As I understood it, the canvassing , part funding and selection was done by Cenk Uygur of "The Young Turks" and he selected and groomed 3 or 4 candidates. AOC was one of them.
We should start looking through all of our politician’s histories for acting gigs. My own Congressman, Derrick Van Orden played in Act of Valor.
Look them up on IMDb and see what you find.
Here’s his IMDb profile: Derrick Van Orden was born on 15 September 1969 in Minnesota, USA. He is an actor, known for Act of Valor (2012), Surviving the Wild (2018) and Azadah (2015). He has been married to Sara Jane Van Orden since 1995. They have four children.
September 15, 1969
Here’s an IMDb profile for one of our state assembly women: Karen Hurd has been a writer of historical fiction, drama, action/adventure, and comedy since 2001. She has written a feature film (The Lumber Baron released in 2019), over forty stage plays, and has been a weekly columnist for a local newspaper (The Augusta Area Times) since 2002 writing a popular column entitled "On the Heels of the Past." Karen is also a nutritionist holding a Master of Science degree in Biochemistry. She has authored a book on Crohn's Disease (And They Said It Wasn't Possible), as well as a cookbook (The Bean Queen's Cookbook), and a book for children on one of the aspects of eating well (Mr. Sugar Comes to Call). Karen is a veteran (rank of Captain) of the United States Army Military Intelligence Corp specializing in Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare.
Picked for her tits and not her brains.
Had to be so her tits could take your focus away from that horse face of hers.
She can eat an apple through a chain link fence with those choppers.
Those tits aren't anything special. That ass ain't even good by Latina standards either.
You are 100 percent correct.
eh she's alright. just way too dumb
I have no idea what you are talking about.
And that "fine latina ass"
Can't omit that Big Booty from the conversation!
She has a T that states "Wish these were Brains!"
Don't be fooled by those pert communist titties.
LOL. We knew this already, but still amusing to see.
We get a lot of new frens.....
We should repost a lot of this stuff.
As I understood it, the canvassing , part funding and selection was done by Cenk Uygur of "The Young Turks" and he selected and groomed 3 or 4 candidates. AOC was one of them.
I still think AOC was one of hunters prostitutes.
We should start looking through all of our politician’s histories for acting gigs. My own Congressman, Derrick Van Orden played in Act of Valor.
Look them up on IMDb and see what you find.
Here’s his IMDb profile: Derrick Van Orden was born on 15 September 1969 in Minnesota, USA. He is an actor, known for Act of Valor (2012), Surviving the Wild (2018) and Azadah (2015). He has been married to Sara Jane Van Orden since 1995. They have four children. Born September 15, 1969
Here’s an IMDb profile for one of our state assembly women: Karen Hurd has been a writer of historical fiction, drama, action/adventure, and comedy since 2001. She has written a feature film (The Lumber Baron released in 2019), over forty stage plays, and has been a weekly columnist for a local newspaper (The Augusta Area Times) since 2002 writing a popular column entitled "On the Heels of the Past." Karen is also a nutritionist holding a Master of Science degree in Biochemistry. She has authored a book on Crohn's Disease (And They Said It Wasn't Possible), as well as a cookbook (The Bean Queen's Cookbook), and a book for children on one of the aspects of eating well (Mr. Sugar Comes to Call). Karen is a veteran (rank of Captain) of the United States Army Military Intelligence Corp specializing in Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare.
Things in common? Military and movies… 🧐
Was done by Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks. He sponsored the whole project to find and groom the candidates. So yea, she is bought and groomed.
What makes a good movie?
funny that when Q first came up and an anon said "tippy top", AOC said that phrase live the next day
and yet some think we r NOT watching a 'movie'
I’m always appalled that people don’t already know.
We get lots of new people.
We should post all the old stuff like this once in awhile.
Last episode of Defected had a good segment on why these re-runs are necessary, even though they're annoying. It was about an hour-forty in.
Heard you the first time.
I'm sorry. I've been called appalling before but I thought I had put that behind me. I'm disappointed in myself.
I’ve been mentioning Mr Regan numerous times. He did Part 2 of the topic too.
Old news but definitely good to reiterate!!
So you're saying she gave it up to the director on the casting couch, lol.
Old news
I've been saying since she first came on the scene-trojan horse
And Dems only think they picked her.
Her role is quite clearly to keep pushing farther and farther away from sanity whilst breaking apart the Dem party with infighting.
exactly, she's a jester to stir the pot, wake people up.
I bet Kotex made a mean Long Island iced tea in her day.
Don't mind rehashing old news as long as it is presented as old news reminders.
What if she is a white hat sleeper...............
Certainly not surprising … she’s likely the dumbest person ever to enter the ‘hollowed halls’ of Congress… I mean she be the dumbest!
Old news here.