Most families can't afford to home school because after taxes, incomes are too low and home prices & rent (plus all of life's other expenses) are too high.
Well this is a life and death situation and folks have to remove their children no matter the cost. The cost of compliance is just too damn high and we all know it.
We should be seeing a massive uptick in pissed off parents armed with pitchforks and nooses storming every Parliament, institutional HQ, mansion, castle, Masonic lodge and bunker where these snakes in suits hide, if they have any desire to save their kids’ futures or their kids’ kids’ futures…
In a just society yes. Gotta clean things up first. Used to be the United States would protect the people of other countries that were being abused. Nuremberg used to represent something. I smell a huge social collapse coming before this shit gets corrected.
Canadian courts tend to side with the authoritarians in power. And if any recent rulings are to be an indicator, it won't matter that the COVID shot doesn't work or that, until this very day, it has not passed clinical trials that used to be required of all drugs and vaccines. What it's going to rule is the government has the right to force the kids to be injected with whatever they want and do not need to give a reason.
Even court wins in Canada tend to be on technicalities. There was a recent ruling in Alberta, Canada that stated that all COVID measures were illegal during the so-called pandemic. However, the reason they were illegal was because the minister of health forwarded recommendations to the premier and he made the decisions. In that same ruling, it stated that if the minister of health had enacted all of the same health measure, they would have been perfectly legal. So in the future, if the authoritarians go through the proper steps, they can still do whatever they want.
I hate to break it to you, but no where is the covid vaccine mentioned.
There are certain vaccines required to attend school. The number is actually a lot lower than in the USA. Schools have been expelling students without vaccination long before covid hit.
This is normal. Doesn't make it right,forcing vaccines, but this is faux outrage.
Is the covid shots on the school vaccination schedule or not? But regardless it doesn't matter. If they can "mandate" one shot they can mandate any shot.
I'm of the belief that they are giving it with every jab they can get a arm to stick. My grands asso pediatrician was pushing every jab, even ones that weren't required until later... they are not getting ANYTHING.
Hey, for everyone discussing "other" vaccines..... I'm guessing You think that those "vaccines" are the "good vaccines"?
There's NOTHING to stop them from putting liquid death in a syringe and calling it healthy juice. And no I'm not talking about SATANS water.
Any SHOT at this point is suspect. Any blood transfusion is a death sentence. Don't be so Naive. Vaccines are unnecessary. Talk to the Amish and hear their heartbreaking stories of their children dying on typhoid, dyptheria, measles, Pox, meningitis, polio, rabies..... Oh wait, no don't do that bad idea, you might learn the truth.
The idea that God's creation requires the input of Man in order to make it better is absurd. I'm not talking about breeding fruits, I'm talking about injecting children with aluminum and mRNA for no damn reason except for an agenda and$$. Those requiring the vaccines are welcome to take them. In their own broken logic then they are protected, right? So how the fuck is little Johnny a threat to a vaccinated Suzy? Only one..... When Johnny grows up smart and strong and Suzy is still counting on her fingers on highschool graduation Day.
David Vaccinated
Steven Vaccinated
Johnny Not Vaccinated.
Johnny is a danger to David and Steven..... WHY??? 🤔
Maybe it's too late for logic in a world in pea soup brains. Most on here removed of course, this argument has got to be the most asinine and illogical mind melter in the history of mankind.
My neighbor has to wear a diaper 24 hours a day just in case I shit my pants. Work that one out.
In Canada? The country in which if you need a life saving operation they talk about the suicide option as well as the 9 month waiting list for medical care? What Rights? Every "Right" in Canada is attached to a permit.
The story only pertains to Waterloo District, not all of Canada. Also, it is in regards to mandatory vaccines like MMR, not COVID Vax as stated in the X post. I'm actually impressed with the number as this is a medium-sized city.
If George's parents got him the vaccine and Fred's parents denied it, how is Fred a danger to a vaccinated George if the Vaccine supposedly works? In a sane world saying no is all that is required. There is nobody on the planet that has domain over another, no man, no institution, no government. Bodily autonomy is a human right. Society has been vaccinated into the retard realm.
How do people go a lifetime, a healthy lifetime without vaccines? 🤔
Remember when Canada was cool? I remember traveling around with my dogs and they were welcome wherever we went. The people were easy going & outdoorsy and up for an adventure. I wished the US was more like them. Any country that has had that type of utopian environment tends to have easy going people, Canada, Sweden, Denmark allowing them to drop their guards and set them up for political abuse. And as we are seeing the shift in the government overreach is waking them up and then we have to fight every single move they make. My whole speech could be summed up in “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” And we are hardening!
Summers in Canada on a lake north of Kingston was heaven for me-I was jealous of my best friends education system that allowed him to go to trade school to learn something before he joined the Canadian Army. Now, I hesitate to call my cousins for THEIR security and I can't visit them because I am unvaxxed. So it goes... 😢
I really don't think this includes COVID vaccines. Also, I don't think it would be hard to get a religious exemption. However, this does put pressure on parents who have been hesitant to vax their kids at all anymore since the COVID scamdemic, to just relent and get the other vaccines done.
By the way, as a teacher in Ontario, I can tell you the system where I teach has pretty much abandoned suspensions as a form of punishment, even for repeat violent offenders. There are hardly any consequences at all for bad behaviour. It will be interesting to see if the Waterloo District School Board follows through with this threat while little monsters get to stay in school.
Student A and B are vaccinated. Student C is not. If Student A and B are "protected" then why the fuck do they care about student C? Who are they going to infect?
Thank you. This clearly states that the poster on X was wrong.
According to Public Health, during the pandemic, they saw a decline in vaccine coverage rates in school-aged children.
The vaccinations that are required by all students to have protect against Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Meningococcal, Pertussis (whooping cough), and Varicella (chickenpox).
The full list of vaccinations be can found on the region's website.
At this time, there are no requirements for students to have any COVID vaccines.
With that said, do you actually trust what's in any shot at this point? They could call it God Juice if they want, mRNA literally is wiping out family blood lines.
I am sorry for everyone in Canada. I always thought they were at least a Socialist society, with their healthcare and insurance situation, but maybe I was wrong. America is heading the same way, unless the Storm, actually, Comes.
Canadians- Stand up for your kids. Pull them out of school and do it yourself. Don’t think you can? Teach them what you know and how to critically think. The rest will work itself out.
just wait till it comes here,me and my old neighbor think there going to say,get the vax or you don't get your social security check no drivers license or vehicle tag.
EXEMPTIONS! I've been in an ongoing, delicate battle with the health unit in our region, trying to get them to include the option for exemptions in their messaging. I'm doing this on their FB page, so I have to be careful with my comments or they'll block me. We started a FB group for all the people who've been blocked by them in the past so that they can see what's going on.
There is a process to exempt your children, and you can ask your health unit to provide you with assistance, but they will not mention it without prompting.
That's exactly what I'm suggesting. You see they keep telling us these poor migraines (funny typo I'll keep it) are just trying to get away from oppressive regimes, to have a better life. Well what's happening in Canada is oppressive and I'd say they qualify for the free entry, free monthly payments, free housing and free healthcare. Am I wrong?
Nobody said this "immigration" is only for those in Mexico, South America, Sudan, Afghanistan, China. I'd personally welcome every single Canadian with open arms.
If the parents don't comply with this overreaching government mandate, will the government start actually removing the children from their homes? Is this what it will take for people to take their government back?
Parents should pull those kids out and start their own private schools. Or home school.
I think we're going to see a MASSIVE up tick in home schooling in Canada.
Most families can't afford to home school because after taxes, incomes are too low and home prices & rent (plus all of life's other expenses) are too high.
A lot of states pay parents to home school, same as the state.
Well this is a life and death situation and folks have to remove their children no matter the cost. The cost of compliance is just too damn high and we all know it.
Sure hope so, for those kids’ sake.
We should be seeing a massive uptick in pissed off parents armed with pitchforks and nooses storming every Parliament, institutional HQ, mansion, castle, Masonic lodge and bunker where these snakes in suits hide, if they have any desire to save their kids’ futures or their kids’ kids’ futures…
I could get behind that.
You know their next step will be to freeze the bank accounts of those who pull their kids out.
Trudeau is a fascist
Then they will just make homeschooling 'illegal'. As it is in several countries in Europe.
State indoctrination, or you go to jail and lose your kids.
Then , Think of the Teacher Layoffs ....and celebrate
Two birds one stone……do not comply; which keeps your kids healthy and the drop in attendance collapses State run nonsense.
But not before they try and get the parents for "child abuse" or some othermade up bs
That is a huge class action lawsuit.
Do not give in
In a just society yes. Gotta clean things up first. Used to be the United States would protect the people of other countries that were being abused. Nuremberg used to represent something. I smell a huge social collapse coming before this shit gets corrected.
Canadian courts tend to side with the authoritarians in power. And if any recent rulings are to be an indicator, it won't matter that the COVID shot doesn't work or that, until this very day, it has not passed clinical trials that used to be required of all drugs and vaccines. What it's going to rule is the government has the right to force the kids to be injected with whatever they want and do not need to give a reason.
Even court wins in Canada tend to be on technicalities. There was a recent ruling in Alberta, Canada that stated that all COVID measures were illegal during the so-called pandemic. However, the reason they were illegal was because the minister of health forwarded recommendations to the premier and he made the decisions. In that same ruling, it stated that if the minister of health had enacted all of the same health measure, they would have been perfectly legal. So in the future, if the authoritarians go through the proper steps, they can still do whatever they want.
I hate to break it to you, but no where is the covid vaccine mentioned.
There are certain vaccines required to attend school. The number is actually a lot lower than in the USA. Schools have been expelling students without vaccination long before covid hit.
This is normal. Doesn't make it right,forcing vaccines, but this is faux outrage.
Is the covid shots on the school vaccination schedule or not? But regardless it doesn't matter. If they can "mandate" one shot they can mandate any shot.
I can tell you it is not. My kids would either not be there or would have an exemption otherwise.
COVID shots are not mandatory at this time. The X post is wrong.
I'm of the belief that they are giving it with every jab they can get a arm to stick. My grands asso pediatrician was pushing every jab, even ones that weren't required until later... they are not getting ANYTHING.
Agree, covid was not mentioned in that clip. But what I learned during the past four years taught me to distrust ALL vaccines… and public schools.
Hey, for everyone discussing "other" vaccines..... I'm guessing You think that those "vaccines" are the "good vaccines"?
There's NOTHING to stop them from putting liquid death in a syringe and calling it healthy juice. And no I'm not talking about SATANS water.
Any SHOT at this point is suspect. Any blood transfusion is a death sentence. Don't be so Naive. Vaccines are unnecessary. Talk to the Amish and hear their heartbreaking stories of their children dying on typhoid, dyptheria, measles, Pox, meningitis, polio, rabies..... Oh wait, no don't do that bad idea, you might learn the truth.
The idea that God's creation requires the input of Man in order to make it better is absurd. I'm not talking about breeding fruits, I'm talking about injecting children with aluminum and mRNA for no damn reason except for an agenda and$$. Those requiring the vaccines are welcome to take them. In their own broken logic then they are protected, right? So how the fuck is little Johnny a threat to a vaccinated Suzy? Only one..... When Johnny grows up smart and strong and Suzy is still counting on her fingers on highschool graduation Day.
David Vaccinated Steven Vaccinated Johnny Not Vaccinated.
Johnny is a danger to David and Steven..... WHY??? 🤔
Maybe it's too late for logic in a world in pea soup brains. Most on here removed of course, this argument has got to be the most asinine and illogical mind melter in the history of mankind.
My neighbor has to wear a diaper 24 hours a day just in case I shit my pants. Work that one out.
Until Next Time.......
You’re missing the point.
Pretty sick, but write an exemption letter, and if they don't accept it take them to court for breaching your rights.
In Canada? The country in which if you need a life saving operation they talk about the suicide option as well as the 9 month waiting list for medical care? What Rights? Every "Right" in Canada is attached to a permit.
Only 18k??? Wtf Canada u gotta get those numbers up.
The story only pertains to Waterloo District, not all of Canada. Also, it is in regards to mandatory vaccines like MMR, not COVID Vax as stated in the X post. I'm actually impressed with the number as this is a medium-sized city.
If George's parents got him the vaccine and Fred's parents denied it, how is Fred a danger to a vaccinated George if the Vaccine supposedly works? In a sane world saying no is all that is required. There is nobody on the planet that has domain over another, no man, no institution, no government. Bodily autonomy is a human right. Society has been vaccinated into the retard realm.
How do people go a lifetime, a healthy lifetime without vaccines? 🤔
Wow. With that context, that's pretty good!
Shut the commie centers all down and get rid of the problems!
They will take the children and lock the parents up. The gestapo is real
This ends when 'the people' become WE THE PEOPLE.
An unarmed populace is powerless unless they all stand together. WE THE PEOPLE is the ONLY WAY.
Parents should homeschool their kids, period. Why in the world would you outsource your most important job as a parent?
Take your children out of school. They are trying to murder your children!
Remember when Canada was cool? I remember traveling around with my dogs and they were welcome wherever we went. The people were easy going & outdoorsy and up for an adventure. I wished the US was more like them. Any country that has had that type of utopian environment tends to have easy going people, Canada, Sweden, Denmark allowing them to drop their guards and set them up for political abuse. And as we are seeing the shift in the government overreach is waking them up and then we have to fight every single move they make. My whole speech could be summed up in “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” And we are hardening!
Summers in Canada on a lake north of Kingston was heaven for me-I was jealous of my best friends education system that allowed him to go to trade school to learn something before he joined the Canadian Army. Now, I hesitate to call my cousins for THEIR security and I can't visit them because I am unvaxxed. So it goes... 😢
Canada is not controlled by the CCP I'm hearing.
All I can say is come and take it. Schools cancelled.
I really don't think this includes COVID vaccines. Also, I don't think it would be hard to get a religious exemption. However, this does put pressure on parents who have been hesitant to vax their kids at all anymore since the COVID scamdemic, to just relent and get the other vaccines done.
By the way, as a teacher in Ontario, I can tell you the system where I teach has pretty much abandoned suspensions as a form of punishment, even for repeat violent offenders. There are hardly any consequences at all for bad behaviour. It will be interesting to see if the Waterloo District School Board follows through with this threat while little monsters get to stay in school.
As a teacher in Canada riddle me this......
Student A and B are vaccinated. Student C is not. If Student A and B are "protected" then why the fuck do they care about student C? Who are they going to infect?
Not only do governments around the world hate their citizens but they want them dead!
Thank you. This clearly states that the poster on X was wrong.
With that said, do you actually trust what's in any shot at this point? They could call it God Juice if they want, mRNA literally is wiping out family blood lines.
I do not trust any vaccine any more. I was already hesitant before COVID, but now I'm anti.
If all 18,000 refused they would have to shut down the schools. Who has the advantage?
That won't happen, but I'm hoping enough will resist to make an impact.
seeing those kids get the shots and slowly murdered is just sickening......
Not covid, all the old ones.
"We promise it's just the same stuff your grandma had"
I am sorry for everyone in Canada. I always thought they were at least a Socialist society, with their healthcare and insurance situation, but maybe I was wrong. America is heading the same way, unless the Storm, actually, Comes.
Canadians- Stand up for your kids. Pull them out of school and do it yourself. Don’t think you can? Teach them what you know and how to critically think. The rest will work itself out.
Hopefully homeschooling is on the table.
The mostly white 'region'. Pack your bags, eh!
Viva la revelution. Canada stand up.
just wait till it comes here,me and my old neighbor think there going to say,get the vax or you don't get your social security check no drivers license or vehicle tag.
Lol Canada was only a free society in your fantasy. Always been under the British swamp.
EXEMPTIONS! I've been in an ongoing, delicate battle with the health unit in our region, trying to get them to include the option for exemptions in their messaging. I'm doing this on their FB page, so I have to be careful with my comments or they'll block me. We started a FB group for all the people who've been blocked by them in the past so that they can see what's going on. There is a process to exempt your children, and you can ask your health unit to provide you with assistance, but they will not mention it without prompting.
Hey Canadians!!!! Have you ever seen the border to the South? It's wide open!!!! Come one come all!!
That's exactly what I'm suggesting. You see they keep telling us these poor migraines (funny typo I'll keep it) are just trying to get away from oppressive regimes, to have a better life. Well what's happening in Canada is oppressive and I'd say they qualify for the free entry, free monthly payments, free housing and free healthcare. Am I wrong?
Nobody said this "immigration" is only for those in Mexico, South America, Sudan, Afghanistan, China. I'd personally welcome every single Canadian with open arms.
Canada hasn't ever been free. You like us are British subjects. Probably should have helped us in 1812. Time to be free now.
How about Americans being banned from the USa because immigration is still requiring jabs. Is that news?
If the parents don't comply with this overreaching government mandate, will the government start actually removing the children from their homes? Is this what it will take for people to take their government back?
I do think we are travelling in this direction.
Why aren’t the police doing anything about this murder?
Home school it is, then.