I am glad I found someone to put it so succinctly. I've been telling this to people too, although in not as many terms, and they just don't believe me.
It's a war and unfortunately people get hurt and die in war including innocent people. None of us know the full story as to why anything has been happening. What the country sees is something never witnessed before. Exposure of the crimes, the fake news, the willingness to destroy anything and everything We The People hold dear for money and power. The lies, cheating, stealing, treason, trafficking of children, allowing open borders and fentanyl flooding in. If Trump didn't do what he did and pretend to step down, all would have remained hidden.
My only hope is that justice will come to those who deserve it and we can watch them being perp walked to jail and hopefully the gallows.
Two memes that state very clearly that Biden is president:
"Worst President ever!"
"Never in my life would I have ever believed that the biggest threat to America would be its own president!"
"For the first time history, we have a President so incompetent and weak, not elected but installed by a totally corrupt and criminal political system."
So which is it, anons?
Is Trump retruthing a meme that compares a Commander in Thief with a Commander in Chief evidence or proof that DJT is currently CIC? In which case the other memes are also evidence or proof that Biden is currently President?
Leading to a contradictory standard if you affirm one but deny the other?
Or are these simply memes? Proof or evidence of nothing other than the fact that the two men are comparable?
Fwiw, Patel Patriot, author of the devolution series, affirms that devolution does not require or even imply that DJT is CIC, or Potus. If you listen to his reasoning, it makes a LOT more sense than the notion that Trump is somehow CIC or Potus now.
Trump relinquished the seat of public power in order to avoid civil war and allow a process where the public mandate for change could reach the required levels. (Note: even though the stolen election was obvious, why did nothing happen? Because enough people in the USA simply did not care. I.e not enough public mandate. But today? 2024? you can bet a whole lot more care. >>> publci mandate.)
It's worth noting that a lot of charlatans out there are promoting the CIC narrative (Johnson, Najadi, etc)
X account is just looking for traffic. There's no significance whatsoever that makes this post verify anything other than what is already known. We need a x cap subthread badly.
Bingo. DC is occupied territory. According to the Law Of War manual, the Biden regime is a belligerent force, just as though we were invaded by a foreign power. The difference is, the Alliance is exposing them before they are all rounded up. By the way, some of them are already gone. Think of those who were very loud in the past several years that have gone silent. π€
The Republic hasn't had a President since the Congress lost it's quorum in 1861.( the government failed and "RECONSTRUCTION" has been delay) But infrastructure is being rebuilt.
He doesn't JUST have USSS Security 24x7; all former presidents do. I think that was signed into law by slick willy.
The thing I can't get over & why I think he actually is sitting POTUS, is that; from what I can tell, his motorcade is IDENTICAL to that of an actual Sitting POTUS, INCLUDING stuff like the USSS CAT Team; they're basically Secret Service SWAT. Those guys are always dressed in all-black, full-out war gear; no discretion there.
I do not believe any former presidents get a full CAT escort EVERYWHERE they go, AND the dozens / hundreds of cars that go in a full-blown sitting presidential motorcade.
I question the claim that the nuclear football is always with him.
Over the past 2+ years, I have seen ONE photo of Trump's entourage that raised a discussion about whether the bag was the nuclear football or something else.
OP makes a few claims, but I see little substance to a bunch of them. Joining the dots properly requires looking at and evaluating competing explanations, not just going with what seems to fit what you are thinking, and ignoring other possibilities.
I can't say, as I've been on a pretty strict media diet the past 1-2 years. Both intentional for my mental health, but also unintentional because I'm more focused on my family & work.
I've definitely seen with my own eyes, videos & photos of the USSS CAT, as I said, but not the football....but I haven't really looked.....
i agree; would be great to get more confirmation of the above points.
I re-read this & here are my thoughts:
has full presidential motorcade with SS everywhere he goes
This is objectively true, including the USSS CAT team, which is most remarkable.
has the football with him everywhere he goes ( look for the guy always carrying it not far from him)
I can't say for sure on this....can anyone post links to photos / videos where you suspect someone holding The Football is with Trump?
goes to the speaker of the house to pass a bill, stands behind him
Trump has been extremely unusually active in national & global politics since "leaving office."
It is true that Trump regularly meets with most / all significant govt. officials from around the globe......
moves with impunity around the US
This is true.
never conceded 2020
Also true.
activated insurrection act before he "left office"
This is not 100% knowable unless you are extremely close to POTUS or involved at the highest levels of govt, but there was a very good case made that Trump did in fact activate the insurrection act prior to leaving office. I remember that.
ALL the important EOs have remained and been extended
on and on and on.
This is also 100% true...... I'm not aware of any significant Trump EO's that have been rescinded / cancelled by the usurper xi-den.
Don't forget about "The Last President" either. The well has been poisoned thanks to the present day Ingersol Lockwood website LARP, but I'm talking about the original books he (meaning Lockwood) wrote in the 1890s that are seemingly prophetic - regarding Baron Trump, Mr Pence, etc.
There are a lot of things that are not as they appear, even at our deeper level of visibility.
The easiest one to wrap your head around is how it could conceivably be possible to destroy the world reserve currency without destroying the world.
I canβt think of any option that wouldnβt be either easily undone later or exploited by bad actors for advantage, which would then crush the person doing it politically, in spite of it being one of the best actions ever undertaken by any politician.
Add to that, that you want good actors to take control of the new system. How do you roll that out? How do you take out the old one? How do you keep bad actors from retaining power?
This chess game is immensely complicated. Donβt worry that some things look bad. The right people are freaked out. It had to be this way.
The Ponzi Collapses due to printing the Debt but not the interest....eventually it implodes. Print the interest too , then back the currency , you wake up traveling back down the yellow brick road leaving OZ , like the tornado never even happened.
Could it be that the thing Trump posted means Biden is corrupt and Trump was a true Commander in Chief while president? People read way too much meaning into everything Trump posts, imo. It's not as if Trump posted, "Hey everybody I am the current commander in chief!"
Two memes that state very clearly that Biden is president:
"Worst President ever!"
"Never in my life would I have ever believed that the biggest threat to America would be its own president!"
"For the first time history, we have a President so incompetent and weak, not elected but installed by a totally corrupt and criminal political system."
"The world was a better place when Trump was President"
Which means he is NOT president now.
So which is it, anons?
Is Trump retruthing a meme that compares a Commander in Thief with a Commander in Chief evidence or proof that DJT is currently CIC? In which case the other memes are also evidence or proof that Biden is currently President?
Leading to a contradictory standard if you affirm one but deny the other?
Or are these simply memes? Proof or evidence of nothing other than the fact that the two men are comparable?
This still doesn't mean that Trump is saying that he's actually the president. It could just mean he thinks Joe stole the presidency, which we already know that's what he thinks.
The beauty of this is that: Trump can do this under the premise of "the election was stolen" (which it was) so he would be and is supposed to be Commander in Chief, while anons can understand it within the Devolution framework. Outstanding.
OK, my bad, I honestly looked for it and all I found was it posted as a reply. The Truth threads are squirley at times. Is there a link to the repost from Truth Social site?
Two memes that state very clearly that Biden is president:
"Worst President ever!"
"Never in my life would I have ever believed that the biggest threat to America would be its own president!"
"For the first time history, we have a President so incompetent and weak, not elected but installed by a totally corrupt and criminal political system."
So which is it, anons? Is Trump retruthing a meme that compares a Commander in Thief with a Commander in Chief evidence or proof that DJT is currently CIC, in which case the other memes are also evidence or proof that Biden is currently President?
Or are these simply memes? Proof or evidence of nothing other than the fact that the two men are comparable?
It's been obvious if you see devolution is implemented. The GAW is way ahead of the average person. I suppose that is why it seems to be taking so long because people see these memes and just now start to see it. It has been obvious for awhile if you ask me.
I can't wrap my head around the fact people didn't know this already. The signs were like fricken neon since 2020.
This, and so much more, would not happen were he not still the president.
All this shitshow was part of the movie. No one likes it, but it was necessary.
I am glad I found someone to put it so succinctly. I've been telling this to people too, although in not as many terms, and they just don't believe me.
It's a tough sell when Biden is enacting policies that are getting enforced.
Once again, Fraud vitiates everything enters the chat...
Yeah Iβm sure itβll help all those people who have been hurt/died thanks to those policies
It's a war and unfortunately people get hurt and die in war including innocent people. None of us know the full story as to why anything has been happening. What the country sees is something never witnessed before. Exposure of the crimes, the fake news, the willingness to destroy anything and everything We The People hold dear for money and power. The lies, cheating, stealing, treason, trafficking of children, allowing open borders and fentanyl flooding in. If Trump didn't do what he did and pretend to step down, all would have remained hidden.
My only hope is that justice will come to those who deserve it and we can watch them being perp walked to jail and hopefully the gallows.
Thank you for helping to keep their brains from going martian like in Mars Attacks.
The way I take this post by Trump is that he is contrasting his performance when he was President to Bidenβs current Presidency.
Yeah, to me this makes the most sense.
But confirmation bias dies hard, and some folks refuse to consider alt. explanations.
Having scrolled through, one can see very clearly that he indeed re-truthed it.
but he also re-truthed (at least) these:
Two memes that state very clearly that Biden is president:
So which is it, anons?
Is Trump retruthing a meme that compares a Commander in Thief with a Commander in Chief evidence or proof that DJT is currently CIC? In which case the other memes are also evidence or proof that Biden is currently President?
Leading to a contradictory standard if you affirm one but deny the other?
Or are these simply memes? Proof or evidence of nothing other than the fact that the two men are comparable?
Fwiw, Patel Patriot, author of the devolution series, affirms that devolution does not require or even imply that DJT is CIC, or Potus. If you listen to his reasoning, it makes a LOT more sense than the notion that Trump is somehow CIC or Potus now.
Trump relinquished the seat of public power in order to avoid civil war and allow a process where the public mandate for change could reach the required levels. (Note: even though the stolen election was obvious, why did nothing happen? Because enough people in the USA simply did not care. I.e not enough public mandate. But today? 2024? you can bet a whole lot more care. >>> publci mandate.)
It's worth noting that a lot of charlatans out there are promoting the CIC narrative (Johnson, Najadi, etc)
Plausible deniability maintained. ;)
X account is just looking for traffic. There's no significance whatsoever that makes this post verify anything other than what is already known. We need a x cap subthread badly.
Known to who?
trying to wrap my head around this but I agree with you.
Question: Does this mean Biden is President of D.C, the corporation, and Trump is President of the Republic?
Bingo. DC is occupied territory. According to the Law Of War manual, the Biden regime is a belligerent force, just as though we were invaded by a foreign power. The difference is, the Alliance is exposing them before they are all rounded up. By the way, some of them are already gone. Think of those who were very loud in the past several years that have gone silent. π€
Yes, to put it directly. That's exactly it.
Great question.
The Republic hasn't had a President since the Congress lost it's quorum in 1861.( the government failed and "RECONSTRUCTION" has been delay) But infrastructure is being rebuilt.
Yes, you are correct if all this is in fact, fact. I myself believe it to be true.
Only time will tell π
Just to pick an important nit:
He doesn't JUST have USSS Security 24x7; all former presidents do. I think that was signed into law by slick willy.
The thing I can't get over & why I think he actually is sitting POTUS, is that; from what I can tell, his motorcade is IDENTICAL to that of an actual Sitting POTUS, INCLUDING stuff like the USSS CAT Team; they're basically Secret Service SWAT. Those guys are always dressed in all-black, full-out war gear; no discretion there.
I do not believe any former presidents get a full CAT escort EVERYWHERE they go, AND the dozens / hundreds of cars that go in a full-blown sitting presidential motorcade.
Here' this gives you some basic idea of it: https://people.howstuffworks.com/presidential-motorcade.htm
But wait; he DOES still have an aide with the football with him all the time???? REALLY?????? How is that not constantly discussed here????????
That seals the deal 1,000,000%; TRUMP IS THE SITTING PRESIDENT if he ALSO has the nuclear football that can launch freakin' nuclear weapons!!!!
So....yeah......I agree with all the rest of your post, 1000%. :-)
I question the claim that the nuclear football is always with him.
Over the past 2+ years, I have seen ONE photo of Trump's entourage that raised a discussion about whether the bag was the nuclear football or something else.
OP makes a few claims, but I see little substance to a bunch of them. Joining the dots properly requires looking at and evaluating competing explanations, not just going with what seems to fit what you are thinking, and ignoring other possibilities.
I can't say, as I've been on a pretty strict media diet the past 1-2 years. Both intentional for my mental health, but also unintentional because I'm more focused on my family & work.
I've definitely seen with my own eyes, videos & photos of the USSS CAT, as I said, but not the football....but I haven't really looked.....
i agree; would be great to get more confirmation of the above points.
ETA: I re-read this & here are my thoughts:
This is objectively true, including the USSS CAT team, which is most remarkable.
I can't say for sure on this....can anyone post links to photos / videos where you suspect someone holding The Football is with Trump?
Trump has been extremely unusually active in national & global politics since "leaving office." It is true that Trump regularly meets with most / all significant govt. officials from around the globe......
This is true.
Also true.
This is not 100% knowable unless you are extremely close to POTUS or involved at the highest levels of govt, but there was a very good case made that Trump did in fact activate the insurrection act prior to leaving office. I remember that.
on and on and on.
This is also 100% true...... I'm not aware of any significant Trump EO's that have been rescinded / cancelled by the usurper xi-den.
...those that know .......know !
Faith is like that.
sweet jeezus. biden is built just like my ex wife. same tits, same belly. same hairy legs. i need eye-bleach. STAT
Puppy or girl? I will curate you a good one
suprise me
You get both :) hopefully one of them does the job https://files.catbox.moe/7r1g9g.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/kc8tpd.jpg
Hubba hubba!!!
thanks. that made my day.
just got a notification my14.5" carbine length barrel is back-ordered :(
A 2 PRESIDENTS PROPHECY by Kim Clement! I watched it and thought this would be impossible back then. But here we are!
Don't forget about "The Last President" either. The well has been poisoned thanks to the present day Ingersol Lockwood website LARP, but I'm talking about the original books he (meaning Lockwood) wrote in the 1890s that are seemingly prophetic - regarding Baron Trump, Mr Pence, etc.
So then he's the one responsible for all the military aid we're sending to Ukraine? And the shit show in Afghanistan?
There are a lot of things that are not as they appear, even at our deeper level of visibility.
The easiest one to wrap your head around is how it could conceivably be possible to destroy the world reserve currency without destroying the world.
I canβt think of any option that wouldnβt be either easily undone later or exploited by bad actors for advantage, which would then crush the person doing it politically, in spite of it being one of the best actions ever undertaken by any politician.
Add to that, that you want good actors to take control of the new system. How do you roll that out? How do you take out the old one? How do you keep bad actors from retaining power?
This chess game is immensely complicated. Donβt worry that some things look bad. The right people are freaked out. It had to be this way.
Well, that's certainly convenient...
The Ponzi Collapses due to printing the Debt but not the interest....eventually it implodes. Print the interest too , then back the currency , you wake up traveling back down the yellow brick road leaving OZ , like the tornado never even happened.
Thatβs certainly one way to skin a cat.
Could explain inflation being so nutty, too. I like it!
Catching up is hard to do , real things have a real cost , inflation is reality trying to correct it's self . Eventually it always does.
Could it be that the thing Trump posted means Biden is corrupt and Trump was a true Commander in Chief while president? People read way too much meaning into everything Trump posts, imo. It's not as if Trump posted, "Hey everybody I am the current commander in chief!"
the troller in chief ;)
Have you seen it tho ? I mean some where other than the same media none of us trust ?
Well, it is rather a commander in brief, wouldn't you say.
ππ» https://truthsocial.com/@SunnyNguyen/112363773991143063
Trump also re-truthed (at least) these:
Two memes that state very clearly that Biden is president:
What about this:
"The world was a better place when Trump was President"
Which means he is NOT president now.
So which is it, anons?
Is Trump retruthing a meme that compares a Commander in Thief with a Commander in Chief evidence or proof that DJT is currently CIC? In which case the other memes are also evidence or proof that Biden is currently President?
Leading to a contradictory standard if you affirm one but deny the other?
Or are these simply memes? Proof or evidence of nothing other than the fact that the two men are comparable?
Confirmation bias is a very real thing.
This still doesn't mean that Trump is saying that he's actually the president. It could just mean he thinks Joe stole the presidency, which we already know that's what he thinks.
That's like saying Obama is President.
Put a picture of Trump next to Obama and call them both President.
No, Obama isn't President.
But he's still called President Obama. Just like every other past President.
Presidents can't be born in Kenya to non-American parents.
Just a way for social climbers to climb..
The beauty of this is that: Trump can do this under the premise of "the election was stolen" (which it was) so he would be and is supposed to be Commander in Chief, while anons can understand it within the Devolution framework. Outstanding.
Wow, Joe rambo posts some really dodgy stuff on his X. Big on claims, small on factual evidence.
He is Commander In Chief.
I just looked through DJT's timeline, this CIC meme was posted as a reply to a Trump post. DJT didn't retruth it.
False. He did retruth it.
Here is the post, the meme is a reply to DJT. It does not say reposted by DJT. It is under a post from DJT.
OK, my bad, I honestly looked for it and all I found was it posted as a reply. The Truth threads are squirley at times. Is there a link to the repost from Truth Social site?
Canβt link to reposts unfortunately. Just have to scroll his wall
It should be in DJT's timeline if he reposted it. I guess he could have reposted it and then deleted it.
If I repost anything, you can go to my page and see my retruths and they are linkable.
Why would he delete it?
Having scrolled through, one can see very clearly that he indeed re-truthed it.
but he also re-truthed (at least) these:
Two memes that state very clearly that Biden is president:
"Worst President ever!"
"Never in my life would I have ever believed that the biggest threat to America would be its own president!"
"For the first time history, we have a President so incompetent and weak, not elected but installed by a totally corrupt and criminal political system."
So which is it, anons? Is Trump retruthing a meme that compares a Commander in Thief with a Commander in Chief evidence or proof that DJT is currently CIC, in which case the other memes are also evidence or proof that Biden is currently President?
Or are these simply memes? Proof or evidence of nothing other than the fact that the two men are comparable?
PD big is this.
It's been obvious if you see devolution is implemented. The GAW is way ahead of the average person. I suppose that is why it seems to be taking so long because people see these memes and just now start to see it. It has been obvious for awhile if you ask me.
Sick. (see what I did there? Cic?)
Mr. President Donald J. Trump, πΊπΈ
my rage is out of control and marriage is just a mirage. your username makes my brain itch kek welcome aboard