mass deportation.
A state ONLY has the right to STOP illegal immigration. States defer to the feds. If the feds or the state refuse to control the borders thenother has the right to do it. The feds only have the right to control it according to immigrarion law, not to let it run haywire and uncontrolled. Paxton actually used that as his argue ment amd the Supreme Court FAILED.
Now what? is all we need to ask.
Oh good, so maybe I'm not that far off....
Again; the ruling sucks, but also it doesn't; depends on the situation.
I would agree; it sounds like it absolutely could open the door for Trump to completely shut down the border & legal challenges SHOULD fall flat....!!
It's a federal matter until the feds defer to the states through inaction or what is happening now.
Oh absolutely. I completely agree the feds are guilt AF, of INTENTIONAL inaction & neglect.
Choosing to not do something, is still a choice, and often a deliberate one.
If I was in charge in any capacity in Texas, I'd tell the supremes:
"[They] have made their decision; now let them enforce it!"
Whilst immigration is a federal matter it also cant supersede states rights can it?
This was never a problem under a truly united states with people bonded over culturally agreed values.
There is a conflict at the heart of it between state and federal rights, but that wouldn't matter if both the people in government and the people of the states all agreed that protecting borders is paramount for a nation to exist let alone survive and letting in illegals which break the law by entering without permission in the first place, is a fucking CRIME which needs stopping!
This situation is the result of a destabilised and fractured nation, and exactly why the FFs said it's only a Republic IF you can keep it.
And currently, we haven't... :(
Think about this:
• What is the true intention behind the creation of Space Force?
• Why did the Deep State delay the creation of Space Force for nearly two decades?
• What is the significance of Space Force’s plan to dominate Earth-Moon orbital environments?
• How was the Deep State’s ability to stage false flag events ended by Space Force?
• How will Space Force will thwart a planned Space Pearl Harbor event to be launched by Taiwan, Israel, and Ukraine with Deep State backing?
• Why does Space Force threaten the space operations of transnational corporations & their plans for dominance on Earth and in space?
• What are the Deep State’s behavioral alteration and genetic modification plans using new generation satellite networks and how does Space Force threaten these?
• How is Space Force destined to put an end to the Global Child Sex Trade?
• How will Space Force eventually incorporate a US Navy-run SSP to form a multinational “Star Fleet”?
idk, tell us
I think we should drop a whole bunch of flyers at the border with the home addresses of every court justice who allowed them to come here, inviting the criminal invaders specifically to their homes with directions on how to get there.
I’m not kidding.
It’s not like it would cost a lot of money to do so. I also think that it’s time for citizens to simply start killing these foreign invaders as they come across and start invading our cities and towns.
It’s up to us to save this country.
Texas National Guard Tells SCOTUS: μολὼν λαβέ, (Come And Take It!) - Installs MORE Razor wire:
If you think SCOTUS is corrupt/inept, wait'll you see the drag queens in camo!
Our government, including all of the courts at every level, have NO power over any of our rights, including free speech.
[You have Rights] antecedent to all earthly governments: Rights, that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; Rights, derived from the Great Legislator of the universe. ~ John Adams
“Mr. Madison has introduced his long expected amendments... The rights of conscience, of bearing arms, of changing the government, are declared to be inherent in the people.” ~ Fisher Ames (1758-1808), American statesman, orator and political writer
“History is clear that the first ten amendments to the Constitution were adopted to secure certain common law rights of the people, against invasion by the Federal Government.” ~ Bell v. Hood Bell v. Hood, 71 F. Supp., 813, 816 (1947) U.S.D.C., So. Dist. CA.
“The first ten amendments were proposed and adopted largely because of fear that Government might unduly interfere with prized individual liberties. The people wanted and demanded a Bill of Rights written into their Constitution. The amendments embodying the Bill of Rights were intended to curb all branches of the Federal Government in the fields touched by the amendments—Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.” ~ Justice Hugo L. Black (1886-1971) US Supreme Court Justice Adamson v. California, 332 U.S. 46, 71 (Dissent) (1947).
Oh damn
Ya, sounds like tucker is pushing for violence. Sounds like they have a plan for us
Tbh, Tucker?
Because we have little money, family and guns, but not your platform.
So, easy call.
Protect the family, but do not sacrifice ourselves against the windmill.
Tucker made $60 million his last year at fox?
I’m tired of being lectured by multi millionaires. Tucker should raise a go fund me for every one missing work during a Texas protest and pay it himself. There are two elite classes and they are warring for the soul of the nation.