immune checkpoint inhibitors basically give you lupus in order to suppress cancer. its not a "cure" if you get taken apart by your now overactive immune system
Very interesting! I passed it on to my favorite nurse practitioner and also my favorite pharmacist, both of whom saved thousands of lives during covid.
Thanks for the backup. People who research cannabis properly know this. Over 34 cancer destroying medical compounds have been found in cannabis so far, the highest concentration ever found in nature in a single plant.
RSO is a concentrate made from cannabis, and is made using a specific process.
A few testimonials are not enough to say it will outright cure (EVERY!) cancer, which is what they insist. If this were true, literally 100% of cancer would be cured in everyone who consumes it.
Also, RSO which is a concentration of all the compounds that work as treatment of cancer is not strictly just whole leaf cannabis, and getting high every day will not have the same results which is what anyone who would read that would start doing.
Fenbendazole and Ivermectin presently have more promising studies on "curing" cancer. Not enough has been done on concentrated compounds yet.
But just consuming cannabis does not yield these results, and it most certainly does not cure every type of cancer.
Hundreds of thousands of testimonials and hundreds of scientific studies is plenty of strong evidence.
It is true that diet and timing could prevent cannabis from doing the curing. You need about a week of life left in you to consume medicine and a basic healthy diet in combination with cannabis oil to cure the cancer, but cannabinoids reach every area that cancer grows so it's most likely the best cancer cure, especially because he heals the rest of your body while killing cancer cells.
Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are great too, but excuse me if I trust God's genius brain more than some scientists.
Every cancer patient who is on an ok diet, has a few days to live and eats proper decarboxylated organic cannabis oil in high doses over a few months, has been successful at curing their cancer. That is what I have seen, I could be wrong, but nobody has debunked this or proven it wrong yet.
Again this is the best plant medicine in the world that is made by God, the most powerful healer, versus some other options.
A miracle flowers that has saved millions of lives, has hundreds of medicines that is made by God will Trump every other medicine, I can't prove this, but mark my words because it is true.
Cannabis is the King of medicine and one day people will be awakened to that truth.
Every cancer patient who is on an ok diet, has a few days to live and eats proper decarboxylated organic cannabis oil in high doses over a few months, has been successful at curing their cancer.
Look, this is what I have a problem with.
There are 8 billion humans on the planet.
I cannot deny that there isn't a benefit -- there may very well be -- but it is an incredible stretch with the amount of cancer in the world and unless you were God Himself you would never be able to see every single dietary choice, environment or the effects on consuming it.
It's not just smoking it or eating it that will help. RSO -- concentrated extracted compounds -- has the best record and following that path would likely yield better results.
There are people who are chronically high off their ass on pot, and they still get cancer. That means that it cannot just act as a cure-all, and that's the problem I have. It's irresponsible to treat it so adamantly as a cure, when cure is a tough word to even use with cancer even on a good day.
Whoa whoa... I never said smoking cannabis cures cancer, it doesn't. You can get super high on cannabis and not cure anything.
I said you have to eat high concentrations of quality organic cannabis oil in combination with a good diet. There is a huge difference. I recommend you do some reading. I've been researching and publishing books on this for a decade. I'm also friends with Rick Simpson, the number one cannabis healer in the world, so I have access to way more cannabis Intel than the average person.
Disclaimer: I was not the one who downvoted you, because I am hoping you're making your arguments in good faith.
You missed my point of concern as I live in an area that seems to have been taken over by pot smokers, growers and dealers:
By running with statements "cannabis cures cancer" without adding in more nuance, you're reinforcing people who use statements like that and then people like me have to deal with those excuses for my once-clean area smelling like pot and having litter all over the place from the munchies 24/7, when there is endless proof that smoking it does not yield such a response.
The initial post you made did not add that nuance, and so I had criticism there. You have since clarified more and I appreciate that.
I will maintain that due to throttling and misclassification that we do not have enough studies to definitively point to it as a primary factor of healing, however I also believe that there are benefits to it that absolutely could aid in recovery.
I will also maintain that it is always going to be difficult to say that cancer is "cured" due to the nature of it.
Eating 180 grams of organic decarboxylated cannabis over a span of a few months cures cancer. Anyone who still calls medical cannabis pot is probably learning about cannabis from Wikipedia.
Do your research. I've published books on medical cannabis. What research have you done? I've cured cancer patients. Have you?
It's boggles my mind how quick people trust man-made poisons and quickly doubt a flower with over 600 medical compounds that was designed by the greatest healer in the universe, God.
It's complicated, you can eat the plant or the oil, as long as it's decarboxylated. You need to eat 2 to 4 grams of decarboxylated flower or .3 to 1 gram of decarboxylated cannabis oil. Eat that much daily for months until the cancer is gone. You also have to eat relatively healthy.
I have never seen that but there is evidence that CBD kills breast cancer cells and does have an effect on a number of other types of cancer. I don't think it is a kill all however.
Eating 180 grams of organic decarboxylated cannabis over a span of a few months cures cancer.
Yeah, okay.
Do your research. I've published books on medical cannabis. What research have you done? I've cured cancer patients. Have you?
Feel free to bring those sources, as well as any arguments to the contrary. If you're only going to bring your own "sources", that's not how it works either.
It's boggles my mind how quick people trust man-made poisons and quickly doubt a flower with over 600 medical compounds that was designed by the greatest healer in the universe, God.
It boggles my mind that you'd actually think I trust bullshit made by Big Pharma too, but I don't think you understand what the word "cure" means if you think pot cures it.
But again; bring sources. Show your work. Show the arguments against your work.
Be honest, genuine and sincere. Because this post right here does not sound like any of those things. It just sounds like someone who wants to be a consumer of a drug, like people who refuse to acknowledge all of the well established effects on your esophagus from inhaling pot smoke or the impairment that it causes in the user's judgements.
To be clear, I want to see YOUR work. YOUR so called published works. Not some random websites from Google. After all, no one ever lies on the internet for their own personal agendas when it suits them, right?
Right, there is some -- though not a ton -- evidence that compounds existing within cannabis can help treat some types of cancer but that is not what is being asserted.
It is being asserted that it can entirely cure cancer, and without specification of the types of cancer either.
Most of those compounds also won't be beneficial from smoking it either, it is only for very specific use cases.
Is there a worldwide treaty that effectively limits cannabis medicine research and production? Has the US government allowed very little research on phytocannabinoids outside of a "drugs of abuse" context?
Marijuana was misclassified in the U.S. which did prevent studies that could have had very promising conclusions and a lot of countries seemed to do similarly though I won't pretend to be very knowledgeable about every country's laws since that would be silly.
Frankly, one could even argue that it was by design.
I'd say that's quite an understatement. I think there ought to be a mountain of research in a continuous chain going back to the time of O'Shaughnessy in the 19th century.
If you learn about this one thing then you learn something about virtually all the countries (the 186 parties.)
The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 is an international treaty that controls activities of specific narcotic drugs and lays down a system of regulations for their medical and scientific uses; it also establishes the International Narcotics Control Board.
Condition: 40 ratifications
Effective: 13 December 1964 (original text); 8 August 1975 (as amended in 1972)
Parties: 186 (as of 2022)
Signed: 30 March 1961; 8 August 1972 (amendment)
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs is mandated to decide on the scope of control of substances under the three International Drug Control Conventions, namely:
the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, as amended by the 1972 Protocol;
the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971; and
the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988.
States parties to these conventions are required to ensure that the respective mandatory control measures are applied to substances listed in the schedules for the 1961 Convention, the schedules of the 1971 Convention and the tables for the 1988 Convention which are annexed to these conventions. During its sessions, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs decides on proposals to add substances to, or to transfer or delete substances from the schedules/tables. The schedules/tables entail different levels of control measures.
I agree pot does not cure cancer. However, if something is synthesized it is not made by God. You may think chemical copies are exact but unless it is harvested from a naturally made source it is not exact, not natural, and not made by God.
Every source at its core is natural. If God did not create the rules for synthesis and the materials to do so, then how did they come to be?
Humanity works within a framework made by God.
If God made everything, if God is everything, then that goes for both the ingredients and the end result as well.
I would gently remind everyone that science and religion is a much more recent separation, as many old scholars and scientists viewed it as learning knowledge left for us to come to understand. It certainly makes no sense to play by leftist ideals that science and everything therein is against religion.
Yes, I agree science and God are on converging paths and not divergent. All I am saying is your either trusting in some dude in a laboratory synthesizing materials in a beaker or your eating vegetation and animals. I rather put my trust in God’s materials and the process by which He makes them. Now, am I guilty of consuming some form of synthetic crap, yes, as this modern world makes it almost impossible not to. Unless one has the ability and wherewithal to live somewhere away from society and be one with nature everyone will. That being said, I try my best.
The modern world has left God out of everything even though He has provided, everything. Meaning, we use paper and digits as money when he provides gold and silver. We take pills designed in a lab and made in a factory instead of watching and using the naturally sourced materials for medicines. We eat, who the fuck knows anymore, instead of growing our own crops and raising our own animals. The crops and animals we buy are full of, who the fuck knows, chemicals and hormones. The list goes on and on into infinity of the things we have replaced God and His ways with. Everything in this modern society is a copy of what God has actually provided naturally. Collectively, where is our faith? In what God has provided, or what man has copied? That what I was driving at. I got. I have no problem with science as it ultimately will lead us back to The Creator. All glory to God.
ThankQ for posting this fren.
They’ve got to fast track the cures already...cuz Trump’s acommin
Oh, right. Must give Pedo Joe credit to make him look good since they know it's all coming out anyway.
Joe did say he was going to cure cancer. I wonder how long they've sat on the cure only to pull it out in a hail mary.
Likely decades
immune checkpoint inhibitors basically give you lupus in order to suppress cancer. its not a "cure" if you get taken apart by your now overactive immune system
Bad news if true. Can you share any sauce?
You mean "can you share any sauce, handshake?"
And here's some sauce:
Thanks for the link; good information.
And I don't care about your newbie status; I just wondered if you had any reference for the assertion. Also -- welcome to GA.
The person you replied to, u/Greekish isn’t new to GA.
Anyway, I don’t trust any of the immune suppressive drugs.
Lupus is bad, absolutely, but most people can struggle through it.
Rectal cancer is rough on the other hand and has a higher death rate.
If one is given the choice with no other feasible options, most people will choose the Lupus.
Cannabis is an option that cures cancer, boosts the immune system and heals the whole body.
And robs you of your mind, memory and cognitive functions, as I've seen with a friend.
Fuck that.
I had a friend with lupus who died at 33 of breast cancer. I wonder what the effects would be on someone with lupus already?
Evidence of conspiracy gets wider by the day. Thanks for this info.
Some earlier articles about monoclonal antibodies from vat:
It was quite promising long time ago.
Such wonderful news. Does anyone know if Biden reversed Trump’s EO on Right to Try?
Another huge expensive treatment?
Antibodies attack foreign invaders in the body. Which means cancers cause is not a genetic issue but a foreign body invasion. If I read this right.
going to read the actual study before making judgements
Very interesting! I passed it on to my favorite nurse practitioner and also my favorite pharmacist, both of whom saved thousands of lives during covid.
Somehow Biden will give himself credit for this. He will say, I told you I would cure cancer, now vote for me!
If bringing cures they have had at their disposal for likely decades, makes them think they can stop what is coming, by all means let them believe so.
“No adverse events of grade 3 or higher have been reported.”
And what does this mean?
I think they mean the tumour stage.
Got it. T/u.
Cannabis cures cancer while healing the whole body, works on every cancer and is made by God. It's 100 times better. Google Rick Simpson.
RSO works.
Thanks for the backup. People who research cannabis properly know this. Over 34 cancer destroying medical compounds have been found in cannabis so far, the highest concentration ever found in nature in a single plant.
They've known since 1974 that THC kills cancer cells while sparing normal ones.
So how does one consume cannibis at the level required without being stoned out of your gourd all the time? Seriously.
RSO is a concentrate made from cannabis, and is made using a specific process.
A few testimonials are not enough to say it will outright cure (EVERY!) cancer, which is what they insist. If this were true, literally 100% of cancer would be cured in everyone who consumes it.
Also, RSO which is a concentration of all the compounds that work as treatment of cancer is not strictly just whole leaf cannabis, and getting high every day will not have the same results which is what anyone who would read that would start doing.
Fenbendazole and Ivermectin presently have more promising studies on "curing" cancer. Not enough has been done on concentrated compounds yet.
But just consuming cannabis does not yield these results, and it most certainly does not cure every type of cancer.
Hundreds of thousands of testimonials and hundreds of scientific studies is plenty of strong evidence.
It is true that diet and timing could prevent cannabis from doing the curing. You need about a week of life left in you to consume medicine and a basic healthy diet in combination with cannabis oil to cure the cancer, but cannabinoids reach every area that cancer grows so it's most likely the best cancer cure, especially because he heals the rest of your body while killing cancer cells.
Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are great too, but excuse me if I trust God's genius brain more than some scientists.
Every cancer patient who is on an ok diet, has a few days to live and eats proper decarboxylated organic cannabis oil in high doses over a few months, has been successful at curing their cancer. That is what I have seen, I could be wrong, but nobody has debunked this or proven it wrong yet.
Again this is the best plant medicine in the world that is made by God, the most powerful healer, versus some other options.
A miracle flowers that has saved millions of lives, has hundreds of medicines that is made by God will Trump every other medicine, I can't prove this, but mark my words because it is true.
Cannabis is the King of medicine and one day people will be awakened to that truth.
Look, this is what I have a problem with.
There are 8 billion humans on the planet.
I cannot deny that there isn't a benefit -- there may very well be -- but it is an incredible stretch with the amount of cancer in the world and unless you were God Himself you would never be able to see every single dietary choice, environment or the effects on consuming it.
It's not just smoking it or eating it that will help. RSO -- concentrated extracted compounds -- has the best record and following that path would likely yield better results.
There are people who are chronically high off their ass on pot, and they still get cancer. That means that it cannot just act as a cure-all, and that's the problem I have. It's irresponsible to treat it so adamantly as a cure, when cure is a tough word to even use with cancer even on a good day.
Whoa whoa... I never said smoking cannabis cures cancer, it doesn't. You can get super high on cannabis and not cure anything.
I said you have to eat high concentrations of quality organic cannabis oil in combination with a good diet. There is a huge difference. I recommend you do some reading. I've been researching and publishing books on this for a decade. I'm also friends with Rick Simpson, the number one cannabis healer in the world, so I have access to way more cannabis Intel than the average person.
Disclaimer: I was not the one who downvoted you, because I am hoping you're making your arguments in good faith.
You missed my point of concern as I live in an area that seems to have been taken over by pot smokers, growers and dealers:
By running with statements "cannabis cures cancer" without adding in more nuance, you're reinforcing people who use statements like that and then people like me have to deal with those excuses for my once-clean area smelling like pot and having litter all over the place from the munchies 24/7, when there is endless proof that smoking it does not yield such a response.
The initial post you made did not add that nuance, and so I had criticism there. You have since clarified more and I appreciate that.
I will maintain that due to throttling and misclassification that we do not have enough studies to definitively point to it as a primary factor of healing, however I also believe that there are benefits to it that absolutely could aid in recovery.
I will also maintain that it is always going to be difficult to say that cancer is "cured" due to the nature of it.
Pot does not cure cancer.
When you get down and gritty, everything is made by God. Something cannot be synthesized or created if he did not deem those rules to be.
Eating 180 grams of organic decarboxylated cannabis over a span of a few months cures cancer. Anyone who still calls medical cannabis pot is probably learning about cannabis from Wikipedia.
Do your research. I've published books on medical cannabis. What research have you done? I've cured cancer patients. Have you?
It's boggles my mind how quick people trust man-made poisons and quickly doubt a flower with over 600 medical compounds that was designed by the greatest healer in the universe, God.
Can you share some sauce for us frens? Which books would suggest for newbies to cannabis healing powers?
Rick Simpson has some great books on this, he needs the money so buy his.
do you mean actually eating the plant or the oil derived from it? either?
It's complicated, you can eat the plant or the oil, as long as it's decarboxylated. You need to eat 2 to 4 grams of decarboxylated flower or .3 to 1 gram of decarboxylated cannabis oil. Eat that much daily for months until the cancer is gone. You also have to eat relatively healthy.
I have never seen that but there is evidence that CBD kills breast cancer cells and does have an effect on a number of other types of cancer. I don't think it is a kill all however.
Do some more research.
Yeah, okay.
Feel free to bring those sources, as well as any arguments to the contrary. If you're only going to bring your own "sources", that's not how it works either.
It boggles my mind that you'd actually think I trust bullshit made by Big Pharma too, but I don't think you understand what the word "cure" means if you think pot cures it.
But again; bring sources. Show your work. Show the arguments against your work.
Be honest, genuine and sincere. Because this post right here does not sound like any of those things. It just sounds like someone who wants to be a consumer of a drug, like people who refuse to acknowledge all of the well established effects on your esophagus from inhaling pot smoke or the impairment that it causes in the user's judgements.
To be clear, I want to see YOUR work. YOUR so called published works. Not some random websites from Google. After all, no one ever lies on the internet for their own personal agendas when it suits them, right?
My dad has used RSO on non malignant skin cancer spots with success, but it's not a cure all.
Right, there is some -- though not a ton -- evidence that compounds existing within cannabis can help treat some types of cancer but that is not what is being asserted.
It is being asserted that it can entirely cure cancer, and without specification of the types of cancer either.
Most of those compounds also won't be beneficial from smoking it either, it is only for very specific use cases.
Is there a worldwide treaty that effectively limits cannabis medicine research and production? Has the US government allowed very little research on phytocannabinoids outside of a "drugs of abuse" context?
Marijuana was misclassified in the U.S. which did prevent studies that could have had very promising conclusions and a lot of countries seemed to do similarly though I won't pretend to be very knowledgeable about every country's laws since that would be silly.
Frankly, one could even argue that it was by design.
I'd say that's quite an understatement. I think there ought to be a mountain of research in a continuous chain going back to the time of O'Shaughnessy in the 19th century.
If you learn about this one thing then you learn something about virtually all the countries (the 186 parties.)
The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 is an international treaty that controls activities of specific narcotic drugs and lays down a system of regulations for their medical and scientific uses; it also establishes the International Narcotics Control Board. Condition: 40 ratifications Effective: 13 December 1964 (original text); 8 August 1975 (as amended in 1972) Parties: 186 (as of 2022) Signed: 30 March 1961; 8 August 1972 (amendment)
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs is mandated to decide on the scope of control of substances under the three International Drug Control Conventions, namely:
States parties to these conventions are required to ensure that the respective mandatory control measures are applied to substances listed in the schedules for the 1961 Convention, the schedules of the 1971 Convention and the tables for the 1988 Convention which are annexed to these conventions. During its sessions, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs decides on proposals to add substances to, or to transfer or delete substances from the schedules/tables. The schedules/tables entail different levels of control measures.
Absolutely a travesty to keep studies from happening.
Meanwhile we have the most coked out White House in history.
I agree pot does not cure cancer. However, if something is synthesized it is not made by God. You may think chemical copies are exact but unless it is harvested from a naturally made source it is not exact, not natural, and not made by God.
Every source at its core is natural. If God did not create the rules for synthesis and the materials to do so, then how did they come to be?
Humanity works within a framework made by God.
If God made everything, if God is everything, then that goes for both the ingredients and the end result as well.
I would gently remind everyone that science and religion is a much more recent separation, as many old scholars and scientists viewed it as learning knowledge left for us to come to understand. It certainly makes no sense to play by leftist ideals that science and everything therein is against religion.
Yes, I agree science and God are on converging paths and not divergent. All I am saying is your either trusting in some dude in a laboratory synthesizing materials in a beaker or your eating vegetation and animals. I rather put my trust in God’s materials and the process by which He makes them. Now, am I guilty of consuming some form of synthetic crap, yes, as this modern world makes it almost impossible not to. Unless one has the ability and wherewithal to live somewhere away from society and be one with nature everyone will. That being said, I try my best.
The modern world has left God out of everything even though He has provided, everything. Meaning, we use paper and digits as money when he provides gold and silver. We take pills designed in a lab and made in a factory instead of watching and using the naturally sourced materials for medicines. We eat, who the fuck knows anymore, instead of growing our own crops and raising our own animals. The crops and animals we buy are full of, who the fuck knows, chemicals and hormones. The list goes on and on into infinity of the things we have replaced God and His ways with. Everything in this modern society is a copy of what God has actually provided naturally. Collectively, where is our faith? In what God has provided, or what man has copied? That what I was driving at. I got. I have no problem with science as it ultimately will lead us back to The Creator. All glory to God.