They have been releasing warnings like this on and off for months. We really need that context, because we've gotten a lot of false warnings prior to this one which was spot on. Of course, they've not explained the underlying intelligence that lead to these warnings and what made a difference here.
For me, the second I heard them blaming ISIS, that was sort of the nail in the coffin. ISIS is an Obama creation. It is not organic. It is literally a CIA product. We radicalized and organized them. Trump shut them down, Barry Soetoro 2.0 brought them back. And that's if you believe this narrative. Personally, I'm with Medvedev on this one.
I strongly suspect it was Ukraine, which has routinely been sending in operators to conduct sabotage operations, launch drones, set up car bomb assassinations, etc. Russia has an excellent track record of catching these people with extreme prejudice and frankly that's exactly the way you have to police such things: overwhelming force. I strongly suspect it was Ukraine. The only thing working against this theory for me is that Russia has such good intel on what they do, it almost seems more plausible that this successful attack had to come from outside those typical channels: Russia has them all surveilled.
Regardless of initial suspicions, the 24h rule needs to be in force. We need more information to know. Right now, we're just speculating.
You want to hear something weird? This isn't very far off from the truth. If an airplane gets damaged it is considered reparable and not mission critical they have something called speed tape which is this aluminum tape that they will put over nicks and holes and such. As a description of the process it counts sounds totally bizarre
ZH says a "mere days ago" I am tired, I saw the " next 48 hrs in the memo and goofed. Sorry. It still specifically mentions concerts. I don't see a date on the memo at all. I don't know how to edit the title in my post. Ahh see the date in the link to the memo you posted u r a genius.
Had two guys from a moving company show up the other day to help with our move from old house to new house. One was Ukrainian the other Russian. The Russian was named Slava. I about died. What are the odds?
had workers in my daughters house about 6 months ago, all Ukrainian, none spoke English. she had me show up for a delivery and didn't mention to me that none of the workers spoke English, so i go in, rambling on and the next thing i knew one of them pulled his phone out, hit a button and handed it to me, it was their boss. i was like, what in the actual hell?
Wow! At least the Ukrainian spoke English, the Russian, no. I asked them where they came here from because I was curious. Nice, professional movers, nice job with heavy log furniture. He said business was slow because of high housing prices and mortgage interest.
I think Israel is behind this. Just like their "9/11" was obviously a false flag to give them an excuse to go genocide Palestinians.
Zionists are becoming desperate.
I mean look at all of the terror attacks and terrible events. Who is USUALLY behind all of it?
They got kicked out of over 100 countries for a reason.
The truth is a lion. Jesus told us who they are.
It would seem The Extremist would be America. The U.S. and other countries are going to keep on until Russia has no other choice but to launch its nukes on Ukraine. This is the only way Democrats and Uniparty have left to try and hold onto power. Make Russia start a Nuclear War.
I just rewatched "Inferno" (the third Da Vinci Code Movie for terrible) last night and then I see this. Maybe they want to release a virus at a concert to kill half the population, like disease X or something....oh wait!
The US is looking pretty guilty, atm. I’ve been pondering what Putin’s response to this incident is going to be. Here we go to the precipice, kids! Check your seat belts before full take off. I hope he considers the American people in whatever the retaliation will be.
So um, why didn't they send word to Putin? They got some 'splaining to do. Putin needs to ask them some pointed questions or leave that diabolic organization.
I don't think any of this happens in the world without an Intelligence agency behind it. It isn't just our CIA, but all the globalist nations. Every infiltrated nation has had their Intelligence apparatuses turned toward their goals. Not the entire agencies, just key players and small groups.
My anon radar tells me that 24 hours means 1 week and 48 means 2 weeks. It is very suspicious that you give a warning for such a short time. It makes sense if that way you signal your team to activate when you actually need them to. Have you heard of such a specific kind of warning before? It sounds suspicious to you?
That’s very specific to include concerts.
They have been releasing warnings like this on and off for months. We really need that context, because we've gotten a lot of false warnings prior to this one which was spot on. Of course, they've not explained the underlying intelligence that lead to these warnings and what made a difference here.
For me, the second I heard them blaming ISIS, that was sort of the nail in the coffin. ISIS is an Obama creation. It is not organic. It is literally a CIA product. We radicalized and organized them. Trump shut them down, Barry Soetoro 2.0 brought them back. And that's if you believe this narrative. Personally, I'm with Medvedev on this one.
I strongly suspect it was Ukraine, which has routinely been sending in operators to conduct sabotage operations, launch drones, set up car bomb assassinations, etc. Russia has an excellent track record of catching these people with extreme prejudice and frankly that's exactly the way you have to police such things: overwhelming force. I strongly suspect it was Ukraine. The only thing working against this theory for me is that Russia has such good intel on what they do, it almost seems more plausible that this successful attack had to come from outside those typical channels: Russia has them all surveilled.
Regardless of initial suspicions, the 24h rule needs to be in force. We need more information to know. Right now, we're just speculating.
This was issued on March 7th
Terrorists were late due to their Boeing transport plane malfunctioning...
They were waiting on some FLEX TAPE they ordered to come in
You want to hear something weird? This isn't very far off from the truth. If an airplane gets damaged it is considered reparable and not mission critical they have something called speed tape which is this aluminum tape that they will put over nicks and holes and such. As a description of the process it counts sounds totally bizarre
Some call it 1000 mile an hour tape..
Hahahaha!!! Bazinga
ZH says a "mere days ago" I am tired, I saw the " next 48 hrs in the memo and goofed. Sorry. It still specifically mentions concerts. I don't see a date on the memo at all. I don't know how to edit the title in my post. Ahh see the date in the link to the memo you posted u r a genius.
I hear ya, no worries. Just thought it is important to clear up in context, not saying they weren't aware that something would happen though
no problem RC, we all get stuffed wrong once in awhile. the best thing is to admit it so the shills don't down vote you into oblivion. all good!
Yep That's why screengrabs suck. Quality Pedes always bring the sauce
Ukraine is toast now pals
Liberals do not understand that Russia/ and Russians are not a people or a country that you wanna fuck with.
Ukraine is still breathing because Russia has allowed it to.
Had two guys from a moving company show up the other day to help with our move from old house to new house. One was Ukrainian the other Russian. The Russian was named Slava. I about died. What are the odds?
There are suddenly A LOT of Ukrainians and Russians in the USA.
At first, I thought they were here on business.
But no ...
had workers in my daughters house about 6 months ago, all Ukrainian, none spoke English. she had me show up for a delivery and didn't mention to me that none of the workers spoke English, so i go in, rambling on and the next thing i knew one of them pulled his phone out, hit a button and handed it to me, it was their boss. i was like, what in the actual hell?
Wow! At least the Ukrainian spoke English, the Russian, no. I asked them where they came here from because I was curious. Nice, professional movers, nice job with heavy log furniture. He said business was slow because of high housing prices and mortgage interest.
And we have French troops in there now
Oh Putin is really pissed off now.
i don't blame him, i would be too.
It was isis!
apparently not /s !
I hope they reported their tip offs to the Russian government.
If not, why?
Nope. They just said it wasn't specifically us or Ukraine.
Which means....
what an odd thing to say...
Reminds me of the nose that always knows. On 9/11 there was a certain group who was warned not to show up.
are you talking about the Khazarian nose by any chance???
It's so easy to be good at forecasting events, if you are responsible for causing the events being forecasted. It is the way of the cabal.
I wonder if this is what Victoria Nuland is up to since she retired from the State Department. 🤔
I think Israel is behind this. Just like their "9/11" was obviously a false flag to give them an excuse to go genocide Palestinians. Zionists are becoming desperate. I mean look at all of the terror attacks and terrible events. Who is USUALLY behind all of it? They got kicked out of over 100 countries for a reason. The truth is a lion. Jesus told us who they are.
It would seem The Extremist would be America. The U.S. and other countries are going to keep on until Russia has no other choice but to launch its nukes on Ukraine. This is the only way Democrats and Uniparty have left to try and hold onto power. Make Russia start a Nuclear War.
and to stop the election.
The CIA had trouble clearing customs.
I just rewatched "Inferno" (the third Da Vinci Code Movie for terrible) last night and then I see this. Maybe they want to release a virus at a concert to kill half the population, like disease X or something....oh wait!
This popped out for me, for obvious reasons.
Check my post history, see what I’ve been rambling about the past few days/weeks.
Fair Warning!
Video doesn’t open anymore.
Yes the video was I think one of the official anon accounts. Not long after Flynn reposted them on his tweet it probably went down.
The excerpt I highlight is from the first few seconds in with the image you see on screen.
The US is looking pretty guilty, atm. I’ve been pondering what Putin’s response to this incident is going to be. Here we go to the precipice, kids! Check your seat belts before full take off. I hope he considers the American people in whatever the retaliation will be.
cia spook: some of you guys are alright, don't go to the nutcracker tomorrow
Telegraph. . . Comms
glow glow glow
So um, why didn't they send word to Putin? They got some 'splaining to do. Putin needs to ask them some pointed questions or leave that diabolic organization.
So nice for the clowns to let the State Dept. know they were sending something their way.
I don't think any of this happens in the world without an Intelligence agency behind it. It isn't just our CIA, but all the globalist nations. Every infiltrated nation has had their Intelligence apparatuses turned toward their goals. Not the entire agencies, just key players and small groups.
My anon radar tells me that 24 hours means 1 week and 48 means 2 weeks. It is very suspicious that you give a warning for such a short time. It makes sense if that way you signal your team to activate when you actually need them to. Have you heard of such a specific kind of warning before? It sounds suspicious to you?
Yeah I'm sure that was a warning and not a heads up that that's what they were going to going to do.