I know many people that did not like Trump at the very beginning including myself. So many things has changed my way of thinking since he first came down the escalator!!
Ditto - back in 2015, I liked what Trump was saying I just didn't trust Trump because of his ego. I've learned since then that his ego is a strength because it won't let him settle for failure, Above all, I've come to see that he truly has a love for the country and wants to make it a better place.
Yes, DeSantis was a perfect example for that point — except — I’d say: Vance’s RINO history is WORSE than DeSantis’ RINO history; Vance’s history is deeper and much more retarded than DeSantis’, whereas DeSantis exposed himself as quite a cartoonish retard.
Who claims to be “Conservative Republican* but opts to vote for Hillary Clinton — of ALL crooked anti-American candidates? It’s totally illogical and unbelievable.
Off the top of my head, a similar “Conservative Republican” [snake] who made such an illogical transition was Destiny (the lefty YouTuber, gamer, debater), an absolute freak who claimed he was a die hard Ron Paul supporter turned Hillary Clinton supporter.
He called Trump Americas Hitler. I’m sorry but there’s no coming back from that. No matter how much this snake read the tea leaves and knew which way the political winds were blowing and started spouting MAGA talking points, he’s not changed.
This dude is a snake and an opportunistic grifter. This is an awful pick by Trump who, let’s be honest, has a pretty established track record of picking absolute liars and backstabbers.
Well there was forgiveness found in President Trumps heart. Because he picked him as VP. Nothing you've said is factually wrong. Other than the assumption bits. Theres just nothing to say he hasent changed. You dont know the man personally. You cant claim to know his heart. Nor can I. But I can pray. And I can pray God continues to guide Trump, including his pick for VP.
I really want to believe that he actually has changed. We’ve been burned way too many times for me to just wholeheartedly endorse and support someone who spouted such vitriol and awful things about Trump in 2016.
I along with millions of other patriots have developed some cynicism for the countless RINOs and traitors who over the years have betrayed Trump, MAGA and the United States.
But you are right, I don’t know what’s in his heart. I will hold off on any praise or enthusiasm for him until he has demonstrated consistently over years what he will do as Vice President.
No one said anything about hating Vance.
Just don't think he is the man for the job.
Why did you twist the poster's words in such a dishonest way?
Fantastic. And like the crackerjack attorney he is, he zeroed in on the illegal wiretapping of Trump, which every attorney in American should have been screaming about when it was revealed. Instead they remained silent and it got swept under the rug.
He has an elite Yale Law School education, yet he couldn't see what most of us nobodies here at GAW could see the day of the escalator. Which just underscores that this is a spiritual war, and that your money/social status/elite education don't grant wisdom. Glad he did wise up and has the humility to admit it!
Everyone gets disappointed when who we hoped would be picked didnt get picked. No matter how in tune we get with the true nature of the world, the boss mans still another 30kft over us.
I might suggest; stop trying to be a sooth sayer to a normie though and you wont have to worry about such situations lol.
Instead I propose an alternative approach. Where you take their hand and take them on a journey while you discover the truths they do not know together. And that journey is not one size fits all. You must find what their core beliefs are. Find which ones they cling to with obvious fallacy and ones that have plenty of verifiable evidence. These are the easiest topics to red pill with. But that magic topic may be different for everyone.
I didn’t decide to vote for Trump until two days before the election in 16. It wasn’t until three months into his presidency that I realized this guy was a patriot.
Meh. Not feeling Vance. I don't see what he really brings to the ticket. He's from Ohio, a state Trump is already likely to win. Maybe Trump thinks Vance will be loyal to MAGA and him?
It helps show rino, independents & democrat Trump haters that hey, here's a guy that felt about like Trump like I do then changed. Might help wake up some NPCs especially as they repeat old statements he made.
Why can't we have candidates that were on board from the beginning?
Why do we always have to bow down to low Character people who claim to have seen the light and no track record ?
Wise people saw this mess from the beginning. And worked to put Trump in position to win. Trump did not do anything without us standing with him.
Our strength allowed him to make moves that other candidates couldn't.
It's all grassroots until convention time and then it's back to the same crappy elites.
I find that disrespectful. And I don't buy that "Trump was blackmailed nonsense either".
Patriots are supposed to be in control.
This pick doesn't seem like it to me.
Johnny-come-latelys are welcome. But if you didn't enthusiastically support Trump by the 2016 election, your powers of reasoning don't meet the standard that a VP should have.
In the 2016 election, it was widely understood that up to 3 SCOTUS appointees were on the table, and Hildabeast was going to fill them.
To be a never-Trumper in 2016 after the primaries were over, with no other considerations than the 3 SCOTUS appointments on deck, is INEXCUSABLE. Period, end of story.
Johnny-come-latelys are welcome, but sorry ... if you only come to your senses at the last moment to make reasonable choices then you don't meet the bar required to be VP.
I would have liked to see Tucker Carlson or some other guy who lost things to make the right choice, instead of guys who make bad choices and risked nothing.
I said before, it will not be who we think it would be. Looking into his background, this guy is as smart as any you will meet. He will be a great VP. Trump knows what he is doing and by now we should know to NOT SECOND GUESS HIM!
I didn't vote for Trump in our 2016 primary. I thought how could someone like him, understand middle-class, working people like us? He is a rich, no care in the world guy. I thought he was running just say he ran for president. It wasn't until I really started listening to him, understanding what he was trying for AMERICA. Not just one sector of America, but all of us. Should I be shunned forever?
I get what you are saying
You aren't on the ticket.
We are concerned about who take over government should something happen to the president.
He is problematic and a Rino.
He is welcome to vote Trump
This is no time to spend on why he changed his tune.
This seems like Mitt Romney all over again.
My neighbor has worked with Vance in the court system. She cannot speak more highly of him. I have previously been very skeptical, and saw him change his tune to the weather here in Ohio in order to get elected. Maybe it’s also returning here after being in CA too long and re-understanding what we are about. Who knows. Maybe he’s FOS. But that assassination attempt shows again that Gods hand is in this. So I’m going to keep praying and trust in Him.
There's a difference between not agreeing with on some stuff with Trump, or even voting Democrat and calling him a rapist Hitler who voted for Clinton and Romney lol
And even if by some miracle someone does convert, you still don't make them VP. Anyone who supports Clinton or Romney def has skeletons in the closet. We don't need someone who can be blackmailed in the 2nd most important position.
We have eyes to see and ears to hear and a brain to evaluate what we see.
We need to use them.
So we don't go through the same mess over and over.
This not the guy.
He takes responsibility better than many in here. If you trust God, trump and the plan you will be at peace. If not, you'll be static noise over something you can not change.
It's about trying to understand the strategy behind bringing him in as the VP. There's very little publicly available information to justify this choice.
One can only assume that there are less obvious reasons for his selection.
See Mitt Romney who Trump keeps raising from the dead.
I am no hater of any man.
Americans are tired of the same old crap.
That's discernment not hate.
Mature people are skilled at disagreeing without hatred.
We should stop talking and thinking like leftist communists.
Trump already knew he was going to get push
back from this pick.
We don't want any of those Gop primary participants
We have Jesus Christ we don't have to settle for crumbs from the rich man's table.
Trump can do better.
Let's give this thought a try: Send a message to Trump that he needs to AXE Vance and find someone who is demonstrably able to serve the interests of WE THE PEOPLE and not these globalist goons.
Trump has already made his decision. Does anyone think that Trump doesn't know Vance's history, and that he hasn't extensively vetted his choices? Or, do you perhaps think that you've had more opportunity to gain an insight into Vance than Trump has?
I know many people that did not like Trump at the very beginning including myself. So many things has changed my way of thinking since he first came down the escalator!!
Ditto - back in 2015, I liked what Trump was saying I just didn't trust Trump because of his ego. I've learned since then that his ego is a strength because it won't let him settle for failure, Above all, I've come to see that he truly has a love for the country and wants to make it a better place.
Love this fren.
Remember going to /r/The_Donald early in 2016 thinking it was just a place to troll a bit and move on, ended up being the best year ever on spezzit
lol those were the days! Crazy to think how far this journey has come for all of us.
Love this fren.
Same here. Didn't like how he would constantly say inflammatory things. Back in early 2016, little did I know...
I was never against Trump, as I was a Scott Walker fan.
The Swamp pretended to hate DeSantis right up until they tried to replace Trump with him.
Yes, DeSantis was a perfect example for that point — except — I’d say: Vance’s RINO history is WORSE than DeSantis’ RINO history; Vance’s history is deeper and much more retarded than DeSantis’, whereas DeSantis exposed himself as quite a cartoonish retard.
Who claims to be “Conservative Republican* but opts to vote for Hillary Clinton — of ALL crooked anti-American candidates? It’s totally illogical and unbelievable.
Off the top of my head, a similar “Conservative Republican” [snake] who made such an illogical transition was Destiny (the lefty YouTuber, gamer, debater), an absolute freak who claimed he was a die hard Ron Paul supporter turned Hillary Clinton supporter.
But he's whipsmart tho....didn't even see what Hillary was though.
Yeah, and trump didnt pick him did he.
Bad comparison.
The fact that the inference sailed right over your head doesn't make it a bad comparison.
He called Trump Americas Hitler. I’m sorry but there’s no coming back from that. No matter how much this snake read the tea leaves and knew which way the political winds were blowing and started spouting MAGA talking points, he’s not changed.
This dude is a snake and an opportunistic grifter. This is an awful pick by Trump who, let’s be honest, has a pretty established track record of picking absolute liars and backstabbers.
Well there was forgiveness found in President Trumps heart. Because he picked him as VP. Nothing you've said is factually wrong. Other than the assumption bits. Theres just nothing to say he hasent changed. You dont know the man personally. You cant claim to know his heart. Nor can I. But I can pray. And I can pray God continues to guide Trump, including his pick for VP.
I really want to believe that he actually has changed. We’ve been burned way too many times for me to just wholeheartedly endorse and support someone who spouted such vitriol and awful things about Trump in 2016.
I along with millions of other patriots have developed some cynicism for the countless RINOs and traitors who over the years have betrayed Trump, MAGA and the United States.
But you are right, I don’t know what’s in his heart. I will hold off on any praise or enthusiasm for him until he has demonstrated consistently over years what he will do as Vice President.
I feel you.
Don't take the black pill
We've come to far to let them wrangle the focus and narrative during this critical time.
Steady as she goes
I wanted the Second Amendment repealed.
25 years ago.
Do you hate me too?
Hate? No one said anything about hating Vance. Just don't think he is the man for the job. Why did you twist the poster's words in such a dishonest way?
Fantastic. And like the crackerjack attorney he is, he zeroed in on the illegal wiretapping of Trump, which every attorney in American should have been screaming about when it was revealed. Instead they remained silent and it got swept under the rug.
He has an elite Yale Law School education, yet he couldn't see what most of us nobodies here at GAW could see the day of the escalator. Which just underscores that this is a spiritual war, and that your money/social status/elite education don't grant wisdom. Glad he did wise up and has the humility to admit it!
Wise words
Everyone gets disappointed when who we hoped would be picked didnt get picked. No matter how in tune we get with the true nature of the world, the boss mans still another 30kft over us.
I might suggest; stop trying to be a sooth sayer to a normie though and you wont have to worry about such situations lol.
Instead I propose an alternative approach. Where you take their hand and take them on a journey while you discover the truths they do not know together. And that journey is not one size fits all. You must find what their core beliefs are. Find which ones they cling to with obvious fallacy and ones that have plenty of verifiable evidence. These are the easiest topics to red pill with. But that magic topic may be different for everyone.
Keep the knowledge for the right time fren.
Do you know trump?
Less QQ more pewpew, and as anons our pewpew is research. Dont take hot take memes as gospel in the first 72 hrs after big news.
Lol, be no mans fanboy, but your father's, your sons, and yourself.
This points to the probability that Vance was one of those who had his 'strings cut' - allowing him to drop the 'party line' and get behind POTUS.
I didn’t decide to vote for Trump until two days before the election in 16. It wasn’t until three months into his presidency that I realized this guy was a patriot.
Meh. Not feeling Vance. I don't see what he really brings to the ticket. He's from Ohio, a state Trump is already likely to win. Maybe Trump thinks Vance will be loyal to MAGA and him?
It helps show rino, independents & democrat Trump haters that hey, here's a guy that felt about like Trump like I do then changed. Might help wake up some NPCs especially as they repeat old statements he made.
other swing states
There are no swing states at this point. Trump is favored to win them all. Biden people aren't voting in this election.
Reagen blowout would be grand.
Why can't we have candidates that were on board from the beginning? Why do we always have to bow down to low Character people who claim to have seen the light and no track record ? Wise people saw this mess from the beginning. And worked to put Trump in position to win. Trump did not do anything without us standing with him. Our strength allowed him to make moves that other candidates couldn't. It's all grassroots until convention time and then it's back to the same crappy elites. I find that disrespectful. And I don't buy that "Trump was blackmailed nonsense either". Patriots are supposed to be in control. This pick doesn't seem like it to me.
Catturd NEEDS to post this on Truth Social. Maybe it will get some sense into the conversation over there.
I don't like the VP pick.
Johnny-come-latelys are welcome. But if you didn't enthusiastically support Trump by the 2016 election, your powers of reasoning don't meet the standard that a VP should have.
In the 2016 election, it was widely understood that up to 3 SCOTUS appointees were on the table, and Hildabeast was going to fill them.
To be a never-Trumper in 2016 after the primaries were over, with no other considerations than the 3 SCOTUS appointments on deck, is INEXCUSABLE. Period, end of story.
Johnny-come-latelys are welcome, but sorry ... if you only come to your senses at the last moment to make reasonable choices then you don't meet the bar required to be VP.
I would have liked to see Tucker Carlson or some other guy who lost things to make the right choice, instead of guys who make bad choices and risked nothing.
Im still voting Trump
Of course I am too.
It's not Vance you don't trust then. It's trump.
https://www.youtube.com/live/LhibtsGTB2I?si=EA1dI5sjuKrN3eP7 Here is Tuckers take on Vance as VP. Very positive.
I don't trust Tucker much. He still says democracy instead of republic.
Trust God and Jesus. Everyone else is on an as-necessary basis.
It almost always has a sneering mocking tone when he says it though
Weren't we all in for Pence? Look at what that got us.
who's we?
Not me
I said before, it will not be who we think it would be. Looking into his background, this guy is as smart as any you will meet. He will be a great VP. Trump knows what he is doing and by now we should know to NOT SECOND GUESS HIM!
I didn't vote for Trump in our 2016 primary. I thought how could someone like him, understand middle-class, working people like us? He is a rich, no care in the world guy. I thought he was running just say he ran for president. It wasn't until I really started listening to him, understanding what he was trying for AMERICA. Not just one sector of America, but all of us. Should I be shunned forever?
I get what you are saying You aren't on the ticket. We are concerned about who take over government should something happen to the president. He is problematic and a Rino. He is welcome to vote Trump This is no time to spend on why he changed his tune. This seems like Mitt Romney all over again.
My neighbor has worked with Vance in the court system. She cannot speak more highly of him. I have previously been very skeptical, and saw him change his tune to the weather here in Ohio in order to get elected. Maybe it’s also returning here after being in CA too long and re-understanding what we are about. Who knows. Maybe he’s FOS. But that assassination attempt shows again that Gods hand is in this. So I’m going to keep praying and trust in Him.
30 is old enough to know what you're saying lmao
He was calling Trump Hitler and an idiot at 30 years old
Not 16, 30. A full grown adult. Must be the only person in the world who went from Trump is Hitler to voting for him in a 4 year span lol
Is that not what we are after fren? To change the minds of those who can still be saved?
There's a difference between not agreeing with on some stuff with Trump, or even voting Democrat and calling him a rapist Hitler who voted for Clinton and Romney lol
And even if by some miracle someone does convert, you still don't make them VP. Anyone who supports Clinton or Romney def has skeletons in the closet. We don't need someone who can be blackmailed in the 2nd most important position.
So what are you going to do? Not vote for Trump because of who HE himself picked?
Just disappointed he doesn't learn from his mistakes and all the monkeys here cheer it on like it's not the same mistake he made before.
Fans slob all over his picks and he thinks he's making good picks, despite them obviously being shit. Too many yes men here and surrounding him.
Everyone's an expert aren't we?
We have eyes to see and ears to hear and a brain to evaluate what we see. We need to use them. So we don't go through the same mess over and over. This not the guy.
You can say that all you want. Fact is Trump picked him. Your going to have to accept fact.
Don't gotta be an expert to understand what he's said and done lol
And what about what hes said and done since? Or do you have some magic fucking eyeballs that lets you see into his soul and determine whats there?
He takes responsibility better than many in here. If you trust God, trump and the plan you will be at peace. If not, you'll be static noise over something you can not change.
Static.....crackle crackle is all I hear.
I appreciate that from JD Vance but talk is cheap. Only time will tell.
It's not about "hating" Vance.
It's about trying to understand the strategy behind bringing him in as the VP. There's very little publicly available information to justify this choice.
One can only assume that there are less obvious reasons for his selection.
See Mitt Romney who Trump keeps raising from the dead. I am no hater of any man. Americans are tired of the same old crap. That's discernment not hate. Mature people are skilled at disagreeing without hatred. We should stop talking and thinking like leftist communists. Trump already knew he was going to get push back from this pick. We don't want any of those Gop primary participants
Either. We have Jesus Christ we don't have to settle for crumbs from the rich man's table. Trump can do better.
VANCE IS DEEP STATE. The connections couldn't be stronger. He would be a political nobody without his globalist funding channels.
Let's give this thought a try: Send a message to Trump that he needs to AXE Vance and find someone who is demonstrably able to serve the interests of WE THE PEOPLE and not these globalist goons.
Not true, you cant read his sarcasm in the linked post?
Disingenuous or you lack reading comprehension. Either way you are wrong
You say "haters" like we have a preconceived notion that we dislike him?
On the contrary, just skeptical as we should be.
Though admittedly, some are flaming without precedent.
Look! This person said something we like on TV!
Look, this person said something 8 years ago, that he has since disavowed.... Reeeeee
No, you
lol...I'd have gone with "I know you are, but what am I"...kek
Who gives a fuck!
These guys have PR people that PREP them to respond to questions like this. Can people not see this???
Yes, and?
Trump has already made his decision. Does anyone think that Trump doesn't know Vance's history, and that he hasn't extensively vetted his choices? Or, do you perhaps think that you've had more opportunity to gain an insight into Vance than Trump has?
What exactly are you trying to suggest?
That Trump cannot get away from the "Establishment".
He keeps picking duds for his cabinet. See Barr, Mnuchin, Sessions, Bolton, Pence as well as many of his political endorsements.
Yeah.. I wish the guy could make a clean break from Establishment folks.
But consider this. Now we know all those people and their connections are not maga.
Also important to remember not all politicians are blackmailed over their own personal actions. Think wives, kids, etc
That Trump listened too much to Don Jr., they text eachother every day… was Infatuated with Vance…