When mom and dad both have to work:
Kids are eating processed foods because the adults don't have time to make a meal
Kids are spending an insane amount of time watching inappropriate content on YouTube
No one to drive them to extracurriculars
No one to help with homework or monitor what they're learning in school
No one to give them the basic affection you'd expect from a parent
Then conservative parents get upset when their kids end up woke. Maybe that's because they absorbed the values of the people who actually raised them.
It's all a scam. Twice as much income tax and indoctrinate the kids at the same time.
And push down wages due to higher labor supply.
Not sure that is relevant anymore, because they successfully outsource a ton of work and are hiring cheap illegals in place of Americans on top of that.
Maybe was relevant once, but the argument has no weight because even if every woman quit the work force all at once, most of it would immediately be sent to other countries where applicable and the rest sent to all those military aged males.
Nixon took us off the gold standard.
This allowed the government to print endless money.
This allowed government jobs for women.
Time to go back to old basic values based on Christian ideals 😀
Yup, it all starts with the scam economic system and babylonian slave system that was designed to make all of this happen.
I believe this is a big factor in sad, confused and depressed children.
and a high rate of depression in women as well.
I was an at home mom. I wouldn't trade that for anything.
I was also, and same, wouldn't trade it for anything either.
it was all part of 'their' plan to get the mothers out of the house. this way the state could raise the children from infancy to adulthood. feminism destroyed the home.
feminism was a Rockefeller op, according to Aaron Russo
A lot.
Think of a Queen in a kingdom.
Does she run off for 11 hours a day to work for a neighboring king, or does she generally serve in the palace for the king?
Why aren’t we emulating that model? (A: because they have us in the slave model, where mothers are forced to work for another king)
Funny how woke women want to "be a strong, independent woman" ... so they spend 40+ hours per week doing what the boss tells them to do.
You can't fault women for this. We've ALL been hoodwinked.
Nope. Wasn't hoodwinked.
The better question is what’s the solution, and how do people come to agreement on it?
First we gotta educate ourselves
Then we gotta educate others
Very true. I'm very glad my mother didn't work
sadly my mother is an asshole, so i'm glad she worked.
Maybe she would have enjoyed life more if she didn't work and been a better person.......
i doubt it, she's still an asshole and hasn't worked in years. thankfully though, i had a wonderful father.
Maybe she was a nice person when your father married her and work turned her into an asshole.
Ask your dad if she was always an asshole.
my dad has passed away. but my Aunts, my mothers sister's and sisters-in-law say she was always a narcissist (i just say asshole), even when she was a kid. i could never figure out why my father picked her?
i'm just thankful we had at least one good parent, a lot of kids don't even have that.
i honestly think she worked to not have to be around the kids. she's not a kid friendly person. she sucks as a grandmother as well.
Jeez. She's one who needs to come back and try to do better in another life.
i wont argue with common sense
I was fed this lie. Had my child late after my "career" was established. My husband told me I would quit and homeschool. I never thought I would be that kind of woman. Here I am... I don't regret doing it. What I regret is giving into the lie of being an independent woman. We need more Trad families.
My husband also regrets waiting so long to have a kid. Now we have 1...where we look back at our families where they each had 5 or 6 kids.
My kid is learning from our mistakes and wants a lot of kids. I hope the world is in better shape where that actually happens.
100% this!!!! Don't have kids if you are going to outsource all of your responsibilities as a parent to the State!
And then you have a vicious cycle where people don't want kids anymore...and the cabal wins
Precisely this ^ Many do just that and are surprised when their daughter turns out to be a blue haired, militant, bi, vegan who hates white males, their Country, and wants gov to take care of them til death.
Sure they wanted more money from a 2nd earner, but it was really to destroy the nuclear Family and leave kids vulnerable to THEIR agenda. Gain the Youth, Gain the Future.
We're in this position because they farmed useful idiots for multiple generations. Not only can they not recognize their biggest threat, they assist them. They want all out destruction and don't even know or care why. Hypnosis.
NPCs, Sheep, & Zombies are all they are. To begin repair education needs 100% overhaul and msm to burn. Remove those planting the poison seeds. Can't come soon enough.
Yuri B told us how it all works thank God
Biblically it’s the love of money that leads to all kinds of evil :)
like usury
Kids eating processed food is not necessarily due to parents working. There are more than a few lazy parents who simply can’t be bothered to feed their kids prepared meals.
When welfare pays for prepared meals, and the parents are too self centered to bother; if both parents are home - odds are they are t fixing meals.
Growing up on a farm, I started cooking meals at 12. With a cook book; kids could do the same; it’s not rocket science
But it is science.
100% there are so many meals you can make in 15 minutes to a hour. It’s really not that hard. I don’t have kids but I cook for my wife and I.
If you are that tired you can pick up a rotisserie chicken and make some asparagus, brussel sprouts, creamed corn or baked beans in minutes
I am in agreement. When I worked in a preschool, I was waking up and realizing it's unnatural for a mom to drop her kids off for teachers to take care of for hours a day while she went and worked. I am grateful that my job there allowed me to be near my son and my current job allows me time off with our schedules.
Second grade teacher told me she loved it when "her" kids called her Mom. Also told me she spent more time with my child than I did. We didn't get along.
YEP! Sacrifice the money to BE A MOM! It’s the best job anyone could ever experience and it pays in LOVE!
Extracurriculars…takes away family time as well.
Well… not necessarily… i go to school concerts etc
Prolly better than screen time, tbh
Absolutely! Opposites again. They sold it as “freedom from being stuck at home” and the reality became “you can’t afford to be home, takes two incomes now”. And they got a twofer…….twice as many slaves working for them and total control of the children from a very early age for indoctrination. Destroy the family. The village will “raise” your children.
Its only gotten worse. In the commie state where I live 2 people making a decent income (over $125k) combined is barely making it. Everything but everything has gotten so out of control.
I literally can’t afford a kid currently. Everything is so fucking expensive.
It’s gonna get worse, be ready.
It's the plan
This is a Wise observation. If we were smarty collectively. Women would work one week. Men would work one. Then there is no competition.there is a scarcity of labour. A Bohemian Rhapsody ensues..
Yep, my comment below makes a similar point.
There are in fact thoughtful, humane, pro family ways to expand manufacturing sectors in society (Japan has done this better than the U.S.). We don't only have to live in Jefferson's fabled agrarian utopia (w/ slave labor) to be free and communal. But the industrial revolution took dark turns, especially when it was less about innovative ways for nations to use creativity and technology to overcome limits of population and resources. As it became more about speculative cabals enslaving nations to "free trade" and other rotten fruit of the British empire, zero-sum thinking dominates society and disregards the incalculable costs of everyday quality of life for the working stiff.
I was a stay at home mom & wife, my mom told me she was happy I stayed at home with the kids. It would have costed us more to put the kids in daycare than I could make working, it didn't make sense and I didn't want someone else raising my kids when they were little. I wanted to see and experience all their "firsts". Their first smile, giggle, words, first steps, potty training....
My husband was in the military back then, his hours were unpredictable, and we moved around, as military families do. He was deployed several times from months to a year at a time. I needed to be our kids constant parent, their rock, for them to know that yeah dad has to go away for a while again, but mom will always be here for us.
After the military, his job hours were again unpredictable at times and there were times he would have to go out of town for up to a month. So my husband could do his job without worrying if our kids were taken care of, because he knew I would take care of the kids and everything at home. When he came home from work he could just enjoy being with his family after the stressful work he did all day.
I still worked, I just didn't get paid in dollars, I got paid by being able to watch my kids grow up and experience life every day. To be there to experience all their "firsts" with them, to give them love and attention.
I blame woman’s suffrage.
17 updoots from me! You are 💯 correct
I always felt that if one takes the time to make a child, one should make the time to raise the child. If one lives below their means, they will be debt-free. The closer we are to Jesus Christ, the more blessed we become. We all fall for satanic temptations throughout our lives - we need to be aware before it happens (I'm talking to myself here). Now we're clear the satanic entities want our children.... Our children are more valuable than any bauble on this earth. Nothing here is worth sacrificing our everlasting glory in Heaven with the only Perfect One who ever existed.
not sure why you were down voted? everyone on here knows that satanic entities want our children. isn't that what this battle is about, the children? God bless Hetty.
I'd say not quite. Women have always worked. Women worked hard, and they still do. Even Proverbs in the bible talks about the wife being wise and effective in business dealings. And yes children were handed off to tutors, pedagogues, and non-family child care since time immemorial.
What's changed is the work environment. We still have a lot of uncovered assumptions that are just wrong. Our problems are downstream from a post industrial paradigm impacting both work and educational environments... certainly a big player has been predatory, vulture capitalism and zero-sum thinking in our economies; the same problems that exploit third world populations have also, in our "first world" society, effectively decoupled both parents from a vibrant, supportive family dynamic. Quality family time and "career" didn't have to be diametrically opposed.
Women have been played. All humanity has been. Looking back on how it was to have moms at home and the difference with how kids have to feel today, it is no wonder at all that as a whole our society is deeply troubled. Confused, gullible, and afraid. Can't blame missing moms and dads for it. They are among the wounded too. Massive economic changes have got to occur to make nuclear family structure work the way it once could
I agree with you 100%. Momma's need to be at home.
This was the breakdown of the family.
This is what they wanted.
So thought you were going to say women having to vote. Lol.
Non merit based voting and birth control have destroyed this society more than anything. And now with online dating it is even worse for young men.
What's downstream from that? Democracy.
Please elaborate.