I will go out on this limb and suggest that somebody has been watching. Space Force perhaps? The entire enabling apparatus involved is about to find the sunlight. Watch.
Unless it's all an act to seem stable enough to "win" but demented "just enough" to avoid prosecution when the time comes. ("Real" Joe is - and has always been - a selfish, narcissistic, grifting bully and coward who'd likely do ANYTHING to save his sirry a-s.)
I knew they denied him more security - but didn't know there was a back story entangled with lawfare.
Thanks for this important bit of information. This may explain the "light" coverage around the perimeter because they were spread thin. Time will tell.
If you've been to any of his rallies, you'd know he has a full security force of his own folks - many of them working the crowd, and Secret Service fully around him. I'm not sure what happened in PA?
That’s what I keep asking, “what the heck happened to Trump’s own elite security team that he employs himself!!?” Didn’t he have his own team, separate from SS, when he was President? Did I just dream that up out of nowhere? Trump is not stupid and I just have a hard time believing that he would entrust his life to not just SS, but “Joe Biden’s” SS no less.
Something doesn’t add up, I just can’t figure out which side it doesn’t add up on. It all seems suspect no matter which angle I look at it from. 🤷🏼♀️😬
I get that. I can't help but feel that even though this was a genuine attempt to kill Trump, that it was also known, planned for and allowed. We may never know about all the moving parts of this unfolding, but I think we can agree that this will catapult Trump up to the stratosphere in popularity and visibility, and at the same time it will serve to kick this whole process into high gear. Hasn't Q said that POTUS is fully insulated? This is far from the first attempt to end his life, but it's been the one that happened in front of basically the entire world. I don't think it was the actual Donald J Trump who did this rally, and I have to give a major and eternal thank you to the guy with a new hole in his ear. That's service of the highest order, I reckon.
I'm not going to go as far as saying that was a Ronald and Donald wasn't there... But, I've already mentioned how Q told us "Sometimes you just have to show them" and very few people understand how many attempts on his life have already been taken. Now, this "shot was heard around the world" and the only people who don't know about what happened yesterday are like... The amish and those uncontacted tribes
LOL. Hey, when I lived in Colorado a short drive from the border to you guys, you were crucial...
...for 4th of july. The rest of the year, What's a Wyoming? lmao. But, hey I lived on a kansas dirt road OUTSIDE of a city some Kansas people dont even know exists for a decade and i loved it. I'm sure i'd love Wyoming too.
The fact that this happened just 5 minutes into the rally had me a bit sus too. With the Q proofs and everything coming out it could make sense that WH send in a double/stuntman to take the shot for him. Surely they must have know what the Dems were up to and allowed it to happen to “shot the world” the truth.
The notion that the "good guys" allowed a bullet to be shot at Trump's head, or anyone's head, is fucking absurd. This would make them categorically "not the good guys".
The ends don't justify the means, and shooting into a crowd trying to hit some random in the ear (impossible shot) is not a justified mean to an end. It's evil, and grossly negligent.
The notion that the "good guys" allowed a bullet to be shot at Trump's head, or anyone's head, is fucking absurd. This would make them categorically "not the good guys".
Not to mention all the people who were injured and the dad that was killed protecting his family.
If the WHs are responsible for that, then they're definitely not the good guys.
Correct. So follow that logic more. This would imply a bullet was not actually shot. Which means that somehow, they made everyone believe someone in the crowd was killed. Could that be done?
Possibly. Certainly the fluids and brain tissue can be simulated. The Japanese have made great strides with animatronics. Even down to subtle jerks and chest movements to simulate breathing. Walking is about the only thing they can't really simulate very well. But if you surrounded the victim by agents who knew what was going on to make sure nobody tried to engage with the individual, it may have been possible to simulate a person and a death.
It would also require a doctor that was aware of the operation to take immediate action so that any Good Samaritans in the crowd didn't try to help after the shot. And, of course, the EMT's who eventually responded and took the body away.
Am I saying this is what did happen? No. I have no idea what did happen. I wasn't there. But I am pointing out there are reasonable hypothesis that need to be investigated before you assume that what you think you know is actually true.
We know this was a major event that is going to have significant repercussions going forward. There is no way this was an accident or random chance. It was definitely known by the white hats before hand, so it was engineered to fit the larger purpose.
As this movie goes on, there are going to be even more serious events than this. We know that at least we have a "scare event" coming. We have to be less emotional and more methodical and rational in our analysis. There are many, many angles that deserve consideration before deciding that any one theory is correct.
I never believe anything that is the mainstream hypothesis anymore.
Maybe “It had to be this way”, to Awaken another swathe of Sheeple. Next will be another heavy event, and next will be the economy collapsing. Certain things have to happen no matter what is known to awaken stages of Sheeple, until everything is a flood; and is seeming to happen all at once. America’s “near death experience”.
Didn't the judge, moving the sentencing date to September 18, say "if it's still needed" or some version of that? Now that remark takes on a whole new meaning. 🤔
I'm really trying to understand how all of this works with the theory that Trump is still secretly the President and/or CIC.
Previously when Trump was seen with his huge security team it was said to be evidence that he was still really the President and/or CIC because otherwise he wouldn't need so much protection.
And how would the Dems succeed in yanking security detail from felons if was still the President?
The good news is that their plan failed in many places. For them to proceed anyways meant they were just winging it. If they could they would have made better plans. JFK had 4 gunmen. Why did the black hats just wing it with 2? They are running out of resources, this attempt was their crapshoot, and they lost
What about the blood on his ear and the people who died? Are you suggesting crisis actors? What about the photo series that captured the bullet in midair? Your line of thinking opens Pandora's box in a way I'm not comfortable with.
I disagree - an actual attempt would most DEFINITELY be scrubbed as soon as possible. They want this to die to the public as quickly as possible. Longer it's in the news, more people will see and possibly swap over, or if wavering, become definitive. Get it out the public, out the main stream convos fast and in a hurry.
I cannot in any way, shape or form, force my mind to believe that Trump would be willing to allow someone to shoot at him trying to hit an ear. Sorry, I just can't reconcile that in my brain.
Good. I agree. So that would imply that nobody actually shot at him. Which as preposterous as it seems, is what my gut tells me is the most likely scenario.
So that begs the question. What would be required to make a crowd THINK someone took a shot and killed a person in the audience?
It's not impossible. Difficult for sure. It would be a somewhat complicated psychological operation, and would involve a victim that appeared at a casual glance to be human. But not necessarily outside the realm of what is achievable with current technology.
I will go out on this limb and suggest that somebody has been watching. Space Force perhaps? The entire enabling apparatus involved is about to find the sunlight. Watch.
I really hope so. I think we’re all fired up and fed up with this garbage.
I damn sure am.
It can't happen soon enough. They must all be shown to be the treasonous rats they are. Every single one of them.
Yes. the inside job came from Demorats.
Of course
BTW Just heard Biden's evening address - He was back to taking something just like his State of the Union Address. Biden is back in business.
Too bad for Kamala, Hillary, or Michelle/Big Mike.
Saw the fool on TV as well... not sure what drugs were required to help him keep it together...
Unless it's all an act to seem stable enough to "win" but demented "just enough" to avoid prosecution when the time comes. ("Real" Joe is - and has always been - a selfish, narcissistic, grifting bully and coward who'd likely do ANYTHING to save his sirry a-s.)
I knew they denied him more security - but didn't know there was a back story entangled with lawfare.
Thanks for this important bit of information. This may explain the "light" coverage around the perimeter because they were spread thin. Time will tell.
Article: Democrats Started Trying To Strip Trump’s Secret Service Protection Just Months Before Shooting (DISGRACE Act)
Trump has been deined extra SS for the RNC convention. If I were Trump, I would hire a security to be his bodyguard.
If you've been to any of his rallies, you'd know he has a full security force of his own folks - many of them working the crowd, and Secret Service fully around him. I'm not sure what happened in PA?
That’s what I keep asking, “what the heck happened to Trump’s own elite security team that he employs himself!!?” Didn’t he have his own team, separate from SS, when he was President? Did I just dream that up out of nowhere? Trump is not stupid and I just have a hard time believing that he would entrust his life to not just SS, but “Joe Biden’s” SS no less.
Something doesn’t add up, I just can’t figure out which side it doesn’t add up on. It all seems suspect no matter which angle I look at it from. 🤷🏼♀️😬
What makes you think he hasn't had that for many years already?
What just happened, perhaps?
I get that. I can't help but feel that even though this was a genuine attempt to kill Trump, that it was also known, planned for and allowed. We may never know about all the moving parts of this unfolding, but I think we can agree that this will catapult Trump up to the stratosphere in popularity and visibility, and at the same time it will serve to kick this whole process into high gear. Hasn't Q said that POTUS is fully insulated? This is far from the first attempt to end his life, but it's been the one that happened in front of basically the entire world. I don't think it was the actual Donald J Trump who did this rally, and I have to give a major and eternal thank you to the guy with a new hole in his ear. That's service of the highest order, I reckon.
I'm not going to go as far as saying that was a Ronald and Donald wasn't there... But, I've already mentioned how Q told us "Sometimes you just have to show them" and very few people understand how many attempts on his life have already been taken. Now, this "shot was heard around the world" and the only people who don't know about what happened yesterday are like... The amish and those uncontacted tribes
Yeah we even heard about it here in Wyoming !!!
LOL. Hey, when I lived in Colorado a short drive from the border to you guys, you were crucial...
...for 4th of july. The rest of the year, What's a Wyoming? lmao. But, hey I lived on a kansas dirt road OUTSIDE of a city some Kansas people dont even know exists for a decade and i loved it. I'm sure i'd love Wyoming too.
I am just south of the Montana line.
love your wicked sense of humor!
Do think Q meant this was staged for that purpose?
None of us know what happened, who made it happen, and why.
I wasn't asking for facts. Just opinion. We're allowed that - lol.
No. He/she knew how desperate they would get.
The Amish know.
The fact that this happened just 5 minutes into the rally had me a bit sus too. With the Q proofs and everything coming out it could make sense that WH send in a double/stuntman to take the shot for him. Surely they must have know what the Dems were up to and allowed it to happen to “shot the world” the truth.
The notion that the "good guys" allowed a bullet to be shot at Trump's head, or anyone's head, is fucking absurd. This would make them categorically "not the good guys".
The ends don't justify the means, and shooting into a crowd trying to hit some random in the ear (impossible shot) is not a justified mean to an end. It's evil, and grossly negligent.
Not to mention all the people who were injured and the dad that was killed protecting his family.
If the WHs are responsible for that, then they're definitely not the good guys.
Correct. So follow that logic more. This would imply a bullet was not actually shot. Which means that somehow, they made everyone believe someone in the crowd was killed. Could that be done?
Possibly. Certainly the fluids and brain tissue can be simulated. The Japanese have made great strides with animatronics. Even down to subtle jerks and chest movements to simulate breathing. Walking is about the only thing they can't really simulate very well. But if you surrounded the victim by agents who knew what was going on to make sure nobody tried to engage with the individual, it may have been possible to simulate a person and a death.
It would also require a doctor that was aware of the operation to take immediate action so that any Good Samaritans in the crowd didn't try to help after the shot. And, of course, the EMT's who eventually responded and took the body away.
Am I saying this is what did happen? No. I have no idea what did happen. I wasn't there. But I am pointing out there are reasonable hypothesis that need to be investigated before you assume that what you think you know is actually true.
We know this was a major event that is going to have significant repercussions going forward. There is no way this was an accident or random chance. It was definitely known by the white hats before hand, so it was engineered to fit the larger purpose.
As this movie goes on, there are going to be even more serious events than this. We know that at least we have a "scare event" coming. We have to be less emotional and more methodical and rational in our analysis. There are many, many angles that deserve consideration before deciding that any one theory is correct.
I never believe anything that is the mainstream hypothesis anymore.
Maybe “It had to be this way”, to Awaken another swathe of Sheeple. Next will be another heavy event, and next will be the economy collapsing. Certain things have to happen no matter what is known to awaken stages of Sheeple, until everything is a flood; and is seeming to happen all at once. America’s “near death experience”.
I thought he hired Eric Prince's people because he didn't trust the SS. I was surprised to see only SS around him, and mostly fat little females.
This 👆🏻! This is what I keep asking..what about Trump’s own elite security team he employs!? Did I dream he had one!!? Do they not exist? 🤷🏼♀️😂
I believe the 2 men who got to POTUS right after the shooting were his private security. The guys running up afterward with the 2 women were SS.
Whatever they were.
I hope he has Erik Prince's # on speed dial.
Didn't the judge, moving the sentencing date to September 18, say "if it's still needed" or some version of that? Now that remark takes on a whole new meaning. 🤔
Democrats introduced that bill but unless it was passed and signed already it doesn't mean anything.
It lays out an intention.
Everyone who voted to support a bill stripping protections from Trump needs to lose everything in light of what has happened.
I mean it. The intent is clear.
Supposedly his regular SS detail was diverted to guard Jill Biden.
I'm really trying to understand how all of this works with the theory that Trump is still secretly the President and/or CIC.
Previously when Trump was seen with his huge security team it was said to be evidence that he was still really the President and/or CIC because otherwise he wouldn't need so much protection.
And how would the Dems succeed in yanking security detail from felons if was still the President?
There are no consequences
The good news is that their plan failed in many places. For them to proceed anyways meant they were just winging it. If they could they would have made better plans. JFK had 4 gunmen. Why did the black hats just wing it with 2? They are running out of resources, this attempt was their crapshoot, and they lost
His private security wouldn’t allow a real threat
Pops were blanks
Remember how Sandy Hook used people that didnt exist and had families that didnt exist ‘verify’?
This was a reverse False Flag to bolster Trumps actions via public optics. He has full reign now
What about the blood on his ear and the people who died? Are you suggesting crisis actors? What about the photo series that captured the bullet in midair? Your line of thinking opens Pandora's box in a way I'm not comfortable with.
It was not a planned by the white hats. I don't know why people keep saying that, it was a legit shooting attempt by the deep state.
He bladed on the ground
Photos can be doctored just like it was proven with Sandy Hook how they can doctor up people like victims and shooters
The WHs used a dirty trick against the DS thwy didnt expect
If Trump almost really did get killed by a DS agent it wouldnt be half scrubbed already
I disagree - an actual attempt would most DEFINITELY be scrubbed as soon as possible. They want this to die to the public as quickly as possible. Longer it's in the news, more people will see and possibly swap over, or if wavering, become definitive. Get it out the public, out the main stream convos fast and in a hurry.
Not if they ordered the hit
They may even finaly announce Carters death.
I cannot in any way, shape or form, force my mind to believe that Trump would be willing to allow someone to shoot at him trying to hit an ear. Sorry, I just can't reconcile that in my brain.
Good. I agree. So that would imply that nobody actually shot at him. Which as preposterous as it seems, is what my gut tells me is the most likely scenario.
So that begs the question. What would be required to make a crowd THINK someone took a shot and killed a person in the audience?
It's not impossible. Difficult for sure. It would be a somewhat complicated psychological operation, and would involve a victim that appeared at a casual glance to be human. But not necessarily outside the realm of what is achievable with current technology.
I sure hope not.
Don't be silly.
Retard answer
I agree with this ☝️it just looked so oddly rehearsed…
Who almost gets killed for real and then has the wherewithal to find the hard camera?
Love Trump but lets be real here
Flirting w idol worship many are