Plenty of Christians died horrible deaths immersed in God's love including most of the Apostles.
If you find yourself saying something that sounds Christian that SOUNDS good like "God would never...." that you couldn't say to a Christian being fed to a lion during the reign of Nero for not saying "Cesar is Lord" then it's likely not Biblical.
Christians are not promised safety or security on Earth. We are promised eternity.
We’re promised a lot more than that. But even Christians often love darkness more than light, and eschew the personal responsibility for using faith to create the miracles that can and would save the world. They wait on Jesus. And eat their bread. And pat themselves on the back as though they were good, all while reading stories of men walking on water, parting seas, healing the sick, raising the dead, and working all other manner of miracles. They take to message boards and bitch about the world like one who has never read the scripture, and die with the rest of them expecting glory for their weakness and ignorance of how this world really works when they get to the next, leaving the worlds ills for their children to suffer and resolve.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. Stop bitching and learn to pray right so we can finally win this thing.
The Bible doesn't command us to only pray, it commands us to take dominion.
Christs blood bought everything and every day. From government, to schools, to entertainment to Toyotathon.
My church doesn't sit around and bitch and pray. We get out and fight. We wrote the amicus brief that overturned Roe v Wade. We have bills of full abolition pending across the country.
Good for you. Your arm of flesh has done well. Or at least the one you belong to. But your lack of faith in the power of prayer will always keep you from your real potential. The prideful bragging doesn’t help you much either.
I don't lack faith in the power of prayer, I was pointing out that's not the only thing Christians are commanded to do.
I take great pride in the fact that God used our faithfulness to end Roe v Wade after years of fighting for the unborn and saving countless children by doing outreach in front of abortion clinics as well as training and equipping christians around the world to do the same.
That's called sharing Gods accomplishments to encourage others to do the same. The Bible is full of things just like that.
You seem to be taking a pretty haughty attitude. What have you and your church done that's has measurably affected the nation or world?
I appreciate your church’s efforts. It’s how you speak of prayer as if it’s “sitting and bitching.”
Listen, I honestly think most peoples prayers can be described that way. I think for many people you could replace the word “pray” with “beg faithlessly” and for such people, perhaps the best way to effect change in the world is the direct approach.
But what the scriptures teach us is that there is another kind of faith that can effect immeasurably greater change in the world than any physical effort. The Israelites didn’t ban together with buckets to part the red sea. Peter didn’t use inflatable shoes to walk on water. Jesus didn’t raise Lazarus with a defibrillator.
Nothing wrong with using the law to effect positive change in the world. But there is another way to effect change that is infinitely more impactful and infinitely more rewarding. To know the difference is to know God.
The Bible doesn't command us to only pray, it commands us to take dominion
That amounts to Prayer < Prayer and action
At no point did I dismiss prayer or disparage it.
Faithfulness to Gods Word is not accomplished by prayer alone. Every example you just listed involved not only prayer, taking an action in faith with the exception of Jesus raising Lazarus. He, as God, commanded him to rise up after giving thanks to God the Father so the crowd would understand this was due to the Father always listening due to an intimate relationship with Jesus that no man shared. This is quite clear in the Greek. It's also a demonstration of Gods sovereignty over salvation. We are dead in our sins and God calls us to new life.
Nothing wrong with using the law to effect positive change in the world. But there is another way to effect change that is infinitely more impactful and infinitely more rewarding. To know the difference is to know God.
You seem to have zero familiarity with my position or my very prayerful church and our work. Our standard is Gods Word and Gods law. I'll respond as so.....
Nothing wrong with praying to effect positive change in the world. But there is a standard God commands us to PHYSICALLY implement (along with prayer) by taking dominion throughout the world to infinitely impact it & bless Gods people and the world as a whole. To know the difference is to know and love Gods Law and the Great Commission.
If you would have asked for clarification instead of coming out swinging and missing wildly with your personal jabs we would have both saved some time.
Certainly. Our nature doesn't change, but our appearance does. We become "like" God.
Maybe water would be a good analogy. Water can be as stone (ice), or as air (steam), but it is not ultimately these things in its nature. It is distinct while still sharing in the characteristics of those things.
I think misunderstanding this distinction is where the people saying we truly are, or become, God go wrong. The Bible tells us we "partake in the divine nature", not that we become or possess the divine nature inherently.
Truly our DNA is still in the Dark Ages. You have "King Virus" pretending he has cancer, with others of that ilk at the helm of all this nonsense. Killing innocent animals for their twisted political ends.
The Neocons were architects of this NWO crap. Their involvement in 9/11 is something many personally witnessed. That's when this NWO crap really took off.
Who gave these monsters the right to claim "the world" as their demonic playground.
The world belongs to nature. And God rules that nature. These men who would be Gods ... I spit on them.
Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, saying: Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and all living creatures that move upon the earth.
The world belongs to us, and we belong to God. We rule the Earth, and God rules us.
However in chapter 3 we bowed to satan and he took dominion from us - Jesus said that he satan was the ruler of this world. Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world if He would only bow down before him! So the world doesn't belong to us. Revelation is about God takng it back for His Son. "Now the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord" Revelation 11:15 7TH Trumpet.
We’re just trying to get to the 1,000 years of peace! Evil is rampant- we can all agree- the only remedy is for enough of us to pray to mitigate what cannot be stopped but hopefully protect loss of life of the innocent as much as possible. More prayer = less darkness or at least the ripples of good are being sent out like the ripples of evil. We need more good ripples!!
Then there is St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 3:21-23 "All things are yours, whether it be Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or the present, or the future; all these are yours, and you are Christ's and Christ is God's."
Fair point, but the verse in Genesis 1 still demonstrates the original purpose of creation, which still validates my point. I merely intended to point out that it's unfair to suggest that it's some inherent evil to exert dominion over the world.
Bringing order to chaos (nature) is a good thing, and God wants us to do it. The world does not belong to nature, nature belongs, rightfully, to us (God made it to give to us, and God's will doesn't change).
I'd say it's also important to consider that the Bible was given to us for a purpose, and this happened after sin. It's not like that verse was written right when it happened. Everything in the Bible teaches us something about God, creation, ourselves, etc. So this tells us that it is an inherent moral good to exert our will over nature. It can't be bad, or God would never have told us to do it.
Sticky. This is a short and concise video theory on the Eclipse possible happenings and meanings. Not only does it look like the beginning and end of the Hebrew alphabet, but also looks like an ANTIFA or Anarchist “A” too.
Fear mongering video with a sprinkle of hope at the end, clickbait thumbnail using 1 lunar eclipse (common) which is unlike the 2 actual solar eclipses (rare) which causes the paths to look like the symbol for anarchy and whatever bullshit Hebrew letters
Manly P Hall
Thomas Horn
Masonic rituals
"and all their symbols, and all their rituals, and all their sacrifices could NSWIC!"
Yeah, what a load of foolishness. I've got a niece who is into all that emerald tablet/aliens/thoth stuff on YouTube and this should be right up her alley (bless her heart).
You're probably thinking of the song "Sober" by Tool. It is a song about someone who struggles with addiction who is angry at God for not snapping his fingers and fixing him. He was in his 20s when they wrote it. I think all of us have known someone who was angry at God for allowing something bad to happen to them. I certainly have. Similar Psalm 88
Also with A Perfect Circle. In the song "Judith", he laments his mother’s faith that couldn’t save her from her stroke, but in 10,000 days album he sings about how her end is here and “now you’re going home.” He strikes me as passionate, and a bit teenage angsty, but not a literal demon.
Edit: The song "Opiate" is basically saying how Christianity and other religions are just like being an opiate addict. So I'd say they are anti organized religion, but not literal demons. I think Maynard might be more into eastern philosophy, or buddhism.
There is a YouTube channel that does reaction videos called "Vin and Sori" and they are Christians. They also absolutely love Tool. They are aware of Maynard's opinions on religion but still finds an awful lot of religious context to his lyrics.
Edit 2:
Here Maynard seems to be against organized religion, which I agree with. He implies Jesus is good.
Exactly… Into eastern religion is literally worshiping demons.
Also, I thought the song was called Lilith, so I thought he was paying homage to a demon. But thank you for correcting me on the Judith part.
Anyway, you look at it… They’re definitely not Christian. I’m just saying, neither tool or a perfect circle, are people that I would be taking spiritual advice from. That’s all I’m saying.
Thank you for the background info, I used to listen to them all the time! I would even sing tool at karaoke. I was a huge tool fan and perfect circle.
Each of us is on a different part of our journey. I don’t judge other people for the type of music that they listen to. I literally have a deathbat from Avenged Sevenfold tattooed on my back.
Every once in a while, when I get in my car and Avenged Sevenfold song will come on from my iPhone… and yes, I do crank it up!
It just seems the closer I get to the Lord, the less I want to listen to that kind of music. 🤷♀️
that entire video is so Occultic it’s enough to make you want to vomit. The all seeing eye throughout the entire video. I know Maynard did not make the video though, so I minimize it and tried to listen to what he was saying.
Not everything is occult just because it has an eye my fren. That video is Alex Grey's art. Alex Grey's use of eyes is not at all connected to occult. In my interpretation the eyes symbolizes expanded states of consciousness, transcendence, and spiritual awakening. Alex Grey is/was into psychedelics. The various eyes in his art was inspired from Alex's experience with Ayahuasca, a South American psychoactive brew.
More proof he is not into occult, or the 'all seeing eye':
…we became individual fountains and drains of light, interlocked with an infinite omnidirectional network of fountains and drains composed of and circulating a brilliant iridescent love energy. We were the Light, and the Light was God… We felt like death was not to be feared because the Light was our spiritual core and we would eventually return to the profoundly transcendental bliss of the lattice realm. After the experience of the Universal Mind Lattice, we decided that a vision of sacred interconnectedness was the most important subject of art.
Further, these eyes in the artwork are more likely related to the "third eye". Tool has a song called "third eye."
This song seems to depict forcing a spiritual experience via psychedelics. The narrator alludes to being on the borderline of a spiritual awakening, and uses some kind of psychedelic to “pry open” his third eye in order to reconnect with himself.
If taken as a direct narrative of MJK’s life, it could be seen as a story of Maynard using psychedelics to confront his traumatic childhood and become whole. Ultimately, this song is about forcing some kind of personal awakening or healing through psychedelics. There is also a tribute to the late comedian Bill Hicks. It is explained in a hulu documentary titled “American: The Bill Hicks Story” that Bill had done mushrooms with 2 of his good friends and experienced something life-changing.
Here is Maynard explaining what you quoted. He does not mean in the literal sense. He's more against organized religion and how people have twisted it to create control.
Do you believe that every anon considers the Bible to be a perfectly translated source containing the original teachings of Jesus, and that it hasn't been corrupted — that it stands alone as the only thing in the world that has remained untouched by corruption?
Anyways, this is probably not even worth debating here.
"Judith" tells the story of a man who's bitter and pissed off because his saint of a mother who's been a pillar of faith her entire life had a stroke that left her paralyzed and broken down. Yet she still turns to faith even though her "god" allowed it to happen to her, And he doesn't understand why.
It's about Maynard questioning her beliefs.
When you compare his attitude towards his mothers beliefs in Judith, juxtaposed to 10,000 days(Wings pt 1 and 2) where it eulogizes her in a way that sounds like he came to terms with her faith and praises her for it.
High is the way, but our eyes are upon the ground.
You were the light and the way they'll only read about.
I only pray Heaven knows when to lift you out.
Ten thousand days in the fire is long enough;
You're going home.
You're the only one who can hold your head up high,
All that you touch/
All that you see/
All that you taste/
All you feel/
All that you love/
All that you hate/
All you distrust/
All you save/
All that you give/
All that you deal/
All that you buy/
Beg, borrow or steal/
All you create/
All you destroy/
All that you do/
All that you say/
All that you eat/
Everyone you meet/
All that you slight/
Everyone you fight/
All that is now/
All that is gone/
All that's to come/
And everything under the sun is in tune/
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
There is no dark side of the moon really.
Matter of fact it's all dark.
I would still put this album up against any other when you compare it in terms of greatness. Have listened to Dark Side of the Moon too many times to count.
Will have this playing in the background while we sit in our yard and watch the heavens. Not too loud though. We live in the middle of the woods, and I'm interested to see how the eclipse affects animal behavior, especially the birds. I have to be able to hear them.
I looked up April 8 on Stellarium. This could be completely nothing as planetary alignments happen all the time. I still find it interesting though because of the solar eclipse and the constellation involved.
During the eclipse on April 8, the Sun and Moon will be right in the middle of Pisces and the following planets will be roughly aligned. Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, and Mars.
The symbol often used for Jesus is the fish as in the fish of Pisces.
The Sun is also a symbol for Jesus (or Jesus if you believe as I do). It will be eclipsed by the Moon. You ever notice how often the Sun can be found as part of Christian iconography?
Religious informers believe that the great Rapture or the Great Tribulation starts on September 23rd, 2017 and the Lord would return seven years from this time, that is somewhere around 2024.
Very interesting as “Q” started dropping in late October 2017.
Nuts.. sacrifices? Crazy people everywhere in every religion. I love Jesus and God but I don't recognize these so called Christians.. like what the hell? What did I just watch? Violence, killing, sacrifices, sounds like a damn cult. I want nothing to do with those things.
Most evangelicals are misled. Those who support the rebuilding of the temple badly so: read the Noahide laws, they would be the first for the chop as far as I know.
It's quite sad.. those misled evangelicals (especially the ones who mask jab support lgbtq) speak some truths and spread the word of God but then they'd go off rails.
Interesting stuff. They will turn dark into light right? Maybe consider what Jesus said before he was Crucified. He said “The Son of man goeth as it is written..”
If the world views USA as a Christian nation and western society as followers of Christ how would they destroy a nation? They would crucify it and this is what they are doing.
God has an algorithm and I hope USA is still in His Grace, because we are being wrecked on many fronts. I am not perfect and I know it, what I am learning is many others believe they are perfect and believe they are. Weird concept that many cannot see/refuse to see.
If enough of us immerse ourselves in God's love during the eclipse, evil cannot prevail.
Plenty of Christians died horrible deaths immersed in God's love including most of the Apostles.
If you find yourself saying something that sounds Christian that SOUNDS good like "God would never...." that you couldn't say to a Christian being fed to a lion during the reign of Nero for not saying "Cesar is Lord" then it's likely not Biblical.
Christians are not promised safety or security on Earth. We are promised eternity.
Thats what scares me. Personally, I wouldn't be good with getting my head separated from my body. I'm hoping God doesn't make me face that. 🙏🏼
I want to laugh at them and sing hymns while they set me up for execution. That would be nifty.
Can't say I'm a fan of the idea, but at least it's quick... usually...
That's right when Jesus left the final time after he was risen apostle Simon went to a new place near Egypt. That is where they sawed him in half!
Jesus most beloved apostle John was skinned alive and then beheaded.
People were more brutal back then!
We’re promised a lot more than that. But even Christians often love darkness more than light, and eschew the personal responsibility for using faith to create the miracles that can and would save the world. They wait on Jesus. And eat their bread. And pat themselves on the back as though they were good, all while reading stories of men walking on water, parting seas, healing the sick, raising the dead, and working all other manner of miracles. They take to message boards and bitch about the world like one who has never read the scripture, and die with the rest of them expecting glory for their weakness and ignorance of how this world really works when they get to the next, leaving the worlds ills for their children to suffer and resolve.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. Stop bitching and learn to pray right so we can finally win this thing.
The Bible doesn't command us to only pray, it commands us to take dominion.
Christs blood bought everything and every day. From government, to schools, to entertainment to Toyotathon.
My church doesn't sit around and bitch and pray. We get out and fight. We wrote the amicus brief that overturned Roe v Wade. We have bills of full abolition pending across the country.
Good for you. Your arm of flesh has done well. Or at least the one you belong to. But your lack of faith in the power of prayer will always keep you from your real potential. The prideful bragging doesn’t help you much either.
Wow nice ad-hominem attack and misrepresentation.
I don't lack faith in the power of prayer, I was pointing out that's not the only thing Christians are commanded to do.
I take great pride in the fact that God used our faithfulness to end Roe v Wade after years of fighting for the unborn and saving countless children by doing outreach in front of abortion clinics as well as training and equipping christians around the world to do the same.
That's called sharing Gods accomplishments to encourage others to do the same. The Bible is full of things just like that.
You seem to be taking a pretty haughty attitude. What have you and your church done that's has measurably affected the nation or world?
I appreciate your church’s efforts. It’s how you speak of prayer as if it’s “sitting and bitching.”
Listen, I honestly think most peoples prayers can be described that way. I think for many people you could replace the word “pray” with “beg faithlessly” and for such people, perhaps the best way to effect change in the world is the direct approach.
But what the scriptures teach us is that there is another kind of faith that can effect immeasurably greater change in the world than any physical effort. The Israelites didn’t ban together with buckets to part the red sea. Peter didn’t use inflatable shoes to walk on water. Jesus didn’t raise Lazarus with a defibrillator.
Nothing wrong with using the law to effect positive change in the world. But there is another way to effect change that is infinitely more impactful and infinitely more rewarding. To know the difference is to know God.
Go back to that comment. What's the first line?
That amounts to Prayer < Prayer and action
At no point did I dismiss prayer or disparage it.
Faithfulness to Gods Word is not accomplished by prayer alone. Every example you just listed involved not only prayer, taking an action in faith with the exception of Jesus raising Lazarus. He, as God, commanded him to rise up after giving thanks to God the Father so the crowd would understand this was due to the Father always listening due to an intimate relationship with Jesus that no man shared. This is quite clear in the Greek. It's also a demonstration of Gods sovereignty over salvation. We are dead in our sins and God calls us to new life.
You seem to have zero familiarity with my position or my very prayerful church and our work. Our standard is Gods Word and Gods law. I'll respond as so.....
If you would have asked for clarification instead of coming out swinging and missing wildly with your personal jabs we would have both saved some time.
Evil cannot prevail no matter what we do.
This almost sounds like some "we are God" stuff where "God" only works if enough people do something.
this is one of the common verses between Matthew and Luke, which is AKA as The Q-Source/The Sayings Gospel of Jesus.
Luke 6:40 KJV
The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.
think that means we are not God, but we can be 'like' him since we're in his image.
Certainly. Our nature doesn't change, but our appearance does. We become "like" God.
Maybe water would be a good analogy. Water can be as stone (ice), or as air (steam), but it is not ultimately these things in its nature. It is distinct while still sharing in the characteristics of those things.
I think misunderstanding this distinction is where the people saying we truly are, or become, God go wrong. The Bible tells us we "partake in the divine nature", not that we become or possess the divine nature inherently.
I love every time I come on this board and see a COMMENT ABOUT GOD has the most/so many up-votes!
Truly our DNA is still in the Dark Ages. You have "King Virus" pretending he has cancer, with others of that ilk at the helm of all this nonsense. Killing innocent animals for their twisted political ends.
The Neocons were architects of this NWO crap. Their involvement in 9/11 is something many personally witnessed. That's when this NWO crap really took off.
Who gave these monsters the right to claim "the world" as their demonic playground.
The world belongs to nature. And God rules that nature. These men who would be Gods ... I spit on them.
Just being made in HIS image… that there is enough to make them want to throw up. You’re doing great. 👏👏👏
Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, saying: Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and all living creatures that move upon the earth.
The world belongs to us, and we belong to God. We rule the Earth, and God rules us.
However in chapter 3 we bowed to satan and he took dominion from us - Jesus said that he satan was the ruler of this world. Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world if He would only bow down before him! So the world doesn't belong to us. Revelation is about God takng it back for His Son. "Now the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord" Revelation 11:15 7TH Trumpet.
We’re just trying to get to the 1,000 years of peace! Evil is rampant- we can all agree- the only remedy is for enough of us to pray to mitigate what cannot be stopped but hopefully protect loss of life of the innocent as much as possible. More prayer = less darkness or at least the ripples of good are being sent out like the ripples of evil. We need more good ripples!!
Then there is St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 3:21-23 "All things are yours, whether it be Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or the present, or the future; all these are yours, and you are Christ's and Christ is God's."
Fair point, but the verse in Genesis 1 still demonstrates the original purpose of creation, which still validates my point. I merely intended to point out that it's unfair to suggest that it's some inherent evil to exert dominion over the world.
Bringing order to chaos (nature) is a good thing, and God wants us to do it. The world does not belong to nature, nature belongs, rightfully, to us (God made it to give to us, and God's will doesn't change).
I'd say it's also important to consider that the Bible was given to us for a purpose, and this happened after sin. It's not like that verse was written right when it happened. Everything in the Bible teaches us something about God, creation, ourselves, etc. So this tells us that it is an inherent moral good to exert our will over nature. It can't be bad, or God would never have told us to do it.
Sticky. This is a short and concise video theory on the Eclipse possible happenings and meanings. Not only does it look like the beginning and end of the Hebrew alphabet, but also looks like an ANTIFA or Anarchist “A” too.
I think I might see a "V" for Vendetta in there somewhere, too. 👍
Yes haha!
… you know, the ancoms probably picked that symbol for that exact reason.
Fear mongering video with a sprinkle of hope at the end, clickbait thumbnail using 1 lunar eclipse (common) which is unlike the 2 actual solar eclipses (rare) which causes the paths to look like the symbol for anarchy and whatever bullshit Hebrew letters
Manly P Hall
Thomas Horn
Masonic rituals
"and all their symbols, and all their rituals, and all their sacrifices could NSWIC!"
I'll be cozy af April 9th
Yeah, what a load of foolishness. I've got a niece who is into all that emerald tablet/aliens/thoth stuff on YouTube and this should be right up her alley (bless her heart).
LOL yep you know the type then
BS. Y2K anyone? 🙄
Now that we have a “pagan” description of the event, here is a description from a CHRISTIAN perspective!
Let’s remember… God is the Creator of the Universe. He Trumps - anything and everything that the deep state will try to throw at us.
We just celebrated Resurrection Sunday!
He Has RISEN - He Has Conquered the Grave!
"Only love is real. Everything else is an illusion." -David Icke. This video closes with that thought.
Reminded me of a song by Tool
We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment
We are choosing to be here right now
Hold on, stay inside...
This holy reality, this holy experience
Choosing to be here in...
This body, this body holding me
Be my reminder here that I am not alone in...
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal
All this pain is an illusion
In this holy reality, in this holy experience
Choosing to be here in...
This body, this body holding me
Be my reminder here that I am not alone in...
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal
All this pain is an illusion
Twirling round with this familiar parable
Spinning, weaving round each new experience
Recognize this as a holy gift and celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing
A chance to be alive and breathing
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
Embrace this moment, remember, we are eternal
All this pain is an illusion
Not sure I would use this band as a spiritual example. They are literally demons.
Didn’t they write a nasty song about Jesus too? Maybe I’m wrong. 🤷♀️
You're probably thinking of the song "Sober" by Tool. It is a song about someone who struggles with addiction who is angry at God for not snapping his fingers and fixing him. He was in his 20s when they wrote it. I think all of us have known someone who was angry at God for allowing something bad to happen to them. I certainly have. Similar Psalm 88
Also with A Perfect Circle. In the song "Judith", he laments his mother’s faith that couldn’t save her from her stroke, but in 10,000 days album he sings about how her end is here and “now you’re going home.” He strikes me as passionate, and a bit teenage angsty, but not a literal demon.
Edit: The song "Opiate" is basically saying how Christianity and other religions are just like being an opiate addict. So I'd say they are anti organized religion, but not literal demons. I think Maynard might be more into eastern philosophy, or buddhism.
There is a YouTube channel that does reaction videos called "Vin and Sori" and they are Christians. They also absolutely love Tool. They are aware of Maynard's opinions on religion but still finds an awful lot of religious context to his lyrics.
Edit 2: Here Maynard seems to be against organized religion, which I agree with. He implies Jesus is good.
Exactly… Into eastern religion is literally worshiping demons.
Also, I thought the song was called Lilith, so I thought he was paying homage to a demon. But thank you for correcting me on the Judith part.
Anyway, you look at it… They’re definitely not Christian. I’m just saying, neither tool or a perfect circle, are people that I would be taking spiritual advice from. That’s all I’m saying.
Thank you for the background info, I used to listen to them all the time! I would even sing tool at karaoke. I was a huge tool fan and perfect circle.
Each of us is on a different part of our journey. I don’t judge other people for the type of music that they listen to. I literally have a deathbat from Avenged Sevenfold tattooed on my back. 😂😂😂
Every once in a while, when I get in my car and Avenged Sevenfold song will come on from my iPhone… and yes, I do crank it up!
It just seems the closer I get to the Lord, the less I want to listen to that kind of music. 🤷♀️
Carry-on. 🫡
No problem anon. I think he is against organized religions but not against Jesus:
1 min video of him talking on the subject.
that entire video is so Occultic it’s enough to make you want to vomit. The all seeing eye throughout the entire video. I know Maynard did not make the video though, so I minimize it and tried to listen to what he was saying.
Thank you for sharing that!
Not everything is occult just because it has an eye my fren. That video is Alex Grey's art. Alex Grey's use of eyes is not at all connected to occult. In my interpretation the eyes symbolizes expanded states of consciousness, transcendence, and spiritual awakening. Alex Grey is/was into psychedelics. The various eyes in his art was inspired from Alex's experience with Ayahuasca, a South American psychoactive brew.
More proof he is not into occult, or the 'all seeing eye':
– Sacred Mirrors: The Visionary Art of Alex Grey
foreword by Allyson Grey & Alex Grey
1990, Inner Traditions
Further, these eyes in the artwork are more likely related to the "third eye". Tool has a song called "third eye."
Songs like Judith literally quoted: "Fuck your God, your lord, your Christ..."
Maynard is not on the side of good. Clever and creative man, but he's no friend to anons.
Here is Maynard explaining what you quoted. He does not mean in the literal sense. He's more against organized religion and how people have twisted it to create control.
Do you believe that every anon considers the Bible to be a perfectly translated source containing the original teachings of Jesus, and that it hasn't been corrupted — that it stands alone as the only thing in the world that has remained untouched by corruption?
Anyways, this is probably not even worth debating here.
"Judith" tells the story of a man who's bitter and pissed off because his saint of a mother who's been a pillar of faith her entire life had a stroke that left her paralyzed and broken down. Yet she still turns to faith even though her "god" allowed it to happen to her, And he doesn't understand why.
It's about Maynard questioning her beliefs.
When you compare his attitude towards his mothers beliefs in Judith, juxtaposed to 10,000 days(Wings pt 1 and 2) where it eulogizes her in a way that sounds like he came to terms with her faith and praises her for it.
High is the way, but our eyes are upon the ground.
You were the light and the way they'll only read about.
I only pray Heaven knows when to lift you out.
Ten thousand days in the fire is long enough;
You're going home.
You're the only one who can hold your head up high,
Shake your fists at the gates saying:
"I have come home now!
Fetch me the spirit, the son, and the father.
Tell them their pillar of faith has ascended.
It's time now!
My time now!
Give me my, give me my wings!
Thank you for sharing this!
I think Pink Floyd had the best explanation:
All that you touch/ All that you see/ All that you taste/ All you feel/ All that you love/ All that you hate/ All you distrust/ All you save/ All that you give/ All that you deal/ All that you buy/ Beg, borrow or steal/ All you create/ All you destroy/ All that you do/ All that you say/ All that you eat/ Everyone you meet/ All that you slight/ Everyone you fight/ All that is now/ All that is gone/ All that's to come/ And everything under the sun is in tune/ But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark.
Loved Pink Floyd for decades.
I would still put this album up against any other when you compare it in terms of greatness. Have listened to Dark Side of the Moon too many times to count.
All their stuff is good, but this one is the ultimate!
Will have this playing in the background while we sit in our yard and watch the heavens. Not too loud though. We live in the middle of the woods, and I'm interested to see how the eclipse affects animal behavior, especially the birds. I have to be able to hear them.
One of my favourite tracks; they were our local band when I was growing up.
Some of my research if you are interested. It's messy, but I don't feel compelled to make it better. Date fagging has become bad for my health.
I looked up April 8 on Stellarium. This could be completely nothing as planetary alignments happen all the time. I still find it interesting though because of the solar eclipse and the constellation involved.
During the eclipse on April 8, the Sun and Moon will be right in the middle of Pisces and the following planets will be roughly aligned. Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, and Mars.
The symbol often used for Jesus is the fish as in the fish of Pisces.
The Sun is also a symbol for Jesus (or Jesus if you believe as I do). It will be eclipsed by the Moon. You ever notice how often the Sun can be found as part of Christian iconography?
Screenshot from Stellarium.
Big rabbit hole to run down here, but I highly recommend this YouTube channel. Tons of symbolism is encoded into movies and TV; including eclipses.
(more good stuff in the above link, but too much to copy/paste here)
Very interesting as “Q” started dropping in late October 2017.
I'll believe it when I see it. In the meantime I will trust in Our Lord and pray daily for our country.
Nuts.. sacrifices? Crazy people everywhere in every religion. I love Jesus and God but I don't recognize these so called Christians.. like what the hell? What did I just watch? Violence, killing, sacrifices, sounds like a damn cult. I want nothing to do with those things.
Most evangelicals are misled. Those who support the rebuilding of the temple badly so: read the Noahide laws, they would be the first for the chop as far as I know.
It's quite sad.. those misled evangelicals (especially the ones who mask jab support lgbtq) speak some truths and spread the word of God but then they'd go off rails.
The sixth seal may be unsealed.
Interesting stuff. They will turn dark into light right? Maybe consider what Jesus said before he was Crucified. He said “The Son of man goeth as it is written..”
If the world views USA as a Christian nation and western society as followers of Christ how would they destroy a nation? They would crucify it and this is what they are doing.
God has an algorithm and I hope USA is still in His Grace, because we are being wrecked on many fronts. I am not perfect and I know it, what I am learning is many others believe they are perfect and believe they are. Weird concept that many cannot see/refuse to see.