As a resident of Tennessee I do hope this doesn’t get those who aren’t really a rapist, yet are charged with such crime. For instance, I know personally a guy who was charged with a rape charge. The situation was the guy was 18-19 yrs old. The girl was 17. They both went out, eventually ended up at a motel. They were a couple. Then the parents found out. They didn’t like him at all, and got the police involved. The parents were going for a rape charge and after awhile got it to stick. The girl just told the truth and defended him as she consented, etc, etc. Guy ends up in prison for 4 yrs. Think he served 3. All for a consented relationship and a few yrs different in age. Last I heard they were together. So according to this would he be a recipient for the death penalty?
People are supposed to be reasonable and not jail an 18-yr-old for consentual sex with his 17-yr-old girlfriend. But we don't have reasonableness in courts of law, or even the concept of it, any longer. Lawyers can just do whatever.
Because, whatever a judge's personal feelings toward a defendant may be, he or she is only there to uphold the law as it is written, which cannot possibly account for all the nuances present in any given case.
Yes, this. I met my wife when she was 16 and I was 18. Her mother hated my guts, and would surely have tried to have me jailed if she'd been intelligent enough.
We were married the following year, and this year is our 55th anniversary.
Wow what a testimony, honoring God with your faithfulness to the sacred vows of matrimony!
You and your wife are lost examples of what true happiness is, growing strong together as the bonding strength of love makes it impossible to separate ! Ty for mentioning your proud accomplishment !
Hopefully this rape/death law has common sense to it. I’m sure if we could hear the merits to this law it might make sense. But if it’s just “if you get convicted” kinda deal….there are gonna be some sad stories. My worries, my two cents. I figure they are referring to “serious” cases. But honestly, to a lawyer, what does that even mean?
I agree - I know when I was 17, I did what I wanted. Considered myself and adult - the word "child", to me at least, indicates someone under say 14 or 15, if that old.
Yea, really we need more details on this law. I assume like murder charges there are degrees? It’s just, you know how lawyers do. It’s the 17-18 yrs olds that’s worrisome.
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 39; Title 40 and Chapter 1062 of the Public Acts of 2022, relative to sentencing for criminal offenses.
Sentencing - As introduced, authorizes the death penalty as a punishment for rape of a child, aggravated rape of a child, or especially aggravated rape of a child. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40 and Chapter 1062 of the Public Acts of 2022.
Thank you for posting this. I bet this is more for the “aggravated rape of a child”, since it was listed twice. And that requires a child of years of 8 or less. That makes much more sense. Well done sir for posting. 👍
The "Not All" game can be played at every level of criminal justice. As such, its relevance is dubious.
If you don't believe that the great majority of those who are convicted of violent crimes actually did them, then that's a position where we won't be able to find much common ground. We'll agree to disagree.
If you trust the court systems in America. I’ve not always been on the sunny side of things. Point blank I was a criminal in my youth, and let me tell ya….the courts, lawyers, police, they add all kinds of stuff to incriminate people. I’ve heard numbers of like 40% of those in prison are sentence for crimes they never committed. I’d like to add its closer to 60%. People break the law. They should be punished for such. But that’s not the system we live in. Anyone and everyone should know this. Look at Trump for instance. Perfect example. It’s comes down to many factors. But if you trust the system..the yea, take your chance. When you sit in front of a judge, there is no telling how it will end. Doesn’t matter what you did. In America your guilty before proven innocent. That’s a fact.
Matthew 18:6 ESV
But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
That doesn’t mean children, as in youth. Little ones refers to every follower of Christ. I keep having to remind people of this. That message is for anyone who deceives or stumbles a person who follows Christ.
From Bibleref
“Jesus has been describing the child-like faith and humility required to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:1–5). Now He seems to be describing those who believe in Him, including adults, as "little ones."
He warns that a harsh judgment will come on those who cause one of the little ones who believe in Him to sin or to stumble. This would include falling away from faith in and commitment to Christ. It would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and to be drowned in the deep part of the sea. Drowning was a form of execution used in the ancient world, but rarely in Israel. Jesus' harsh description of death by drowning includes being strapped to the enormous and heavy millstone pulled by a donkey as it crushes the grain. This would assure no hope of escape.
Jesus has regularly warned about a judgment to come when He returns to earth with His angels, where people will be repaid for what they have done, including their sin (Matthew 16:27). This is the first time, though, that Jesus has mentioned a judgment for those who cause others to sin, including leading those who believe in Him into sin.
Jesus' warning here reveals that believers in Jesus are not perfect and can sin and that the consequences are serious both for them and for those who lead them into that sin. Peter, for instance, will commit the grave sin of denying faith in and relationship to Jesus. This will bring him great sorrow, but he will be restored and go on to be used by God to accomplish powerful things for Christ.”
Exactly although Jesus does have a child with him he is explaining a child-like faith. A "little one" was in reference to those not only newer in the faith who can be swayed but also any one that belongs to Him - see the parables that follow ( sheep, coin, son).
However, (for those still reading) do not be dismayed God knows everything and is the perfect judge and vengeance is His. Don't take from God what is rightfully His.
Harming the innocent shouldn't be defended like this disgusting woman was doing and won't be in less than a year now or in the judgement.
I think that’s why people make this error so often. Jesus held a child as He said this. The problem is this statement is so much more profound that simply harming a young child. It covers a vast amount of people. Those who reference this to simply “don’t hurt a small child” are misrepresenting what Jesus is saying. I’m sure they don’t mean to. We all aim to learn more from our savior and each other. Jesus statement here is powerful. Much more than those who are using it incorrectly understand.
Amen brother! I think if people would look up their favorite verses and read 10 or 20 verses in either direction they would gain a lot and appreciate the time.
We lived in Rutledge, TN just outside of Knoxville and we absolutely loved it. We were there for 8 years and we would still be there today if my only daughter who has my only two grandchildren wouldn't leave Texas. So we moved back to Texas because I refuse to be a long distance grandma. Those Smokey Mountains are simply amazing. This is setting a precedent I hope and I hope lots of other states follow suit. I was shocked recently when I heard some child rapist is getting castrated. I think we need to be well aware that we taxpayers have to feed and house these criminals while they are in prison and take a more proactive approach to doing so. If I have to help pay their room and board, then I should also have a right to say what kind of punishment they receive and for me that would be most definitely be death. There are better uses for my tax dollars.
Oh it most definitely is. I didn't like Memphis and Nashville is all about music and a great place to tour. But if you want the beauty of those Smokey Mountains, then Knoxville and surrounding towns are where you want to go.
Don't even get me started on that. I wish I could share my very favorite picture but that would be too personal. It is a picture of our log cabin with all the fall colors behind it. I loved it so much I had it printed on a canvas print and I proudly placed it on our living room wall. I love looking at it. That is one thing that we truly miss.
Shouldn't you have to be human to enjoy human rights?
If you rape a child, you are a trans-human (meaning "not a" human). You have "trans"formed into a dangerous animal threatening the safety and security of the human species. You aren't human enough to coexist with the other humans. And you can't be cured by incarceration; nor should the humans have to pay for your miserable continued existence.
Death is the ONLY answer. There is no other suitable punishment. It has been this way since the beginning of our species and will never be different.
Human rights is a societal construct I'm glad we have it even though it doesn't really benefit us anymore. People aren't born with some magic card that gets them a free pass because they warped and disgusting. What you're describing are
Return Rights to Crime. I can't think of a better name right now.
They do everything in their power to ensure they rape destroy and murder again.
But, but, but, it's about the feeling of oneness with the child, not a sexual experience. Or so the Left would argue. BD, do you think America will ever accept execution for kiddie diddlers? The Democrates would go apoplectic if that occurred. The would fight like a rabid Rottweiler to defeat such legislation. I say take them out back and woodchipper 'em. Efficient, quick, hardly any mess to clean up, and it's pretty effective.
Being attracted to children sexually, indicates the presence of a demon, in my world. Not sure the threat of death means anything to them. We should at least try it though.
when will these maggots realize how stupid they are? they fight for abortion, for the right to kill an innocent child, but will fight for the "right to life" for a degenerate pedophile. if not for cheating i honestly don't know how else they get elected.
I was telling other anons here about Oregon when you have to vote in your precinct with a voter's registration card + IDs.
At that time, there were laws and orders. Three strikes law was there meaning that even a juvenile, if you have three strikes against you, they will treat you as an adult and the death penalty was there too.
A wonderful place to live back then. So wonderful that Tom McCall have to tell everybody, come visit but don't stay......
There are times when there is no doubt someone did what they're accused of, but I'd hope that when there isn't zero doubt, the prosecution goes for life or life without parole instead. This ought to be tempered with the state levying murder charges against anyone who grooms a child to perjure themselves for the sake of having someone killed by the state on their behalf.
Death is too much to ask of an innocent person in their contract between themselves and the state. A guilty person, sure.
"Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents -- fast trial, death penalty. " - Trump tweet 10-08-2012 @ 6:13 a.m.
Did the alphabet people come out and stick their foot in it yet, saying this is anti-gay/tranny?
They usually hang themselves anyway, this is no different. No one mentions sexuality of the convicted child rapist, yet they howl that laws like this discriminate against the gay/toon/pedo crowd.
You know what I think of—-The South shall Rise Again! They are most definitely leading the way! Soon Tennessee will be flooded with Blue State refugees.
You know I’ve never understood that phrase. I’m in Tennessee. Living it up in redneck small town USA. I see people wear the shirt and have the stickers. Even the stars and bars license plates…my dad has one! And I always ask…”which south do you want to rise again?” The democrat controlled civil war era? As soon as you mention that, you know, the civil war..the south was ruled by Dems all the way up into the 70’s. They have a severely confused look on their face. For some reason people like to point fingers at the south for their black skin hate…when in fact during that time, it was the Dems who argue those points. It was Republicans that placed a man loved by a nation into power. A ragtag guy from Kentucky named Abraham Lincoln. I see liberal teenagers say “we won the war against slavery!” And I’m like???? So your a Republican? They get pissed.
(Although that war was fought over much more that skin color of course. I’m just quoting some I’ll informed kids.) Schools nowadays suck teaching history. Even tho that history is half fiction.
Man I’m getting way off topic here. I’m sorry. I probably should delete this, lol.
You are right and I’ll admit it was Dinesh D’Souza that explained it clearly for me. I actually think that phrase is from “Gone with the Wind”. Just catchy…Anyway I’m so excited with all Tennessee has done of late! I love it!
I suspect a lot of expensive real estate will soon become vacant in Tennessee.
Let's buy.
I need some moderate priced real estate in TN.
As a resident of Tennessee I do hope this doesn’t get those who aren’t really a rapist, yet are charged with such crime. For instance, I know personally a guy who was charged with a rape charge. The situation was the guy was 18-19 yrs old. The girl was 17. They both went out, eventually ended up at a motel. They were a couple. Then the parents found out. They didn’t like him at all, and got the police involved. The parents were going for a rape charge and after awhile got it to stick. The girl just told the truth and defended him as she consented, etc, etc. Guy ends up in prison for 4 yrs. Think he served 3. All for a consented relationship and a few yrs different in age. Last I heard they were together. So according to this would he be a recipient for the death penalty?
People are supposed to be reasonable and not jail an 18-yr-old for consentual sex with his 17-yr-old girlfriend. But we don't have reasonableness in courts of law, or even the concept of it, any longer. Lawyers can just do whatever.
Because, whatever a judge's personal feelings toward a defendant may be, he or she is only there to uphold the law as it is written, which cannot possibly account for all the nuances present in any given case.
Yes, this. I met my wife when she was 16 and I was 18. Her mother hated my guts, and would surely have tried to have me jailed if she'd been intelligent enough.
We were married the following year, and this year is our 55th anniversary.
Wow what a testimony, honoring God with your faithfulness to the sacred vows of matrimony! You and your wife are lost examples of what true happiness is, growing strong together as the bonding strength of love makes it impossible to separate ! Ty for mentioning your proud accomplishment !
Hopefully this rape/death law has common sense to it. I’m sure if we could hear the merits to this law it might make sense. But if it’s just “if you get convicted” kinda deal….there are gonna be some sad stories. My worries, my two cents. I figure they are referring to “serious” cases. But honestly, to a lawyer, what does that even mean?
Happy Anniversary! 🎉💕
I agree - I know when I was 17, I did what I wanted. Considered myself and adult - the word "child", to me at least, indicates someone under say 14 or 15, if that old.
Same here. No one over 12 was ever considered a "child." All of us knew all about sex -- and many were doing it -- long before we reached high school.
I presume they're meaning young children <12-13yrs, not adolescent teens.
Still, death penalty for rape is a good starting place. Mitigating factors can be calculated from there.
Yea, really we need more details on this law. I assume like murder charges there are degrees? It’s just, you know how lawyers do. It’s the 17-18 yrs olds that’s worrisome.
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 39; Title 40 and Chapter 1062 of the Public Acts of 2022, relative to sentencing for criminal offenses. Sentencing - As introduced, authorizes the death penalty as a punishment for rape of a child, aggravated rape of a child, or especially aggravated rape of a child. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40 and Chapter 1062 of the Public Acts of 2022.
Thank you for posting this. I bet this is more for the “aggravated rape of a child”, since it was listed twice. And that requires a child of years of 8 or less. That makes much more sense. Well done sir for posting. 👍
Talk about backfire. The parents made sure they're together for life! She stuck by him during his lowest point, a prison sentence he didn't deserve.
Looks like Tennessee is hitting on all cylinders lately.
Love it. Pass some to us all.
There should be no universe in which the perpetrator of child rape is NOT killed.
This is like the laws against child sexual mutilation. WHAT???? What species would EVER allow this to happen to its offspring????!!!
There is a severe anti-humanity ethic being pushed around the world right now
Read above statements. Not all who get convicted, were actually rapist. Courts aren’t always right in their judgements. We all know this.
The "Not All" game can be played at every level of criminal justice. As such, its relevance is dubious.
If you don't believe that the great majority of those who are convicted of violent crimes actually did them, then that's a position where we won't be able to find much common ground. We'll agree to disagree.
If you trust the court systems in America. I’ve not always been on the sunny side of things. Point blank I was a criminal in my youth, and let me tell ya….the courts, lawyers, police, they add all kinds of stuff to incriminate people. I’ve heard numbers of like 40% of those in prison are sentence for crimes they never committed. I’d like to add its closer to 60%. People break the law. They should be punished for such. But that’s not the system we live in. Anyone and everyone should know this. Look at Trump for instance. Perfect example. It’s comes down to many factors. But if you trust the system..the yea, take your chance. When you sit in front of a judge, there is no telling how it will end. Doesn’t matter what you did. In America your guilty before proven innocent. That’s a fact.
In what universe (other than your addled brain) is someone pointing out that people get falsely convicted equal “defending pedos”?
I would like to see death penalty for child rapists and murderers again.
Matthew 18:6 ESV But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
That doesn’t mean children, as in youth. Little ones refers to every follower of Christ. I keep having to remind people of this. That message is for anyone who deceives or stumbles a person who follows Christ.
From Bibleref
“Jesus has been describing the child-like faith and humility required to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:1–5). Now He seems to be describing those who believe in Him, including adults, as "little ones."
He warns that a harsh judgment will come on those who cause one of the little ones who believe in Him to sin or to stumble. This would include falling away from faith in and commitment to Christ. It would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and to be drowned in the deep part of the sea. Drowning was a form of execution used in the ancient world, but rarely in Israel. Jesus' harsh description of death by drowning includes being strapped to the enormous and heavy millstone pulled by a donkey as it crushes the grain. This would assure no hope of escape.
Jesus has regularly warned about a judgment to come when He returns to earth with His angels, where people will be repaid for what they have done, including their sin (Matthew 16:27). This is the first time, though, that Jesus has mentioned a judgment for those who cause others to sin, including leading those who believe in Him into sin.
Jesus' warning here reveals that believers in Jesus are not perfect and can sin and that the consequences are serious both for them and for those who lead them into that sin. Peter, for instance, will commit the grave sin of denying faith in and relationship to Jesus. This will bring him great sorrow, but he will be restored and go on to be used by God to accomplish powerful things for Christ.”
May I hop on here?
Exactly although Jesus does have a child with him he is explaining a child-like faith. A "little one" was in reference to those not only newer in the faith who can be swayed but also any one that belongs to Him - see the parables that follow ( sheep, coin, son).
However, (for those still reading) do not be dismayed God knows everything and is the perfect judge and vengeance is His. Don't take from God what is rightfully His.
Harming the innocent shouldn't be defended like this disgusting woman was doing and won't be in less than a year now or in the judgement.
I think that’s why people make this error so often. Jesus held a child as He said this. The problem is this statement is so much more profound that simply harming a young child. It covers a vast amount of people. Those who reference this to simply “don’t hurt a small child” are misrepresenting what Jesus is saying. I’m sure they don’t mean to. We all aim to learn more from our savior and each other. Jesus statement here is powerful. Much more than those who are using it incorrectly understand.
Amen brother! I think if people would look up their favorite verses and read 10 or 20 verses in either direction they would gain a lot and appreciate the time.
Exactly. I hear that all the time. People pick and choose scripture, and if they would just read a few more lines, it explains itself, lol.
Even the Bible support it. Thank you.
We lived in Rutledge, TN just outside of Knoxville and we absolutely loved it. We were there for 8 years and we would still be there today if my only daughter who has my only two grandchildren wouldn't leave Texas. So we moved back to Texas because I refuse to be a long distance grandma. Those Smokey Mountains are simply amazing. This is setting a precedent I hope and I hope lots of other states follow suit. I was shocked recently when I heard some child rapist is getting castrated. I think we need to be well aware that we taxpayers have to feed and house these criminals while they are in prison and take a more proactive approach to doing so. If I have to help pay their room and board, then I should also have a right to say what kind of punishment they receive and for me that would be most definitely be death. There are better uses for my tax dollars.
There's another anon looking to move there. I am glad to know it's a great place.
Oh it most definitely is. I didn't like Memphis and Nashville is all about music and a great place to tour. But if you want the beauty of those Smokey Mountains, then Knoxville and surrounding towns are where you want to go.
The Smokey was magical during the fall colors.
Don't even get me started on that. I wish I could share my very favorite picture but that would be too personal. It is a picture of our log cabin with all the fall colors behind it. I loved it so much I had it printed on a canvas print and I proudly placed it on our living room wall. I love looking at it. That is one thing that we truly miss.
One state at a time!
But, what about the accused HUMAN RIGHTS?
Child rapists, no human rights.
Shouldn't you have to be human to enjoy human rights?
If you rape a child, you are a trans-human (meaning "not a" human). You have "trans"formed into a dangerous animal threatening the safety and security of the human species. You aren't human enough to coexist with the other humans. And you can't be cured by incarceration; nor should the humans have to pay for your miserable continued existence.
Death is the ONLY answer. There is no other suitable punishment. It has been this way since the beginning of our species and will never be different.
Change my mind
I used to overwhelming supporting the death penalty at my younger age until they told me you could have mistaken identity and wrongful incarceration.
With our modern technology, we shouldn't have that problem.
Let's get back to the basics.
Human rights is a societal construct I'm glad we have it even though it doesn't really benefit us anymore. People aren't born with some magic card that gets them a free pass because they warped and disgusting. What you're describing are Return Rights to Crime. I can't think of a better name right now.
They do everything in their power to ensure they rape destroy and murder again.
But, but, but, it's about the feeling of oneness with the child, not a sexual experience. Or so the Left would argue. BD, do you think America will ever accept execution for kiddie diddlers? The Democrates would go apoplectic if that occurred. The would fight like a rabid Rottweiler to defeat such legislation. I say take them out back and woodchipper 'em. Efficient, quick, hardly any mess to clean up, and it's pretty effective.
I would really like to see them hang but if we could just dump them in Hunger Game I would be happy.
This will be terrible for the Country music industry. Taylor Swiff with muh human rights violation in 3,2..
Watchem quietly scatter back to Austin and lala
Oh. It's interesting. Great point.
Send them to hickok45's range and give them 5 seconds to get away.
FWIW, they won't get away.......
Being attracted to children sexually, indicates the presence of a demon, in my world. Not sure the threat of death means anything to them. We should at least try it though.
So basically: if an exorcism doesn't work, wood chipper it is?
When Oregon has the 3-strikes law and death penalty, do you know Portland was a great place to live?
when will these maggots realize how stupid they are? they fight for abortion, for the right to kill an innocent child, but will fight for the "right to life" for a degenerate pedophile. if not for cheating i honestly don't know how else they get elected.
I was telling other anons here about Oregon when you have to vote in your precinct with a voter's registration card + IDs.
At that time, there were laws and orders. Three strikes law was there meaning that even a juvenile, if you have three strikes against you, they will treat you as an adult and the death penalty was there too.
A wonderful place to live back then. So wonderful that Tom McCall have to tell everybody, come visit but don't stay......
cook em
Simple to use rope.
It's biodegradable and reusable. The leftists should agree on this one
Do I want to execute pedophiles or admit that I am one?
Good question.
There are times when there is no doubt someone did what they're accused of, but I'd hope that when there isn't zero doubt, the prosecution goes for life or life without parole instead. This ought to be tempered with the state levying murder charges against anyone who grooms a child to perjure themselves for the sake of having someone killed by the state on their behalf.
Death is too much to ask of an innocent person in their contract between themselves and the state. A guilty person, sure.
I volunteer to operate the wood chipper... Feet first...
"Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents -- fast trial, death penalty. " - Trump tweet 10-08-2012 @ 6:13 a.m.
I second that.
I can’t see Shelby County upholding this law
I don't know TN enough to know.
Did the alphabet people come out and stick their foot in it yet, saying this is anti-gay/tranny?
They usually hang themselves anyway, this is no different. No one mentions sexuality of the convicted child rapist, yet they howl that laws like this discriminate against the gay/toon/pedo crowd.
I don't know. I have not heard.
Let the heads start rolling!
My state is rocking out these new laws!! I love it!
Who would have thunk it, but someone is becoming first.
You know what I think of—-The South shall Rise Again! They are most definitely leading the way! Soon Tennessee will be flooded with Blue State refugees.
I am one of them soon.
Hope it doesn't turn blue.
You know I’ve never understood that phrase. I’m in Tennessee. Living it up in redneck small town USA. I see people wear the shirt and have the stickers. Even the stars and bars license plates…my dad has one! And I always ask…”which south do you want to rise again?” The democrat controlled civil war era? As soon as you mention that, you know, the civil war..the south was ruled by Dems all the way up into the 70’s. They have a severely confused look on their face. For some reason people like to point fingers at the south for their black skin hate…when in fact during that time, it was the Dems who argue those points. It was Republicans that placed a man loved by a nation into power. A ragtag guy from Kentucky named Abraham Lincoln. I see liberal teenagers say “we won the war against slavery!” And I’m like???? So your a Republican? They get pissed.
(Although that war was fought over much more that skin color of course. I’m just quoting some I’ll informed kids.) Schools nowadays suck teaching history. Even tho that history is half fiction.
Man I’m getting way off topic here. I’m sorry. I probably should delete this, lol.
You are right and I’ll admit it was Dinesh D’Souza that explained it clearly for me. I actually think that phrase is from “Gone with the Wind”. Just catchy…Anyway I’m so excited with all Tennessee has done of late! I love it!
This is the way!!
I love a happy ending.
Now do this nationally
I would like to see death penalty returns. Used to have that even in Oregon.
Does this extend to TSA clerks-not-officers-not-agents who grope kids at the airport?
Ouch. LOL.
Much better than cutting off their balls
I like the rope the best.