THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK! Mentally ill trannies on Reddit are openly discussing committing politically motivated mass shootings and public suicides. One tranny threatens violence with a "cis genocide." It is time we acknowledge the radicalized LGBTQ organization as an organization of terrorists!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Thanks for the laugh hahahaha
LOL, the State that dies out in 1/2 a generation.
Archaeologists would come in 100 years and find a deserted island with 100 men's skeletons.
The archaeologists wouldn't be able to tell if the skeletons were men’s; they’d need biologists to confirm that.
this got to be a larper
How many of the responses are most likely feds, to coax the one deranged child on that site to follow through
This is larp. Why would we get riled up over a larp??
Could be the intelligence agencies fishing for nut jobs to carry out attacks.
The more the merrier I say. Why don’t they rent some buses and drive over Niagra Falls! Let the tranny Truedo pick up the mess!
"hundreds, maybe even thousands" --- That would certainly be a good start.
Ironically us "cissies" support that because if that madness actually happened theyre right maybe itll wake some people up
but, the people i mean are the children/parents going along with doing this to themselves/their kids. maybe it would be a hard reality check that theyre not in a good place mentally
I conceal carry, any tranny in my sphere is always suspect. If they all want to suicide themselves I won't stop them.
Ideal mk ultra targets
Typically abused, depressed, "counseled", medicated, delusional, outcasts, isolated...
Media and pop culture beats the victim drum for these people with more fury than Nathan Phillips
i definitiely believe a huge majority of those "people" were abused young and it messed up their head. the other majority are degenerates....and their a very very tiny minority that actually has that "gender dysphoria" they talk about
Doesn't this require them to assume everyone's gender? They'll have to figure out another way.
😂 clever!
Known to FBI.....
Wait...they think killing themselves publicly would serve their agendas?
Suddenly I fully agree with "don't stop your enemy when they are making a mistake". By all means, I guess?
Edit: Wait it's a minor? I definitely agree this HAS to be a LARP. Too on the nose.
We need to start calling all these satanic marxists what they really are: orcs.
This will not end well for them one way or the other...
Went to go see if I could find the post myself, and r/4tran4 has been set to private. I wonder why...
Lol they cry when they fire a shot so I dunno how far they will get
Tennessee tranny didn't cry
Dude is clearly trolling the reddit
did years ago, but non one wants to hear me. :) - the flag symbolizes death to the USA. Always has. A nation built on Christianity knows that God created the rainbow, not evil doers.
The very first time I seen that flag this is what it meant. Death to America—heck in 2020 the DNC used it as their image. D2A — guess what they been doing this whole time? Yep in the open doing it.
So what happens in culture is the same people who created that rainbow flag will put on some clothes and get a haircut and start rounding up sheep on the right and re-create history all over again.
Exciting times? Right? Not really. It could of been bypassed but we really have a lot of Americans who are likened to looking like a bowling ball (15 lb) but are very hollow and we find they are a glass ball painted to appear to be solid.
The Abrahamic religions called, the want their rainbows back
It's in their manifesto/programming, like the one the school shooter wrote that we are not allowed to see.
I don't see the problem here. I'll rent them shotguns.
It's the trans males mentally ill and hopped up on testosterone
Do trannies actually call themselves "trannies"? I thought they just stuck with "trans"?
Potential wolf in sheep's clothing trying to lead trannies to their own suicide?
mentally ill gonna be mentally ill. cant say im surprised.
Lock them all up.
Suicide weekend?...
Tranny. Minor. Wants to kill themselves and/ or others.
Could not fit the mold of a tranny more if they tried
I think is a great idea 👍 it should be done in mass.
Is this person in Cali? Time to do a 5150 referral, or warm up the Dart-Van 😏