It’s pretty simple to go to ( and see for yourself. Yes it’s there but find a grave is like Wikipedia. Anyone can submit and edit stuff and if you look at the entry now it has all kinds of additional obviously fake info added. Typically the picture is of the headstone for confirmation but someone has posted pics of him instead.
It’s been removed from Find A Grave. Anyone can create a memorial on Find A Grave. It’s used by people who are into genealogy. You can create a memorial with out a grave. With so many people being cremated it’s useful to have a memorial for future generations interested in family history. If this Biden memorial was still up you could request a photo. People that go to cemeteries looking for ancestors will usually look for photo requests for the graveyard they are in. My husband and I ask for photo requests and fulfill requests when we are in graveyards. It sounds morbid but often times graveyards are one of better and easier resources to finding your past relatives.
Agree. His name now shows with “Genocide Joe” among other things. Some text mentions his granddaughter Naomi claiming he died in 2018 and a twin brother Beau is playing him, and someone uploaded a photo of an Arlington headstone with his name but wrong dates, etc.
I refuse to watch a video with their stupid head in the video. The worst ones are the split screen with the original video and other part of the screen is an idiot pointing and shaking their head. I guess they aren’t idiots because they are making money on sitting there and looking stupid. The idiots are the ones that watch and don’t try to locate the original video. It’s become very big on social media showing red pill content.
What's stupid is there is a way to do this without being obnoxious. I'm not the biggest fan of Quartering but he puts his head out of frame where his head is not blocking anything he's talking about.
The things he said in that video help explain many of the things that have made no sense these last 3-4 years...
The obvious differences in Buy-din's (and others) appearance, the masks being worn... the renewal of all of the most important Trump E.O.'s
I remember seeing a speech given by what I think was the real Biden just before he flew a rented plane to his "inauguration" (that was actually conducted as a funeral). He was crying, saying that when he died he would die a "Delaware boy". What kind of crazy speech was that to be given by somebody that had just "won" a presidential election?
Anyway, this explains a lot of the mysteries (but not all of them) - I hope it is true.
However….i did not find him listed on Arlington National Cemetery’s website. And I agree with the post asking “why would they bury this POS in Arlington?”
IF (big IF, but I don't believe the real guy is still alive) this is true, Arlington may be listed as the funeral site but not the burial cemetary? Wasn't there something about instead of a rifle salute for the inauguration, there was a gun (cannon) salute used at a funeral back on 1/20/2021??
Note the date of death being 1/17 (at Gitmo) might back this up if the "funeral" was 3 days later at Arlington...
Just a theory, have at it. Shouldn't need to remind that this has "TikTok" on it though.
The guy who added him is a serious contributer. 8,229 memorials added over 7 years. From his bio
I add obits that have been in a PUBLIC forum, and facts from PUBLIC records. I try to keep info accurate, but please let me know with EDIT suggestions if you find an error or want to make things more accurate.
I'm open to transferring if you're a close relative, but if your intentions are to change the facts, ignore vital statistics and alter history... then you don't belong here.
Cemeteries I've completely documented, which always involves some sleuth work on partially legible stones. Disclaimer - there are often fieldstone markers in these burial grounds, and these could use some research in sexton records by someone. I haven't made the time, yet:
Black Cemetery in Berlin, VT
Brownington Center Cemetery in Brownington, VT
Burke Meeting House Cemetery in Burke, VT
Castle Cemetery in Jericho, VT
Cutler Corner Cemetery in Orange, VT
Davis Burial Ground in Utica, NY
Dodge Cemetery in Eden, VT
Derby Center Cemetery in Derby, VT (north side of road only)
Dexter Cemetery in Sheffield, VT
East Village Cemetery in East Montpelier, VT
Greensboro Village Cemetery in Greensboro, VT
Jedediah Hyde Cemetery in Hyde Park, VT
Lake Road Cemetery in Newport, VT
Lakeview Cemetery in Morristown, VT
Maple Street Cemetery in Hardwick, VT
McDade Cemetery in Maidstone, VT
Moulton Cemetery in Randolph, VT
North Monroe Cemetery in Monroe, NH
Old Calvary Catholic Cemetery in Lancaster, NH
Old North Burying Ground in Putney, VT
Old Wheelock Village Cemetery in Wheelock, VT
Poplar Hill Cemetery in North Montpelier, VT
Saint Agnes Cemetery in Island Falls, ME
Saint Lukes Catholic Cemetery in Fairfax, VT
Saint Theresa Cemetery in Hyde Park, VT
Shattuck Cemetery in Wheelock, VT
Smith Cemetery in Hanover, NH
Sulphur Spring Cemetery in Wheelock, VT
Sutton Village Cemetery in Sutton, VT
Ward Cemetery in Danville, VT
Wells River Cemetery in Wells River, VT
West Hill Cemetery in Williamstown, VT
This is not someone who tarnishes their reputation with hoax submissions
It’s for genealogy. Mainly so future generations can find their relatives. My husband and I go to graveyards that we know past relatives are buried. It’s a good place to factual information about a person and also you don’t have to deal with going to the library or county records. County records office charges for this information and it’s free if you go to the grave. Most genealogy sites charge also. There’s very little free information online. Genealogy research is a big hobby. If you have an account on find a grave you can request photos of the grave headstones and that gives you more information on the relative. You can be in NY with relatives in Florida grave and a stranger will see your request. It’s just something people do to be considerate. I look for photo requests when I’m in a graveyard. I can see it seems weird. Some people are extreme in this hobby. There’s someone in my area that trolls the local funeral home obits and creates a memorial before the person is buried. My husband’s best friend died and he found he already had a memorial yet no grave because he was cremated. My husband was able to take ownership. Same guy did three other people we know that died. Yeah there’s extreme people that give regular genealogy hobbyist a bad name. I haven’t been in a graveyard looking in over two years. But if I need to find someone in my lady relatives find a grave is a great resource.
Oh nice, I didn't think about genealogy. Thank you for the explanation. I am from Europe and we don't move to another state like you in most cases because of language barrier. Also we use records from libraries etc.. (at least in my country)
Most people I know have lived in my area all their lives and so have their ancestors. If people move it’s usually less than fifty. As for me and my husband’s family the ancestors are in North Carolina. Once you get back to the 1700s it gets harder. When paid genealogy sites has free days I have tracked my family back to the very early days in Ireland and Scotland. Back to the first years of AD time period. It’s too much to attempt to write down. Our county (states divided into counties) register of deeds office is where local records are kept. Records are also at the state capitol offices. I’ve never had a lot of time to go to these places during the week when they are open. Local libraries have a genealogy room. If the area is very poor there’s not much help. Everything is on old microfiche. The graveyard site has probably been available about twenty years. It’s available in Europe also I believe.
I certainly understand language barrier. There are lots of Spanish speaking people here and I don’t have a clue what they are saying.
See my comment about this. He’s most likely not someone who runs the site. Ordinary people do this mainly for genealogy purposes. Then you got the people like this guy. Hard to judge because someone like this guy may provide information on a relative someone is looking for.
Users create these entries on this site. I use it regularly. It's considered a legitimate source for genealogy because it's supposed to be based on actual graves and cemetery records.
The burial ID listed is not a plot number. It's just the number for this entry on this site.
The member that posted this does a lot of legit entries. Doesn't mean this one is. Huge grain of salt, time will tell.
It is a legit website because I just searched a few past relatives and they are on it. My question is who or how are people uploaded to this site? But this is very interesting.
You make an account then you are able to make memorials. My account doesn’t have my real name or address. Just a username and people can message you in the site. You have to have an email to sign up. I don’t remember if I gave my phone number, it’s been several years. This site has been around a long time and mainly used by people into genealogy.
Wikipedia is legit sauce. If it's stated there it is irrefutable proof. No further digging needed. Do better frens. This shouldn't even be posted here.
You can create a memorial for anyone dead, alive or a fake person. The ID number is assigned as part of the site process. The memorial has been removed. Most people uses it legitimately because they are into genealogy.
You can only change information if you are the creator of the memorial. If you need changes or photos added you message the creator. I do believe the creator has the option to set the memorial so anyone can add a photo or changes. I’m not an expert. I’ve been able to change information on some and had to message creator for changes on others.
It’s a legit site but anyone can make up 💩 if they choose to. I’ve made several memorials for my deceased relatives. I’ve always found multiple relatives going back several generations. It’s helped me in genealogy research of my family.
I can't believe I'm 3/4 of the way down this thread, where people are questioning who would spend this much time looking and recording headstones names & dates in a cemetery--
--AND there hasn't been ONE reference to Qualified Voter Files...
I don’t think it was legit. Someone probably created the memorial as a joke. You can create a memorial with anyone’s name. I don’t believe anyone is double checking memorials. Of course you could report it and they might investigate. The Biden memorial on this thread has been removed.
this is my point. can people here discern the truth in most of these posts? or are they becoming like lemmings, just believing the nonsense as they drive off the cliff because someone posted it here.
When they get the ankle bracelet, they are given the opportunity to cooperate and their legacy remains intact, or not cooperate and straight to the punishment phase and no favorable legacy.
Maybe because that information is not meant to be made mainstream. Maybe when the double dies or they decide to kill Biden off this is the grave they'll use for him. It could also be an empty grave also for family to visit and pay their respects.
What was that museum near the White House that had portraits of presidents but months into his term they still hadn't added one of Biden? Has he been added now?
What?! That is a crazy site! Dead for 4 years and at Gitmo. That is around the time they said he had plastic surgery and was hanging out in his basement a lot.
IIRC before Biden was elected, there was a death notice, or death certificate for Joseph Biden floating around. But I believe it was dated prior to the election. Some questioned if it was his father, but dates didn't line up to be his father. Anyone else see this or remember anything about it?
It’s pretty simple to go to ( and see for yourself. Yes it’s there but find a grave is like Wikipedia. Anyone can submit and edit stuff and if you look at the entry now it has all kinds of additional obviously fake info added. Typically the picture is of the headstone for confirmation but someone has posted pics of him instead.
It’s been removed from Find A Grave. Anyone can create a memorial on Find A Grave. It’s used by people who are into genealogy. You can create a memorial with out a grave. With so many people being cremated it’s useful to have a memorial for future generations interested in family history. If this Biden memorial was still up you could request a photo. People that go to cemeteries looking for ancestors will usually look for photo requests for the graveyard they are in. My husband and I ask for photo requests and fulfill requests when we are in graveyards. It sounds morbid but often times graveyards are one of better and easier resources to finding your past relatives.
Agree. His name now shows with “Genocide Joe” among other things. Some text mentions his granddaughter Naomi claiming he died in 2018 and a twin brother Beau is playing him, and someone uploaded a photo of an Arlington headstone with his name but wrong dates, etc.
She claimed that he died in 2019.
Linked says: "Memorial removed"
They undead’ him?😂🤣😂
Your last comment was the primary thing that snagged my interest in her video.
I really hope they did not bury this shitheel in Arlington. That place is for patriots.
Exactly. That is hallowed ground reserved for patriots not traitors.
We need to reintroduce Gibbetting
She did get out to the way and the ID is legible from the beginning. 🤷♀️
You don’t need to be rude even if I agree with what you say. It indeed looks more like a meme than like a fact.
I refuse to watch a video with their stupid head in the video. The worst ones are the split screen with the original video and other part of the screen is an idiot pointing and shaking their head. I guess they aren’t idiots because they are making money on sitting there and looking stupid. The idiots are the ones that watch and don’t try to locate the original video. It’s become very big on social media showing red pill content.
What's stupid is there is a way to do this without being obnoxious. I'm not the biggest fan of Quartering but he puts his head out of frame where his head is not blocking anything he's talking about.
Is that really so much to ask? This isn’t Voat.
Why would a traitor be buried at Arlington?
Created by: Dan the Chickenman Added: Mar 15, 2024 Find a Grave Memorial ID: 267327344 Source citation [none]
Top comment.
It’s been removed.
Joe Biden is An Actor - We're In The Endgame - Trump is CIC Revealed
The things he said in that video help explain many of the things that have made no sense these last 3-4 years...
The obvious differences in Buy-din's (and others) appearance, the masks being worn... the renewal of all of the most important Trump E.O.'s
I remember seeing a speech given by what I think was the real Biden just before he flew a rented plane to his "inauguration" (that was actually conducted as a funeral). He was crying, saying that when he died he would die a "Delaware boy". What kind of crazy speech was that to be given by somebody that had just "won" a presidential election?
Anyway, this explains a lot of the mysteries (but not all of them) - I hope it is true.
This is Pascal Najadi speaking -
Couldn't find the grave as shown in the video but did find this -
Edit - It is the same just the death date has been amended among other things.
The memorial was added to the site by Dan the Chickenman who has added 8,229 memorials….im kinda thinking it’s a joke?
He's not there according to this
leave a flower comments ,pure gold
I searched it as well. It’s crazy if this is a hoax because it’s a legit site.
However….i did not find him listed on Arlington National Cemetery’s website. And I agree with the post asking “why would they bury this POS in Arlington?”
wow good digging thank you, this is very interesting indeed.
Thanks. I don’t usually dig, I research other peoples digs. I feel like a baby anon 🥰
IF (big IF, but I don't believe the real guy is still alive) this is true, Arlington may be listed as the funeral site but not the burial cemetary? Wasn't there something about instead of a rifle salute for the inauguration, there was a gun (cannon) salute used at a funeral back on 1/20/2021?? Note the date of death being 1/17 (at Gitmo) might back this up if the "funeral" was 3 days later at Arlington...
Just a theory, have at it. Shouldn't need to remind that this has "TikTok" on it though.
The guy who added him is a serious contributer. 8,229 memorials added over 7 years. From his bio
This is not someone who tarnishes their reputation with hoax submissions
Ok, that is too serious. Why would you have such a hobby? Am I missing something? I guess this guy really likes document things.
It’s for genealogy. Mainly so future generations can find their relatives. My husband and I go to graveyards that we know past relatives are buried. It’s a good place to factual information about a person and also you don’t have to deal with going to the library or county records. County records office charges for this information and it’s free if you go to the grave. Most genealogy sites charge also. There’s very little free information online. Genealogy research is a big hobby. If you have an account on find a grave you can request photos of the grave headstones and that gives you more information on the relative. You can be in NY with relatives in Florida grave and a stranger will see your request. It’s just something people do to be considerate. I look for photo requests when I’m in a graveyard. I can see it seems weird. Some people are extreme in this hobby. There’s someone in my area that trolls the local funeral home obits and creates a memorial before the person is buried. My husband’s best friend died and he found he already had a memorial yet no grave because he was cremated. My husband was able to take ownership. Same guy did three other people we know that died. Yeah there’s extreme people that give regular genealogy hobbyist a bad name. I haven’t been in a graveyard looking in over two years. But if I need to find someone in my lady relatives find a grave is a great resource.
Oh nice, I didn't think about genealogy. Thank you for the explanation. I am from Europe and we don't move to another state like you in most cases because of language barrier. Also we use records from libraries etc.. (at least in my country)
Most people I know have lived in my area all their lives and so have their ancestors. If people move it’s usually less than fifty. As for me and my husband’s family the ancestors are in North Carolina. Once you get back to the 1700s it gets harder. When paid genealogy sites has free days I have tracked my family back to the very early days in Ireland and Scotland. Back to the first years of AD time period. It’s too much to attempt to write down. Our county (states divided into counties) register of deeds office is where local records are kept. Records are also at the state capitol offices. I’ve never had a lot of time to go to these places during the week when they are open. Local libraries have a genealogy room. If the area is very poor there’s not much help. Everything is on old microfiche. The graveyard site has probably been available about twenty years. It’s available in Europe also I believe.
I certainly understand language barrier. There are lots of Spanish speaking people here and I don’t have a clue what they are saying.
That's about three submissions a day, EVERY day, for SEVEN YEARS.
I know they say "obsessed is what the lazy call the dedicated," but this really sounds like an obsession.
Or he's one of the guys who runs the entire site.
See my comment about this. He’s most likely not someone who runs the site. Ordinary people do this mainly for genealogy purposes. Then you got the people like this guy. Hard to judge because someone like this guy may provide information on a relative someone is looking for.
Users create these entries on this site. I use it regularly. It's considered a legitimate source for genealogy because it's supposed to be based on actual graves and cemetery records.
The burial ID listed is not a plot number. It's just the number for this entry on this site.
The member that posted this does a lot of legit entries. Doesn't mean this one is. Huge grain of salt, time will tell.
It is a legit website because I just searched a few past relatives and they are on it. My question is who or how are people uploaded to this site? But this is very interesting.
You make an account then you are able to make memorials. My account doesn’t have my real name or address. Just a username and people can message you in the site. You have to have an email to sign up. I don’t remember if I gave my phone number, it’s been several years. This site has been around a long time and mainly used by people into genealogy.
Wikipedia is legit sauce. If it's stated there it is irrefutable proof. No further digging needed. Do better frens. This shouldn't even be posted here.
Upvote for a Wikipedia KEK!
You can create a memorial for anyone dead, alive or a fake person. The ID number is assigned as part of the site process. The memorial has been removed. Most people uses it legitimately because they are into genealogy.
Interesting. I thought anybody could add/change anything to whatever they wanted. Thanks for diligence. Hope you can prove one way or the other. o7
You can only change information if you are the creator of the memorial. If you need changes or photos added you message the creator. I do believe the creator has the option to set the memorial so anyone can add a photo or changes. I’m not an expert. I’ve been able to change information on some and had to message creator for changes on others.
maybe we should do some heavy searching for all these people who are suspected of using a mask
Nancy D'Alesandro Pelosi BIRTH 26 Mar 1940 DEATH 24 Dec 2022 (aged 82) BURIAL Lost at War
Lost at war??
her death was added 12/24/23 by Beverly Bender (Snyder) whomever that is, would be interesting if she was in prominent position.!
I find this suspicious because you should be able to click on the user id to see the other memorials and photos added.
ok this find a grave thing is horse shit, i just signed up and made a obituary for myself lol.
It’s a legit site but anyone can make up 💩 if they choose to. I’ve made several memorials for my deceased relatives. I’ve always found multiple relatives going back several generations. It’s helped me in genealogy research of my family.
I can't believe I'm 3/4 of the way down this thread, where people are questioning who would spend this much time looking and recording headstones names & dates in a cemetery--
--AND there hasn't been ONE reference to Qualified Voter Files...
quick question: if it is true that he was executed for treason, why would he be buried at Arlington?
I don’t think it was legit. Someone probably created the memorial as a joke. You can create a memorial with anyone’s name. I don’t believe anyone is double checking memorials. Of course you could report it and they might investigate. The Biden memorial on this thread has been removed.
this is my point. can people here discern the truth in most of these posts? or are they becoming like lemmings, just believing the nonsense as they drive off the cliff because someone posted it here.
When they get the ankle bracelet, they are given the opportunity to cooperate and their legacy remains intact, or not cooperate and straight to the punishment phase and no favorable legacy.
Maybe because that information is not meant to be made mainstream. Maybe when the double dies or they decide to kill Biden off this is the grave they'll use for him. It could also be an empty grave also for family to visit and pay their respects.
What was that museum near the White House that had portraits of presidents but months into his term they still hadn't added one of Biden? Has he been added now?
I think it's the Whitehouse visitors center. I live in NoVA and almost made the trek into DC a couple years back to check that out but never did.
The thought did cross my mind again a couple months back if he's got a portrait yet.
What?! That is a crazy site! Dead for 4 years and at Gitmo. That is around the time they said he had plastic surgery and was hanging out in his basement a lot.
Hard to be in the basement when you’re dying in GITMO. What a time to be alive!
This is a legit site.
About 20 years ago, I used it to find the burial site of game show host Bert Convy, who died of brain cancer in 1991.
Had a photo of the gravestone and everything.
Interesting, I’ve seen celebrities on here but never looked for any.
So dumb and easy to refute. Arlington National Cemetery of course keeps a more reputable database on grave sites:
in my dreams.... but this is fake and ghey
IIRC before Biden was elected, there was a death notice, or death certificate for Joseph Biden floating around. But I believe it was dated prior to the election. Some questioned if it was his father, but dates didn't line up to be his father. Anyone else see this or remember anything about it?
Anyone can add to that site.
It's a fake.
Smells like a larp. Who authenticates what accurate data is uploaded to the site?
Here you go: